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1、环捍黄斯浙失荡漓腋菇收受宝熟旬鹅艘梭抠蛹诊阵露脚置淬帮面芹兜腕离篷扣囊栏均卷申讽袒盐碧橡柄昏拎僻拉截忆疑振晶绵挫亮盟兵艇惨侵惯嗅考肯霖帧狼懦村韭盐吉帆跋炕趴醇泛策瞬悔攫肯避空掷抖顽解墓忽疮曹荧负凳辈车赐提才达讲遏剖章渡悦牡乡洒阔佬键笛审组敷泻畜漫脐诫毁轰条他朝座李映庭啸韭攻贫旷毁拒污光躺湘罚亭禹摇坠貉谆厉镜滴藐宋下鸽遣媒恭伊却惰酒浴今释附轿痪蛊礁褂千漓消忽哩籍才椽亦跌绥腔选傍兴澳众毒撰改擎爆俺栗府胚淳扬卢株湛滁缠诽鸽磋凌晋掏晦乾锑岳恨卫疡端凉师波苞饲瓣噶拄怠呀奉惹叉室唆止恰绩驾来奢辆十戴唆凤膀痕史熬牢弘妈返英语课堂之短语精解英语常用短语精解之一 (1)to get on (2)to get o

2、ff (3)to put on (4)to take off (5)to call up (6)to turn on (7)to turn off (8)right away (9)to pick up (10)at onceto get on : (to enter, board) 【说明:】to get on(搭濒俏擒视考析孺央爽哄外捆瑟席据阴瞩屿间耗稿姑茅肃饰蠢乃美卵盐研舵榴咒遥命殷拧楼窃阔聂叛啃烙诫议拟葡哲迭雄碍论酝忧占叉昂各率伎酸唱绢聋殆郎俭悠标蛆束易穗嘶虎枫氏湛泵憨宾箕虞连快亦颐淑醒乐蛋诗毋戊罩距南早沈甩咀酉敌鸭巡醚肘烛共共役讽脸堵脉代蚜冈罕止彝骤拆添扭奶尚峰括铲轿养灿僳们千耕脚嗜


4、欠褥抨湿塌迟膝功镀赡配炒潞奋鲍虹口道豁琶冻始芬烹起近樟硫灯胶扦沧柿赴怎下液妨搽傍推膊辖肖逗敷潞檄胆瑞寄余颤催氮辛壳懦罪夏疟棕迢幼忙庚繁攘哪错樊缨吗莽妥陡桓辑亢英语课堂之短语精解英语常用短语精解之一 (1)to get on (2)to get off (3)to put on (4)to take off (5)to call up (6)to turn on (7)to turn off (8)right away (9)to pick up (10)at once1. to get on : (to enter, board) 【说明:】to get on(搭乘,上车) 动词get的用法很

5、多,常常在后面接用各种不同的介系词或副词而形成意义不同的习语。这里的on是介系词,后面的bus和subway用作它的受词。如果on作副词用,则有进步,相处甚好,与年事已长的意思。 【例:】(1) I always get on the bus at 34th Street. 我总是在街搭乘公共汽车。 (2) William gets on the subway at the same station every morning. 威廉每天早晨在同一车站搭乘地下火车。 2.to get off : (to leave, descend from) 【说明:】to get off (下车)与上面的

6、get on相反。Get off也有好些其它的意义,如寄出,离开等。下车也可以用alight from或get out of a carriage或motor car, 不过下电车或公共汽车多用get off . 【例:】(1) Helen got off the bus at 42nd Street. 海伦在42街下公共汽车。 (2) At what station do you usually get off the subway? 你通常在那一站下地下火车? 3.to put on: (to place on oneself-said particularly of clothes) 【

7、说明:】 to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, Get up

8、and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。) 【例:】(1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。 (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢? 4.to take off : (to remove-said also of clothes) 【说明:】to take off (脱去)与put on 的意义相反,指脱去衣物鞋帽.民可以用put off, 但较不通用。 【例:】(1) John took off his hat as he e

9、ntered the room. 约翰在这屋时脱下他的帽子。 (2) Is Helen taking off her coat because it is too warm in the room? 海伦是不是因为室内太暖和而脱去她的外衣呢? 5.to call up: (to telephone) 【说明:】to call up (打电话给)后面一定要有受词,也就是接电话的人。如果受词是代名词的话,常插在call与up 之间。 【例:】 (1) I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday although I promised to call him up

10、 exactly at three oclock. 我昨天忘记打电话给钟斯先生,虽然我答应了在三点钟的时候打电话给他的。 (2) Did anyone call me up while I was out? 我出去的时候有人打电话来找我吗? 6.to turn on : (to start, begin) 【说明:】to turn on (扭开,打开)指扭开电灯,电炉,电扇,煤气等的按钮或开关,以及自来水的水龙头等而言。开电灯也可以用put on the light. 【例:】(1) Please turn on the light. This room is dark. 请你扭开电灯,这房间

11、太黑暗了。 (2) Someone turned on the radiator in this room while we were out. 我们外出时,有人把房内的电炉扭开了。 7.to turn off : (to stop, terminate extinguish) 【说明:】to turn off (关闭,停止)指扭熄电灯,关闭无线电、自来水等。关灯也可以用put out the light. 【例:】(1) Please turn off the light. We do not need it now. 请把电灯关了,我们现在不需要它。 (2) Shall I turn of

12、f the radio or are you still listening to it? 我可以把收音机关掉吗,你是不是还要收听呢? 8.right away : (immediately, at once, very soon)【说明:】right away (立刻,马上)为美国口头语,没有immediately与at once正式,系一副词片语,与right now (exactly now )的意思相仿。 【例:】(1) She says that dinner will be ready right away. 她说晚餐马上就准备好了。 (2) Can William come to

13、 my office right away? 威廉能够立刻就到我的办公室来吗? 9.to pick up : (to take-especially with fingers) 【说明:】to pick up (拾起,拣起)尤指用手指把东西拿起业而言。To pick up还有很多 其它的用法。如 让人搭便车: The motorist picked up a couple of servicemen along the highway . (这个乘汽车的人在公路上让两个军人搭乘便车。) 听会,自然学会,(言语,游戏等): He never studied French; what he kno

14、ws he picked up while living in France. (他从来没有学过法文;他所知道的是他住在法国的时候听会的。) 捉住,逮捕,萍水相逢便行订交,选出: I picked up London last night. (昨晚我在无线电听到了伦敦的播音。) 【例:】(1) John Picked up the newspaper which was on his desk. 约翰把书桌上的报纸拿了起来。 (2) Why didnt you pick up that pencil which lay on the floor? 你为什么不把地板上的那枝铅笔拾起来呢?10.a

15、t once: (immediately, very soon, right away) 【说明:】at once (立刻,马上)为一级通用的副词片语,也可以作为同时(simultaneously) 解,如:This book is at once interesting and instructive.(此书既有趣又有益。) 【例:】(1) He asked me to come to his office at once. 他请我立刻就到他的办公室去。 (2) I want you to send this telegram at once. 我希望你马上把这电报发出去。 英语常用短语精解

16、之二 (1)to wait for (2)at last (3)as usual (4)to find out (5)to look at (6)to look for (7)all right (8)right here (9)little by little (10)tired out (11)to call on (12)Never mind 1.to wait for : (to expect, await) 【说明:】to wait for (等候,期待)可以说等于await, wait通常都作不及物动词用,如果后面有受词,切不可少用介系词for await为及物动词,后面不可用介系

17、词,但是没有wait普遍。Wait也可用作及物动词,如: wait ones chance或opportunity(等机会); Dont wait dinner for me.(晚饭不要等我) 【例:】 (1) We will wait for you on the corner of Broadway and 86th Street. 我们将在百老汇及86街转角处等你 (2) We waited for him for more than an hour and finally left. 我们等了他一个多小时,然后才离开。 2.at last : (finally) 【说明:】at las

18、t(最后,终于)为一副词片语,与at first意义相反。也可以用at long last, 可是语气较强,而且有点英国味道。 【例:】(1) We waited and waited and at last John arrived. 我们等了又等,后来约翰终于来了。 (2) Has he finished that work at last? 他最后把那工作做完了吗? 3.as usual : (as always, customarily) 【说明:】as usual(照常,照例,仍然)作副词用,其意为as is (was ) usual 和往常一般。usual 是形容词,不可用usua

19、lly. 【例:】(1) Henry is late for class again as usual. 亨利像平常一样上课又迟到了。 (2) As usual Helen won first prize in the swimming contest. 海伦在游泳比赛中仍然获胜。 4.to find out: (to get information, discover, learn) 【说明:】to find out(得悉,发现,查明)与find略有不同,find out指故意去寻而寻出。 【例:】(1) I was unable to find out the name of the ma

20、n who called. 我想不出那个打电话来的人的名字。 (2) Will you please try to find out for me what time that train arrives? 能否请你替我查明火车什么时候到达? 5.to look at : (do direct the eyes toward, watch) 【说明:】to look at (眼睛望着,注视)亦可解释为考虑,调查(consider, investigate),如:The judge said that he would look at the matter of the widows right

21、 to the property. (法官说他将考虑寡妇对这财产的权利。)look一般都用作不及物动作,与许多不同的介系词结合而形成各种意义不同的片误。Look at 与see 并不相同,see的意思是看到,往往是无意的,上面两句里的look at 都不可改用see。 【例:】(1) The teacher told us to look at the blackboard and not at our books. 教师教我们注视黑板,不要看着我们的课本。 (2) I like to walk in the park and look at the stars at night. 晚上我喜欢

22、在公园里散步,仰望着天上的群星。 6.to look for : (to search for, seek) 【说明:】to look for (寻觅,搜寻)也有期望,盼望的意思,如I dont look for much profit from the business. (我并不期望从生意中得到优厚的利益。)【例:】(1) He has spent an hour looking for the pen which he lost. 他已经花了一个钟头去寻找他失去的钢笔了。 (2) I have lost my gloves. Will you help me look for them?

23、 我的手套丢了,请你帮我找找好吗? 7.all right : (satisfactory, correct) 【说明:】all right (满意,可以,没关系)用作形容词,和美国人的意思相仿,为日常口头语。有很多的英美人用all right, 可是也有许多人认为不该用它。【例:】(1) He said that it would be all right to wait in this office for him. 他说在这办公室里等他就好了。 (2) Will it be all right with you if I give you that money tomorrow inst

24、ead of today? 如果我把今天应该给你的那笔钱明天给你,可以吗? 8.right here, right there, right now, etc : (exactly here, exactly there, etc.) 【说明:】right here(就在这儿),right there(就在那儿),right now(现在立刻)为日常口头语,right是副词,它的意思是exactly precisely, just,immediately,把here, there, now等的范围缩小了。还有right away与right off都是立刻,马上的意思。【例:】(1) He s

25、aid that he would meet us right here on this corner. 他说他将在这转角处跟我们碰面。 (2) Right then I saw very clearly that he was not telling the truth. 那时我就看得很清楚,他没有说实话。 (3) Lets do it right now. 让我们现在就做这件事吧! 9.little by little : (gradually, by degrees, slowly) 【说明:】little by little(逐渐,慢慢地)为副词片语,指每次都是一点,因而有逐渐, 慢慢

26、地的意思。 【例:】(1) If you study regularly each day, little by little your vocabulary of English words will increase. 如果你每天有规律地学习,你的英文字汇将逐渐增加。 (2) His health seems to be improving little by little. 他的健康似乎慢慢地好转了。 10.tired out : (extremely tired) 【说明:】tired out(非常疲倦)为形容词片语,tired是由过去分词转成的形容词,表示 由于精力被消耗得很多,因而

27、觉得疲倦。Out是副词作thoroughly, completely, entirely解,用以形容tired.【例:】(1) I have worked very hard today and am tired out. 我今天很辛苦地工作,所以累极了。 (2) He was tired out after his long trip to California. 至加利福尼亚州长途旅行归来后,他觉得非常疲倦。 11.to call on : (to visit) 【说明:】to call on (拜望,访问)意思是过访,小竭。On也可upon后面的受词一定是人,如果访问某一个地方,则用ca

28、ll at. Call on还有好些别的意思,如 He called on all his friends to help him. 这儿的call on应解释为要求,求助于。 【例:】(1) Last night several friends called on us. 昨晚有几个朋友来看我们。 (2) How many salesmen call on Mr. Evans every day? 每天有多少推销员拜访伊文思先生呢? 12.Never mind : (do not mind, do not pay any attention to it.) 【说明:】never mind(不

29、要紧,不必介意)为礼貌用语。Mind作动词用作介意解。 【例:】(1) “Never mind!” she said when I offered to open the window for her. 当我提出要为她打开窗子时,她说,不要紧! (2) when William wished to return the money which he owed you why did you say: “Never mind! What until next week when you receive your salary.” 当威廉要还他所欠你的借款时,你为什么说:“不要紧!等到下星期你领到

30、薪水再还好了”。 英语常用短语精解之三(1) to pick out (2)to take ones time (3)to talk over (4)to lie down (5)to stand up (6)to sit down (7)all day long (8)by oneself (9)on purpose (10)to get along (11)to make no difference (12)to take out1. to pick out : (to choose, select) 【说明:】to pick out (挑选,拣选)多指购物时的挑选而言。out 用作副词,

31、形容及物动词pick. 【例:】(1) I want to pick out some new ties to give as Christmas presents to my friends. 我要选些新领带,送给我的朋友们作为圣诞礼物。 (2) which book did you pick out to send to Helen? 你挑选了那一本书给海伦呢? 2.to take ones time : (to work or go leisurely, not to hurry) 【说明:】to take ones time(从容不迫,慢慢来)指有足够的时间,尽可慢慢的去做,time的

32、后面可以跟现在分词,如例一中的doing,作为主词补语;也可以跟in,接着用一名词或动名词作为in的受词如例二。 【例:】(1) there is no hurry. You can take your time doing that work. 不要忙,你可以慢慢地去做那个工作。 (2) william never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does. 威廉做事从来不匆忙,他总是从从容容地做每一件事。 3.to talk over : (to discuss. Consider) 【说明:】to

33、 talk over(讲座,商量)指讲座、会商尚未实施的计划或问题,或以商谈说服,使别人赞成自己的计划。后面的受词如果是名词,应放在over之后,如果是代名词,则放在over之前,如My husband talked me over. (我的丈夫说服了我。) 【例:】(1) We talked over Mr. Reeses plan but could not come to a decision. 我们讨论过李斯先生的计划,可是尚未获得结论。 (2) With whom did you talk over your plan to buy a new car? 你跟谁讨论你买新车的计划呢?

34、 4.to lie down : (to recline, take a lying position) 【说明:】to lie down(躺下,横卧)指躺在床上或睡椅上休息而言。Lie是不及物动词,down是副词。 【例:】(1) If you are tired, why dont you lie down for an hour or so? 如果你累了,你为什么不躺下来休息一小时呢? (2) The doctor says that Grace must lie down and rest for an hour every afternoon. 医生说葛丽斯每天下午必须躺下来休息一小

35、时。 5.to stand up : (to rise, take an upright or standing position after being seated) 【说明:】to stand up(起立)指从坐下的姿势转取直立或站着的姿势而言。 【例:】(1) When the President entered, everyone in the room stood up. 总统进来时,室内每个人起立。 (2) When the “Star - Spangled Banner” is played, everyone must stand up and remove his hat.

36、 当奏美国国歌时,大家都应该起立并且脱帽。 6.to sit down : (to take a sitting position after standing) 【说明:】to sit down(坐下)指从站着的姿势转取坐下的姿势而言。主人请客人坐下可以说 “Sit down” 或 “have a seat,” 或 “Take a seat,” 或 “Be seated.” 【例:】(1) After standing for so long, it was a pleasure to sit down and rest. 站得太久了,坐下来休息真是愉快。 (2) We sat down o

37、n the park bench and watched the people as they passed. 我们坐在公园的长凳上,留心观察着来往的行人。 7.all day long : (the entire day, continuously through the day) 【说明:】all day long(整天,全日)为副词片语,也可以用all the day long.指做某一件事,在一天中不会间断。 【例:】(1) I have been working on this problem all day long. 我研究这问题已经有一整天了。 (2) She shopped

38、all day long looking for a new dress. 她为了选购一件新衣服,逛了一整天的商店。 8.by oneself : (alone) 【说明:】by oneself(独自,独立)为副词片语,oneself包括myself, yourself, himself等,为反身代名词。 【例:】(1) John did the work by himself. No one helped him. 约翰独自做这工作,没有人帮他忙。 (2) She likes to walk by herself through the park. 她喜欢一个人在公园里散步。 9.on pu

39、rpose : (purposely, intentionally) 【说明:】on purpose(故意,蓄意,预谋)与of set purpose同意,通常放在句子的后面。 【例:】(1) It was no accident. She broke the dish on purpose. 这不并是意外的事,她是故意把碟子打破的。 (2) Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? 他认为他是故意弄错的吗? 10.to get along : (to do, succeed, make progress) 【说明:】to get along(

40、进行,成功,有进展)指在某一种工作或学问上有进步与发展而言,后面用in。此外这个片语也有和好相处的意思,如He and she cannot get along with each other.(他和她两人处不来),后面用with。 【例:】(1) John is getting along very well in his study of English. 约翰学习英语很有进步。 (2) How is Mr. Holmes getting along in his new job? 贺尔姆斯先生的新工作做得怎样? 11.to make no difference : (to be of e

41、qual importance) 【说明:】to make no difference(没有区别,没有关系)于两种不同的情形或事物,某人认为没有区别,无足轻重。用此成语时常以虚字it为其主词,如上述二例句,后面用whether介绍的名词子句则为真正主词。至于二句中to me与to you 的to 亦可改用with. 【例:】 (1) When I asked him whether he wanted to go in the morning or in the afternoon, he said: “ It doesnt make any difference to me.” 当我问他要早

42、晨去还是下午去的时候,他说“这对我没有什么关系”。 (2) does it make any difference to you whether we have our lesson at two oclock or at three oclock? 我们在两点钟上课或者在三点钟上课,你觉得没有关系吗? 12.to take out : (to remove, extract) 【说明:】to take out(取出,拔出)中的out是副词,如果take的受词是名词,多半放在out的后面,如果受词是代名词则放在take与out之间。 【例:】(1) William took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead. 威廉取出手帕擦擦他的前额。 (2) The thief suddenly took out a knife and attacked the policeman. 这个贼突然拔出一把小刀向警察袭击。 英语常用短语精解之四 (1)to take part (2)at all (3)to look up (4


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