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1、2015-2016学年南京市旭东中学七年级(下)英语期末模拟测试卷(二) 班级 姓名 一、单选题( )1. 1. Jim is _ 11-year-old boy, but he plays _ tennis quite well. A. an; the B. an; / C. a; the D. a; /( )2. You look so tired. Why not_ a rest?A. to stop to have B. stop to have C. to stop having D. stop having( )3. The old man sleep _ his windows

2、_.A. with, opened B. without, open C. with, close D. with, closed( )4. May I have a look at your Chinese book, Millie?Im sorry. I _ it at home. You can ask Tom for help.A forget B forgot C leave D left( )5. The exam is very easy. but I dont think _ can pass it.A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. so

3、mebody( )6. When the light is red, you cross the road. You wait for the green light. A. can; must B. can; must not C. cant; must D. cant; must not( ) 7. Her story sounds _. I want to listen to it once more. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly( ) 8. Excuse me, _? -Youre right. You neednt take a bus there

4、. A. where is the hospital B. is there a hospital nearby C. how can I get tot the hospital D. is the hospital very far( )9. He often helps her _ the room. A. cleans B. clean C. cleaning D. to cleans( )10. A college student _ my maths problems this evening.A. will help him with B. is going to help C.

5、 is going to help me with D. will help me on( )11. Simon is looking forward to _ the football match between Spain and Brazil on TV this evening. A. watch B. watching C. will watch D. watches( )12. can we go to the theme park tomorrow, Jack? Sorry, I wont go with you. My father will drive me there. A

6、. Who B. How C. When D. Where ( )13. Goldfish dont know _ to them three seconds ago. A. what happens B. what is happening C. what did happenedD. what happened( )14.You look excited. What happened? I saw a rabbit and ran _ the field after it. A. throughB. crossC. across D. crossing ( )15.Excuse me. I

7、s the shop open all day? _. Only from 8 am to 9 pm. A. Yes, of course B. Thats right C. Sorry, Im not sure D. Sorry, Im afraid not( )16. Remember to bring your homework here, Tom. OK, _. A. I dont B. I wont C. I will D. I do( )17. _! I would like to eat some more. A. What delicious fish B. What a de

8、licious fish C. How delicious fish D. How a delicious fish( )18.That song sounds_. I want to listen to it again. A. well B. good C. bad D. badly( )19._enjoy Beijing Opera with us? Good idea. A. Why dont B. What about C. Why not D. Would you like( )20.Thank you for your help. _. A. Thats great B. Im

9、afraid not C. Youre right D. Youre welcome 二、完形填空 I love learning English because its very important language. People in many counties all over the world_1_it.For example, if you want to find a nice_2_,you may need to be good at English,and_3_you surf on the Internet, youll see many interesting_4_us

10、eful things in English. If you dont know them, then youll have to _5_ a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary. So we_6_try harder to learn English and improve our English. Now, Im a middle school student. I try to _7_ many newspaper or magazines in English every day. In fact, learning

11、 English is lots of fun.Its_8_learning Chinese. Just open your mouth and say_9_in English or read English stories. All in all, its _10_for everyone to learn English1.A.use B. speak C. like D. teach2.A.work B. story C. job D. teacher3.A.as B. when C. before D. though4.A.with B. but C. so D. or5.A.spe

12、nd B. take C. pay D. cost6.A.must B. could C. can D. need7.A.watch B. read C. see D. look8.A.for B. in C. at D. like9.A.everything B. nothing C. anything D. something10.A.diffcult B. interesting C. useful D. hard三、阅读理解 A Mary knew she was different from other children and she didnt like it. She was

13、born with a cleft palate(腭裂) and some naughty children often laughed at her. She thought no one outside her family could ever love her until she went to Mrs. Leonards class. Mrs. Leonards had a warm smile and everyone in her class liked her. In the 1950s, teachers in Mrs. Leonards school would give

14、their children an unusual hearing test once a year. In the test, a child would walk to the classroom door, turn around, cover one ear with one hand, and then repeated something that the teacher whispered. However, there was something wrong with one of Marys ears. So when Mary had to take the test, s

15、he would turn her good ear towards her teacher and covered her bad ear. She knew that teachers would often say things like, The sky is blue, or What color are your shoes? But that day Mrs. Leonards words changed (改变) Marys life forever(永远) When the whisper test came, Mary heard the words: I wish you

16、 were my little girl.1. Who was Mrs. Leonards? A. Marys sister B. Marys friend C. Marys mother D. Marys teacher2. How often did the teacher give their students a whisper test? A. Every year B. Every month C. Every week D. Every day3. Why did Mary think she was different from other children? A. Becau

17、se she was clever. B. Because she studied hard. C. Because only her parents loved her. D. Because she had a cleft palate.BIn learning English, one should first pay attention to(注意)listening and speaking. It is the groundwork of reading and writing. Youd better try your best to speak while you do muc

18、h listening. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Be careful not to let them stop you from improving your English. While you are doing this, a good way is to writekeep a diary, write notes or letters; then if you can, ask some people to go through what you have written and tell you what youve done wro

19、ng. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily pointed out in your writing. Through correcting the mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, dont worry. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose something i

20、nteresting to read. It mustnt be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, dont stop to look up the words if you can guess their meanings. When they have nothing important to do with the sentence, you can do that some other time.( )4. The underlined word “groundwork” means _ in Chines

21、e.A.地上工作 B.低级工作 C.基础 D.地平线( )5. When you do much listening,_ .A. you shouldnt write anything B. you should not make mistakesC. you can stop to look up new words D. you should try your best to speak( )6. _ is a helpful way to improve your speaking.A. Reading aloud or to yourself B. Reading something

22、very difficultC. Looking up new words D. Guessing the new words meanings( )7. Which of the following is wrong?A. We can read something interesting to improve our speaking skill.B. We can write notes or letters to improve our English.C. We neednt correct the mistakes while writing.D. While reading, w

23、e should not stop to look up new words.C You may know the song “Happy Birthday” very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that. When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friends birthday party. She was pleas

24、ed but sad because she didnt have enough money to buy a gift for her. “The party is coming soon, but now I have little money.” Tears ran down her face. Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in.“ What happened? ” her grandma asked. Hearing

25、the girls story, she said, “Dont worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to ”What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party. When she sang the song

26、at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “How wonderfully you sing! We havent heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became famous in America.( )8. The girl was sad because _.A

27、. she didnt want to go to the party. B. she would be busy that day.C. she didnt have enough money to buy a gift. D. she wasnt invited to the party.( )9. What gift did she give her friend? A. A flower. B. A toy. C. An interesting book. D. A song.( )10. What did her friends think of the song? It was_

28、.A. boring B. beautiful C. exciting D. interesting( )11. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The girl was still poor after writing the song .B. The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream.C. The girls friends heard the song before.D. The girl became famous because of the song. D I went home o

29、ne Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son Nick came over and asked me to write something on a piece of paper to make a sign for him. What for? I asked. Im going to sell some of my stones, he answered. Ni

30、ck was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones from all over. Im too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help. I said. A short time later, Nick returned with a sign, reading. Stones. One Dollar Each. He took the sign, a small chair and 4 0f his best stones and walked to the

31、 road in front of our garden. There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair. After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to him and asked him to go back, but he didnt. Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up. A woman r

32、olled down(摇下) a window and read the sign. I couldnt hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the driver and the man reach for his pocket. I sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted. I told you I could sell one stone for a dollar if you believe in yourself, you can do an

33、ything.12. Why didnt the writer help his son?A. Because his wife is better at making a sign. B. Because he didnt know what to write.C. Because he was busy sweeping leaves. D. Because he didnt want his son to sell the stones.13. The underlined words was fascinated with mean _. A. was far from B. was

34、afraid of C. was famous for D. was interested in14. Nick was a boy_. A. who was kind B. who had a strong mind C who was honest(诚实的) Dwho had many hobbies15. From the passage we know_. A. the story happened in spring B. the car was driven by a woman C. Nick spent half an hour selling one stone D. the

35、 writer might be moved(感动)by his son四、词汇运用 A)根据句意,用括号中所给汉语填空:1. Will you go on a trip during the National Day holiday? Yes. But Im _(琢磨)where to go?2. When he went _(穿过)the forest, he felt very afraid.3. The box is not big, but its very heavy. Why? Because its (满的)of books.4. The little boy is too s

36、hort to_(伸手够到)the book on the shelf.5. _(突然), they heard a strange whisper from the bushes.B)根据句意,用括号中所给词填空:6. I noticed a bird_(hit)the tall tree just now.7. Nobody knows what _(happen)in 20 years.8. When the girl woke up, she found_(she)under a big tree.9. Tom _(fly)a kite after he read a story.10

37、. It is _(surprise)to find there are seven bones in giraffes necks.11. We cant be good at our lessons _(with)our teachers hard work.12. We will go on a trip if it_ next week.(not rain)13. The tower was built in the _(19)century.14. My classmates all look forward to _(enter)the theater.15. Alice deci

38、ded _(jog)in the garden.五、翻译句子 1.我想要一个人来教我学好英语。 _2.丹尼尔总是先想到别人,而不是自己。 _3.这男孩太矮了,够不着桌上的苹果。 _4. 请阻止那些人把水浇在地板上。 _5.二年前我不会开车,但现在我能够开得很好了。 _六、任务型阅读 阅读短文,完成表格,每空一词。 The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose carefully the places to see and the time to go. Bring a good map because you may want to go

39、around.New York and Washington D.C. are good places to visit in May or October. Its not too hot then. In winter theres a lot of snow.The best plan is to arrive in New England in September. The weather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour. Its a good idea to bring your camera bec

40、ause you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.4,000 kilometres away in Los Angeles, California, the weather is fine all year. Its nice to see the Sun in December! Bring your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea.In the northwest, it isnt very cold, but theres a lot of rain, so b

41、ring an umbrella. Its nice to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. So dont forget to wear some warm clothes. But dont come in winter. Itll be dark all day and very cold.In Texas and the southeast, there are many big rains from time to time in summer and autumn. Its us

42、ually very hot and sunny.So whens the best time to visit the USA? Any time you like!Whens the best time to visit the USAThe USA is so 1 that you should choose carefully the places to see and the time to go.PlacesBest time to visit 2 Suggestions(建议)New York and Washington D.C.In May or OctoberIts not too hot then. In winter it 3 _ a lot./New England In SeptemberIt start


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