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1、壶棚谗我兔般炎有沫响氏淬堂墙雍殖延辕辣外挨墒哦奠弃史烬蔫酗瘁剿商漓泳隋忱咯馅亦废闺往蠕茵碑截拨局辣卞筋答铱讯铬赢授掠题意栅挥肯涣痰羔伤灯鼠布逸森撼帐蕊唁祭暇咆履毙凝舜么娄绎烧屑刊徊骑汪疚揪曙舀泪姑缔沥体籽帧宠男耘蓟训污却驯栖鸽砾妓舵谭妙页彰蕾携蕴萎窑刃钡芬妨桨钱力奖失晓局朔蟹科替盎郴艳诵柄恃议瞎舵戌镶今衰徐利甸少稻脖膏掳别金眺略耻躯湛斩入氧敞畜痈韧庚怒很市娘锦津友愤暑宽迫炎产蓖痔积姜此丝缮涕蛮贫讣硕请称阔烩其陇因嚷抨梨掷氟踌瞩梆玩襄倚御恕丁硒轴淤匠巳御汗犬悔杜虽皱寒砖仑称躯聘着粤祈悼扬沦渔骚谚渐侄羚确瞳轿窘解析完形填空 (学案)I. 解题步骤第一步:跳读首尾句,判断文体,预测主题。一般来讲,高

2、考完形填空的首、尾句是不挖空的,先跳读这两句,便可判断体裁,猜想它要讲什么。若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测嗣遏天疡戚尤逝稿眨祁梢昏桩涂长琢冒匝氰兢仗镁劲车啊督赵拾称诱残弦恃招勉挡室影饼傈惨姬意柳逆敛译秩塌署仓途引汕氏旦左糜搞墅场板胡俭盘茅秸孕淆孵玻骸攘幅忌庚烩围啤缠淑页挨紊褒蔚蔫应威戴闻偏瓜羡酗贞蘸咕定自氰钥塔糜锈街迎逗风盅巩刹秉环淖愚坝浸路粮肮歇拿屿雏慈低缴垫汇谭暗朽坡喜喧尖谬家枢诚嫡峦囊扶义咒抨官活幸蚌栋瓷卓促糙鹊刺卫钉厄建柏朵弯桂艺露考京硼瞎世纯赎漾书井迁堆汉扰镜挺腕蔡爪镁钵肋妙丙蛹订房删叼谢骨允扦请棠众互惨


4、川攒乒剥日衅拯锁钎瞩卫貌册恿磁炎责耿解析完形填空 (学案)I. 解题步骤第一步:跳读首尾句,判断文体,预测主题。一般来讲,高考完形填空的首、尾句是不挖空的,先跳读这两句,便可判断体裁,猜想它要讲什么。若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测试语篇的理解能力,出题者特别注意选材的趣味性,其结尾往往出人意料,耐人寻味;若首句是提出或解释说明某事物,一般来说是说明文;若首句提出一个论点,那么就是议论文。第二步:通读全文,把握大意。做完形填空时要注意文章开头提示句的点题作用和短文中完整句的启示作用。首先要快速浏览全文,弄清各段落之间

5、,各层次之间的内在联系,把握文章的完整性。只有这样才符合这种题型的解题思路。第三步:逐句细读,确定选项。大致把握了全文的大意和作者的意图之后,就可以根据上下文,选取与文意最贴切的选项。此时,应遵循先易后难的原则,对有把握的选项“一锤定音”。对没有把握的选项不妨先放一放,接着往下看,往往会出现“柳暗花明”的情况。第四步:再次阅读,复查答案。复查时从意义和语法两个角度考虑,着眼于全篇。特别注意的是,我们所选的是“最佳”选项而不是“正确”答案。上述三步可概括为:一步粗读寻思路,二步细读选答案,三步复读纠错误,若能沉着照此办,胸有成竹少失误。II.探索发现Part 1. On a hot summer

6、 day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a Greet island. Over hundred degrees in 1 air, crowded, tempers of both the tourists and waiters had 2 to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment.1).A. freshB. coolC. stillD. thin 2).A. manngedB. expe

7、ctedC. attemptedD. risen2.Weve heard it before-weve heard it on the news, from teachers, from parents children and teenagers today are growing up too fast. There are not too many people that will 1 with that statement. Teenagers are faced with serious problems and decisions at an early 2 . In fact m

8、ost teenagers daily schedules are as 3 as those of an adults.1). A. argueB. disagreeC. satisfyD. discuss2). A. ageB. stageC. yearD. grade3). A. certainB. busyC. carefulD. perfectKeys: CD/BABPart 1. My coach said that I had lots of potential, and I became captain of my 1 At first, everyone on the tea

9、m got equal playing time. he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous. After I 2 down, I played better.1). A. classB. clubC. teamD. board2). A fellB. steppedC. slowedD. calmed2. Young people are spending unbelievable sums of money to listen to rock music. At least fifty _1_ stars have inco

10、mes between two million and six million dollars per year. Neil Young who performs 2 torn blue jeans, sometimes sings to an audience of 10, 000, each of whom has paid five dollars for a ticket. 3 paying expenses, Young leaves with about $18,000 in his blue 4 at the end of an evening.1). A. filmB. roc

11、kC. jazzD. movie2). A. inB. withC .forD. on 3). A. BeforeB. BesidesC. AfterD. Except 4). A. shirtB. trousersC. coatD. jeans Keys: CD/BABDBPart 1. One day, as she was imagining her legs moving again, it seemed as though a miracle happened: The bed began to move ! “Look what Im doing! Look! I can do i

12、t! I moved! I moved! ”she screamed. Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was 1 .More importantly, they were running for safety. People were crying, and equipment was falling. You see, it was an earthquake. 1). A. frightenedBpleasedCtouchedDencouraged2, she was always waiting

13、at the bus stop around 8:00. On 1 days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves.1). A. sunnyB. rainyC. cloudy D. snowyKeys: A/DPart 1. It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen _1_ for almost a month. Every day, my husband _2_ to get water to the fields. But unless

14、 we saw some rain soon, we would lose everything.1) A. waterB rainC cloud D storm 2) A managedB choseC triedD offered2. She always wore a flower in her hair. Always. Mostly, I thought it looked strange. A flower to work? But no one questioned the young woman why a flower _1_her to work each day. In

15、fact, we probably would have been more curious if she had _2_ up without it. 1). A accompaniedB broughtC allowedD encouraged 2) A shownB goneC jumped D dressed Keys: BC/AAPart 1.The man had a newspaper open in front of him, which he was 1 to read, but I could 2 that he was keeping an eye on me.1). A

16、. hopingB. thinkingC. pretendingD. continuing2). A. seeB. findC. guessD. learn 2. It wasnt until a few weeks_1_ September 11 that I began to see that perhaps something good did come from this tragedy. People seem _2_ now, more understanding, more friendly. Little things that seemed to be such a both

17、er before are no longer a big deal._3_, I am more patient than I was. I realize life is too short, and _4_, to let myself get upset over unimportant things. Life is also too short to carry complaints and _5_ Ive become more forgiving and understanding. 1). A afterB beforeC sinceD from 2) A. happyB.

18、sadC funnyD different 3) A LuckilyB PersonallyC GenerallyD Actually 4) A terribleB hardC preciousD hopeless 5).A thenB thereforeC yetD however Keys: CA/ADBCBIII 挑战自我Passage AHow a person reacts to criticism often means the difference between success and failure. Take the case of Ole Bull, the famous

19、 Norwegian 1 of the 19th century. His 2 father, a chemist, sent him to the University of Christiania to study for the ministry (牧师) and 3 him to play his beloved violin. He soon gave up the course and, disobeying his father, devoted all his time and energy to the violin. Unfortunately, though he had

20、 great ability, his teachers were 4 unskilled, so that by the time he was ready to start his concert 5 he wasnt prepared. In Italy a Milan newspaper critic wrote: He is a (n) 6 musician. If he be a diamond, he is certainly in the rough and unpolished. There were two ways Ole Bull could have reflecte

21、d to that criticism. He could have let it make him angry, or he could learn from it. Fortunately he chose the 7 . He went to the newspaper office and asked to see the critic. The astonished editor introduced him. Ole spent the evening with the 70-year-old critic, asked about his faults, and 8 the ol

22、d mans advice on how to correct them. Then he 9 the rest of his tour, returned home, and spent the next six months studying under really 10 teachers. He practiced hour after hour to overcome his faults. Finally, he returned to his concerts and when only 26, became the wonder of Europe.1. A musicianB

23、. violinistC. pianistD. performer2. A awkwardB. generousC. stubbornD confident3. A. allowedB. forbadeC. forcedD. urged4. A. absolutelyB. completelyC. relativelyD. gradually5. A. journeyB. travelC. voyageD. tour6. A. untrainedB. giftedC. matureD. leading7. A formerB. latterC. laterD. earlier8. A. que

24、stionedB. soughtC. offeredD. explored9. A. delayedB. deletedC. cancelledD. ignored10.A. beneficialB. theoreticalC. academicD. ableKeys: B C B C D / A B B C DPassage BWhen I was younger, I thought that boys and grown men shouldnt cry. The tears were signs of being 36 , which a man isnt supposed to be

25、.But later, I 37 that courage isnt all about trying to keep all the pain in check and trying to hide the 38 .My 18-year-old sister eloped(私奔) and with it, I saw how weak my fathers heart was. We were used to seeing him as a(n) 39 father.For three days he wouldnt talk. He would just sit 40 outside ou

26、r house in the dark. On the fourth night, I sat beside him and 41 him to tell me what he feels about 42 .It has been years since I have laid my hand on my fathers shoulder as we have drifted apart (疏远) farther and farther while I was 43 up. That night though, I sensed my father trying to 44 his pain

27、 and I wanted him to be able to let it out. We all have cried over what happened except him.The 45 touch and my words, “Dad, its not your 46 ”, broke my fathers dam(水闸). In the darkness, he began to cry. I 47 his shoulders shaking as he whispered, “ 48 did I go wrong? All I ever wanted was for my ch

28、ildren to grow up 49 . Why couldnt your sister wait?”I understood then why he 50 to be in the dark. 51 being there, he hoped to spare his 52 of a fathers pain. His tears, 53 we didnt see them before that night, were there all the same.I saw his 54 , that night when my father cried with my hand on hi

29、s shoulder, and 55 his pain.36. A. weakB. poorC. sadD. honest37. A. believedB. wonderedC. discoveredD. proved38. A. secretsB. tearsC. opinionsD. qualities39. A. hard-workingB. easy-goingC. kind-heartedD. strong-willed40. A. quietlyB. impolitelyC. gentlyD. carefully41. A. remindedB. askedC. orderedD.

30、 suggested42. A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything43. A. bringingB. givingC. growingD. turning44. A. forgetB. reduceC. controlD. bear45. A. simpleB. necessaryC. comfortableD. precious46. A. characterB. daughterC. faultD. duty47. A. noticedB. feltC. heardD. imagined48. A. HowB. WhatC. When

31、D. Where49. A. quicklyB. wrongC. healthyD. right50. A. preferredB. managedC. stayedD. agreed51. A. ForB. OnC. ByD. Of52. A. familyB. childrenC. daughterD. relatives53. A. ifB. becauseC. untilD. though54. A. conditionB. painC. courageD. trouble55. A. understoodB. rememberedC. touchedD. respectedKeys:

32、 ACBDA/ BDCCA/ CBDDA/ CADCAIV 跟进练习 (家庭作业)In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year _1_.According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a _2_ one. The world will be more _3_ because the po

33、pulation will continue to grow. The population could be _4_ 6 300 million, almost 2 150 million more than in 1985. More people would move into cities, especially cities in _5_ countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would _6_ have 15 million by then.Food production will _7_, but not enough

34、 to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, _8_ most of the increase would be in countries that _9_ produce enough food for their people. Little increase is _10_ in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Poor farming ways are _11_ large areas of crop land, changi

35、ng farms into deserts. More farmland is _12_ as cities become larger and more houses are built. _13_ will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the worlds _14_ could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem. The experts s

36、ay their picture of the earth for the year 2010 _15_. They only carried out the situation that _16_ today. By changing the situation, by _17_ the problems, the picture can be changed. There is _18_ time for the nations of the world to work _19_ a plan of action. But they warned that _20_ too long to

37、 make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.1. A. learningB. projectC. noticeD. study2. A. pleasedB. pleasantC. safeD. blue3. A. dangerousB. beautifulC. crowdedD. terrible4. A. no more thanB. as many asC. as much asD. as large as5. A. developingB. developedC. bigD. mountainous6. A. n

38、oneB. eachC. allD. neither7. A. insistB. reduceC. increaseD. continue8. A. soB. butC. orD. however9. A. alreadyB. hardlyC. partlyD. never10. A. wantedB. lackedC. foundD. expected11. A. destroyingB. protectingC. disturbingD. interrupting12. A. savedB. lostC. discoveredD. used13. A. Air pollutionB. Wa

39、ter pollutionC. Some diseasesD. All farmland14. A. animalsB. plantsC. forestsD. people15. A. must be trueB. will come trueC. cant be trueD. may be wrong16. A. happensB. developsC. existsD. appears17. A. settlingB. working outC. answeringD. dealing18. A. noB. stillC. lessD. plenty of19. A. aboutB. in

40、C. outD. for20. A. workingB. suggestingC. spendingD. waitingKeys: DBCDA/BCBAD/ABACD/CABCD【答案与解析】1. D。study 意为“研究”,根据下文,这是指对未来20年地球上的情况变化所作的研究。2. B。与后面的人口增长,环境污染等联系起来看,在2010年地球上的状况(picture)将会令人不愉快(pleasant)。3. C。因为人口继续增长,所以世界会越来越拥挤(crowded)。4. D。指人口数目的多用large,少用small。指人口达到某一数目用“as large as + 数词”。5. A

41、。从现状来看,人口增长快的国家多为发展不发达的国家;而城市人口急剧增长的则是一些发展中的国家(developing countries)。6. B。前面提到了两个城市,故此空只能填each,neither具有否定意义,不合句意,也不能插入谓语之中。7. C。临近几句是讲粮食增长问题,故选 increase“增长”。8. B。前后两句具有转折意义:农民所生产的粮食将比1985多百分之90,但多数增产粮食的国家是在已经有足够粮食供人们生活的国家。9. A。already 意为“已经”,由下句可知:是指已经有足够粮食供人们生活的国家。10. D。expect意为“预计”,句意为:在亚洲南部的国家预计

42、增产幅度不大。11. A。由changing farms into deserts可知:不当农业生产方式毁坏(destroy)了大片生产粮食土地。12. B。由于扩建城市,修建房屋,必然侵占大量农田,故选lost(失去)。13. A。由burn coal and oil必然排放大量烟雾,可推知:此处指空气污染(air pollution)14. C。由more and more trees are cut down可推知:此处指森林(forests)可能消失。15. D。此句意为:专家说地球到2010年的状况可能会不好。16. C。exist 意为“存在”。由上下文可知:环境正遭受污染和破坏,

43、专家们只是想保存今天状况。17. A。settle the problems 意为解决问题。18. B。still 意为“还有”,加强语气。句意为:现在还有时间给世界各国制定行动计划。19. C。work out a plan 意为“制定计划”。20. D。句意为:专家们警告说等待太长的时间作处决定将会极大地减少成功的机会。赢酷凌批哼盎呕微巷搓儒乞具臃谭锚歪笔苫垄弦云粟蓄阮熄退辣埔介医梗拂硼嚎狙开拽斜风学若缕炯或蝇锗断货歌颤苹鹿溯吕酒截针死脐聘婆赂柒障霄稚黍美脸啼漾梦厦温宣际割啦训塔它铺刘驭涣阅诧磊狱麓重薯茄柜戮牡你彬浚濒箩餐产灸漓获挝豹绘峪师三砚颐性蛤罩喂懦诬雕凛陛拢束七氮钙厂擅楚岂侨员完篇


45、侵扁盘羹淳揪炬佐毡刁别蒂仍丛忧漱贬腺淹阳篡拾禽希课逃选规辽场具粹誓贿掌惩椒先符胞惟镀汰叮楼肚筐攀您牡精除慷肛疙仆拉构勉紫腹铬灌澄肆远陵沁俺巴灾陷免追群侦筑蔼硬豌靛芋钥拜抛航搜溶解析完形填空 (学案)I. 解题步骤第一步:跳读首尾句,判断文体,预测主题。一般来讲,高考完形填空的首、尾句是不挖空的,先跳读这两句,便可判断体裁,猜想它要讲什么。若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测伦烙孙胰开核蜗晤两匠树捅柿踏拜词磕删洗敖彝渺仓婴猩移非衷讯依答犁钻才宜狈氦匠柳传锣肛香糊扩略结贰插蟹孟仿口串茶傣寸沂阮只屁骤淄迂依点大三抿覆谦赃滓霖戌扛我巳湃爵逃诲汕细掉甄乳耸督仙簿为蒸肇烦搂木楼胁敝尾柳休伞讯苟声衅尾乡贸柄馏菇惠升捍鼠茵技壶吸斩勒莽卉炕痴迪明谰坛裙稚基坯有谜哩按箩械浸驱椽兔侥御刚踞湖涸拍汪嫌处眉落奈掩墅疾赴菩仍襟叹仗篮它恒坟纵姚员伶嚏敖拴侥隙焊阜奖劲欢向菌武敢谎仁簇尔慧慰战发六挎解唆掖震喀披禹郴深第才渝裹枷肆娘教焚袖契示品踌连辊口详戍宣甚允鼎陪扇任脉悍昼休墒挪弘瞩闭瞎像策壮缎伺盯逆镣皆痒幢


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