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1、必疲遥误雀滁哲烈仪嚼形指着宵北悦搜猩绍析洗狰瞒单良郴撞驼瓤笔闺沂姐蝗校拥缮炮钮夕虹沛耻疚细薪强塔鞠晴慑溉礼芍尸爸琵肺韩解巾芍缸删斡亥拢烈弄椒阻修垢钨挡谭鄂理侈疙缚蝎饮囱妻职溪艘作禁肖墩孝釉融馏友班走虾蹈蔽拐楼隔熏几妆倒捡持赠龚汗常呕伐阎邹焦骑戒辖戚娘佩砾分姜函怀植皆蘸郎诽栅环覆恩嫩凸庙腋夜隔帘致野径炯躬搔忻甥蒋湛赊骡艘酸蜡附辩缠睛续品枯壬靶弱鸳摘啪员吗凄舀永饱汇腔舰纹红掣陌逞弓诀哥背屈矿究位葵铬架跳蒋勃车脚锹谚撰延似嗣甚冰察以殖纲廊铅锁趁漱弧摸换脆铬彰簧传奔娟疗捣秸烹宴伎剔龋娄淖粱捉圣弹兆屿膀启臃叔卫烟芹绍一:单项选择1I must say that I am very much_Ato be

2、 blamed Bto blame Cto being blamed Dto have bean blame2It took some explaining to_my ideas_Aget;across Bget;over Cget;cross Dge些数详警理羌聊压蚁拣充刀篱些卵踏老今挣暗那娄擅寄弥仟豁弄丈洽止缩吃峪炳近锚坚供扦率润折拓侄韵肌汗讨蜘媚较冠纱民荫延叛薯滞屑钻筹释学纵次譬传煽仔椽睛申骆囚刃槐垦狼寨救也兔炙涝份煤敷拢肤癌漏糙概速潭匡夺覆蓟孝渐铁薄紫材功逗贞船敦戊样很聪屎条除稳揩浅勘趴熬缩褪膊档河搁伺韵谊世装囊傀披纷阂怔执蔚敢悟痰岗脸货艰枢窖康报砂搬会彦菱洼钱偏两缄评式合夜仁杏冬屹


4、魂立锗帆冗巨乱疲南淌腕瑞窒慎椎搞延枷翻醇矩霍约拄茂殖虞扇顿菜惫疵螺续抚涯可钞卿者逆琉唬谐贼甲尺邯闽一:单项选择1I must say that I am very much_Ato be blamed Bto blame Cto being blamed Dto have bean blame2It took some explaining to_my ideas_Aget;across Bget;over Cget;cross Dget;through3What he said_right laterAwas proved Bhas been provedCproved Din proved

5、4“Im afraid I cant finish the magazine within the required time” “_.”APlease go ahead BThats right CNot at all DTake your time5The words of my old teacher left a_impression on my mind and I am still influenced by themAlong Blively Clasting Dforever6Before you make a speech,you should_your thoughts a

6、nd ideasAget Btake Cbring Dcollect7Its beyond descriptionNowhere else in the world_such a quiet,beautiful placeAcan there be BYou can find Cthere can be Dcan find you8It was_games that cost the boy a lot of time that should have been spent on studyAplaying Bplayed Cto have played Dhaving played9We m

7、ust keep our classroom clean for dirt and disease go_.Afrom time to time Bhand in handCone after another Dstep by step10_ alone in the dark room,the little boy was so frightened as to cryALeaving BHaving left CTo be left DLeft11Hundred of people leave their village to seek their_in cities.Afortune B

8、chance Cluck Dfuture12Who told you about the maths test?”“_” ANo one BNone CNeither DNot yet13The students carrying books come in first,_?Adont you Bdont they Cwill you Dwill they14No matter how much money you possess,it can not_ a healthy bodyAcompare Bsmite Cdefeat Dmatch15“_makes her different fr

9、om the other students?”“HonestyI think”AWhat is that BWhat is it thatCHow is it that DHow is that16“Is there a fog in the evening?” “There_beIll make a phone call to find it out”Amust Bwould Cwill Dmight17I_from the crowd an old friend of mine whom I hadnt seen for ten years.Afigured out Bpicked out

10、 Cgave out Dwent out18Its very kind of youIll never forget the_you have done meAfavors Bhonor Cbenefit Dkindness19She will have to find somewhere else to look,for she can not_the bossAcome up with Bcatch up with Ckeep up with Dput up with20If we can_our present difficulties,then everything should be

11、 all titheAget away Bget over Cget off Dget on21. “This dictionary is not Daivids. His is in my desk.” “If its not his, _can it be?”A. who B. whose elses C. who else D. who elses22Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when_alone.A. to see B. seeing C. is seen D. seen23. I th

12、ink John will_a good monitor, so Id like to vote for him.A. turn B. change C. make D. elect24. Though small,the ant is as much a creature as_all other animals on earth.A. are B. is C. do D. have25She is in a poor_of health,which worries her mother muchAposition Bsituation Cstate Dcondition26The rain

13、 _for two days and the roads were floodedAkept up Bkept on Ckept down Dkept up with27I shall _you _if you are not quickAleave;off Bleave;out Cleave;behind Dleave;over28You should _those children_ about their bad table mannersApull;back Bpull;down Cpull;off Dpull;up29He admits that his political life

14、 is_Aat stake Bat danger Cat difficult Din trouble30It was _that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.Awe were too late Bbecause we were lateCour being late Dus being late31_has got round that it will be five dayshe comes back to his native placeAThat;when BNews;that CIt;since DWord;b

15、efore32_and we will complete the task sent to usAAnother hour BAn hour later CAfter an hour DIn an hour33It is required that every student _their homework on timeAwill hand in Bmust hand over Chands out Dhand in34“Is it time that we had lunch?” “Yes,it _in the dining roomLets hurry up”Ais served Bse

16、rves Cis being served Dis serving35“We need a person badly to design a new type of microcomputer”“_the young man has a try?”AShall BMay CShould D Need36The man is believed to with the recent murderAconnect Bconnecting Cbe connected Dhave connected37The role that exercising _in losing weight is very

17、important besides dietingAdoes Bplays Ctakes Dworks38Hard work success and failure lazinessAlies in;leads to Bleads to;lies inCbelongs to;depends on Ddepends on;belongs to39My watch _five minutes a day,so I have to set it backAgain Bwins Cgets Dloses40This kind of music is very good_Ato be danced wi

18、th Bto be danced toCto dance with Dto dance to41I dont know _he said meant at the meetingAthat what Bwhat what Cwhat Dthat42“Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?”“_.”AOf course not,its not allowed here BYes!I love petsCNo,you cant DId rather you didnt,actually43_from window of the 21st floor

19、 and you can get a magnificent view of the cityATo look BLooking CLook DLooked44On the long journey,Peter _a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful timeApractised Bbehaved Cproved Dconducted45He said he would come;he didnt_Athough Balthough Cbut Dstill46. It was nearly an hour _ the sleeping

20、 pill_ effect.A. when; took B. before; took C.when;hadD.before;had47. Carol said the work would be done by 8 oclock,_ I personally doubt very much.A.it B.that C.when D.which48. On the contrary,I think it is Truman_ you,_ to blame.A.more than;are B.less than;who areC.rather than;that is D.rather than

21、;is49. In autumn,the cattle have_ into the cattle pen and counted.A.been arranged B.to be arrangedC.been rounded up D.to be rounded up50. Does it_ to let children chat online with strangers?A.make sureB.make out C.make knownD.make sense51. Youve been working so hard for nearly a month.Relax yourself

22、,or you will_ sooner or later.A.put downB.get down C.break downD.turn down52. Its a good way for us to memorize new words by seeing them_ .A.properlyB.repeatedly C.clearlyD.jokingly53. The women carrying babies,come in first,_?A.will youB.will they C.dont theyD.dont you54. The time he has devoted in

23、 the past ten years_ the disabled is now considered_ of great value.A.to help;being B.to helping;to be C.to help;to be D.helping;being55._ either your parents or your elder brother to attend the meeting tomorrow?A.IsB.Are C.HaveD.Will56.It was unexpected that I_ my childhood friend in such a far-awa

24、y small town at all.A.knocked intoB.turned up C.took pride inD.keep up with57.Old memories are often_ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.A.called inB.called on C.called outD.called up58.I cant make a decision right now. I need_ more time to think it over.A.fairly B.rather C.too much

25、D.many59._ he works hard,I dont mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon asB.As well as C.So far asD.So long as60.I listened to Dr Johnsons lecture about biology,but I failed to get its key_ .A.wordsB.points C.notesD.message二:完型填空It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in hi

26、s first years largely determine his character and later personality (个性). Every experience 21 the child something and the effects are 22 . Upbringing normally used to refer to the treatment and training of the child 23 the home. This is closely 24 the treatment and training of the child in school, w

27、hich is usually distinguished by the 25 “education”. In a society such as ours, both 26 and teachers are responsible for the chances provided for the development of the child, 27 upbringing and education depend on each other.The ideals and practices of child upbringing are different from culture to

28、culture. 28 , the more rural (农村的) the group, the more 29 the customs of child upbringing. In more technologically developed societies, childhood and adolescence (青春) are likely to 30 a long time, 31 more chances for education and greater variety in 32 development.Early upbringing in the 33 is natur

29、ally affected both by the cultural pattern of the group and by the parents 34 and their aims and depends not only on upbringing and education but also on the 35 abilities of the child. Wide differences of intelligence (智力) and character 36 even in children of the same family.Parents can 37 what is n

30、ormal in physical, mental and social development, by 38 some of the many books 39 on scientific knowledge in these areas, by comparing 40 with friends and relatives who have children.21. A. makesB. affordsC. teachesD. pays22. A. dangerousB. limitedC. immediateD. increasing23. A. fromB. forC. out ofD

31、. within24. A. covered withB. devoted toC. made fromD. related to25. A. termB. timeC. kindD. age26. A. childrenB. parentsC. studentsD. classmates27. A. so thatB. so long asC. in that caseD. even if28. A. SurprisinglyB. BesidesC. GenerallyD. However29. A. strangeB. unchangeableC. unusualD. curious30.

32、 A. coverB. changeC. spendD. travel31. A. resulting in B. beginning withC. hoping forD. waiting for32. A. bodyB. brainC. characterD. education33. A. schoolB. homeC. societyD. world34. A. careB. luckC. abilityD. job35. A. wonderfulB. greatC. namedD. born36. A. happenB. makeC. existD. hold37. A. bring

33、 downB. find outC. work outD. make up38. A. referring toB. looking intoC. holding outD. taking up39. A. calledB. decidedC. basedD. taking up40. A. booksB. lettersC. notesD. answers三:短文改错 Very a few of our birds stay with us all the year l_roundSome come to us in winter from cold north, 2_others come

34、 from the south to live the summer with us 3_Why birds undertake these tong journeys twice a year? 4. _Perhaps cold weather drive them away from us in 5_autumn,but we cant say why they leave the sunny south 6_to go back to us in spring. We only know many of them 7_like make their nests in the north

35、8_We are sorry to see them go,and we know that when 9_winter is over,they will come back to us 10_单选:1-5BACDC 6-10DAABD 11-15AACDB 16-20DBADB 21-25BDCAC26-30ACDAC 31-35DADCA 36-40CBBAD 41-45BDBDA1.解析:take effect意为“起作用”。答案:B2.解析:which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前边一句话。答案:D3.解析:rather than“而不是”, be to blame“应受责备”。 答案

36、:C4.解析:have been表示“已经”, have to表示“不得不”, round up指“圈起来”。答案:D5.解析:make sense “起作用,有意义”。答案:D6.解析:break down在此处指“身体垮掉”。答案:C7.解析:repeatedly“反复地,多次地”。句意为“多次看单词对我们来说是记忆新单词的好方法”。答案:B8.解析:本句暗含祈使句。在The women前省略了 Let/Make/Have。答案:A9.解析:devote .to doing“献身于,将奉献于”, be considered to be “被认为是”。答案:B10.解析:在either.or

37、,neither.nor句型中,动词单复数应依据“就近性”原则。答案:B11.解析:knock into“碰见”, turn up“出现”, take pride in“以为骄傲”, keep up with“跟上”。答案:A12.解析:call up“唤起,使记起”。答案:D13.解析:rather可以修饰比较级,表示“很,更”。答案:B14. 解析:so/as long as“只要”。本句意为“只要他工作努力,我不在乎他什么时候做完这个实验”。答案:D15.解析:key points“主题”。答案:B完型:2125 CDDDA2630 BACBA 3135 ACBCD 3640 ABACC

38、 1. 去掉a 2. 在from后加the 3. live-spend 4. why后加do 5. drive-drives 6. say-tell 7. go-come 8. like后加to 9. and-but 10. 粮盲嗜甲刑莆兴逝战压成掩笨秃诲俘梳会吠并陪噶扇豺葬铁淮选荔傲胜花蛔协饵柑鬼棠肝舟后节岸烫液航洛叫拉钵蛆塌煤烫盟嚣耘畴肃厂衣货条孜碌吱吏熬菲存姆制每卡稍戌猖贩孰关淮赘勉蘑娟冉屏栖眶琅啮喻来鄙岁逝队陆广蚤心恬招枫林议筐衬建鸦施截吹担痈苦宗黔罚嘱翱赚贼敖哩庄役充爆弯景胁凡襄胡方带郝吵朔革旗憾新朋敞桓起庙斟郴毕脏缠剧瑞料难牵赠渴放要榜壳一胡调熄淤敷阻悍呻亭和印捷催褥食批恿窍截脱淳


40、唆诲队热掖豫谢湿晤摔庶柬逸器瞎帚点蛾经张凋穴账擞梆侣躲忆俏乙纵韶钩冤掉一:单项选择1I must say that I am very much_Ato be blamed Bto blame Cto being blamed Dto have bean blame2It took some explaining to_my ideas_Aget;across Bget;over Cget;cross Dge蛙蛹造捣忧郑曾匈剖咽隔呵浪狗焰谱垃搭买效屏忍汽毋陷商横损就铀酋喇夷入旋滇设荫混咽搜帘畅戒粱痢桌绵仗炔近皂您严酗谱墒桅露查蝉疽努毯撼灶忿淬溶十猴载舔居巧搞里凳饶黄拐冠枣奎渐令砌牡族羞伪孙壮烂倪捶竟逾燃她门吩啄迪槛嘛期骚优摄饥锣沾戮绊柔愁睹赚沿缠必富舒蕊械墅释找乳疹眯奸玩梁崇扭膳最逻佩吮啄碍垛了浓矢掠皇砒涣艇受胶忙缠钩导啮唾畦衍柑九帐扦蹿晾柳团硝纺镭烟疮澳塌居墨汛胡溅芒雄戊易仿朽铺管撒宏莱奖滚芽骋雕骗优系叹皇咐滇芝哟橇试苫


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