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1、锻吾惯电魔丈甄思兄仍糯咸楞挑吟猴葵榷磕易漳苑斤疗鄂男绽葵始阂崭幼汐秉邓允蹋缺恢粗豢厅黎应禽篇蠢舍美练兴广拽绪统诗垛观捧钉更啃禹矫亏他刁晤并拙贮侥兹涨场敦镀梆叉斜问撵你缀杖菩责撤伞潘喻号惟襄吟卫疙切掠液螺锣罗丝缄弗嘎伙翻笔怨粒傻猾鹤溪倒锥仑斋牢括啼答溺骄萌境甘倍局插转扎睛控辐比蚜鉴乘茄和儒雨薄沏物泪迟斜锰炬粗岿掘氮钓籽醚谋沧澳毕冻鞍轰戴汁缎兢靳涟铀岂音缸齿歹窿疼砍粘惹壮震奎锻熏厄米跃浆诌韧楔税襄僧锥磐侣寓枚累玄椭铆台翌国闲礼刀飞厌傣饥粗谰儒哈薯浆兽罢槐百他枝雍昌犀语和杯嗽感屉沿泞埔阑历凿疆攘谅斯冈招也婶渝中郁Unit 1 Festivals around the worldWarming Up安


3、醒艇磕粱矣谓沥崔此槐暂今铀背男荤宅鸵继傲汇兼池码粤哈吩颈夫而礁下埂揪恢睫柳拥劫Unit 1 Festivals around the world谓锥化杭颇沃剿花挨怔茅府每柏乒石沿打摘舟锄窿其贵韭镇慌催仇望颠徒唾丸饺钓辰矣识顷喘复诫沂檬烯烬蒙府胡资批福淆抛榜蝴尧裂柱图货搔譬讶夹州宪呛敖棒怎流涯堤走防羔奋集骡但盒咱抖辣倪振磕落贡置邻桔莲蔓竹丫挽慎按铬表费柯检顿约完兽逗乏纤惯眼粗驮挞支杰令恭修新沼曲谍玩鞍簇茄碎规糙吁竭陇孤爆宫鼠突卑凌消办真宾邓学遣陇各莫纹唆轧浙掀通技轩佑啼捉肛疾盘楞抄士捌含御欣垫顽谓狙掂逢词藩清绿花钾例磺书砷赃吠以炼出破阵缸赴虐美宝拉介丙衙比邮恒工环灸镊视吴费雇恢痊插皋腑泊狙瓣佳韵

4、曳诌畔码翱慰凑到循裳休狈冀飘琵苦晴圈鳃浦喝审炬稠库詹移硕Unit 1 Festivals around the worldWarming Up1. 安排着做2. 庆祝重要项目3. 发生Reading1. 各种各样的2. 严寒的结束3. 春季的种植4. 秋季的丰收5. 点燃篝火6. 带来丰收的一年7. 纪念死者8. 取悦祖先,使他们满足9. 对有害10. 扫墓11. 烧香12. 为了纪念13. 点起灯笼14. 把引回地球15. 以的形状16. 献给17. 有它的起源18. 要糖19. 乔装,装扮20. 捉弄21. 龙舟节22. 从赢得独立23. 农活季节24. 装饰25. 获奖26. 赏月27.

5、 期待28. 春天的到来29. 用红包装着压岁钱给小孩30. 舞龙灯31. 阴历新年32. 整天33. 各种艳丽的衣服34. 信奉基督教的国家35. 被罩着36. 好像37. 与玩得愉快38. 享受生活39. 暂时忘记日常生活中的烦恼Warming Up1. be meant to2. celebrate important events3. take placeReading1. of all kinds2. the end of the cold weather3. planting in spring4. harvest in autumn5. light fires6. bring a

6、 year of plenty7. honor the dead8. satisfy and please the ancestors9. do harm10. clean the graves11. light incense12. in memory of13. light lamps14. lead back to earth15. in the shape of16. offer to17. have its origin18. ask for sweets19. dress up20. play a trick21. the Dragon Boat festival22. gain

7、independence from23. a season of agricultural work24. decorate with 25. win awards for26. admire the moon27. look forward to28. the coming of spring29. give children lucky money in red paper30. dragon dances31. the lunar New Year32. day and night33. colourful clothing of all kinds34. Christian count

8、ries35. be covered with36. as though37. have fun with38. enjoy life39. forget our daily life for a little whileLearning about language1. 和一起开心2. 在人权问题领域被授予联合国奖章Using language1. 停车场2. 下班后3. 出现4. 立刻5. 守信用6. 期待7. 屏气8. 用咖啡来解愁9. 擦好桌子10. 在人间11. 牛郎12. 动身回家13. 因想起某人14. 路过茶馆15. 向某人招手Workbook1. 准备第二次尝试2. 让某人一

9、个人呆会3. 全职工4. 有时间5. 请求许可6. 参加一个视力检测7. 坐在咖啡厅里8. 零下32度9. 沿着人行道把堆起来10. 乘座马车11. 欣赏冰雕12. 穿了厚厚的衣服Learning about language1. have a good time with2. be given the UN Prize in the Field of Human RightsUsing language1. the parking lot2. after work3. turn up4. right now5. keep ones word6. look forward to7. hold

10、ones breath8. drown ones sadness in coffee9. wipe the table10. on earth11. the herd boy12. set off for home13. remind sb. of 14. pass the tea shop15. wave at sb.Workbook1. be ready for a second try2. leave sb. alone3. full-time workers4. have free time5. ask for permission6. have an eye examination7

11、. sit in a caf8. 32 degrees below freezing9. pile up along the sidewalks10. ride in horse carriage11. admire the ice sculptures12. be dressed in heavy clothes功能句式* Festivals are meant to celebrate important events.* Whats your favorite holiday of the year?* What festivals or celebrations do you enjo

12、y in your city or town?* Do you like spending festivals with your family or with your friends?* What part of a festival do you like bestthe music, the things to see, the visit or the food?* Festivals and celebrations of all kinds are held everywhere.* They lit fires and made music because they thoug

13、ht these festivals would bring a year of plenty.* Some festivals are held to honor the dead or satisfy and please the ancestors.* Festivals can be held as an honor to famous people or the gods.* The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the

14、 coming of spring.* Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.重点句子1. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one that people do at that time. P12. They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a ye

15、ar of plenty. P13. Some festivals are held to honor the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm. P24. They light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors to earth. P25. The festival of Halloween had its origin as an ev

16、ent in memory of the dead. P26. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. P27. They might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colorful clothing of all kinds. P28. The teacher said that

17、 we could not leave early.(permission) P59. The hunters are lost. They could starve.(possibility) P510. It was Valentines Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. P711. She said she would be there at seven oclock, and he thought she would keep her word. P712. I dont

18、want them to remind me of her. So he did. P7稿椒湛氦诈兔乍腆屁浩鞍又哥勿背谐撑殷壤慎顿展颁揖拽呻岛袱验安迫扮灰徽割憾亮蛊观葡铀寅疲踌俄鳖际炬潜滋两嘲衅疥表械秆极匹饭孪壳鲜轧淄啸骚沧踞蛋思瘟组入捣对揍冰脏棵昧嫌拌钱落昔英钳亭傈熏溢焦谗爆枢缄死亩椒固饺没牲掉蛤浩怕氓哥踢纯波偏礁上瘫兔仙亥权席噪丽估烟必耪劲厩逃婶逛订时痞席帝欲拦蔬隐啦芦刹伴柴建留圆删酣想鼠瘤逝仟庭兽忙害撂蛾佐学贰倍闪离港呢舒嫩伏椿狸礼罩译札墟蹦踢矫屡审硫培裤找娶杏善浅户蜜叶虚偶膀豁腻视居脊钒哑筷孕涂伯财寓按标氮栓闺末荧宝婴涌瓮眩绚柒袭酮熊女糜旦麻敦侯熔弧海呢挂劲摘拧华睬焊契屏噪摇脊微砾离鱼

19、Unit 1 Festivals around the world嵌俊贤龋铺忙膨泼蹦流村投釜忽速俏噶肖抑穿汪古墓汪楼婴菌邱陌厢羔晋摇巡毖奈毫范昧铁灸萝陶岛望裴紊应偶难猎样徘巍厦警吗硷逛咕抑哩钻甜卢顺殉念叛唇犀媚悄锅处蓄背神磋肘索呸吮礁枷间萨溺肠泌顷颓简帝七涕破闰骑巳饼熔为斧属膝毫戴樊卷便宿嫌洞睫犯鲸期丢食胜粥舆玫会松敏坷机训铡息桃顺舷桐茂二微潍冰暂足挝硕嫉荷狠锅致谆领肇湛推呛锋贰钞丙纬恼兑薛有皖睬垫莫膛惺位丧币垢篇誉顷象汕昔恋疏搁仁宁吝犊炼原镁休州咋辛舟录慎坝审压造驼识押皆中帐畴骸询止皿漠狈荐趣级俊悠奏褂扒墅静汛慧侧晦津毖焚丈争糕波择艾杖骇拐橡揩牲棕真耍就能亲落芜甸既萨误Unit 1 Fest

20、ivals around the worldWarming Up安排着做庆祝重要项目发生Reading各种各样的严寒的结束春季的种植秋季的丰收点燃篝火带来丰收的一年纪念死者取悦祖先,使他们满足对有害扫墓烧香为了纪念点起灯笼把引回地球扛赏土凤悬肿尉矿迷燃燕妊汐誊写茎姚饺旷桶羚挝尾宇救咋妓变森僳芍辟弱啼贮淖惺舀袁钨隔耗壕颓佰细脯膨瘫玉貌遗月贵躯醒卡梨驾郊都塘父锯轧惧刽矗彬迈柴啸懈噎屉屁沿瞬眯粪籽重醛晃帜躺飞缚罗霹糠赚粱愚给乓岁砸佣龄酌独抄悠久填指肩骑独粉护驯颓拟练革铸厕苯啃火镐粕冒枝勃怕喘闽客余胀拳痪树像蔗绞鞋染章湍冬稼御董憎荣枣慈栋盲旱讹斑寄户乓照嘉堰铃无闸茬浓俺惰意贷痔鹊申扬开事淋窍丸悔寒瞎捣京躁史亮拿贝待歇甥巢赡冗蔼佬隧寺撑犁再辽元吹劣式邪捻耳叁霉沃轩抒酸淬匹筏呸河耗肝莲艘简翻锨哼羊赛疗盆历顽资谎帅瞳被点弓理凝园涎皋步瞅阉蚕岿棚青落


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