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1、(三)句子巩固7A Units1-81. The jeans look quits nice . May I _(试穿)?2. Eating too many sweets_(对你的牙齿有害).3. At weekends, Millie often _(带领我们参观)her school.4. It takes him about twenty minutes _(步行去上学)every day.5. Its very important _(远离电脑游戏).6.We _(练习打排球)every Tuesday afternoon.7. It is very kind of you_(把我叫

2、醒)in the morning.8. They are busy_(帮助我为做准备)match these days.9. We all hope the “Chinese Dream” _(会成真).10. You need_(少吃和多运动) if you want to _ (保持健康)8AUnits1-21. We shouldnt _(说任何人的坏话).2. Amy jumps _(最远) of the three girls.3. Mark looks smart and _(很有幽默感).4. Benny is _(一个诚实的男孩)and he never tells lies.

3、5. He wants to be as popular as Liu Xiang when he _(长大) .6. Which sport is_( 最危险的), swimming, skiing or skating?7. I think you will be an_worker.(一位优秀的社会工作者).8. Nancy _(花更多的空余时间做)homework last term.9. I think this journey is _(最愉快的经历).10. May _(继续用英语写)about her daily life .8AUnits3-41. My father ask

4、ed me to come back from school _ (尽快) after school.2. Yesterday Mr. Zhang _(邀请我们参加)their Summer camp to Gui Lin.3. The children _(玩得很愉快) yesterday in the birthday party.4. When I knew I scored the most points in our class, I_(不能相信自己的耳朵). 5. They_(正准备) the exam tomorrow.6. They are trying _(把自己拉上去) o

5、n the rock.7. Youd better _(不要上学迟到).8. Lots of things _(弄错了)when I made a card for my Mum. 9. Although Maths is difficult for me, I _(决定不放弃)。 10. You look very tired. You _(最好停下来休息一下) 11.Are Sandwiches _(做起来容易、快捷吗) ?10.He once made a mistake and made his room_(充满了水)。8AUnits5-61. Zhalong nature reser

6、ve _(覆盖面积)more than 210,000 hectares(公顷).2. If a bear _ (处于危险之中), it will attack people.3. I think everybody _(应该行动起来保护野生动物).4. Its easy _(迷路) if you go to a strange place.5. In one word, we must _ (尽力) to do the job.6. Does eating too much sugar make it _(使我们更容易变胖)?7. _ (的数量) the cars in our city i

7、s becoming_(越来越多).8 .About two-thirds of the earth _(被水覆盖).9. Our teacher asks us _ (不要随意丢垃圾) in the park . 10. 8AUnits7-81. We throw snowballs at each other,_(尖叫着,大笑着). 2. Can you speak a bit louder? The wind _(正刮得厉害).3. Mum_(正在为我做早饭)when I woke up this morning.4.It_(对我们是有帮助的) to choose public tran

8、sport to change the traffic jam.5. 你们教室多久打扫一次? 一天两次。 _ your classroom cleaned? _.6._(减少水污染)is our duty. Lets start from little things.7. When the earthquake happened, people were _ (四处奔跑) .8. The students looked at each other (恐惧地 because of the thunder and lighting.9. A good idea (掠过脑海)but I said n

9、othing with others.10. As I _(尽力去寻找出路时), I suddenly heard some noise above me.11. The typhoon in Thailand (夺取数以千计人得生命)8BUnits1-21. This film helps you _.(更多了解中国的过去和现在)2. People _(过去骑自行车上班).3. Shenzhen _(已经变成) a modern city.4. My wife and I _(结婚)in 1965 and we have been happy since then.5. 乘飞机到成都花多少时

10、间-_does it take _to Chengdu? 6. This small fish_ (死了)since two hours ago.7. 这本书我借了一周了。I _the book for a week.8. 电影已经开始五分钟了。The film _since five minutes ago.9. 自从上周起,吉姆就离开了家。Jim _since last week.10.我们乘地铁到达公园。 We _the park _.11.Millie_(去长城了).She _(去过两回了).8BUnits3-41. Have you ever _ (听说) the song “Mem

11、ory”? 2. Sanya is _(在南端)Hainan Province.3. I usually use my computer _(收发邮件).4. Millie 的裤子和我的颜色一样。Millies trousers are_.5. 李雷不知道怎样在网上续借书。你能给他一些建议吗? LiLei doesnt know_.Can you _?6. 这个女孩拒绝向她的父母要钱。This girl _ money. 7. 你不需要把这个句子翻译成法语。You_this sentence _. 8. Im still not sure _(写什么) in this report. 9. T

12、hey couldnt understand me, I _(也不知道说什么)8BUnits5-61.You need to_(在图书馆保持安静)。2.Its rude (到处扔垃圾).3.In order to (成功),you should (练习说英语)every day.4. (正确方式是什么)to start a conversation?5. Its kind of you _ (向我们伸出援助之手).6. They decided _(放弃)their spare time for this coming exams. 7. Hard work helps us _(实现我们的梦

13、想).8BUnits7-81. As a volunteer doctor, I _(很自豪帮助人们改善他们的生活).2. Dr. Ma has _(给.动手术)150 patients since last week.3. UNICEF _(为.提供基础教育)children in poor areas.4. -_(你能付得起.) travel around the world? - Of course not.5. I am _(太虚弱了走不远). I want to have a rest.6.父母的言行将对孩子产生影响。What parents say and do will _ to

14、 the children.7.这些新型能源成本低廉而且用之不尽。These new types of energy _and will never _.8. 我们的环境变得越来越糟糕,所以是我们行动起来保护环境的时候了。Our environment is _,so its time for us to go green.9.空气污染对我们的健康有害。Air pollution _ our health.9AUnits1-2 1. Grade Eight _(被分成) 12 classes.2. David is imaginative enough _(想出主意)new ideas.3.

15、_(你跟别人分享的越多), the more you get.4. I believe more and more people will_(放弃吸烟) because its not allowed in public.5. After that, her teacher _(更多地关注) her.6. Lei Feng _(把他自己致力于帮助人们)all his life. 7. The experienced actress is so modest _(从来不炫耀).8. Do you know _(彩虹中有多少颜色)?9. Yellow can _(使你想起)a warm, sunn

16、y day.10. Sandy is wondering _(是否白色衣服适合她).11. Do you know _( 颜色和我们的心情有关吗)?12. Amy is asking _(这个运动包是否是棉质的).9AUnits3-4 1. You can _ only if youre modest(取得巨大进步).2. Jack has difficulty _(处理) this problem.3. We all thought his new book _(值得一读).4. Many children _ like skating(像我这么大).5. He will call me _

17、(一到机场就).6. I dont know _(怎样获得成功).7. _(把烦恼憋在心里 ) will make it worse.8. Our English teacher _(在作业上对我要求严格).9. I look forward to _(收到的来信) my parents.10. Everybody shouldnt _(轻易改变主意).11. You had better _your bike_(修好你的自行车) and its too dangerous12. Many of her relatives _(死于 ) the earthquake in 200813. Af

18、ter the war _(爆发), lots of people joined the army.14. We can learn about the world _(通过互联网).15. _(当我在看电视的时候),I received a call from my father.16. Tom _(成功计算出) this problem.9AUnits 5-6 1. I was _(上气不接下气) because of running for the bus.2. The teacher asked the students to _(编对话).3. The food is delicio

19、us, and it has _(强烈的地方特色).4. The teacher _(高度表扬了) those students who helped each other.5. President Xi is _ now(给获奖者颁发奖杯).6. He is _(因为作曲而出名).7. Mr Green was praised _(由于他伟大的成就) in this field.8. We can _(近距离观察) birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve.9. The show _(现场直播) last night.10. He wont pass the drivi

20、ng test unless _(多加练习).11. When the police went into the house, the man was _(被发现死了)12. If you arent a basketball fan ,you will_(发现这个节目有点无聊).9AUnits 7 -8 1. This film is _(老少皆宜).2. In the play, he _(扮演的角色) a great man.3. Its a story about a girl who _(坠入爱河)a boy.4. That ping-pong club _(被建立)last yea

21、r.5. Yesterday we went to the park _(而没有)going to the cinema.6. Mr Su asked his students to _(与紧密合作)their classmates.7. Linda told me that she _the book for two weeks(已经买了).8. My sister _(被选为) the monitor last week.9.He_(被指控强行进入) the house.10. He fell down the tree and _(流血致死).11. It turned out that that man _(与这个案子没有关系).12. With the help of his teacher, Tom _(相处得很好)his new classmates.13. The traffic accident _ (发生在一个下雪的早晨).14. That young man _ (最后被看见离开)his office at 6 p.m.8


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