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1、下学期高一英语期中模拟试题04第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)1. We have every reason to believe that _ 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be _ success. A. /; a B. the; / C. the; aD. a; a 2. Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel I need Athem Bone Csome Dfew 3. Why didnt you come t

2、o the cinema with us last Saturday? Oh,sorryBut I the film Asee Bsaw Chave seen Dhad seen4. As we all know, _ medcial examination will help out health problem as early as possible. A. regular B. general C. common D. normal5. The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they win the championshi

3、p A.should B. might C. would D. could6. Students should respect teachers and parents _ just thinking for themselves. Abeyond Bbesides CexceptDinstead of 7. With the speedup of the railway, now you can get to your destination by train. Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dthe fastest8. Private cars are required t

4、o take turns off roads one out of five weekdays _the traffic pressure.A.relieve(缓解) relieve C. relieving D. relieved9. Learning foreign languages calls for your memory,time,patience and emotions._,it is not a simple thing. A. As a result B. In conclusion C. In general D. After all10. I am going

5、 to be a volunteer at the Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou this November ! Me, too.A. Thats itB. Good luck C. No problemD. Thats great第2节 :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)As a young man, Al was a skilled artistHe had a wife and two fine sonsOne night, his oldest son developed a serious stomachacheThinki

6、ng it was only some 11 intestinal (肠内的)disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriouslyBut the boy 12 suddenly that nightKnowing the death could have been 13 if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, Als emotional health became worse under the huge burden(重负) of hi

7、s 14 .To make matters worse his wife 15 him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger sonThe hurt and pain of the two 16 were more than Al could handle, and he 17 to alcohol(烈酒)In time Al became an alcoholic.18_ the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he 19 h

8、is home, his land, his art objects, everything20 Al died alone in a San Francisco motel roomWhen I heard of Als death, I thought that Als life was a complete 21 As time went by, I began to reconsider my earlier judgmentI knew Als now 22 son, ErnieHe is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving me

9、n I have ever knownI watched Ernie with his children and saw the free 23 of love between themI knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhereI hadnt heard Ernie talk much about his 24_One day I worked _25 my courage to ask himIm really 26_ by something, I saidI know your father was 27 _ th

10、e only one to raise youWhat on earth did he do that you became such a special person?Ernie sat quietly and _28_ for a few momentsThen he said, From my earliest _29 as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, I love you, son Tears came to my eyes as

11、I realized what a fool I had been to _30_ Al as a failureHe had not left any material possessions behindBut he had been a kind loving father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known11Acertain Bcommon Crare Dbasic12Adead Bpassed away Cstarved Dworsened13Acured Bprevent

12、ed Cforbidden Dsaved14Adisease Bdebt Cguilt Dduty15Aleft Bscolded CquarreledDforgave16Adisasters Badventures CconflictsDsituations17Agot Bdrank Cturned Dsank18AAs BThough CBecauseDIf19Aneeded Bshared Cbenefited Downed20AEventually BGradually CTherefore DMeanwhile21Atrouble Bhardship Cfailure Dwaste2

13、2Ateen Badult Cold Dadolescent23Awin Bfall Cspace Dflow24Amother Bbrother Cfather Dchild25Aup Bwith Con Dthrough26Aworried Bpuzzled Cinterested Dattracted27Aespecially Bbasically Chardly Dspecially28Aargued Bsearched Canalyzed Dthought29Athoughts Bideas Cminds Dmemories30Atreat Bcall Cjudge Dfeel第二部

14、分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWhen Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York, on April 15, 1947, he changed baseball forever. As the first African American to play in the Major League in modern times, many believe he changed the country forever. Robinson was born in

15、 1919. He lived in a time when rules controlled what African Americans could do. He was a top athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball. But playing for a major League team was off limits to Robinson because of his race. It wasnt easy. Robinson sometimes faced boos (嘘声) from fans. But he be

16、came a star, anyway. In 1962, he became the first African-American player chosen to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 2005, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award Congress can give to an American. By breaking baseballs color barrier (肤色障碍), Robinson opened the door for many t

17、o follow his footsteps, not only in baseball, but in other areas of life as well. After he stopped playing the game, Robinson worked as a manager for a coffee company. He wrote a newspaper column (专栏). He also started a bank. 31. Before Jackie Robinson, no African-American players could _.A. play ba

18、seballB. play in the Major LeagueC. play football and basketballD. watch Major League games32. According to Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson was _.A. poor but clever B. unlucky but confidentC. proud and strongD. brave and skilled33. We can know that Jackie Robinsons story _.A. changed many Africans id

19、easB. had an effect on many black peoples livesC. encouraged black people to fight with whitesD. started a hot discussion about the color barrier34. Which of the following is NOT what he once did?A. a newspaper column writer B. a bankerC. a university teacher D. a manager in a companyBLONDON: What c

20、ould possibly be wrong with planting trees? The advantages are obvious; they firm the soil, soak up (摄取) extra water and take carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) out of the atmosphere.However, it now turns out that planting trees could add to global warming.Huge dust storms blow out over the oceans from dry parts

21、 of North Africa and central Asia. Tons of dust are lifted and left as a thin film over the ocean surface. The dust fuels oceanic life.Dust from China is carried east and left in the Pacific Ocean. If a tree-planting programme there is successful and the dust supply reduced, the net result may be th

22、at less carbon dioxide gets locked away in the ocean.Andy Ridgwell, an environmental scientist from the University of East Anglia, has spent the past few years studying dust and says his work “shows clearly the complexity of the system and the importance of not tinkering(粗劣地修补) with it without under

23、standing the results. For this reason there is the need to focus(集中) on cutting carbon dioxide giving off rather than monkeying (瞎弄) about with the land surface.” In wet areas of the world, the gain from trees absorbing carbon dioxide above ground seems to be outweighed(超过) by the loss of carbon fro

24、m the soil below ground. Countries that plan to combat global warming by planting trees may have to think again. Solutions(解决办法) to environmental problems are often more complex than they first appear, and understanding the Earths climate is a very great challenge.35People usually hold the opinion t

25、hat Ahuge dust storms can destroy carbon dioxideBhuge dust storms can destroy the oceans on the earthChuge dust storms cant do anything beneficial for manDplanting trees is the only way to control huge dust storms36Andy Ridgwell, the environmental scientist, believes that Adust plays a more importan

26、t part than treesBtrees shouldnt have been planted in dry placesCcarbon dioxide is harmful to everything on the earthDenvironmental problems are more complex than expected37Robert Jacksons experiment proves that Agrassland areas should be covered by forestsBtrees hold more carbon than grassCcarbon c

27、an turn grass into dustDless carbon can make trees grow faster38The underlined word “combat” in the last paragraph means Alearn aboutBfight againstClive withDgive upCSummer Holiday Fun 2010 ! The summer holidays are upon us again. Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!Peterborough

28、Museum The Age of the Dinosaursis the museums main attraction this summerGet up close to prehistoric creatures via some great handson exhibits! Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember! The museum is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in Au

29、gustCall 01733 864663 for detailsSaxon Youth Club School holiday fun:Young people aged 1319 will be able to produce their own music, compete in spots activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre, Norman RoadPeterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00pmPLUS

30、 an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday 12th August between 3:30pm and 6:30pm Call 01 353 720274 for detailsHoughton Mill Alice through the Looking Classa new production of the family favorite on Monday 30thAugustBring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the

31、playGates open 5:30pro,performance 6:30pm8:30pmTea room will be open until end of the intervalAdult 10Child7Family 20Booking advisable on 0845 4505157activities are included in the normal admission price Tickets Cost7 per child For further information,call 01223 81008039If you are interested in cook

32、ing, you can go to . APeterborough Museum BHoughton Mill CSaxon Youth Club DFarmland Museum40You want to watch the new play with your parents, so it will cost you A7 B17 C27 D2041If Tom comes to Peterborough for amusement on August 19,he will have to choose from activities for himselfAone activity B

33、two activities Cthree activities Dfour activitiesDThe rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the governments health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatm

34、ent. Actually, many kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting cold. But many people get sick because they fail to do so, and

35、have to spend money seeing a doctorDaily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients had taken measures for early prevention. For instance, keeping a balanced diet, such as not consuming too much animal fat and insuring a steady in

36、take of vegetables and fruits, seems to be quite important.One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular exercise, which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise, such as running, walking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better or reduce stressIn

37、 addition, health education plays a key role in improving peoples health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance However, stressing disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant. After all, prevention and treatment ar

38、e just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education42Whats the best title of the passage?APrevention or Education? BPrevention or Treatment? CHeal

39、th or Illness? DExercise or Illness?43Which of the following can replace the underlined word “bankrupt? AUnable to be cured BUnable to pay ones debts CStronger than ever before DMore successful than ever before44We learn from the passage that Adressing warmly can prevent diseases Ba balanced diet is

40、 cheaper than regular exercise Cthe more health education, the better Dthe governments health budget should be increased45Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CP (Central Point) P (Point)Sp (Sub-point次要点)C (Conclusion 结论)第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两

41、个多余选项。The wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions. 46 He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time

42、, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages. 47 A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year. 48 The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.3 meters long official track. Th

43、e track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbors. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that

44、 couple will be fined 15 seconds. 49 Alongside with the Wife-carring World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official “wife-carrying drink.” Then he may continue t

45、he race. 50 While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.”AThere are a few basic rules.BPeople everywhere hold the event.CA special prize is awarded to the team.DDo you know how these traditions restarted?EThis event is becoming increasingly popular.FThe winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.G


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