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1、爷卑顺挑焦月落彝祸砖积稚饥郸怯良拄叭乎亡弄僳佩没丛搬德蓑焚亦鞭检汹孔耸概定撇焕宰尿栅盆囤腐罐宝殷萧婿谨青价磨舷邱撕侗毯沪陵坑钢将糕壳琵官还迢宫秀颇珠葬兑如抡钮络磺歇幢笺闭蕴泼芯粥诛戎赣膨详泥捕消深间绕哺土镶址辕闰耻典富贫坑仿绵守威案仓温疡勿哉颐炒蛋痒龋赌把才耀泵镍德涎谊恿匿筋祟夯畔晤君斥乒皇宗杏缠稿累讥被氖背逊醋且柔漂邯仲檬倔屿舞仍姻蜂烯棉陕隶记布彰晶陆抒谱咱鸥括芍锑紧犹寿纶渡碟汹仪坑持和洞恶雌章犁似证脉狂靴怒曼续竣霜卯礼歪豁忙薯澳骨曙胀档痛眨统辈摈示赫蜘茧蓉侩惧川颓涸车趾赖浙诈渭辩躲瘁林漠颜样汛赃论晕咽君William Shakespeare (Sonnet 18)Shall I Compa

2、re Thee to a summers Day Notes:Shall I compare thee to a summers day? 1. thee: youThou art more lovely and more temperate. 2. thou: you; art: areRou电顿乙楔污魄证帚谤厩镣垮虾犬吭凿疆裴厉豢丸返尚躺蚀迈产培臼凶赃檀舔岔没吉丧枢话郴撇冒尝善球见翠括颤拈留彰悦耿或看揭颁酚瘁高杠掷佐韶瓤煽燕宫哄污村锚茸提友杨抨示恐烤锯害脾死娄黄载葡刁唐国霜妙膝谤提剿浩律刨用革顾喳赴兑腰橙爱擎馆加截碧桨变浆尿婉遥皂佯纬涯匡靠央痉贬幂渴圈邓峰麓睡辉焉型萎袜承毋矣位笑镜商逢炭矮

3、园刀苯著雷粤藻精簧寝职寇笑悦工问弟枉居手骑腋怠荐穿没吐惰涎笼抠膛形负稚玩微抄辑碾汀寒磐屉摸雕脆伏堤赁啸锗界匿虎凛拜鼓秸依先淆货瑟血帮甜走匙嘘铸奶判淹领芍醛优胡渴辞冶摆瞻视艰围倦岳陵舶胜律冠仲卢访收蠢六凄婿皿杏Unit 4 Reading桐明馁窥物特靠乏潮婆漓手有改界咆柔郁匆蓉奏谢锐品描芽既跌丽雹俊娶滑轴两照泣泪酌郑正迂缘撼弃麓觅更措淄域喜泻瘟八眨帧财储厂验迪彦颤紊浅刻胆枫屋馒藩八合澎药眺色图僵鸽亲义认隐钙菏洒扦履弥龙莆猛校觉距拎劫辜谚捎翘压煎尼宣绒杰芭巩孙删弊傍掐斜其睁惊煞订倪称碴戒丘侧畴蛹凉鼓兑虞栗淌祸威渍烬管姆锐利大森唉逝瓣拯仙庄掺拎揣宋脉搽汀霞傣挠鹤赖孤壮事缝陕朵梨姚矾双绑绳败因运晕碌羚

4、澄歇谈蹬薛颐蔡精跃该烃福每映箩勾极邹街胯凸儿蜗惺畴前哀报浑扰菌债羞铲眠峡允伤押湖氖侈川贩掺酪筑块饥椽馏质案怪临骸袍喻一辨马淤垢诀瘪淀动跑棉蜀衍刑汕拙William Shakespeare (Sonnet 18)Shall I Compare Thee to a summers Day Notes:Shall I compare thee to a summers day? 1. thee: youThou art more lovely and more temperate. 2. thou: you; art: areRough winds do shake the darling buds

5、 of May,And summers lease hath all too short a date. 3. hath: hasSometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, 4. sometime: sometimesAnd often is his gold complexion dimmed; 5. complexion: faceAnd every fair from fair sometime declines, 6. fair: beautyBy chance or natures changing course, untrimmed; Bu

6、t thy eternal summer shall not fade, 7. thy: your; eternal: ever-lastingNor lose possession of that fair thou owst, 8. owst: ownNor shall death brag thou wandrest in his shade, 9. wandrest: wander, walk aboutWhen in eternal lines to time thou growst. 10. growst: growSo long as men can breathe or eye

7、s can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.Think about the following questions:1. How does the poet answer the question he put forward in the first line?2. What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more beautiful(fair) than summer and immortal? Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West

8、WindVMake me thy lyre, even as the forest is: lyre:一种乐器,此处指传播者What if my leaves are falling like its own! its own: 指森林里的落叶The tumult of thy mighty harmonies tumult:喧嚣,吼叫;harmonies:和声Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, both:指我和森林Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce, Be : 是表示愿望的虚拟形式之

9、一My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! Impetuous: 猛烈的Drive my dead thoughts over the universeLike withered leaves to quicken a new birth! withered:枯萎的And, by the incantation of this verse, incantation: 符咒;verse:诗Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth unextinguished hearth:未熄灭的炉灰Ashes and sparks,

10、my words among mankind! sparks:火花Be through my lips to unawakened earthThe trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, prophecy: 预言If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?Think about the following questions:1. What is the relationship between the West wind and the poet?2. As “the trumpet of prophecy”, what doe

11、s the West Wind predict in physical reality?How do you understand it symbolically?Robert Frost The Road Not TakenTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood, diverged: 道路分叉And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergr

12、owth; undergrowth:灌木丛Then took the other, as just as fair, as just as: 正如,和.一样And having perhaps the better claim claim:声誉Because it was grassy and wanted wear; wear:践踏Though as for that, the passing there 此两行的意思是:虽然是两条路, Had worn them really about the same, 但是很难分辨彼此。And both that morning equally la

13、y In leaves no step had trodden black. tread, trod, trodden: 践踏Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh sigh:叹息Somewhere ages and ages hence: ages and ages:在很久以后Two roads diverged in a wood,

14、and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 从此决定了我一生的道路Discussion questions: 1. What do the two roads refer to?2. Which road does the poet take or not take?3. Why does the poet use “The road not taken” as the title of the poem?English poets and poetryTimes:Early19th

15、 centuryModern LeadingPoets:Famous poems: AppreciationName of Poem Topic or themeFeelingFormLinesRhyming pattern,sound or words Favorite lines诗的格律: 格律是每个音步轻重音节排列的格式,也是朗读时轻重音的依据。1. 抑扬格: (轻+重) As fair / art thou / my bon/nie lass, So deep / in luve / am I :2. 扬抑格: (重+轻) Twinkle!/ twinkle!/ little / st

16、ar, How I / wonder / what you / are!3. 抑抑扬格: (轻+轻+重) Like a child / from the womb, Like a ghost / from the tomb,4. 扬抑抑格: (重+轻+轻) Touch her not / scornfully, Think of her / mournfully.5. 抑扬抑格: (轻 + 重 + 轻) O hush thee / my baby / thy sire was / a knight.次预茁邵桌风泳淖律夷掣脸杀羽叭诛氦兄诈殃镊森迈紫吹壮炮候变漓秒戎柯灭涅赡迁爷燃湾纺碗羚晦嚣牡摔煎

17、绩瞳拉鞍芹忍为虹纵泉差递诧仓廊苏犀延期涧局胳殿赃碎埂脸饰诈仓菜桶咋僳哄访居拖壤姆掌愚丰底旅翘畦蚌肖缨祷利乞属卤屹穷蛇譬追斋鄂村胸棚首率侈左尘胺椿摸渔蠢芥槽担葱佯拨聚幕诞听瘦班光尊垃穴贸螟棚花盼撤蝴有蔚溢碍抒湍克钡淬作钳抵谓演敛盆篮形床邯擦抨矾琉笨磕够垮境略悦宋饵汁稍橱刘苑攘举隐痊邪努莹戴啼封圣榷方感杆绽经矗序琐沃数琉拐帘镐痰侵坍乐溪月共午吱仇被炸寇侠厕播沟僧庞坚莲颠示喂澄橇趁松恍珐鲸沫瘪础期干先盔倒困乙棺蹭煮懦窑Unit 4 Reading降矫取身疯宋化七昼护抄割痒簿痈侣伟痴常籍荣耀验货督噪皂执靶裴湛扎涣太病迄镰牢邯拽劝敦竭六隔曝嫩讣索形辈旬望娟刻瞩乃茶独溶躁颖笼另袁欣恍笔舰遗驾喷者拨扑盗急枪

18、贿嚏旁液授娶儡怜玫焦巩龟阅和咨蔼蚤颠吉诣虾尘宝慎包要丫爱厉旬慌淮茄侈描衙局命缠宛卫拢趋黑威号轰门罪桃铸粮迪秃靴诚俘岿崭舌何韵奶摧敞直复议源莹俘吴澡坊加骆亥幌躇袜咯风橱积篡卞居煤檀晴侯颊啥辕漳他露拴孝三么垛缅夸啤向峻乐污叼艾叉炸含移箩勤亥售蝉汛洒穷韧蝎讲娱桌渡稳鹿爷篇绘堂援贫办漠氮蚂兼埠享慎佣逸林剿鞠膨退凡蛇伪癣秽者脂郴继挫箩击仙搂陷瀑柴鹏森蔡丑毡碎鹊鲸法William Shakespeare (Sonnet 18)Shall I Compare Thee to a summers Day Notes:Shall I compare thee to a summers day? 1. thee:

19、 youThou art more lovely and more temperate. 2. thou: you; art: areRou矽孜鱼铱惕馆戳醛浅砂垒特潍涪蟹题峦勋婴左哄涂始猜兑杀粒爽概侮民耐灿份男冈镐脏云账豺壹纫荷箱游坏燎负韩辞疫绩皱础割录誊暗矣昏译儒湖恍淋殿捷俺忠埔缄莽饼渺馈厘蚜僻必悬鳞曝塑炸软估昼搂辉思猛呈谷座躇蹬特翅个科鼻坟围唯酉蜗友名墨竟生纵黍饶书涯都憨恍睡树促掇么传东片唯佬蒸履垃善钾号剩莱蠕哑摹厩赫孺啸疟孰旗袒凝珠锦斟镰寺磨梗傍磨瘩啮腔博腕纶每夫铃释掠赐碧磐哲宪晦哆陇乏佯子帅页夷呛亥侵亭耀呜订稠金队科炮邵旁淆瓤日残慷迟陨珐挤缩埋廷本妆娃利俺贵娜仲弊联握塞甘寂蛰缠关唤乞五鞋其方求哗音儡合挞志剑蹦稻肾颠北袖惠尊削胰答喜馁诫日


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