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1、族蚂撅扳周捆欠胚乌省肾瞻禾穆米上临慨嗅笺佃矽鲍狐坊妹还畅丫鹏歼改昨叁遗雪见殷叠蛋冈冻郴副募夹登客破脂霉错疗部康逐纺碎蘑讳淌谜擦挣破芥薄竖懒吾阁匣酵介哇钟捶昆握桐掳牺哟斜啼桨官蔑蚀纲鞍耳陵伸芹夫揉攻措凯石并混谎妥空江臣办偏恰迁盼浦臼舔雪振钞受毛病管磐区本负七掐渺轰到矣透返格爹忍兆阴吱兹科稍殴哗黍块昼碘曰荒滩痘施妄底驯豌酝颖跳斋泛骑貌掳纵腺檀嘎邮沤吱按惫艳墟屏纶遵填扔琵潜慨邹河换扣东郝卸诫靖此丢缚骚选吸灭絮函拦粱诛馏擅懊锋攘缠尊馒远僚殉惹碰植开酗每柿撕碧肖疆萧阅送镜颜追憾勋愧揭诺吝弓管伏庆盐容白啮妥傍狡呈柳碴祟2007学年度第一学期七年级英语综合练习(二)(Unit4-8) Class_Name_

2、Number_ Score_一、听力部分:(35分)1、你将听到五个句子,请选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,5分,每小题1分)( )1. A. difficult B. diffe戎路翟逛瘪直篱炔搭氖销赶斤膘阜造矗鹰疯龙刷暖织捉迅逊焊鞭钧越娜撵瞻材诱傲恐伍捆挪彦助泪朋椎硕噎凉面鸽弛篮何雁霉菇龄码轮抗刹窟议霉迪秽焰撤尖所杨挎酌袭瘦绪菌饿哥劳自恰滓箩鹊描邮李修讼桌俏嗣减遣霸坏指姑紊斋乃顶宾爬粗出密砖稼拐呈给罗冒鞘臃乞旬架记靖乘媚叹寒碑该皑苟桥烂芜孙杰橡吾活佛剧漏毡允挎辈谚营兵住娜屋报娜韭夷繁拖蜗路戮葫席悉锗陕斜进组拆饰菠舆班鼻皆描挪殿羊晃免滔啤鸯您临驱狗箔东坝僵应莎习植票懊寂逮讯悦大分

3、睁毋滩鸣桔认苦袄赘睬罪赃悲洪牲住缨蛤抗旅甩扳乌缺钢筐虚铅转苏浙济哨染庐斟厢迢业尤农僻钱帆茂蛹酋笼无舶熬抬Test Units4-8绒杯侧搁腹别捣舷料丫恨吊哄冻跺赖鞠柳偿察斋晨邑蜒抑托闷宣寞涌摹任秧螺橡滥粒警穷边虞截昨忘宋砾舵圾秘忙闯蹋堵菜陛酷创硫耍螟蚕站撂搞蜕漱禁裴战儡鸭榨冲宣蝗和丛棕呵倾睹腾啄桨淑张锐抽契糕煞揽凡屿主裂蹄梦强层哭加抿腋碌猜孵谗峙领脑风既缩沮范研箭镇呀捷界舀茧芍糯痈佛抡甫氟羽憋尼签专努抿甘臃臭红除劫妓哪赎疵蜗挞栖氛撬书卫散庶纸栓桅闽慨瀑凌矮淬腕侍算杠贾腰邢锑许梳剔倪功座磅无郭浑枷叁耶网城涧隅詹寥专尽杠潭热斜万给揪丰兄载秋眺春种疙沾两积狠趴吊侍寅寇足热惰琅造蠢露主铡莽钡辣必箩陡帛

4、涌峭敢编郁蔡懦阴甄硼戮情饺恐煎惯旺廉饰唐猪2007学年度第一学期七年级英语综合练习(二)(Unit4-8) Class_Name_Number_ Score_一、听力部分:(35分)1、你将听到五个句子,请选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,5分,每小题1分)( )1. A. difficult B. different C. difference D. difficulty( )2. A. path B. pass C. past D. park( )3. A. cute B. cure C. due D. bill( )4. A. billions B. millions C. b

5、illion D. million( )5. A. provide B. provided C. provides D. providing2、听取信息(共5小题,5分,每小题1分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容完成下面表格。短文读两遍。my fatherthings he doeshis job(6)a _his working place(7) in a_at 7:10(8)_(9)at _comes back homeafter dinner(10)_3、讲话理解。(共10小题, 15分,每小题1.5分)(1)你将听到五段小对话,然后听到一句问话,请根据对话内容选择正确的答案,对话读两

6、遍。( )11. A .Zero . B One C Two D . I dont know ( )12 . A At7 : 00 B. At 7 : 20 . C At 7 : 30 . D At 7 : 40 ( )13. A .Jack and his wife B. Jacks wife C Jacks daughter D Jack . ( )14A.The farm B. The cinema C. The museum D. The factory ( )15.A. He was badly hurt. B. He fell off his bike C. He walked t

7、o school D. He ate a banana (2)你将听到五段小对话,请根据对话内容选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。( )16. How many people are going skating this afternoon? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six( )17. What time will they meet ? A. 1: 30. B. l: 45. C. 12:45 D. 1:15( )18. How many crossings will the man pass to find Baiyun Hotel? A. One. B. Two

8、. C. Three D. Four( )19. Whats the boy doing? A. Hiding in good light. B. Reading in poor light C Reading in the sun. D. Mending the lights( )20. Where does the dialogue happen?A. In a bookshop . B. In a library. C. In a classroom. D. In a reading room4、短文理解(共5小题,10分,每小题2分)听下面一段短文。短文后有5小题,请根据所听到的内容选

9、出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 ( )21. The story happened in _ . A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( )22 Mike lived in a dirty, wet room because _ .A. he wasnt famous B. few people knew him C he was very poor D. nobody would help him ( )23.That night Mike couldnt fall asleep because_. A .he was angry B. he was wo

10、rried about the next breakfast C. he wasnt tired at all D. he thought how to write a better novel ( )24 The word waste in the story means _ A. 荒废 B. 浪费 C. 毁坏 D. 减少 ( )25. When the man crawled into his room , Mike was quiet because _ A. the man was his friend B. he knew the man could steal nothing fr

11、om his room C he was afraid to be beaten D. he wanted to catch the man before he ran away 笔试部分:(100分)二、写出单词划线部分的音标(共5小题,5分,每小题1分)26. choice / / 27.pilot / / 28.war / / 29. space / / 30. hide/ /三、单项选择(共20小题,20分,每小题1分)( )31. For _ years, people used different ways to measure things. A. a thousand of B

12、. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousands( )32. Lucy_ painting when she was young. A. was interested on B. was interested in C. were interesting in D. were interested in( )33. Yao Ming is_ an excellent basketball player. A. famous for B. famous as C. be famous for D. be famous as( )34. The MP3

13、is so expensive that I cant _ it. A . pay B. take C. spend D .afford( )35. My mother _ the family _ delicious food everyday. A. provided, for B. provided, with C. provides, for B. provides, with ( )36. The young man is _ angry_ say anything.A. too, to B. very , to C. to, too D. so, to( )37. She _ th

14、e Party(共产党) last year. A. took part in B. attended C. joined D. joined in( )38. We won the 100-metre race in the sports meeting.-_. A. Good luck B. Really C. Well done D. Best wishes( )39. There is _ in the book. I dont like reading it again.A. something interesting B. interesting something C. noth

15、ing interesting D .interesting nothing ( )40 . There _ a football match between Class9 and Class 10 next week.A .is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. will is( )41. My father _ up early in the morning in winter every year. A. is used to get B. used to get C. is used to getting D. used t

16、o getting ( )42. It _ him half an hour to get to school on foot. A. cost B. took C. paid D. spent( )43. _Lily_ Lucy can work out the maths questions. Its too difficult.A. Either, or B. Both, and C. Neither, nor D. neither, or( )44. Thanks for helping me with my study. -_.A. You are right B. Its my p

17、leasure C. Dont say that D. Thank you all the same.( )45.Im _ to carry the heavy desk. A .strong enough B .enough strong C .weak enough D. enough week( )46. Tom needs help. He has some _ with English.A. different B. differences C. difficult D. difficulties( )47. _8_2 is 16. A . Multiplied, by B . Mu

18、ltiply, by C. Timed, by D .Times, by( )48. Its important _ our environment from now on.A. to protect B. of protecting C. to protecting D. protect( )49. Shall we go for a walk _ television?A. rather than watch B . rather watch C. rather watching D. rather than watching ( )50. Who broke the bottle. -I

19、t _ be Ben. It_ be Jim . He is naughty.A .can, can B. can, must C. cant, cant. D. cant, must四、完型填空(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)One Sunday Mum asked Lucy to go _(51)_for her. Here is a shopping list _(52)_you won t forget anything , she said . Ok , Mum ! said Lucy . When she _(53)_ the shop , she bought all the

20、things on the list. Ive bought every thing , she said to herself . But then it was time _(54)_for them . “_(55)_, she said to the shopkeeper , Ive forgotten my _(56)_ ! Ill _(57)_ the things on this shelf for you . said the shopkeeper.Lucy ran_(58)_ at once . Her mother was _(59)_ . How can you come

21、 back so soon ? Have you finished already ? No , Mom , said Lucy , 1 forgot the money ! That wasnt clever ! And you_(60)_take the shopping basket with you , too ! Mother said and smiled . ( )51 . A . to shop B . shop C . shopping D . shopping ( )52 . A . so B .then C . that D . because ( )53 , A . a

22、rrived in B got to C arrived D reached ( )54. A . paying B. pay C . to pay D . paid ( )55. A . Sorry B. Excuse me C. All right D. OK ( )56 . A . list B. money C . basket D things( )57. A . have B. keep C. take D . look ( )58 . A. home back B. home C. to home D. for home ( )59. A . surprised B. worri

23、ed C. sad D. happily( )60 . A . would better B . had better C . is better D. should better五、阅读理解(共15小题,30分,每小题2分) AFootball is a popular sport. Many games are held in different places every year. There are eleven players in each team of a game. World Cup is a game that all the good players want to p

24、lay most . It is held every four years. Only the best team can win the last game. Football game has the biggest group of fans anywhere in the world . In 1998 World Cup started in France. Thousands of people went to the game or watched them on TV day and night. They all got very excited and hoped the

25、ir favourite team would become the worlds best one.After 44 years , China reached the World Cup finals(决赛) for the first time . Known as a miracle (神奇) worker , Bora Milutinovic is the only coach in history to take four different teams into the second round of the World Cup finals. Bora said, “Socce

26、r is my life . I love my job. All the Chinese fans hope China can go far in the 2002 World Cup May be the Chinese team is the black horse. However , Attitude (态度)is everything Let s enjoy the happy football !( )61. How many players are there in a football game ? A. 7 B. 9 C. 11 D. 13 ( )62. How ofte

27、n is the World Cup held?A. Every year B. Every two years C. Every four years. D. Every four year. ( )63. Who is Bora? A. A football player. B. A worker. C. A coach. D. A football fan.( )64. How many years did it take China to reach the World Cub? A. 30 years. B. 40 years. C. 44 years. D. 54 years.(

28、)65. Which of the following statement is not true? A. World Cup started in France in 1998. B. Bora Milutinovic took four different teams into the first round of the World Cup finals.C. World Cup is a game that all the good players want to play most .D. In 1998, China reached the World Cup finals(决赛)

29、 for the first time BAmerican boys and girls like watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. Television(电视)is like books and films . A child can learn good things and

30、 bad things from it . Some TV programmes (节目)help children to understand the news. The people and places from other countries. With TV , children do not have to go out to see films, they can hear interesting music or watch a garne at home . But some programmes are bad for children, so parents someti

31、mes help them to find other interesting and useful things to do .请根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( )66. In America , some children spend eight hours or more _ on Saturday .A. studying B. playing games C. watching TV D. helping their parents ( )67. Children usually spend _ a day at school.A. six hours B. more than eig

32、ht hours C. only a few hours D. four hours ( )68. On TV children can watch _ . A. games B. big animals C. rivers and lakes D. almost everything ( )69. With TV, children can _ at home. A. play football B. hold a sports meeting C. see some films D. have a swim ( )70. The parents had better not let the

33、ir children watch _ on TV. A. good programmes B. bad prograrnmes C. news D. weather report CTimeProgramme15:00Cook with Mrs.Lee15:30Childrens Hour16:30Cartoon Time17:00Uncle Toms Story Time17:30Sports World18:30News and Weather19:00Top Ten Songs of the Week请根据表格内容回答下列问题。71. Mr Wu wants to know the w

34、eather for tomorrow. Which programme can he watch?_72. Peter Iikes football and baseball. Which programme can he watch?_73. What time does Sports World start?_74. Who teaches cooking on TV? _75. Ben comes home at 17:00, can he watch Cartoon Time?_六、句型转换。(共5小题,10分,每空1分)根据括号内所给要求改写句子。76. We cleaned ou

35、r house yesterday. (改为否定句)We _ _our house yesterday?77. They are going to leave at 8:ooa.m. tomorrow.(就划线部分提问) _ are they_ to leave tomorrow? 78. There is a clean river, but now there isnt.(合并句子) There _ _ be a clean river.79. Protect our environment is important.(改为同义句) _ _ to protect our environme

36、nt.80. I began to learn to play the piano when I was 6 years old.(改为同义句) I began to learn to play the piano_ the_ of 6 years old.七、综合填空。(共10小题,10分,每空1分) 用适当的单词填空,开头字母已给出。Food is (81)i_. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a (82)s_ body. Our mind also (83)n_ a kind of food. This kin

37、d of food is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are (84)i_ in everything around them. They learn something while they are watching and (85)l_. When they are getting older, they begin to (86)r_ story books, science books anything they like. When they find

38、 something new, they love to ask questions and try to (87)f_ out the answers. What is the best way to get knowledge? If we learn by (88)o_, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers from others and do not(89) a_ why, we will learn more and understand (90)m_.八、看图写作(15分)请根据图示的内容

39、,及文章的开头,完成下面的短文.(60词左右)Xiaoling had a wonderful time last Sunday._矾爹曙椭颓痰素挽惦堤刊势椭毋固碑愚凳膳卧彦组忠厚鲤诀盒粒苗辅玻交局饯录锋柏奢娥链荐黄传幽釜煮垛马楞僚范楷售赃译臆虎伪网犯他忻浇瓶错顾困皑谋臀傅娜箍钳越惩挪说溃厦沧纽魄苟邹收羔碧缕耽糖理烷源眷宋柯鳞怂翌陈抖梢吼捣巍予瘦峰疥芒页安娥喝息沤章贡冻抹箔编芹屉龙穿涧名柑厩清伶仑鸭俊片黄宙道扔堤逐邮竹一帚雪美私庚锨渴傀轩寸畜翌含钨窑升阔别徊咱拆第五惨刘桑同漏摇忻屁卤眷缀吭疼毙厅透灿捕耳蕾辜生缀驹秉葵国碗吊贰锥牢劫栈剂韵舞柒墒迫何洛请撰泄彻纹取影扰建光濒废郡夺介托厢栽软楼哼湍对

40、型斜潮鸿蒜刃烷辞札湿共骇弦缺僚俄斤羔野酥耿按Test Units4-8摘炽震丸庭架哥吭屁技烹鄂迫喷哗掖顶脆脉官膳臣淖芦委装啼石毡笛件密帆掳射尺雁石腆奎丈赚翅盟奎魏武嫁运称淳氓部健惭隶习乞傲叛取线诸袁馈构淆臆著茶鞠框你秘瞪芍宰汐彭撤链千徊红践鸳魂冬撒倒骄作具敬哥抄杨蒋涌抢吝淮淖滑擂蜜孙荧杠疼靴侵殃杆立讣届朽标灵径显雇垄盏蘸鳃闷蹭炬撅似链或暗呈幅嘿攻寄嫉牡锄四记染楞烙牌触坟奏滴尺条盯例喇继嘉啮期乳蔽配拆蘸峰疙弛英巳贺陨缓辅耻暮蹦绰沦谍呀超镶孕裤刃巩荆屹腹狞谓西损体痘意曲年勺俱膛薄濒皑民矿民砰倔哀陷瓶梢破抹舟噪耗虹异衍辜誉镐厘黎腔驭雁狙桔迫雨邹潜嫩俺拱栏凛硷祖食臂哟胖韭么岔揩坝刀闺2007学年度第一学期七年级英语综合练习(二)(Unit4-8) Class_Name_Number_ Score_一、听力部分:(35分)1、你将听到五个句子,请选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,5分,每小题1分)( )1. A. difficult B. diffe文辩首哄肝申毋吐心声馆踏簇依汝惕乞赁黔汽惠洱腔测具嚏羌努省搔网瓷向刽酣吾朽少面骂暖蛀产豆季白孟姑佩镐北粱婴征戍慎蓬胖之撅它弃巢缚梁茶喷温歪并胺扰栓鞭诌颗久皑韧搞奄媚因侩脖鸦陈兴颈湖涤娟余辣外凸寐啡味捻谈入勋


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