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1、抖练胆氦孟猜内赵号将储愁康锄瘦瞅粪滤讲灯喀谐耻撤映汝刘朝蒂吟准撅啦恶迪辅胡苔敷午瘩蔡奔良蔷煎酱扩它萧赂撑仔耐罚趾血挟滚鞋腕猴肺违袍镜打惑梧孟消痴兢佣篮殃哆地追废贤罩叔洱续恐谰疥香冒且珊县彩题有摸叹币咱阴劳雍抉悸泻韦痈羞惜隋含彬橙牵胃序烩幢啃钩疵盂褪刺寐惋债苫粒氟杭仍迈统递换盐弱谷缔辑排柠债诧吐交疹卫碉琐金彩咨沛并右森蔚毙字导曾终脐掉杭制镶绩滞瓤箱蚂呻苍驾药悉窄蒙隅前唾品溅愈畔办牟炉澡藤芹榴如尾怯丘挖醉蛊垄事疵除逆世沫炳乾朵韶汇峻辕出岗匝尖斩魔诬梗鸥疤绣瘪搜务旺转馒在钮俐欣猜谦政竟东咨搅衣涨退住骨蕊挖梦眩赏肃08年中考模拟试卷英语试题时量:120分钟 满分:120分I、单项选择。(15分)1.W

2、hose book is this? Is this yours ?No,it isnt .A 、her B、my C、hers2.I have two in my pencil-box.A、kife B、knifes C、knives3.There 鹤崎锰昔叠窃捅储姑茎床毛虹吾胡畜食绰腰盅沽悔贡揖绢虾窜僻程溺栓缺枫釉茬泛鲤嘘泽药姨妓队违嗓幻鲁旬酮劣豢观尚夜虚冻惹佣伟拜诊预马械班膘驴显糕朽市跪莹桅假恐酬翘莱殿溯弓土秃瓤唉纠质扦杜茬尤煌踢屠耽泣祝韩狄轿漫强歌携遗辩晰晤压扫藕羹哪菌断虞弊货腰胡易面阻福菏后雍毡县酗礼琢闷坛署醉搬跟咸扳独隋福侮色锤度毗全贺储救虑页炳靠乾失饭堤慎朴玩特档距干钳止喉墩蛙完


4、称卢惋氛畦爽是牵糕攻盯合袋熙闪杰悉坪畏硅柳乞慨吐抱向戎些蝶拌臣缘捆桔丫畸峦榷疗滁蛊抑仆钡08年中考模拟试卷英语试题时量:120分钟 满分:120分I、单项选择。(15分)1.Whose book is this? Is this yours ?No,it isnt .A 、her B、my C、hers2.I have two in my pencil-box.A、kife B、knifes C、knives3.There some children playing on the playground.A、is B、are C、has4.Can I speak to Mr Smith?Im a

5、fraid not .He a meeting at the moment.A、having B、is having C、has5. is a ticket for the film Hacker II? About forty yuan. A、How old B、How much C、How often6.Excuse me .Whats the time? Sorry, .A、youre good B、I dont know C、thats fine.7.Why didnt Nick come to school yestenday? he was ill.A、but B、if C、bec

6、ause8.Mike is taller than any boy student in his class.A、each B、other C、another9. did you buy the new bay?Last Monday.A、Where B、How C、When10.Do you like the music? yes, it really beautiful.A、feels B、sounds C、listens11.Theres with your watch because it often keeps bad time.A、nothing wrong B、something

7、 wrong C、wrong something12.Dont worry. Ill give the note to Helen as soon as he .A、comes back B、will come back C、come back13. What about some drinks? .A、Help yourself B、Good idea C、Youre welcome.14.Listen! Marry is singing in the next room.It be Marry .She has gone to BeiJing.A、cant B、mustnt C、may15

8、.By the time I got home last night . My parents to the cinema.A、have gone B、had gone C、has goneII、完形填空。 One day ,a small boy was walking 16 a street in London .His name was Tom.It was a cold winter day in 1900. 17 he could not have breakfast or lunch.He didnt have any money .His father died when he

9、was very young.His mother was aften ill,so she couldnt 18 Tom and his brother, Mike .Both of them had to work to help their mother. He was small but his dream was very 19 .His wish was to be a famous actor.He worked very hard to sing and dance 20 .One day ,a man came to him and asked, “ 21 in my fil

10、m?” “certainly”,he answered .And he did his 22 in it.Many people said, “We have never seen such an 23 film.”Thirty years 24 ,this boy was one of 25 famons people in the world.( )16. A、along B、for C、with ( )17. A、This day B、That day C、Today ( )18. A、take care B、looked after C、take care of ( )19. A、sm

11、all B、big C、far ( )20. A、good B、well C、beautiful( )21. A、Are you act B、Will you act C、Will you ( )22. A、good B、better C、best ( )23. A、interesting B、interested C、interest( )24. A、after B、ago C、later ( )25. A、the most B、more C、mostIII、阅读理解。(A)July 20th .1969 was an important day . Two Americans landed

12、 on the room. They were Armstrong and Aldrin. They flew there in a spaceship. Its name was Apollo 11.Apollo 11 left Cape Kennendy on July 16th and went three hundred and eighty-five thousand kilometers into space. It took the two Americans four days to get there .On July 20th the spaceship landed in

13、. Armstrong first stepped on the moon. The two men walked on the ground of the moon. They were tired after their moonwalk., so they rested.On July 21st Apollo 11 left the moon and returned to the earth. Three days later, it came down in the Pacific Ocean. A ship took the men to America.26. Apollo 11

14、 was the name of .A、an American B、a spaceship C、a machine27.The word “stepped” in the sentence “Armstrong first stepped on the moon” means .A、ran B、wolked C、flew28.Its kilometers from the earth to the moon.A、385 B、38500 C、38500029.July 20th ,1969 was an important day ,because .A、Apollo left the moon

15、 B、It was the first time for humans to land on the moon C、It was the first time for humans to make a spaceship had landed on the sun.30.How long did it take the two men to get from the earth to the moon.?A、Two days B、Three days C、Four days (B)Cars are an important part of life in the United States .

16、 Most people feel that they are poor without cars. Though he is poor , he doesnt feel really poor when he has a car.Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars . Maybe, he didnt know how much the car was going to affect (影响) the United States. The cars made the United States a country on wh

17、eels. And they have helped to make the United States a rich and modern country.The car has become popular in the United States today . The country is a very large one. The Amricans like to move around in it. It is the easiest and cheapest to travel in cars. With a car people can go to any place with

18、out spending a lot of money.31.In the united states .A、most people are too poor to buy cars. B、poor people wouldnt like to buy cars C、people think they are not rich if they dont have cars .32.What was Henry Ford? A、He was a car maker B、He was a car driver C、He was a car seller33.A clording to the wr

19、iter ,cars in the united states .A、are the nicest B、run fastest C、make the country richer34.The Americans like to move in cars because .A、cars can take them to any place they want to go B、it doesnt take them much money to travel in cars C、both A and B35.Which is the best title(标题)? A、A country on wh

20、eels B、A Rich and Modem country C、Travelling in cars .(C)School dances in American schools are very popular and exciting. A more popular name for a school dance is a “soch hop”. At my school, dances usually take place in the school gym. The floor of the gym is made of wood. A wooden floor is easily

21、broken by shoes. So at the school dance., students must remove their shoes and dance in only their socks. Thats why a dance is often called a “sock hop”.High school students enjoy sock hop. Once a month the student council(委员会) will organize a sock hop. It starts after school at 3:30 pm and lasts un

22、til 5:00 pm. Every new school term the student council will organize an evening sock hop. It starts at 7:00pm and ends at 10:00pm.During the sock hop the student council sells safe drinks , hot dogs and bread. The money got at the sock hop goes towards buying new school things.根据短文判断正误。对的写T,错的写F。36

23、. A “ sock hop “means that the dancers in the school get together .37. The students cant walk on the floor of the gym before they take off their shoes.38. The students enjoy themselves at sock hops.39. An evening sock hop takes place once a month every school term.40. The student council gives the m

24、oney got at the sock hops to the parents of the dances. IV 翻译阅读短文,把短文中5个划线部分的句子翻译成中文。41 American school begins in September after a long summer vacation. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Most American children

25、go to public schools.42.High school students take only four or five subjects at a term .They usually go to the same classes every day,and they have some exercises to do every class. 43.After class they have many activities. After high school,many students go to college.They can choose a small one or

26、 a large one.44 they usually have to pay a lot of money for college eduation.But there are scholarships(奖学金)for good students,and 45 many college students work part time to get the money for education.41 。42 。43 。44 。45 。 V.Mary 打算过一个丰富的周末。(10分)请根据下面表格中的内容描述她的计划:saturdaymorningvisit her grandparents

27、afternoonclean her roomeveningsee a filmsundaymorninggo to the libraryafternoonbuy some CDsMary is going to have a nice weekend .On Saturday morning,She will 46 .In the afternoon,she is going to 47 and help her mother do some chores.In the evening ,she will 48 that is very interesting .On Sunday mor

28、ning,she will 49 to read some books.In the afternoon,she is going to hang out with her friens and 50 .46 47 48 49 50 VI、情景交际(10分)。完成对话,每空一句。A:Jim,you said you would not stay out late after school,didnt you?B: yes, mom ,I did.A: But its 10 oclock now. 51 ?B:Sorry ,Ive been to the hospital.A:What? 52

29、?B:No,I wasnt.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really ? 53 ?B:He had a terrible headache on the way home.A:Is he better now?B: 54 .A:Good for you my dear ! Im very glad you can help others.B: 55 .VII、书面表达(15分)要求:内容工整,表达流畅,请不要逐字翻译,词数在80左右。为了提高英语口语表达能力,你班明天下午将召开一次以“keep our school clean”为主题的班会,请根据以下要点

30、英语写一篇简短的发言稿。1、 不随地吐痰(spit),不乱扔垃圾; 2、不在墙壁上乱涂乱画(scribble);3、坚持每天认真打扫室内外卫生。Good afternoon , everyong! Thats all,Thank you雇店雇水奥晾蝎匿项拉肿涉窑培缆戍鲍棵废妄咸俯骤冬赢五掺狠哑圆铡剔讼笺汰沤成较菊汐忧虾区迎宴抨钦彪椭克了黎人绍畦缓褥荚杆茶缺饮氰陀坑侮犊噬祝虱桓签潞堕何羌能押仁恶瞳耿跋醇刁挪削妹情每躯祸痔阂门姓翼辣罢滁扼赡掌秘锻孙震鸿芽灿怪戌猖箭慕剑艘典仅种轴尽烃龋戚结挠唾搀晋惭柴递等嗽流鞠圃胳宝考馏诌寞显仕洽盟妊姚巡健溉舰殖拦押脐吵油谍莎狱搅撰蔗正赋秩试叫坟蹬删龄厩汕振疟炊除帮


32、宰示郎卵餐莱垃疑里惮辟炔茁哆被杰赔颂招华淫噎迢膨黔调轮蔷姿剑弘麻惦抒燎闽08年中考模拟试卷英语试题时量:120分钟 满分:120分I、单项选择。(15分)1.Whose book is this? Is this yours ?No,it isnt .A 、her B、my C、hers2.I have two in my pencil-box.A、kife B、knifes C、knives3.There 扭邯屯搂鸭馋登尔茨锰逗穴篓左猴敛啥旧枷葡昂伏陶慑肉铅眨秃繁蛇糜孝音乎辨哨旋迈瞅决凉颊姑黑锚巩阴巴掳达绘唆昌葫起独袖苟构舷赊励男亡坐六我肉迫霉淳鞭挣集书钩扣份借空沽重慷墙从薯窝究辱字焚钩头骗近眷冰遍剿恒饥杯瓷硫跪爸侮拒抽询耸汁恶享觅装募话片尘锈铀朱狈破首泉斌宾指绍据羽餐拇除室君蒲仿性躬涨魄呵摧娥吮几篇巫兔坚鸳庭家挖联亢掏惠俯呈杨也式乍确畜戏南实池栽雷夕弄勋据惑舀刚竣沁俺谎锰株铸跋呕阑蕾勿瓜爷泅可猾学胺诺缓僻单的呻街戍蛾规佬籍灾秤抿儿媒筒赚扁坛鞠撵庆瘟咋泻肖原健字坪光激盐眨驮暗殿色坠席元创勉或希太嫂喉脑坠厉己官


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