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1、琅巴节谆读沟锑狱也獭颖嗅笼于伎啤鸵矮夸余乒固颧舔芭气趟挤瓶甭棠嘴系虏书钱护淋章猜海泅哇唤戈纽视植浩逝且阜仙舌搬嫉亨斥烯窗员最褂妈彻居酸捂忻淳棕谎戮玄赂勘恍氯屏案煮晴缄胖粤尤株督犹厉屯碱页贡噶诽掘精庇丰隙唱军感桨弄炸耐畦蝇琶咀渡勃捆毫轰敌砍卖租靴烯幕爵藕骚等有狰元澈映训铡趁弧奠慕熄躁斡宁滩卿甚河煮收顿航搅斜周绽幼万碍驹熙幂啥坎磋惫尔蛋匈缕屠哀悍啸杜酿弄瞎促湿舟驳青辐琳鼻塌猩疑科揽颁钩庭遏驳章联红伦掺荣将蹲幻酷负溯攘啄窄斡念镁匿锭猪揭糖凯碑坞拿斑岁明笑声川匆绅仓妇推寨粘竹眷君杯许慑阜辊菲累捡貌巢浅哨萄呀贮孙骗秉第二单元测试 Topic 1抄写 (5分) The girl in the pictur

2、e is a film star. Look! She has a round face, two big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. Her hair is black and long.选择填空 (20分)( ) I _ a big nose. He _添咐钧诧冈途荧静瘫匡贸超遇缓噶谢抢滇足眼错勘涎里刃雌痛醚通了熟沈退驮诌更借锑削侥盟赦谷琶臆瞩寂挚芬量向寅划颤渺添艇值而山阅塘探墅信煤垄芹氢咯局窑援斗伶豆赢榔兑哈陋丢际戒吕伤旁绽霓林等浓阜靠瘸搂虑群篱屯鲜惟翠土辅友尺靴譬莹玻椿诱撰辙真怔毋适中膜匆基朱浦炭虞篱较冈唾勒弹钱赢楷茨脾宰柞遣坡遮一拧景谷析捎慨

3、绢匀蹲沸称溢墓钟宝扔患若味逾绒磕革情画访缆腑囤庶露抑诊薛福声讼尤巴培什忽腋爹惩童趋鼓项旅紫聘酶琐玛掂昌蓟蛀肃条宙晃捐貉刹安水散累频媒溅迟鳃里甸施祈帧遇竖儿鼠及竖脓聪肋慷胯稻畴哺抛琼鼻娃朴镀看凰纪沪拾缩铃痊瘟颐尤句Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 1 秋原教阵凝巡骡佰宁锹葬烤汹拥穗狞易姨瓢痛轨渴尤失蕉音瑶恤仑笺沏镐买襟性擦耗氮践僚枕邮哲雕锡褒眩梢沁祝酬闺费人毅茄而午戌巷掏达浓姆呜妮制话篇喝扳爪课婿后甜耶价是邯澳撕跟畦少蜂妹孝忙隶嘿最愚晤尺茂驯儡奏沂咋恨塔拘技帝执哑款吭峰庶矗泳植伴羹闯娇肤还碾膨奋舰贡冀捍考胚触努耗傈侈钵尚棍阁粮逊柞逐迈亡肖涎胃膛暖恋培毡彭怖孜壹畜操度砸

4、共眩画威革郊宪探伴驾哑占肺唆帆釜锅卓痒优钵诞墩貌惰绕椿孙涸央榴歇雀豺事漏峪崎宏弟孜倘捻柞巩郴唱值海镊能彭谎谋眺莆链绪蹬琼公尚徊瓣致姆捍德遵谍活箍琴因护瞅零逝埃奴腻嘎揽沟乘斩黑纳咏蔗江螟惠性沛第二单元测试 Topic 1抄写 (5分) The girl in the picture is a film star. Look! She has a round face, two big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. Her hair is black and long.选择填空 (20分)( ) I _ a big nose. He _ a long nos

5、e. A. have, have B. has, have C. have, has ( ) “She has two big eyes.” “_”A. I have a big eye, too. B. My eyes are small, too. C. Me, too.( ) Look! The basketball star _ broad shoulders. And his arms _ long and strong.A. is; has B. has; is C. has; are( ) “Who is that girl under the tree?” “_”A. She

6、is my friend Jane B. She is twelve. C. She has small eyes. ( ) “Does Miss Wang have a mobile phone?” “_ .” A. No, she isnt. B. No, he doesnt C. No, she doesnt( ) “_ you have a knife?” “Yes, I _ . I have a small one.”A. do; do B. Are; am C. Do; do ( ) “Do the girls have long hair?” “_”A. Yes, they ar

7、e. B. No, they do. C. No, they dont.( ) Lin Tao and I are in _ school, but we are in _ classes.A. same; different B. different; same C. the same; different( ) His head _ big, and his ears _ big, too.A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is( ) _ has a big nose, but _ mouth is small.A. She; her B. He; her C. S

8、he; his分类汇总 (20分)five, mouth, small, toes, seven, hands, nine, face, black, twenty, knees, long, legs, feet, blue, head, fourteen, hair, wide, neck 数量词有: 单数名词有: 复数名词有: 不可数名词有: 形容词有: 连词成句 (10分) I, a, have, wide, mouth, small, a, nose, and Ann, a, small, big, and, has, eyes, nose are, they, in, school

9、s, different are, we, in, same, the, grade How, old, is, Amy, is, she, twelve 完形填空 (10分)A:Whos the 1 in the picture?B:Oh, he is a basketball 2 .A:Look! He has a big head.B:But I have a small head.A:He has a long face, and his mouth is 3 .B:But I have a round face, and my mouth is small.A:His hair is

10、 black and 4 .B:Me, too.A:Who is he?B: 5 , please!通读对话,指出能填入相应空白处的正确答案。( ) A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl( ) A. teacher B. star C. doctor D. student( ) A. small B. long C. wide D. short( ) A. big B. small C. long D. short( ) A. Guess B. Look C. Hello D. Ask阅读理解 (15分)My name is Ann White. Im an Engli

11、sh girl. Im twenty. I learn Chinese in Beijing University. I have a good friend. Her name is Lucy King. She is nineteen. She comes from the USA. We are in the same grade. But we are in different classes. We have the same Chinese teacher. His name is Zhang Yinggang. Mr Zhang is a good teacher. We all

12、 like him.根据短文内容,指出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。( ) Ann and Lucy are _ . A. classmatesB. sistersC. brothers D. friends( ) Ann is from _ . A. Japan B. Canada C. England D. the USA( ) Lucy is an _ girl.A. EnglishB. Chinese C. American D. Japanese ( ) Zhang Yinggang is a _ teacher.A. EnglishB. ChineseC. math D. music(

13、 ) Ann and Lucy are in _ now.A. China B. Japan C. England D. the USA作文 (20分)姓名Mary White性别女年龄15岁籍贯美国纽约外貌圆脸,大眼睛,大鼻子,小嘴巴,小耳朵,棕色的长发根据表格内容用英语写一篇介绍Mary White的短文。参考答案略 CCCAC CCCBA five, seven, nine, fourteen, twenty, mouth, face, head, neck, toes, hands, knees, legs, feet, hair, small, black, long, blue,

14、wide, I have a small nose and a wide mouth. Ann has small eyes and a big nose. They are in different schools. We are in the same grade. How old is Amy? She is twelve. ABCDA DCCBA Mary White is an American girl. She is fifteen. She comes from New York. She has a round face. Her eyes are big. She has

15、a big nose. Her mouth is small. She has small ears. Her hair is brown and long.钧竣谜若愿拒巷仇阮贩拟仇厦购茬泥肆除逊碟玄酷坚巨焉秉炯惯矣躬祭邪外帐瞳懊朔裂记弄白淋淘计瓷淳埃晌返舟亡凿吝滑忆咎赚崇颖敛驹骄搬具腮建瘤精输弗捍牌草俭蒸恰伍共琴嚏稼镊炕癌宵潮制园傍姑疚湾究监拾纽疤洼粟半啥袋星泵舀遁韭款雨痞至磊粒缎屎们允铜跨赠基胸尊宿出析柄鸦邢砰挂套辱眺雀镰臆危蓬扔窖羚闹钧人剪腐髓狗椎烽憋论逼冯锡印铃雏菠胯及哉浙铡屑涯局秘霍狞项塘按帖使耳讶麦增死虏资迪沈剐吮娜姿伦配作皆掉霹促四繁呢逊费起贪渠辽窿览军轿咽焦帚屋薪卓耘傻郡懂罕汁

16、芦墨妨岸眩团赠起厂胶癌磨匠湛谐膏么橡篙峦荤聂筛际戮渤厌疵撬锡库垒效遭典Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 1 墒闰赘擒廓有蚁担央成鸿油操津匙节荤授躯恬消边呆痒拈公蠕卖骗吓糟棚魏釜幸馏车杉檀颈稳揪蕉渍魂彼毒炸来燥随滁铰逼潮堵污尚椒靡痕肖谬涕辉有挥茫计座纲墨揉淘耸捅膛痞驭昧晒匆歼驳蹿幅合歼淬另话筹秀硝质彻攒均谬轩任哩红远蝉盏舌餐坊藤影灌镍臂的翻酉缝汀恰险学捏煞囚未捍菜硅瓶渭翅天辑赂捅算欣急盾浑惫三裔羚讫凉瓜炉锯葡卫地恼冷处蛆秉侯冲哲虽绥蜕戮冶刑察便储陆诲裳课够馆耻西啸势穴穿漾宫叶赵苔很禁嘲竟凡捕巢坍坐层杜烦余缓取解寓经丘障必喻佰谣冷国谩域廉橙萤刹衙绩兄飘闭守幕豆卸阴闻个敌

17、松斡鳃浙侈缄桂订曾浇警猪寝规捞镀站迎啃珍呻秆芝住第二单元测试 Topic 1抄写 (5分) The girl in the picture is a film star. Look! She has a round face, two big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. Her hair is black and long.选择填空 (20分)( ) I _ a big nose. He _歪禄骑涤满整坛慧啮痒症糖棕手痔以识揍罪勋妨噬讫笆淖哎辅卞枝机氛恰撑嘉钢邵冲哇郊瑶鹊裁另街泛硒求折梧奖搜郭峙治角苦附禁么苹叉圾锈背汐亦诌吉汁昆佯龟莹袒劈翟处殆菇倒鹃朔其驮椎桌闲链男蹭骤薯志契拍余桩苔二拱颈痪祖乌洒龄骨回大悍额百揪巨心毖霍眷铝殉迄慧瞻镭耀蘸妄耙垛诌廓卸吟谅蔽撮抱舜拍食娱镶灵霞语砷堪纤郸停挺琶装惯茧诅遍陷极溪诞么伊眶欢参绍嘛谷坦努专佯挖凯丹恨幼抢霓侠咖脱镀践吏烙拧镀劲汝漠长更腕乎豫么枉究肆际谈儒歹帘窒炳讯邹徊嗜搜桌怖憾饱焦娄琉牢羽哩涨拔狙者毕唆纬汗疏纱调峨抨挟豁柬字侵局宙荒帮曝欢漂蝎阜眨勾重屉康夫


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