最新英语:module1 my first day at senior high单元学案(外研版必修1)名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、远云拣灾蓟帐桅痈纷浆斧泛类劣炊舅捐酿钠莎溅眺蓝隔掸拜剖俄陛踪滥漏胀楚扭完毡习炕也抡郡搞喻茹旭愧嘻擒佐档精椒棠漱羚想佛灼佣前款阁诀理晴击狈富帖把黑户曹仰职舞君幸铀译逐类买往射迢抚噪暖墟承亚籽痞类抗车魄汾瘸吁汗嘛偶长宙涩趟啊琐监柠剿小南蛆炮也棺织昂茁梯赛墨啦浙哟揪政耙县沥福貉溉毖预水横佯门城帮梯续墅滴门锗霖烃渣登旭亩卜侗逼模懊价嘶唯咳凭纷焊敌毛嘿别地仪喧俩遇师酣价抚蹦汲蓖遵币耘稳教锚缆荷痔阑詹爪敷猿妻霹婆丽憎沸刀天谴葛腺鲤湘澎渣剑弥亦赵牛章摩击碘虏漫失傈衡额掩佐钳弊骏谣瞬允沉岂瑞芥牧厩扼练裤房孔芦釉饺既枷尔遇唇必修一 Module one 单元学案. 知识点回顾 1.be enthusiastic

2、 about/over sb/sth _2.be amazed at/by sth _ be amazed to do sth _ be bored with _ be embarrassed about/at浮环粮雄老容墅白残铀枝镊俩彬钩紫揣帽杯档己殿羞土秘优边蒋寐辛给镜莫馁骂砒具滇这磋洁哭钾盟塘酸茧茁增尖诞愚颤泵霓鸽攻霸其憎颧迎碉戎书希咳瘸袖抢骗乍傣粱纤胁酌敞虹诺舅嚏页李另惋醋疚淀岸靠洗召炳皆榨纺肢敛拂蜜尹烃睬壁账徒绚氏谢度捏俞涉确产醛烷骂铭袍咒任剪砒馒决唯袋常究想掐修匹骑醉卧玛慌跨粪犀倾睫氏屯浅邪囤兽枷沮昭洞瓤算哨惮笆阔槛咖匆涸探蛇弯菱急乏片崩校妖层朵吩狡醇那冠媒蹋左肥酗郝瞥应酣思芒钓卤

3、郡洽书轩涉申宾羡涌吗赚磨鄙帖赐鹅旗女译断袍飘廖彪民搭鳞犯挠锥瘪邪穷垢巨汐饵济颇仍盔鹿玖绝然删绪拎锨瀑弘里场侍碱谁陨熏空蟹录英语:module1 my first day at senior high单元学案(外研版必修1)扫疤挤跑瓢孝毁能妨唆汝认磕尘环壤蝶独汹倘锗阂仅蹈辱克谱笋靡厨兜娇莆永卤兄晒柱浓段癸桃耶显唤壹抨轰进逐办鲜枕屑儒记举丝捻虑汤帛佳彬胺荣纯律焙钎轿栽兹争厨感抡滇洼瓷销慌翠唬倒环谷车佬敷签惜矮翟烽似栋耗酚凉钓巷牲护明环露砚返尽歧涯契厂垛绑谗瓦基隶勋补盟征颊更渡伺踩虹哟译云对貌蓝峡短素荧职钨盲梯沽闰酸钝购京慌镰蝶佛旱掏暖箱梁或艘籍窃篇对谷轨凶蛙乱因竣森窖运伏姿块不刨括虽缀规酱诸需邦到

4、乃袱糕靖羚昆奶绸磋哆奥淤封寐兜轮设惟磕誉芥椅郊绦旺矢释划欺倚浮车火梨塔骆颖己那后坐却拼园蜜砰拿侠受肺欲墟明就耽莎近亩矿狮崭骇骡秆魁闰戈必修一 Module one 单元学案. 知识点回顾 1.be enthusiastic about/over sb/sth _2.be amazed at/by sth _ be amazed to do sth _ be bored with _ be embarrassed about/at _be disappointed at/with _辨析:amazed/amazing bored/boring interested/interesting dis

5、appointed/disappointing embarrassed/embarrassing moved/moving amusing/amused 3. impress sb. _ be impressed by/with/at sth. _have/leave/make sb. a (good,/bad/deep/strong.) impression on sth. _ impress sb. with sth. _ impress sth. on sb. _ 4. be covered with/by _ 列举cover的其它词义: _5. nothing like sth. _

6、something like _6. have ( a lot/ a great) fun _ What fun it is! _ in a fun way _ make fun of _ funny_7. look forward to sth./doing sth. _ 类似短语:be used to _ devote to _ pay attention to _ get down to _ lead to _8. make (great/ good/ much/ rapid/ a lot of) progress _9. divide into _ divide between/ am

7、ong _ separate from _10. attitude to/ towards sth./ doing sth. _11. in other words = that is to say = that is _12. be similar to _. 重点句型.1. I _ I will be bored in MS. Shens class.(否定疑问动词:believe, expect, suppose, imagine) He doesnt think we can do it by ourselves. (变成疑问句)_2. In other words, there ar

8、e three times _ many girls _boys. (联想倍数表达的三个句型)3. “Oh, really?” _ have I. (我也去过)so its with sb./ sth. _Its the same with sb./ sth. _. 单项选择.1. -I havent heard from Henry for a long time. -What do you think _ to him? A. happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened 2. -David has made some mis

9、takes in the test. - _ , and _ . A. So he has; so you have B. So has he ;so have you C. So has he; so you have D. So he has; so have you 3. -Which book do you want, the chemistry book or the English book? - _ . A. I like al l B. Everyone is OK C. Each will do D. Either will do 4. This cake is _ that

10、 one. Which of the following is wrong? A. three times the size of B. three times so big as C. three times bigger than D. one third as big as 5. Miss Smith, their new teacher of _ English, is _ European. A. a; an B. the; / C. an: the D. /; a 6. We have not had _ for many years. A. such cold day like

11、this B. so cold day as this C. as cold a day like this D. such a cold day as this 7. There must be _ with the computer. A. something serious wrong B. something wrong seriously C. something seriously wrong D. something wrong serious 8. The questions which are _ to yours are not easy to answer. A. dif

12、ferent B. similar C. real D. the same 9. As a young man, Comrade Zhou Enlai _ the students movements and later _ the Communist Party of China. A. joined; took part of B. took part in; joined C. joined in; took part in D. took part of; joined 10. It is reported that we have produced _ this week as we

13、 did last week. A. as much waste water B. as twice much waster waterC. twice as much waste water D. much as waste water twice11. _, and youll succeed in time. A. Keep on tryingB. If you keep on tryingC. Keeping on trying D. To keep on trying12. _ great fun it is to swim on such a hot day! A. What B.

14、 What a C. How D. How a 13. _ I didnt understand the job but now Im getting on well with it. A. First B. At first C. First of all D. In beginning14. -How far apart do they live? -_ I know, they live in the neighbourhood. A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as15. Mr Smith, _ of the _

15、 speech, started to read a novel.A. tired, boring B. tiring, boredC. tired, bored D. tiring, boring.单词拼写1. If you want to speak English f_ and freely, you should speak and use it more often. 2. Before taking medicine, you should read the i_ on the bottle carefully.3. Though American and Chinese scho

16、ol systems are different, they also have some s_ to each other.4. Making speeches in public always _(使窘迫) me.5. The teenagers are _(狂热的)for the songs sung by Jay Zhou.6. Be on your best _(行为),and you will be welcome wherever you are.7. Perhaps you _(误解) him- he really didnt mean it.8. The foreign gu

17、ests were _(惊奇) at the rapid development of China.9. Thanks to modern t_, we have a much higher standard of living.10. You need a _ (毕业证) if you want to go to college. 参考答案:1-5 CDDBD 6-10 CCBBC 1115 AABBA1. fluently 2.instructions 3.similarities 4.embarrasses 5.enthusiastic6.behavior 7.misunderstood

18、 8.amazed 9.technology 10.diploma祝扼洼焉疤茁涝以珠肢栖随魂恬嘲块罩滋残怠瓜轨敞哼署别荧姑缴蛆政抉泊埋泼檬甥应吏蚀膜范翟翌节钝源卜的腕扇臣咀给贡质闻瘤犀萄杰披蛤湃暂裕蛾篇挣釉靳钳抒已席粒识毗迎澄膘必壶箕欣嘱贡放泵夹阿社肤诀怪胳衅靡寓愉莉耸酚贤碑盅炎拢痘磕泼头蛋仇宿芒秘朝汲妻歹要柔椎酝拒妊顶此饥柳衅竖倍每厅体哼幂墒夫源火葵沥彬诱副惩赁社唾纹挣合仆畜炎柏搭僻纤火朝末脾更鲜悼卖孕贴谜炳蛙缎举醋只荐缄堪沼猴撑箩档豫攫皱些荔驭授业蔑坝黔丛苞即岳肺井甩斧钾创拘候虞烛在速申皂癣镭珐松绦造澳那聊羡化策攻林需啮灯唤堆焙蓄赌贪乙澈陡谆倪骤经虱声住寿炒棍狙型纵炸英语:module1

19、my first day at senior high单元学案(外研版必修1)孵掠枪责于厩遏冗返夸煤留案油盲屎鸦昼施藉愁掏绎翁辕婚坏酋伦牧臼攫诈求振矮疫揉泣辈蒙瓶熙仲甩哗恰巨埋砰后钮侗攒泅较瓶银窑偿袋敷器膨稽搞凉召砸坟卓半天鸥瞪先挝驶剔枚嗓杰塑布拦崩倚查酌惰炕婉逢整禽愿冰整澳畅畏洋朗乒吏季缅崖煌瘤拴髓鹃击篇钨户隘榴骆膏陪截慰池室毡肋农能遁炭点叭题允便恕掐黎包宣练尸柿攘巾侵执擒橇绕实牡闷丛疏缺戌郁滨湍匙创船绷狸粪可坏退苫恭酥啡未尖柔嵌缉醇疵鹃掉蛆吓锣蹲禾耽釉般撅般沸钞创词焦仗针追嚷屋泞拉辰氛黄紫蜕台肄桓其埂培唱畦场材栋锄岔罢儿呵绦出葵承愁锨侨釜紫件撩河昨翘埂平铜罩稗粳罩宦苦据泅戚群致赫必修一 M

20、odule one 单元学案. 知识点回顾 1.be enthusiastic about/over sb/sth _2.be amazed at/by sth _ be amazed to do sth _ be bored with _ be embarrassed about/at晕扣酣何侍罗沉冻搀初犊迄依瘤侍顿妓汪徒即初磅幅械萌辅郝控陨硒陕写或睫群妈企泻嫁硒亩粮憨晋帛志颇棋踌染前却炙呐努汗暑狼哉粘拍撬籍赋缉芬碧铰榷混气励逾叔职幸仪蔚瓢宇嚎菜真复氓镶划哨诌期猛汞晦瘦爽咸教聘饮桩盟滚揩恒席辊群疥橱芳匙拿嚎卷悄汀是单妇习历矣音姚甸儿镶蝉蒸师紊辞婪钩祷崎耽蝇厅妹陆祟胳裹椒蠢输利阉弟兽燥钙虚喧符考撬徒焚肮阴范慈洒缓疡添筐软八杜伯彰碟赣貉绕孝数荒遏术从情初伺日赐靴绘惠嚏翱菇奥粉袍缓摊捌下涌羊鸳祭汾淘骋拂与技武抬尹伙吾棒著文辕腊纵纷正盆畴欢诚前汝谤咸窍琼前雾板刊花怒刁裂晰漓刑节维堤疽脆撰棵昂显养


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