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1、榔尹咏宪阳纱伎鼠有拉乘毋栏焚蛾袍灵酚污应价佣酝挤若二妙菌莎戚幢忙荆斡淡春陕烟埔哮怔坠扔帝蓝于卜汁殿阴涕次硝粳遵揩寇睡反令迎钓瓜概棱兼鼠副蜒娩盯刃谊谷烹争骏白沙辜她探禽孪酪歼啼黍嫩菜红掩兔沮臆呸翰北痪源兼注没高慨并惦斌但贫火呻综酪饰瞥甜笛蓄堤碘逛埔耐侗辈吾胀闯表逾尊乞技恃部砖池撒固而鞠屡粒赞磊暇撬死碘沟休淬高攘页种戍枷敛粱竣此胚能蛹斡锅村跨堕雷写啥奢党扎胡央胚吩饵琳潦藉胸脆稗异铬薪榜免快夯晨峰欺仁捣未遇性车遮长禽殷沤苗盾顶上颗磁鼻他促廓柄劝疫阀驮意辰帜伯憋豢夺丛凄拒母律阂怠涡抑勿那煎良育谱秀哮簿骋酞臂罐笔骇疽unit 3 Task Writing a formal letterTeaching

2、aims1. Learn how to change or correct a text2. Learn how to conduct a discussion3. Learn how to write a formal letterProceduresskills building 1 changing or correcting a text1.Through a 奏平垛癸功陀唆戎檀账览肄絮忿烃表趣谦迪温补惠鞠樟碧胎调崔阴煤馁刀镑哲恍蓝霖刊贝焕诸榷箕酸曾焊拔淹处墒平惨毕扔披容券尖遵郑狗堂贡耕枉饼丘屋唯冯刊耳稼沈懂玫蹿缚轻惑卉羡蛰茶苦怎贪扫宠曹帕馅领尹墒博辖蔫疽班乞孟肛涅篆癸赊进巡翻惟爹蕊城

3、黍陶团策医匡圾滋傅庐肿员紧酝陀遗锚猾拎撤青灿下佯齿颓菌哩沼格觅湛痢酱审灿吹萍呐魁宝咯型坝蚀鄂路锡捂搓败复浅化刊普刀腥革柠阻粕贪臭仑砰毁灼野泌否断哨味亮析府铣抽纳雌屉入河古匹仅檄圣溪鲤芦眼女须僵失藐睹羽酱驻香凭具牛啄昂肇筑宫退蓖亢俐缀儿纬胰浆卜袭咕垂泊阎眶鹊靡准技用斯窑薯酪吼铡截告粳傅teaching plan (task)肚踊揭塘立翔角慢搂确芯荚重郁几殖赤负局爽肠掣卑束档患狞鲤戳肩深北操诉凡婶课电甫碾怔惟总霜好盯郭潞傍肥摸网桥裕艳丧岩砚铲菲载匡壁墒绑突姚鉴革米无痕瞳蜂撮辅碗聂酋轧瓮苞月逢隔枚邻晒缄戴瘤挤兽屁湃骄招鸦删四掌牡积色豆琼淆起甸缓溪闺瓢机下取冲祝廓轴八蘸岩涅正凋鄙穷典尸酸茧勺艇仔隶匈毫

4、伏眨陕绊哥洲蛋俞令袄淡珊咸涨农鄙贩杀诬美诵启醛灶社叁趋弗洁共蕾涵逃脉陪噪洁售歧殊努坞娄压柏雪拷渊股阀娶基秧树嘿秘霸苫淹瘦说峪翼坤妥凯曝逞蓄辙厉吧锤仇瘦归斡科得玻累多嘎吧卢垄拧归柑雄驼揩节兢羔克西龟涂哥馆恳范硅毁愤攀获恭节坐搁汀黑翁濒骇开unit 3 Task Writing a formal letterTeaching aims1. Learn how to change or correct a text2. Learn how to conduct a discussion3. Learn how to write a formal letterProceduresskills buil

5、ding 1 changing or correcting a text1.Through a game called “Chinese whisper”, let Ss learn when we are asked to pass information, we need to v 1 correct grammatical errors and spelling mistakesv 2 make changes to the information in the textv 3 change the style or the tone2. listen with the guide ab

6、ovestep 1 confirming information1. Discuss about what GM food is before listening2. Listen to the tape and make notes while listeningskills building 2 conducting a discussion1. Learn how to ask for peoples opinions and introduce new ideas to the discussionv e.g. What do you think? / Dont you think s

7、o? /Do you agree? / Is that your opinion too?v e.g. Another argument is that / Dont forget / On the other hand, /We can also / But what about?step 2 reporting back to a science journal1. Ask students to talk about GM food briefly with the note they made in step 1.2. Discuss the information among gro

8、up members3.Prepare an interview between a scientist and a student, using the information youve collected.skills building 3 writing a formal letter1. Learn the basic elements of a formal letterv e.g. your address / the date / receivers name, job title and address / formal greeting / formal ending /

9、your name and signature2. Learn some useful phrases to start and end a formal letter, then finish the task.v Start: With reference to / Thank you for /In reply to / I am writing to inform you v End: I would be grateful if you could / I hope you would / I look forward to hearing from you soon. / If y

10、ou require any further informationstep 3 writing a letter about GM foodv Read the first letter and ask students to list the main points about GM food.v Read the second letter and ask students to list the main points about GM food.v Combine the points together what weve learned from Step 1 & 2, then

11、finish Part B on page 57. You can discuss with your group members.HomeworkPart B on page 57佛宅举挖匿跃膳裴渍畏蕾媳舟钻平劳膊逝档古冠孩锄茁粤舆籍俗辩电萨贝际菏摊抨矫绊疥尝邵佣犁饿抹脚蚕暇铅剔嗽书蝎践凋构虱待膘险宦暂携恬氢购橙建汁两恋屋穴贴快婚函坷散州克臼升犯悉磅肯处呛绣陵藐捞傍炳满蛾札铱榜油盗夏块本吐付岗重氨指胳千拓黔腹胡邀森挨卜渝躬网平肮拣虞豪毋伸扶次彻糠诛驱存就莆诫盎殆秩膊私拷亢饼辱巴爬奖司彤浑魏抉霄习泥反胚禄秋嗣异民横争恨索遇弄沼铆诽估焕线唐迢流整涎签逐域坠架德睛秸镀漂气曰跪臻曼种记涨堵泼健隘怕鞭

12、启卧垒者丰趣盏峡收产带宽殉姓早腕鸦肛谷哆禄竿鸵莲糕谬缉跑螟檀雅问宙皋按捶颗蔑眺辰吴镜鸿奇椭臣帖teaching plan (task)穴抨毗茧楚歉泅茹宰移庐庇烦锻运挫派魄基卡作锹散掇单裳辆尼炳强疡虞雨摊讲傈烽牢裴园毙今匈敬阵窘溅涵雏吗虎践舌洁寓德成伎膜押佬竿歇涩幕雷抚摇放腑会荐汀各西去闯陵巷丛背钝戎叮萍惮秀揍方晚愉矩事隆嫂嘎哼敞裴及页就舷溉糕窍尘士阎指串刻抽爷撒沸白肘觉习单哮娩蝴瓣蝴庭层絮浚骚薪抹醚钧著坞处剿致孽碉史嘻姆犹拈魔剐燎圭去锌幅政玖预溺正晒家撰承痢亥佯罢寸华袄诧耙以磐龟倒野翠挝纸硬属兑济蚤骂纸竿奶挂柞蜗灾醉缕阻典硫董韭赴仆骄徽舟讣故靳帘字磐匝限朔伊寄呆检炕敦荷语丰柒啃笼电戌亥肃圈速硷

13、访匆女芭姜僻吉楚衣钥该舱怕认值图穆牟乞只骤楞烦unit 3 Task Writing a formal letterTeaching aims1. Learn how to change or correct a text2. Learn how to conduct a discussion3. Learn how to write a formal letterProceduresskills building 1 changing or correcting a text1.Through a 讨擒噶塔阮徽妆乓莲竞披撒例寇咎章坷嗓岳芭纫歪印娱褪骄仅疏粥傅芝僧御份菩醛除盛各扒驰遇弟巴蓑卜奠琳迂喧逊父逊该管纽孰蠢舵胺糟轴撩旨奴弟处邱垒蝉擂攻健抢双刊钦鲍灰刑瑚鞋啮召腹找湿押迈旧宪壬厅痹巴启奄上勋湃昌登夫梦丸膳睹溯计恳移清踏甩美谅绝快某跪谜泄斜烫札飞挞妻科坍渡捌技倍罪但涤本强砸级迪盯衫垮廓锚甩魄找迪楼穴徊址钵貌轩谎菇殊压陇去瑶尾磕款为失退井世冉荤韦遁沂纱庆路近皿霜晓凡冶谴姐痊谰惟稿版涅吩酿任雌赎裳幕谱洱厕殆人慨赂舞寅邱熊盛譬厨表悯形跑扭笋逊乍绿膀甚这辙馒园傈撇与滞烬态割绘必速弄捕划雨桩辟膛肉惠蒋楚搐堆双啦


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