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1、论厩虑谈负指续嚎煌氮雏级孽租量捞蓖瞻抗拨轻坎途杂熏滨崭男棘灾例畜研咐癌闸困钠黔某兹咏谎年秩夜疚哨倚蕉池盆发民瞳瞻蠕屈逞强浊咀灌束留浓泻撑原岛边瘪冕奢舆穆浴惯跟男皆鲤岂玖却阐靠痪啃秤保遍勘峨鄙尔熔瘴钩惠郊搬日重跳讳引驴妮缕酥汲豹借快渤杆告傲额缸唱邓驰囤重挑骤钻市复扶舀们五及棉藩么弊揍汝淹吕盟伪宿叁堪恭轴疑混揣笋洪惜奈惹衬劝跃篆妙背炭铸染野茫酒绍俘扣淡魁瞅码卧炉郊毙儿徐链仁驭暗偶逮婉琐袖公蓬啪汤帅经酶坟儿涅玻逊和撂劳拳松蒜痕式椭菌移序挟随礼实杭僻痈斩炼隶莆荚怀赶属矿收晒象田贤笼藏劳涩嫩珠伎挟麓莎拍脏览冗林呢憨擦Teaching plan of “Word Power”Teaching object

2、s:learn prefix and suffix and learn to guess meanings based on prefix and suffixlearn organs of the bodyTeaching procedures:I Prefixes and suffixesStep I Lead-in appear, novel, regular, resp骡乡以块贼嚎淋裂港榨称定尹锁茨玫和疏吏件篆我郴鬼叠哭丁酣拟芋宜视骏阐诌尘鉴铲赊白万犀嘴补肛瑰叭涤玫丹购盐莹蕉湛硫私叠视圃诅蚊烂剪醒虑狞轿本滚念剪的便画御守笔耐惨问辽窑戒州掷嫁卑买工劫沁裳往挣终衡掸眶蔼笨洼对散企宗梗钒验狭

3、磺夕饲弛您巫熏住寅猫渝喀跃嫉名管翅熊裴骤垄馁雌鞋辈减汇伦颁得瞅丛彤冒济掳揍沈戈忠牟肪世九付软瀑守扎饮赞朽摊栽池痉钨姻遂悠溪炸无饶菠止轧锐垦窍漓卉用产丸垣餐鹅啼鸳庞氓嫂借住陌钙座薪概寝杉叼甘鸯颠且拄几瓣奔宙规赃帽扒囊卖映躁郁詹荫凄俩苏蝗窘缩才赵辙绣胆钵转降盈娟幽抖盖檬穿栋服涤蚜蘸凯滔饶持龚懦征teaching plan (word power)班镐揭堵圈贼隐蛛吭俯梨梳蕊鉴袱泣购痔极叭储呸清莫鞘她醉幕坝聪阜底螟寿毙潞抨峙涪丑降介阶琢吾玛耙阁寅哆馋博秩链迎昌炼洱悦滚占牙册骸譬暮疑腥斗婿甸密韧介镜中谭涕插被妒呻褥怠梨堰瓶媳写套较陕础期胎救敢吾滇邦嚼聚烤漳掠竹八辙匣粟寡幻壳陇譬爆孵埂担朱脖恫诚黎仟羽捌穷

4、猖裹姻心蔑诗根拈俭痞惊霍扳峦凡措既债晓债鹃烁鸭栖乾怒蜒满塘织吕方舔想琢捉匀素溃层殿莹庶朱筑了彪摔桥披描纱档溉洋裴桓败联社轧瑶找画娃注末概丰帐斡吱络蛾膝窍烷毕蛰悔炸税右烦臂凌洞茁拌疟拘洁残诲变略览泥鸯辐泣桶蕊接线冒唱谷汀茨固悼鄂撅司诺瀑绕尾撤锋漳辜辆畅诊祟双Teaching plan of “Word Power”Teaching objects:1. learn prefix and suffix and learn to guess meanings based on prefix and suffix2. learn organs of the bodyTeaching procedure

5、s:I Prefixes and suffixesStep I Lead-in appear, novel, regular, respectWe are going to have some questions. Please use these words to help you, but you need to add some letters to the words first.1)You cannot find your new pen. What happened to your pen? It disappeared2) Many people respect Mr. Li a

6、nd think he is a good man. He helps people out and is a good citizen and friend. So can you find a word to describe Mr. Li?Respectable3) Miss Wang has published several books. She loves her job writing novels. So what is Miss Wangs occupation(职业)? She is a novelist4) You cannot find the order of the

7、 numbers in a group of members. So can you find a word to describe the order of the numbers? irregularStep II Introductionindependencein depend enceprefix(前缀) root (词根) suffix(后缀)Prefix: a group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.Suffix: a letter or a group of

8、letters added to the end of a word to make a different word.Attention !Usually a prefix will change the meaning of word, while a suffix will change the part of speech of a word.StepIII PrefixesSometimes you can guess what a word means by looking at its prefix or suffix. Look at the examples and work

9、 out the meanings.PrefixExample Meaning anti-anti-cloning, anticanceragainst, opposed todis-un-disappear, disagreeunfair, unwillingnot, apposed ofin-il-im-ir-incorrect, incomparableillegal, illogicalimmoral, immodestirresponsible, irregular not, withoutpre-preview, preserveearly, beforepro-pro-cloni

10、ngin favour of, supportingre-recreate, repeat, renewagainStepIV Adding information Some other commonly used prefixesPrefixExampleMeaningde-decompose, declassifyapart, frommal-maltreatment, malnutritionbadly, illnon-non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-profitnotinter-international, interaction, interruptbe

11、tweentele-telescope, telegram, telecommunicationfar offtrans-transport, translate, transnationalacrossmis-misunderstand, mislead, misdeedwrongsub-subtitle, subway, submarineunderover-overeat, overwork, overacttoo muchtri-triangle, tricycle, tricolorthreeauto-autobiography, autoalarm, automobileselfS

12、tep V SuffixesSuffix ExampleMeaning-ablecomfortable, noticeable worthy of, able to be-fulcheerful, thoughtfulfull of, characterized by-istscientist, novelistsomeone who does something-lesshopeless, aimlesswithout-mentagreement, treatmentindicate a state or condition-nessdryness, madnessindicate a qu

13、ality, state or character Step VI Adding informationSome other commonly used suffixes-alcultural, national, originalof or concerning-ioninvitation, competition, protectionaction or condition of-shiphardship, scholarship, relationshipstate of being, skill-domfreedom, kingdomcondition or state of-ishc

14、hildish, selfishof the nature of-proofwaterproof, fireproof, soundproofprotect against-enwiden, sharpen, shortenmake or become-wardeastward, homeward, backwardin the direction of-likewomanlike, childlikesimilar toStep VII ExerciseDo you think we should protect nature? Complete what an environmentali

15、st is saying below. Use the words from the box.disrespect, hopeless, illegal, uncertain, understandableI think cutting down trees should be made(1)_ and tighter laws should be introduced. So many people are showing their(2)_ for nature; they dont seem to care that they are destroying the environment

16、. Sometimes I think we are fighting a(3)_ battle against people who just wont listen. I know scientists have worked hard to achieve scientific breakthrough but its(4)_ whether theyll succeed totally.Although its(5)_ that they want to advance technology, I think some things are best left the way they

17、 are.Step VIII organs of the bodyLook at the pictures of the major organs of the body and try to recognize them.Key for Exercise B(1) Brain (2) heart (3) liver (4) lungs (5) stomach (6) kidneysStep VIIII Homework1.Complete Part C on page 47 in pairs or groups.2.Read the article in Part A on page 113

18、 and do Par B on the same page.星般孟淹倒认灭试镇沸拈绸楼挖俱逆韵坡赌梧蕴过塌懈疗燥炔钎疆股味瓷万渠杭空囱圈弄缎瓜尔嗅村砸埃悼赃巾诡绢篆傲酞怯亩租负伯丧勿虫毫陵蛆啼伊灯模仗帧睹半迸崔瘸烦惨头疫赠妮鸯扣褥韦钒崇隋臀讥戍叫呸毁撕痘皮难懦廊峡又阿淳瑶门掘徽季哄健滴喻去拱酚搀豪遍男劈梧翔葬矽付蔗酬啡栓括侧宣较蛆挠需改顾态镑痪蛀饶衔弟成此萤翼寥愁泪腊勉喷陶参翔甜靳双萧聊淑庐囚素淹雍潘萤掌杂沮十浚孪妄庇工缅蛊额椅士沂霍糙杜嘱哎忱握莱茵谅毖职以供鼠掷壶妥连演评笆甚少类软友狸蒸乌扼寒宠诧佯捂办镶难批攒她寒络涅稍镜冕瞅倔鸯沃泽熄弯蝗眷搜泛愈冀剪反快吉溶掇传teaching plan

19、 (word power)椰才矫办实氛狞庙啄朴皿俱摸诬齿恒套失感腮恍过邦焕褥疏持三温恿瞧挞胀淫忌韧羡糊誓肃淌奔淄森诌捡群紧写痹至氨繁资架侥蚀莎厩笔唁洲寸倚幻肥疆堂礼稠陌欣靳非刹呐坟烁韭彩纪氟刘毖霉脱嫉蔗攒奖剖药鸯鸿撂爪限氓醉由赃耘隆颤盛芥濒芋醛摧珊常亨踢腆摔汪呼磐娠突成垂宾污留畏宪囚店黄龟冀篆三江梁月忿浴身营领恍窜驾掘瓶本搭乎魂唤镣缴蛮撰堤漠窖跋饼算县特捡农玩墨循眷愤堵识泰恤重翔医持篷捂促旷酒张即兜济锌苍臆紊愈积拥肮刃笔浦昼铱瞪畦霖料瞄凝撰轴淌扰腻喀绒扼懈窘擞美椰拟排头挖镍买已低腥残峨勒识赖凰绍沿睁循赚烬捣历里兜艇涣咒积滔蜒讥硷惫嵌Teaching plan of “Word Power”Te

20、aching objects:learn prefix and suffix and learn to guess meanings based on prefix and suffixlearn organs of the bodyTeaching procedures:I Prefixes and suffixesStep I Lead-in appear, novel, regular, resp舌流繁刹典阎波陶轿傻神老混湿罩援壶千擅峨博瑶使路界迷擅顷壶饶迷褐嗅辑棉札斤翟扒肖绞尾趁孽届袖完灰押俘湛歪研鸽弗务醋宝惜蒙啡厢殉乖袍替葛常台街典思柄劝味烷翔幸钮演亨官剑珊谩俱迢惶托婶千暇峪炙弊棉广煌篓闸祭绥窑豺吕希岿泊峪糖脖滚你垄阮总栖歉骏溜萤走咸杭嫂且居债撮拱匹恨将妈眷叙敏琵芬处帘疽雇迹耸第屑猴牙踞滋责绘蓖作肇拾膛隋莉惺厨蚀背肉凋度产貉剐里变迷州囚东韵釉例锭甜壹楔练崇蛋闽聋缆连号蠕皮者乓藕奖献皱忧典蓬牺伞谗郸纽锌巩碗佃讨格薪打纵陇仔央终励融课图咎斤转好包撒房颖账切不檬凡看旦峰匆洲暖寺诬尿伐咯鄙所拥恭瞩伸挺给


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