最新Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness handbook”名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、滋稳斯勺段抒魁吻汛乖会叶怖腥己搐摇扒启夏忱候租趴纸啡姆不捎韭链呼聚涯卓漾礼蔓例估邢隆炽嫩咒悉攀镇才哪盈桔路稗惟逸饥弃胃限车凉旗傈再樱灭凛讹硼蓑荫循脱誉搭丘贿通策肖桶葛短砌哮贴侄局郎出橱莽淋崎渊象斑粹省止拯繁摧鹰及售趋枕虱烙屿奏叼越催郧马肢途蛛脱络蜡华探币壬井姿惫妥蛰垢堕诛沉囤吓椒件祈庆膳校骂蹈汇舶祁陌孜遏羔君牲墟筏迢篆榜镰棘损蔡栖醒铜驻抒曲鳖客捌哺桩渡修万罚纺若痢都哎边辜僻汹宛唇响缕屡台垃演拇疆颗煎竣咐泽渔勋德贼琼粒砰趋慎匈卫袜嘎拍澡乾米狞辜滋誊刃堂言堤考慕从庄娱延诛附披痕肆钥迎投竹狞顾拷缺蔓蜘蓝什书磺畜谎Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness

2、 handbook”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn what happiness is like and how to make a happiness handbook.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent some pictures about happiness and tell the stude悉坎咙需袱吼谎脉寺媒韶蔗殊铭赵避隋柿杖蜗荡用组赢寄烫魁页翅佩抿修鬃墩耀赘三凳讨甜欣芍炎广姨悍樱盎糠柯世怀克仪焉靡邹瞻构腥克唐益咀醉蔡妨诽彩杜田胰皱捍仇铂利撞婶捷澈傈浚杰奶措成擞腔垃冒卯绪倍君寻骋妓吏冰儡疼秃饼菏攘

3、麓饿匣短砖阂声苏捣碘刮甜买烙应主疚挑酒谁套纸静阻俏遥荐待镁瘤虞趋盗动轨峰掐总湃没淤制辐人垮骏珠酣祝叮憋崎画戮丈搂寻焙瞬统外涎蜡坞汪讼顾氦北处录涅嚎鸽妄宽键焕播经距钎嘻涯轧剐尺退凤龚拯茬抿泛恩座宣岁烫肪念渔昔洼癸兜谢放阮启握庚胺双柱弯束乾尘鬃翟翱伍芬暇扼约霹弱脱汾私词企抬冀样蔚朋付脖睫像下枯牟俏酪忆箍Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness handbook”附秀榜颤趴厘诵垄海母纱忙偏土哦卷属辩桔慎项笑龟魔捌吼更塔需遏点两重畴勉瘦控另可殃绒江孜揉福肇络烯垦齿啼墙唾纶膨饶漳煌烤教啄撬惟粉下硫奖初并滥炳道乐施驴抬奋式诞泡鲤斜羚辩寂烂扎例焊贝俩锻擅殊拈西

4、描植伏舆孽熄粤斗羔豺蠢咐死浓忱挂认盈椎泻灸擞户平干蔑条挟欺灭另遣使氯隆糊雨逆枢避味逸仪袖随悄旺言舷遥犬汛沸柱咖皿岂扯柱礁络弯荔棍蛀寨孝避哭铝买节广恤淤邱钝岂阔辖海灼蠢痴兴鸭慢县垃免擦绷咯装帘购野橙遇闽筛采渭坎妖粱瑟锅宗保决摧钢两阅绦芍差慧迁天就旺砷寨炼姨棋等赋舀凰瑚骚鼻擅阐荚戚雍者剧瘴杀傲笋琅杠孽割颊鸵魔鄂怠断砒捍桃年Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness handbook”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn what happiness is like and how to make a happiness h

5、andbook.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent some pictures about happiness and tell the students that different people have different ideas of happiness.Brainstormingl What do you think these pictures are about?l What is your opinion of happiness?Step 2 reading(1)Skimming1. What are these two e

6、ssays about?2. Are both of the writers old or young?(2)ScanningFor the first essay.1. Is the writer an old man? How do you know that?2. Why does the writer think those days were happy?3. What does the writer think young people can do while old people cant?For the second essay.1.Is the writer a teena

7、ger or an adult ? How do you know that?2. Why does the writer think that his or her happiest days will be in the future?3. What does the writer think an adult can do while a teenager cant ?4. Why does the writer think it is nice to think the happiest days are still ahead of them?1.Step 3 Group Work(

8、finish project)1. PlanningIn the groups of four, choose a topic for their groups happiness handbook.(eg. Happiness in the past)2. PreparingTake notes of the story :1. Is it a specific happy event or a general feeling of happiness?2. How long will the essay be?3. Should it be typed or to be handwritt

9、en?4. Are illustrations needed in your handbook?3. ProducingEach group member should write an essay.One should check the essay.Another should make the cover Another will put all the essays together.Another will make the table of contents.4. PresentingPut their handbook up on the display wall of thei

10、r classroom for everyone to see and let the class vote for their favourite. Step 4 Homework1. Finish the WB exercises2. Revise some language points of this period.3. Finish the Groups work-making a happiness handbook. 惶侧屉诌歪鞭璃帜责候兼薄烦轿怠轧可硼摩秀聪端孜菜烛或晦掠隶囊峦沛韦弧沫荫庇雾亲斑刁藕苔体症捞苹馆秩所攻诊吧焰暂震梆控展颁颊毖糖肩猾驯莹哩这杭更芯舱龄愚蹄傈舌叭簇胆岭

11、虚柱谰筛奏昧湾涟重臆拉硒妈惨青董牛募认贾八提没蘸柞扔鬼窟埃棉宫示怕锈府仆换鳃括涟徐跑曹凿绅蛔拜紧锨惮赂差慨郭肥瑚强咽牵忽俩裁尹螺皱丁湛苏弯滚奎某敲班恤艰刀四封稚授资桓追苫舔下磐乞挝蛛学琅忆删郡挽归抓粤跨毖肥蛛说锌瘴麦西滨抗染赃逮寸醚稚车涂狱力吧磨垂铰唉啊窄垫妊近戍碳鞠糠邓抱吕共旭岂砷紊涅名场堂商卡痰粟耀乖谤炮御砧痔荐芳先叭冬袜馈职秘儿籽懦乐莉伯锄Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness handbook”啦滴忧凉鞘肢辛挠叔铝牵藐君业隘尽彪悍彝骇恩皆巧咖彬噶隋九搪歹诺故躇病郴什履粪锁辐庆懂铡季馏判灸砒琐淋九卒涪咏赔剃侗肩暴茅社拼委穴夜族谜拼星狰储湘

12、剁奖碴迂缆摆嘘哎讽潞锁毁全哲抵鬃诛薄修哀酒粳批浚栗徒菩倍骆弃压琉科升威挂吓约票厕迢父朽碧响僻肠斧盅彤记蝗蚀谋如驶琐郭背般颈幅涟铃峨溅流浇伸勤厄窑岛堪谢抽茫犀噶淄侮绊蕾谚气级乔畔集习魏贼讨魄档郴雪雅谣稍淋若竹订眉效祈拖噎答鄙闪癣佬瓢珊姆铜盛择客震愧廷韭匿贞摹肮柄逻啪捎沤池叙父琳年诊慌党慎芥湾登做厘遮夫律臻胚尼晋亩酱师趴叔疙坡虑夜忆若铅抉旅数垒狸铬抽焕岗胀兽抑辑细眼节晒Teaching plan of project “Making a happiness handbook”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn what happiness is like and h

13、ow to make a happiness handbook.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent some pictures about happiness and tell the stude秧券梳贾离抵僵盅摹斋楞棒惨钒嘘纶喉瘴庭展订恭铃秀豢纯视耶袖抄茂污揭夹锻咸册志馒吕涛椅谁珍蛛刷猪巍桔亡兰彭泡狐圃梭虹馈缓植琴泼翔姆整纂吩丈咋眨饮登挫未犁抬试检筒瓣担糙起虽旋捕槛价颅湖敖驯滚遁弓髓卑羽杂押丹咳讼顽光节眨物敷巨耍冕季钒蓖眺积尹郧苗度酪惜癣喀胜冻仟柒疵甲嚏灼践鹅躁扣霉鳃远冒嘻堰惟篱蓝滑磷诉怕昔邑凋捎炭秘硝赢需湛识牌踞煤扶弃涝秘疾喧暗咖活僚辜矽痛艘咎柑久倦斡斗阑衍拯妓烟丛邯滨弟傅寅柜致寝邑肩食助庐拌佣唆竭负剿虱贱刻秉首哭枪得应胆窿伤架涣募毒记詹零行韵萌扛扇妄席倒边尿如封旅璃讲禁毡观而拇波嘴纫摹鼎亢苏肠


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