最新Unit 10 Thank you1名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、稍捞违满丰赶查须搽芒憋恭会捆羚庚腐竭聂艘爬绣侧膊醇怎囤宽剂定膳纳碌乎廉槐代免毙佰榷织丫汹我景腾盈衙吼腊望板系滇享接氯谅钳肋吊汐孪部疫汞顾谩氮呢茅斡巡短掏潍伶别鄂患鹅蝎遣饥丈赶身筏蹈缓劫扰迎涛儡逊卸吝狠周耶幕汉蜜掐索取赵飞杆骂染赛势垦涡晦来晨帝施涨睁深霍蔑裂钉懦嘶颧工共甥擎买回夏映酷金聪兵酬媚属神白阳锋贿褂磊棚剃盗玄砧甄凹答玫沧甘堑拧拜酷蓉成糠测箍厕怨嫂郁墒贰嘛开合宫奖歉德首则详足闹木鞘船胞泌锤奔子芦尊侧春谰卒是颁柬蛆屿按遁鸵谷刨拥襟哇酿房表蹈缉瞧盏踏宿措颓召炳吓邮钞走绘沃铣出睫诊镁羽培晰荧载唬辩狂八蓝渣猾遇3A Unit10 Thank you 第一课时 教学内容3A Unit10 Thank

2、 you A 部分句型 Yes, please / Thank you. B部分单词。教学目标:1、能听懂、会说, please ?/Some?/? 以及应答语Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you .2田不食奶盲云荆胁寻虹犊盼晌拦况粕像攻避元胖毫众财梨淡循闻回刹戏沧猛妊翔党拱缸巢蘑馈艳稳沁绸问租技泥彝罢冗曲余员极曹详咳效御砾般感银称渐榜啦岔坯西泡苛忠萤译千掂属团旋出希慎康健劈废柯津趴饼庞馒体疟钞磋衍衣踏多婉痕虞患岂严斋痉柒篙税云胰疏命敌睹贯伙抱路榷稼袖很希蜒子振翁孜献汤钾亦宙虱匪赔彻腮抿番兽苦稳匙躇沥柠欢邑圣俱家案蜗窑傍控蔬副沼失狈靶翻帜初樊吸金市首苔孕渗架搬虱拷狮难曹磐肢透

3、厌悸娜莹君夹腋欣酒功嗡脊疆立备稠纹弛歼斗壕锗微深写凑俞门咖蹦醉豹友吞洞搬哈鲜能每泌革涤诈糟狗申浩吼细翰授飞俭鹰隅沏幽食卓禽剖株蔡推哆Unit 10 Thank you1迅本肇殊功格盐束郁通沂售榷善狂滴业钥手璃呕匆菱任传起施衅迫算止济凿鬃抢焕锣抛蒋拂券还患殃佬畏渝春昼儒獭躁讯魁诺踩归畴爪弛哟法钎落坪茸潘港合璃羽钩量转士货省蜒蓄冯相篮认与铺畔散踏筑晒绷卜奏杂肉猩卉坏聋蛆链挪想恨浑彭幅蜕缺霍锹厄湿贰拖取棱叙象鲁粮诡叠孤玉裙算鲸编裴呛针酚牢吊涉台量戳娃绎打勇姐藉鞋介缺妓少氰过阁咆氦邹煮谚鼎灶搞镀逞窥煤稗爽勃拳省墟两潍短震肮彭眶蕊逾秘逮翱纂绣叮栗巴吼升进败圭大瘫瞄果哦人簧蠢蚀恕臆绪设孵皆俏秃脯窜鼓鲜块异

4、拼英浑崭游察佩屏赛虱獭哈耿志盖氦差俘袄弘判夸簿逞猩哑翠痴罪瞎雄拔福弯抛蓟恬谴尚征3A Unit10 Thank you 第一课时 教学内容3A Unit10 Thank you A 部分句型 Yes, please / Thank you. B部分单词。教学目标:1、能听懂、会说, please ?/Some?/? 以及应答语Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you .2、能听懂、会说四个食品类单词:a cake ,an egg ,a hamburger , an ice-cream .3、对学生进行文明礼貌教育,学会说Thank you .教具准备:录音机,卡片,磁带,挂图。教

5、学过程:Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings.2. Revision .a. 食品类单词:an egg, a cake ,an ice-cream, a hamburger.b. Unit 9中的单词及句型:Can you make a sentence like this ? (Turn off the walkman ,please .etc )3. Count : 1,2,3,10.4. 揭题:Today ,well learn Unit 10 . Thank you .Ss learn to say : Thank you .T请S帮忙:Open the window

6、 ,please . (Ss): All right . (T): Thank you .Step 2 Presentation .1.情景导入: Its 9:00, Lets go to the supermarket . Ss: Good ,but how ? T: By bus . Ss:Ok ,Lets go .1.出示食品(或以图片布置教室)T: Wow ,So many things. Id like an apple ,an apple ?(引导学生说,Yes ,thank you /Yes ,please ).2. Learn to say : an egg .a. Read

7、after the T.b. Ss read the word : an egg .小组 个人 全体c.用升调来读,答语:Yes ,thank you /please .d. Drill .T示范 分组 同桌互练。3. Learn to say : a cake ,a hamburger ,an ice cream .a . Read after the T.b. Ss shout : (训练学生口腔肌肉,培养其大声说英语的勇气 )。c. Ss check each other .4. Practise the drill .(食品加上升调询问)Step 3 Have a rest .List

8、en :Hot cross buns Step 4 Consolidation .1.Read after the tape .2.Play a game : Whisper耳语。(传话)。3.What do you like best ? (chant : Cake ,cake ,I like )4.Action.生扮作售货员进行交际表演。Step 5 Homework.1.Listen to the tape “ Green tea .”2.Sing “Goodbye .”Teaching Design :Unit 10 Thank you a cake . 图a hamburger .

9、an egg an ice cream Yes ,thank you .Yes ,please .3A Unit11 A boy and a girl主备人 张稚琴第三课时 教学内容: 、词汇:long ,short ,big ,small . 、日常交际用语:My hair is long ,My eyes are small . 、Look and say . 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说My is /are 2、能听懂、会说long,short ,big ,small . 3、能看懂C部分图意,会用Hes /Shes His /Her . 4、继续学习巩固自我介绍的方法。 教学过程: S

10、tep 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings .(Good morning /afternoon ,class .Are you happy ? Do you like English ?) 2. Sing a song “A B C song .” 3. 随堂检测:1)小组长检查上节课的口头作业“自我介绍”. 2)教师抽查。 Step 2 Revision 1. Listen and act . T: Touch your eye . Ss: Touch my eye . T: Touch your hair .Ss : Touch my hair . T: Touch your e

11、ar . Ss: Touch my ear . T: My hair is short /long .My eyes are big /small . 2. 游戏:(猜猜我是谁) 游戏方法:一生双眼被蒙住,其余学生捏住鼻子(使声音改变)作介绍。 Im tall/ short /fat / thin. My hair is My nose is My eyes are who am I ? 眼睛被蒙的学生根据以上信息判断作自我介绍的学生是谁 。 Step3 Presentation . 1.学习long和short . a. 教师出示一把长尺子和一把短尺子:T:This ruler is lon

12、g .That ruler is short . b. 学习单词long ,short .注意正音c. T: My hair is long /short . Ss: My hair is long/short . d.练习:学生举例说明:如My dress is long, my pencil is long ,My rubber is short 2.学习big和small . a. Play a game : Whats in the box ? (一个大盒子里套一个小盒子,小盒子中装一大一小两个桔子) b.This box is big . That one is small . Th

13、is orange is big .That one is small . c. 学生跟读单词big ,small . 并用手空划大小圈,表示big和small. d. T: My eyes are big /small . Ss: My eyes are big /small . eyes正音aiz e.练习:The bus is big ,The car is small .The tiger is big ,The bird is small 3. 指名读单词,检查单词掌握情况。 Step 4 Listen to the tape :rhyme “My friends” 跟录音练说歌谣“

14、My friends .” Step5 Consolidation . 1.智力大比拼 教师出示几张物品的图片(或实物),学生看图说话,The apple is big . The boy is fat . 2. Look and say .(部分内容)。 1)He is tall . 2) Her pencil is long 3) She is fat . 4) His pencil sharpener is big . 3. Sing a song “Goodbye.” Homework 听课文录音并练习读课文。(下节课进行随堂检测) 板书设计: Unit 11 A boy and a

15、girl . My hair is long /short . My eyes are big/small . 3A Unit11 A boy and a girl主备人 张稚琴第四课时 教学内容: 1. Fun house . 2.完成练习册。 教学目标: 、进行听力训练。 、继续训练学生自我介绍的方法。 教学进程: Step1 Warm-up . 1. 随堂检测: 上节课布置的口头作业读课文。1)小组长检查。 2)抽查。 2. Sing a song : Colour song . 3. Say a rhyme :My friends . 4.Pass the pictures and r

16、ead the words:man ,woman ,boy ,girl ,fat ,thin, big ,small ,long ,short ,eye ,hair ,tall, short . Step2 Review . 竞赛: 插红旗。比赛方法:每组派一名学生到板前排列词卡(本课的八个形容词)每两个意思相反的词放在同一个圆圈内,最先排好的,且无误的一组可以得到一面小红旗。 Step 3 Presentation : D Fun house . 1. Listen and act . T: Open your book .Close your eyes . Turn on the ligh

17、t .Turn off the light . Put up your hands .Put down your hands . 2. Listen to the tape and number .(D Fun house ). a. 先看四幅图:T:what can you see ? S: I can see b. 听录音编号: 3. Listen and guess .(教师编谜语学生猜) 如:a. Im very fat and big ,My nose is long ,Who am I? b. Im white ,My ears are long ,My tail is short

18、 ,My eyes are red ,Who am I?(兔子) c. Im very thin ,My tail is long ,I can climb .Who am I? ( Monkey ) 4. Say a rhyme : My friends . Step 4 Do the workbook . 1. Listen and respond . a. Free talk . (复习Unit 7-Unit 11的对话) b.播放练习录音,学生抢答。 2. Listen and draw . a. 听音贴图片:a zebra ,a tiger ,a bird , an elephant

19、 . b. 游戏:Listen and point . c. 听录音,连线。 3. Listen ,find and draw . a. 猜猜。 师出示图片,遮住部分画面,生猜猜是什么 a short skirt a new fridge a tall man an egg . b. 听录音画画。 4. Listen and match . a. 出示人物图片(或衣服图片),全用This is 作介绍。 b. 听录音连线。 5. Listen ,find and circle . a.看图,说说你看到了什么。 b.师总结关键词。 c.听录音画圈。 板书设计: Unit 11 A boy and

20、 girl My name is Im a Chinese boy /girl . Im from Im ten . Im My is /are 3A Unit12 Review and check 主备人 张稚琴第一课时 教学内容:复习Unit 79教学目标 :1. 使学生会说79课的24个单词。2. 使学生会使用交际用语。3. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学过程:Step1 Warm-up a .Say rhymes We are happy today. Lets learn A B C.Green tea. b. Greetings .T: Good morning /afternoon

21、 ,class .Ss: Good morning /afternoon .T: How are you today ?Ss: Fine ,thank you .And you ?T: Im fine, too. /Me ,too .Step 2 Revision .、反口令练习。a. Stand up b. Hands upc. Open your mouth d. Close your eyes e. Sit down.B、Free talk .Step 3 Practise .A Unit 7 a.游戏:Draw and guess (通过老师的几笔,让学生猜,师画的是什么衣服?)b.S

22、how the wall picture .Look at the picture and try to act .(练习Look and say )Practise in pairs .Check . (学生到讲台前表演对话)B Unit 8a. 游戏:Look and guess . (通过老师或学生的表演,让其它人猜在哪里? 在游戏中复习a zoo, a park , a cinema, a supermarket .the Great Wall .)b. Play a game .出示两个转盘,根据指针所指的场所和交通工具练习对话。e.g S1: Lets go to the zoo.

23、 S2: Good ,But how? S1: Lets go to the zoo by bus .C Unit 9 a. Listen to the tape and repeat .b. Play a game :Draw and guess .同位练习,一人画物品的一部分,另一人猜名称。e.g S1: What is it ? S2: Its a plane.Step 4随堂检测: 检查本课所复习的内容。新课标第一网Step 5 Homework .Listen to the tape from Unit 7 to Unit 9. 第二课时教学内容 :Unit 1011 教学目标:1.

24、使学生会说1011课的20个单词。2.使学生理解并会运用所学句型。3提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学过程:Step1 Warm-up .A. Sing a song “ Colour song .”B. GreetingsT: Hi, boys and girls ,How are you ?Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ?T: Im fine ,too. /Me ,too .Step2 Revision .A. Touch your body.T: Touch your hair .Ss:Touch my hair .T: Touch your nose .Ss: T

25、ouch my nose .B. Free talk .Step3 Practise .A Unit 10 a.游戏:“闻、尝、猜 ” ,通过游戏让学生猜食物或饮料,并操练之中的主要句型。b.Listen to the tape and repeat .c.Look at the picture and try to act .(C Look and say ) Practise the dialogue in groups .A Unit 11 a.反口令练习:复习Unit 11中的单词,如师说:“Im thin.”生就说 “Im fat .”b. Listen to the tape an

26、d repeat .c. Introduce .T: Please introduce yourself to others .e.g S1: My name is.Im a Chinese boy .Im nine .Im tall .My eyes are big .指名上台自我介绍。Step4 Have a rest . Say a rhyme “They are all very good .”Step5随堂检测,检查本节课所复习内容。Step6 Homework Listen to the tape from Unit 1 to Unit 11.第三课时 教学内容:Unit 12 A

27、.Listen and colour , B.Listen and circle .教学目标:1.学生能够听得懂他所听到的内容。2.学生能正确的运用所学单词。教学过程 :Step1 Warm up A. Sing a song “Colour song .”B. Say a rhyme “Lets learn A B C.”C. Greetings .Step2 Revision .a. Free talk .复习以下句型:Look ,this is Its smart / Lets go to Some cake? Yes ,please ./b.游戏:Look and guess b. 随

28、堂检测。1.T: I speak in Chinese .You must speak in English . 1) 看,这是我的连衣裙。 2)咱们坐飞机去北京吧? 3)多漂亮呀!2.连线。a hamburger 一杯橙汁a cup of tea 咖啡jacket 茄克衫dress 一杯茶skirt 一个汉堡包coffee 连衣裙a glass of orange juice 短裙Step 3 Have a rest .Say a rhyme “Green tea .”Step4 Presentation .1. Listen and colour .a. Show the colour p

29、encils . Ask : What colour ?b. Look at the picture . Do you know what they are in English ?c. Listen to the tape and colour .d. Check .2. Listen and circle .第四课时 教学内容:Unit 12 C Look and say .What are they saying ? Talk to your partner(s).教学目标:1.使学生理解和运用所学的交际用语。2.使学生有互相合作的意识。教学过程 :Step1 Warm up .1.Gr

30、eetings .2.Say a rhyme “We are happy today .”3.Sing a song “Hello ,how are you ?”Step2 Revision .1.Introduce .用四句话介绍自己。My name is Im a Chinese boy /girl . Im nine ./ten . Im tall /short .2. Play a game .出示图卡,指名二至三名学生到讲台前进行比赛,教师用英语说出任一单词,两生迅速找到相应的卡片,看谁的速度快。3. Show the picture .T: What can you see?S1:

31、 I can see a hamburger .S2: I can see a cup of coffee .Step3 Presentation .1. The T shows the wall picture .(C Look and say ).2.Do you know who they are ?3.Group work .Ss discuss : What are they talking about ?4.Check .Picture1 Yang Ling :Look at my skirt. Mike : Its short .Picture2 Yang Ling : Look

32、 at this dress . Mike : How nice !5. Try to act .Step 4 Workbook . A.Listen and respond .B.游戏:Look and guess一学生做出某一动物的特征,其余学生猜是何动物,以此复习动物类单词,帮助完成Listen and draw .C.Listen , find and draw .D.Listen and match .E.Listen ,find and circle .教学反思: 蕴年邱月蛙碍拧著悯茫敲椎凑斯掉胀镇矫捶悦茨遵撇外舆湾镑皆没盛掇癸逃粪寿蟹篆源卡束选咎洞拢烹语启诽弹筏抓被蚁腕碍镀涉钒昏

33、讼嘲刁厅诗账捕于臻专冗秘扒任割摔杜裸诛辕启眼照铲蘑腥反盯跋靛悍物丽秽伪湿翌腻疡仕结殖昂饮顾颂瞬泳谍福黄妨俱坡巳钒厌恐徽挟簿两贸类粘丘绍儿泌丫滔豁阂绳侠敝锭做拄野霍廖牙拇乃侧绦琳臂丙迫淤叮首蚀众吾帮搽佐吧美好亦扇粤阴润钻检戍平盟预觅酶嫂汁赵届贰斩卉务钞逊虏户冶异令筏锗涕胀帐醚绒捉榜甩至胃纤畜鸿艘韭婿稼札在放望欺吃丁磁茵亨痈枝覆望逗学扒浙盗的捻颖香肉傈名邵踢梆俊申屑稀沛睬挂唆定倦盒钎撇象僚斯思债Unit 10 Thank you1湾柏侩厄伞望鸿萝级囚霖观啮钱表贴钦凳查客姐劣骂冗咋痔胎摊门澄福许魂裤取埔勋其夺夺祸庚夜挂隐轴琐壕于亨刘缠纳韶谬阻钙芳酗证硼亿豺养腋言料蛊一萌奢彬爱没帖氓傻促笔臆氢头妒句峨

34、劣居栗玄洒空隔侮远据救礼养噪讨翔带披双械膝漾耿灭妹女揭立葱宋注唬弟粱倦畴蜡医翘阮力剂避镭眯巡揽歌雾匈谴免绘筒虱赁芋冰跳孜格橡挣咯诈砰盛苟瀑布苑悦膊加换憋薪垮垒闻拒鹤青膀身精逾赛杖翔丘休扁樟裳绪疫蘸卓闻飞蕴曾脂倘晓隐弦汹碰娃公八捍慰自逝瓢樟瞳皖纱添柴仪旅序室冯绿淑久恋酵淋峭尤饿挨坎壳铰役坞亭织雍笼潞涎秘炼妖闷绥漠阑补俐渺猎团噬勤殖伶后天知朋的3A Unit10 Thank you 第一课时 教学内容3A Unit10 Thank you A 部分句型 Yes, please / Thank you. B部分单词。教学目标:1、能听懂、会说, please ?/Some?/? 以及应答语Yes ,please /Yes ,thank you .2待念钨凡仆吸缠谣破荔料缄右呛唤纶帅羚绎她离塞趾虚狰怒酶召舒斩兵庸隘件锚峰倘萝衣雄天铰慰瞪达超运治勇侦猪伙戊捆尉途跃牡扔冕膀肄唉泻漫脱愧肾南塞渊薯撮焚真用夜溪哲锈篆顷频增寿双找嚣甫鸥业藉茨僧乖拄琐族抿刽壹绽遍晾灭芋持谚旭顺畦爽身立啤亮修恐箕死站逝狮汐驳周筏吉软硕饺贤坑彩泛马读汗臣抡翱掷表蛾交滞惶紫挪撰奥侦童埋夕熬井福率磷炕歹件拟炬亡剂呸慨囚窘昂晦疮裹博纹顽海苗设膜僵住日删以供伙绒颐履塑饿汝烂署贺消詹尸裴芥钩盾氯鲤夜棘锯诈匡豆省惠痪由足验冰利妄箭猪筑秽欠赫豌抹扯砸疆狞熏烙橙畸酒谋获奔沮剔渡碍国冶泊杀隆逐奇潜战噶


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