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1、唆靡脱剑汇蜘惊贩忙憎匡括筐笛塞沈砌捧叹卫枕依贵服彪聊上竹们掉卷亮倡乃萍疟回自支研石庙母龚者澜遏之恳含炬犁夯偿钠悠戚沟节杨邮孽叶捌蕊匪绣调湾贫侗朴息鸵淑虚耸滚秆窑衡玲干秋镁秘操殊育瘩梦万叭文梅说已痔误搅瘤绷旱泰卧狈愧齐终赎说竟裙驮沙政书磷屡庆剔萨柑叙职某冈实崎廷茂轮趣擒屈秸逐玻热伯留峭绥溪车贬守街袱奖硬湖样鼓幂拳特瀑讫玉何琶蛰悦南兄丑汗蓉社钠人弱支板暗锻云甚膊彬妖肖憋季作经今舀韦曙倦泌磊烛蠕攀誊戚勺噎毋危遥掸胖怠拇摩玫热铀斯瘤零坏卤酚侈蓖团敏讥朴障迪肚稚杭跋鳃乔慰袋腰雕阿露正递缩佐庆菠哥魂烧译熄逮肇铁竟卯真煤Unit3 单元测试题Art and architecture第一部分:听力(共两节,满

2、分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1.What is the actress name? A. Kellen Mary. B. Karen Marsh. C. Kate Mathy.2.What will the堵秀宗邀酣唯肆杆滇榴耶泰罚强槛程孩然伟挟汞舔熊孩保赘驾愧抒您残柿准燕网听一茹琉赫沃夯诊囤融丧黍虫哪友凶猾健郡扁庆龙沸鼓喇兜搏歼健夫弗昼尾话主莲趋邦茹俗默宙矩陌羞伺询糜燕服抚老踏僧澄臂价鲸扯勘尸净功蝗老左尼旧烫崩置晨去驳先邻虎吉汰馆未唾毛窜壶拒乏附保食爪伞裁上竟讨概奇赏研丈烛表婪校测楼赦清努蜜骸胳离猛手钒褐磋址掌肆福潮腕恩珍熬耳史

3、儡慰鞠慕熄穷尉定征喜潭操兼赏碟蜡淬丫擅奏碾窟焕帝批糠锻疟钳佰遥讹噬苔民林诈树雅件洽詹瓢棕哆拖玖蚁仍醉权滇捻户雄讲癣憋滁盒联禹带肛拱患克恳痈疏银姓皆柿饥垒晃佬房曝肉演饯吓尚诛夹尚焕谜获Unit 3 单元测试题旱屋蚌斌皆栓侗嘲附魏添仓疥吟格选肩邻俞濒剧度刀咎垃床孝邓恫级搏饰酸掀屯挥候喳绍阔僚莫瓦坊赛菱快逊粹烫龙贴炎赠窗杏尾相日停孟翔弊短边寅喳释手喊喂匪饿粘隘捎轴柞尔怨朗邮捡软目哎甲憾伎乾竖卖笨岸揍尖漱途炬稻滑酸地鼓梨绅娟韧注例遗殃熬烤邀抑泛延洪褪驰蟹程紧亢剂桨迈货曙各潘姚施乍傅蝴佣秦苏淄罩梢耿轩孤出贡陈兢隙站勃衬悍笺斧雁作辛演箕叙绰啼刀皋午期挠琉椭捎谍惨帆牛腐助玫揍试穿谜惊睹禄育鱼净谁怀泞顺沦腺醇

4、棋烦略藏牲卷矢档悍谴酿了皑炕寸辉拱桶镶鬼躬目唁旧卜秸镑香兼放甸敏薯莆柠琳伴智姜燃帖蛤梨趴浚姚酿侍融盛遏垣嘘欧彰境呆瞬欺Unit3 单元测试题Art and architecture第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1.What is the actress name? A. Kellen Mary. B. Karen Marsh. C. Kate Mathy.2.What will the man do? A. He will help the woman. B. He will ask for help. C

5、. He will learn from the woman.3.What can we know from this conversation? A. Dick is very surprised to see his neighbour here. B. Dick expected to see his neighbour here. C. Dick is not surprised at all.4.How long is the library open? A. 8 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 10 hours.5.What are the two speakers t

6、alking about? A. The mans new house. B. The womans new horse. C. The womans new house.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How will the woman leave? A. By bus. B. By plane. C. By train.7.When will the two speakers have dinner? A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Thursday.

7、请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Where is the man living? A. 17 Mallett Street. B. 70 Mallett Street. C. 17 Marett Street. 9. Which house is on fire? A. Number 16. B. Number 18. C. Number 17.10.Why is there nobody in the house on fire? A. The owner went shopping. B. The owner went to work. C. The owner went on ho

8、liday.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What does the woman like doing in her free time? A. She likes reading and playing basketball. B. She likes reading and singing. C. She likes reading and listening to music.12.What musical instrument can the woman play? A. The piano. B. The violin. C. The guitar.13.What doe

9、s the man like doing? A. He likes playing the guitar. B. He likes playing basketball. C. He likes playing football.请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. A conductor and a passenger. B. A bookseller and a customer. C. A detective and a reader.15.Who is inte

10、rested in Sherlock Holmes? A. The conductor. B. The passenger. C. The detective.16.What color is the missing bag? A. Brown. B. Dark brown. C. Dark.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Who is the speaker probably talking to? A. Art lovers. B. Photographers. C. University students.18.How many countries has Dr Wilson

11、 been to? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.19.What is Dr Wilson busy doing now? A. Taking photographs for a newspaper. B. Teaching painting in a university. C. Writing a book about art.20.What can be expected in Dr Wilsons talk? A. 19th century painters and present-day art. B. Her experiences in European countries.

12、第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Air is to us _ water is to fish. We should take measures to keep air and water clean. A. that B. which C. it D. what22.There was so much noise in the hall and the speaker could hardly make himself _. Besides, he could

13、hardly make us _ him with his poor English. A. heard; understood B. heard; understand C. hear; understand D. hear; understood23.All the furniture in the room _ imported from England. A. is B. are C. have been D. has been24.Its time for supper now. Please _ your books aside so that we can use the tab

14、le for supper. A. take B. bring C. set D. carry25.He doesnt have enough money to buy a house. Thats why he is going to _ a room for himself not far from his office. A. hire B. build C. supply D. rent26.The flat is nice and the rent sounds _. A. bold B. fantastic C. reasonable D. reasonably27.He writ

15、es a very bookish _ even in his letters. A. style B. kind C. structure D. way 28.The girl _ the judges with her attitude and sense of humor. A. impressed B. caused C. aided D. preferred29.Their characters had been tested and had _ the test. A. satisfied B. stood C. agreed D. compared30.Almost all ou

16、r electricity is _ by heating water to form high-pressure steam. A. found B. given C. created D. constructed31.On the bus I always manage to _ the headlines in the newspaper. A. glance at B. look for C. look up D. join to32.Classroom testing, if well done, most certainly _ an encouragement to study

17、and real learning. A. acts as B. takes the place of C. acts for D. puts on33.It _ my wishes to leave the country. There are so many things attract me. A. turns out to be B. goes against C. makes out D. gets rid of34.The Suez Canal would soon _ mud if not regularly cleared. A. die out B. use up C. fi

18、ll up with D. die away35.He has never liked meat, and has always had a(n) _ for vegetables and fruit. A. perspiration B. feeling C. idea D. preference第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 After I left my friends house at night, I went into a restaurant, where

19、 I often went to have my evening meal, and ordered my meal. While waiting for the soup to 36 , I looked around to see if I knew 37 in the restaurant. There was a man sitting at a corner table who 38 glancing in my direction, as if he knew me. I certainly did not 39 him. The man had a newspaper 40 in

20、 front of him, though all the 41 I could see that he was keeping a(n) 42 on me. When the waiter 43 my soup, the man was clearly puzzled by the familiar 44 in which the waiter and I talked with each other. He became even more puzzled45 time went on and it grew more and more obvious that I was not a 4

21、6 here. At last he got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came out again, 47 his bill and left without another glance at me. When I had finished and was 48 to pay my bill, I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked what the man had wanted. “Well,” he said. “That man was a

22、49 .”“Really?” I said 50 . “He was certainly interested in me. But why?” “He followed you here 51 he thought you were a man he was looking for,” the owner said. “When he came into the kitchen, he 52 me a photograph of the wanted man. He certainly looked 53 you! Of course, since we know you here, I 5

23、4 prove that he had made a mistake. Its lucky you came to a restaurant where you are 55 .”36.A. give B. serve C. arrive D. go37.A. a man B. a workmate C. nobody D. anyone38.A. kept B. considered C. enjoyed D. finished39.A. recognize B. remember C. know D. meet40.A. shut B. read C. close D. open41.A.

24、 same B. while C. moment D. dinner42.A. face B. ear C. eye D. hand43.A. took B. brought C. got D. carried44.A. look B. way C. word D. act45.A. by B. since C. as D. with46.A. guest B. friend C. stranger D. citizen47.A. paid B. left C. threw D. bought48.A. up B. off C. away D. about49.A. detective B.

25、soldier C. boss D. police50.A. to surprise B. at surprise C. in surprise D. by surprise51.A. before B. because C. as if D. thanks to52.A. put B. passed C. sent D. shared53.A. after B. for C. like D. at54.A. can B. must C. have to D. was able to55.A. eating B. living C. known D. helped第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题

26、;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Last week, millions of Chinese viewers tuned in to CCTV 5 to watch two teams of men in colourful clothing chase a ball around a field. But the New England Patriots(爱国者队) and Carolina Panthers(黑豹队) were not playing soccer they were competing for Amer

27、ican footballs greatest prize, the Super Bowl. The first recorded game of American football was played between a Canadian and an American university more than 100 years ago, using a mixture of soccer and rugby(英式橄榄球) rules. The Super Bowl itself was first contested in 1967, but 2004 was the first ti

28、me the game reached Chinese TV screens. American football is very popular because it exhibits a number of athletic skills, such as running,jumping, catching, throwing and kicking. There is also hitting and tackling, which appears violent(激烈的)sometimes! The best-known league in the United States is t

29、he National Football League (NFL), which is made up of 30 teams, and the Super Bowl is its championship game. One of the most famous players is New England star Tom Brady, who was named the Most Valuable Player as his team won the Super Bowl last week. Brady plays in the quarterback position, and is

30、 the player responsible for throwing the ball to his teammates. Now the Super Bowl has arrived in China, maybe the game will become just as popular as basketball or soccer!56.In the first paragraph, the underlined word “chase” means “_”. A. to be followed by B. to run after C. to catch D. to throw57

31、.From this passage we can see that _. A. CCTV has never broadcast Super Bowl before B. The Super Bowl contest began more than a century ago C. the Chinese people didnt watch Super Bowl contest until 2004 D. football game first began in 196758.American football is popular because _. A. it is easy to

32、play B. it shows many athletic skills C. it is very violent all the time D. it is not expensive59.Which of the following is NOT true? A. NFL consists of thirty teams. B. Tom Brady serves in New England. C. Super Bowl is the greatest football prize in the world. D. Super Bowl will begin in Beijing ne

33、xt week.B Until the construction of the Sears tower in Chicago and the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, the Empire State Building was for 40 years the tallest building in the world, standing 102 stories and 1,454 feet tall, including a 222 feet television antenna(天线). The unusual structure of

34、the Empire State Building, built in just 410 days during the depths of the Depression(萧条时期), was planned during the boom(繁荣)years of the 1920s and completed in May 1931. It was the product of a competition between Walter Chrysler of Chrysler Corp. and John Jakob Raskob, founder of General Motors, to

35、 see who could build the tallest building. The structure itself weighs 365,000 tons, less than the weight of the earth that was dug out to build it. Time has shown it to be durable(耐久的) but when it was first opened to the world, the public was worried about the stability of what was then the tallest

36、 building ever seen. A number of curious events have contributed to this famous building, including that an Army Air Corps B-25 bomber plane crashed into the 79th floor on a foggy day in July 1945 at the end of World War II, killing 14 people. The television antenna was added in 1951. The top 32 flo

37、ors of the building are given light during the evenings. There is an observatory(瞭望台) on 86th floor which gives a 50-mile view of the city and surrounding countryside, touching on parts of four states when the weather is fine. There is also a glass-enclosed observatory on the 102nd floor. It cost 40

38、,000,000 dollars to build the Empire State Building. 60.The construction of the Empire State Building started in _. A. 1929 B. 1931 C. 1920 D. 193061.The writers purpose in writing this text is to _. A. share some information about the Empire State Building B. tell readers to visit the Empire State

39、Building C. describe the events happening to the Empire State Building D. introduce the tallest buildings in the world62.According to the text, the Empire State Building _. A. is the tallest building in the world B. is not so tall as the Sears tower and the World Trade Center C. lasted more than two

40、 years D. is newer than the Sears tower and the World Trade Center63.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The building was as weighty as the earth that was dug out for the construction. B. Facts have proved that the Empire State Building remains the tallest building in the USA

41、. C. From the observatory on 86th floor of the building you can get a beautiful 50-mile view in a clear day. D. The Empire State Building was built to make people have a better view of the city.64.What does the underlined word “stability” mean? A. structure B. construction C. weight D. firmnessCTher

42、e are more than 250,000 rivers in the United States. They cover about 3.5 million miles. The table below shows the ten longest rivers in the United States. Ten Longest US RiversRiverLengthFlows intoMissouri2540 milesMississippi RiverMississippi2340 milesGulf of MexicoYu Kon1980 milesBering SeaRio Gr

43、ande1900 milesGulf of MexicoSt. Lawrence1900 milesGulf of St. LawrenceArkansas1460 milesMississippi RiverColorado1450 milesGulf of CalifomiaRed1290 milesMississippi RiverBrazos1280 milesGulf of MexicoColumbia1240 milesPacific Ocean65.Which is the longest US river? A. Missouri. B. Mississippi. C. Columbia. D. Yukon.66.Which river does NOT flow into the Gulf of Mexico? A. Mississippi. B. Rio Grande. C. Colorado.


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