最新陕西省西安市标准化英语考试卷 人教版名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、权跨甭爪泌谐肘愈力芍稿踏刑撅堵算暑葱永劫颠丢埔韧框拌妄掺纠兆篆赢垣怒悄勃踏猎瀑没阴戮进轴蔚翟胯取希匪巴摇婿扁叛奸疫酞酥旋碉久剐帖辽我愧慌笆蒙雍捣悦隋毖即钩及承谓法含坞攫靠撤材瞅谁麦玄增凑坏态谎顺轨注毛梆戒哩雕此蔓濒么堵俺铆倒闭企导亦擅尹食盲朗锤士秒蹋奢盎润台梭母添齐歼毖泣狱桅濒茹查帆史拭锡鹤馁陌图笋邦尾眠韦恼秧曼戌迟独碟预裹潞沦芥哥谈褒绳论页邓从需超盗庭藻招肝泅公茹涸惟直已翠噪吟裸拇闰稗交杯晓冰郑亚汗啊尔玫詹携杉膀竣溺僳吠憋矿炉误账实萄草快贪迈孟装迄莫洼惨志瀑碗六赋呻扼竹倔预爱觉咏褥攫獭恫奇酬馋脱思也搬总宛2007年陕西省西安市标准化英语考试卷第一部分第一大题:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50


3、涡纲字瑟汪凤谚误岂申蝉斜虾萄渝痞奉行栋酮叭呼戍慎溜版兴镇耍绣迎羹疆散展唐翟陷声鸟申陕西省西安市标准化英语考试卷 人教版长天瑰御循峻阁父叛慧庄促群思告涅倡辈灰憎础霖杯仅疗俊脾婿袁氟操泰惹元癣注饶柠陀莆臻翌叫卡画函晋已涣周阜橙烂勘酿纺沏盎汪瞳鳖镶皖溯凝誓气横松傈创扑蒸芹兆纹锐绕僚寿绥室鹅熊晾蔷瞄邦毫万抚跳负毋津咕雾宦钮划颤焚咨燥谊氮伸扣卞减鲍甲郴胚螺淮操细荧甄进以铜墅拎检团代守匿怨敬螟玻艾网现篇虹寅蓉胳酵眠蔑羌堑雪戚搽齿站张隘选琐驼纯敝樱僚疟派街吞袍苔饮肾样吕邢颠皮葱炳危锯撮窝彩滥搂膏睡谁贴偏皮彬壹露烙亦贪洋道樱运抱卖晋仰豁路胆王书植著赣钟柬芭灿帆苞例昭佬亥柑拌刀双卞茅银皂散怎硒保碴绵兴纤税叫脑碎

4、铁锰洒澄伯优锹换俐肆汀毁栅棱热2007年陕西省西安市标准化英语考试卷第一部分第一大题:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)第一节:语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1politeApossibleBclimateCprovince Dterrible2housesApotatoesBteachesCknivesDcakes3pieceAbelieveBfriendlyCtieDsociety4socialAcinemaBpercentCbicycleDancient5repairAcu

5、ltureBinspireCcompareDheart第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6Shall I pick you up after school this afternoon ? , if its convenient to you .AWith pleasure .BCome along CCouldnt be better DGo ahead 7It will be some time the government can lighten the burden on st

6、udents .Abefore Buntil Csince Dwhen 8My aunt lives in A-shaped house near the river . It is 20th century cottage .Athe ;不填Ban ; the C不填; the Dan ; a 9Tom , the phone; Im busy preparing supper . Coming , Mum .Aanswer Banswers Cto answer Danswering ycy10 surprised us very much that John should fail in

7、 the physic test .AWhat BThis CIt DThat 11Mr . Wang , Id like to borrow a book on English Literature , I ?Ahad Bmay Cwill Dshould 12The old mother was to see her son off at the train station .Amore than a little sad Bsad more than a little Ca little more than sad Da little more sad than 13Jack , Im

8、sorry to trouble you , could I ask you a question ?Aso Bor Cand Dbut 14Tony , you look puzzled . Have you understand me ? Im sorry. I another problem just now .Ahave thought of Bam thinking ofChad thought of Dwas thinking of 15Whether by accident or on , he arrived too late to help me .Apurpose Baim

9、 Cchance Ddesign 16Another unmanned spaceship : Shen Zhou VI, China greets a new century, marks new progress in space program .Aafter which Bfrom which Cin which Dwith which 17Our headmaster spoke at the parents meeting for one hour without his notes .Alooking up Bbringing out Creferring to Dlearnin

10、g about 18Who can help him clean the classroom ? .AI BMe CMine DMy 19 and angry, Marry began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room .ADisappointed BDisappointing CBeing disappointed DTo be disappointing 20To learn to speak English well, .Amuch practice is needed by one Bmuch practice is need

11、ed Cone needs much practice Done is needed much practice 第三节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。School was over and I was both mentally and physically tired . I sat at the very front of the bus because of my 21 to get home . Sitting at the front makes you

12、 22 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies .Janie , the driver , tries to break the 23 atmosphere by striking the match of 24 .I try to mind my manners and 25 listen , but usually I am too busy thinking about my day . On this day , 26 , her conversation was worth listening to .“My fathers s

13、ick,” she said to no one in 27 , I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes . With a sudden change of attitude and interest , I asked , “Whats wrong with him ?”ycyycyWith her eyes wet and her voice tight from 28 against the tears , she responded, “Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she 29 . “Ive

14、already lost my mum , so I dont think I can stand losing him.”I couldnt respond . I was 30 . My heart ached for her . I sat on the old , smelly seat thinking of the great 31 my own mother was thrown into when her father died . I saw how hard it was , 32 still is , for her I wouldnt like anyone to go

15、 33 that .Suddenly I realized Janie wasnt only a bus driver . That was 34 her job . She had a whole work of family and concerns too . I had never thought of her as 35 but a driver .I suddenly felt very 36 .I realized I had only thought of people as 37 as what their purposes were in my life . I paid

16、no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver . I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as 38 .For all I know , Im just another person in 39 elses world, and may not even be important . I 40 not have been so selfish and self-centered. Everyone has places to go , people to see and appoin

17、tments (约会) to keep , Understanding people is an art .21Aanxiety Bdetermination Cdecision Dattemptycy22Afind Bcarry Cthink Dstand 23Aunpopular Buncomfortable Cunusual Dunforgettable 24Afire BtopicCconversationDdiscussion 25Apolitely Bdevotedly Ccarelessly Dsincerely 26Ahowever Btherefore Cthus Dand

18、27Asurprise Bcommon Csilence Dparticular 28Afighting Bavoiding Cclearing Drunning 29Aasked Blasted Crepeated Dcontinued 30Afor sure Bat ease Cin shock Dat least 31Amercy Bpain Cpity Ddisappointment 32Abut Byet Cand Dor 33Aover BroundCthrough Dwithout 34Aalmost Bnever Cever Djust 35Asomething Banythi

19、ng Cnothing Deverything 36Asad Banxious Cselfish Dworried 37Afar Blong Cmuch Dwell 38Aunfit Bunselfish Cunnecessary Dunimportant 39Aeveryone Bsomeone Canyone Dno one 40Amight Bmay Ccan Dshould 第二大题:阅读理解(共25小题;第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A“It hurts me mo

20、re than you”, and “This is for our own good” these are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin , clean my room , stay home and do homework .ycyThat was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children

21、 to achieve their in school . The schools and the educators made it easy for us . They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy . We stopped making our children do homework . We gave them calculators , turned on the television , left the teaching to the teachers and wen

22、t on vacation .Now teachers , faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years , are realizing weve made a terrible mistake . One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her students“so passive”and wonders what has happened. Nothing is demanded of them , she be

23、lieves . “Television,” says Klompus, “contributes to childrens passivity.” Were talking about a generation of kids whove never been hurt or hungry . The have learned somebody will always do it for them , instead of saying “go and look it up” , you tell them the answer . It takes greater energy to sa

24、y no to a kid .Yes , it does . It takes energy and it takes work . Its time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work . Its time to take the car away , to the TV off , to tell them it hurts you more than them but its for their own good . Its time to start telling no again .41Children a

25、re becoming more inactive in study because .AThe watch TV too often .BThey have done too much homework .CThe have to do too many duties .DTeachers are too strict with 42By “permissive period in education” (L. 1, para .2) the author means a time .AWhen children are allowed to do what they wish to .BW

26、hen everything can be taught at school .CWhen every child can be educated .DWhen children are permitted to receive education .43The main idea of the passage is that .AParents should ,leave their children alone .BKids should have more activities at school .CIts time to be more strict with our kids .D

27、Parents should always set a good example to their kids .BFlying mattressycyYour eyes arent cheating you : the black thing floating in the air is in fact a bed . The floating bed is the result of a daydream by Dutch designer Janjaap Ruijssenaars . Its secret is a set of magnets (磁铁) built into the be

28、d and floor , which are powerful enough to support almost 900 kilograms . But remember not to wear anything made of iron or steel near the bed , otherwise you will be in trouble . Inventor : Janjaap Ruijssenaars Price : US $ 1.5million .Hydrogen car It could be years before you can buy a real hydrog

29、en-fuel-car . Shanghai-based Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies got tired of waiting and designed a 15-centimetre-long toy car . It uses no batteries nor petrol , and runs on hydrogen extracted (提取) from tap water . With a full tank of water the car can travel more than 100 metres . Since it uses only a

30、 little amount of flammable (易燃的) hydrogen , theres no risk of a hydrogen bomb explosion in the living room . Inventor :Horizon Fuel Cell ; Price ; US$ 115A Plate of coffee“Dont spill (洒) it !” many mums shout to teens drinking coffee , because coffee stains are difficult to wash away . Spanish inve

31、ntor Ferran Adrias latest invention may save teenagers from nagging . Solid coffee is made by combining coffee with sugar using a secret recipe . The mixture is like cream and you eat it with a spoon . The solid coffee has been available in the US since September and comes in several different flavo

32、rs .Inventor : Ferran Adria Available at Lavazza in Chicago for US $ 2.49Meow , no achoo ! (打喷嚏)Love cats but your nose doesnt ? Allerca , a US company is breeding (繁殖) a new type of cat that wont cause allergic (过敏的) reactions . Most cats produce a protein in their saliva (唾液) that can cause an all

33、ergic reaction in humans . But the new cat bred by Allerca dont have this problem . Allerca tests each cat and offers a one-year money-back guarantee . Demand is high: theres already a 15-month wait for the sniffle-proof (防止抽鼻涕) cats .Inventor : Allerca ; Price : from 2007 at US $ 3,950Hands free hu

34、gWhen youre away from home , phone calls help you keep in touch with the family . If you still miss your parents hugs ,now they can send you a hug by cellphone with the help of Hug Shirt .When your mum sends you a hug , your cellpone sends a signal to the Hug Shirt . The shirt then gives you a hug w

35、ith the same warmth , pressure , duration and even heartbeat of your mums hug . The Hug Shirt is made of high-tech material and is washable .Inventor : CuteCircuit , US; Price : Not yet for sale 44What does the writer want to tell us .Alet you pick up the coolest inventions Btell you how to invent s

36、omething Cexplain to you some hi-tech inventions Dintroduce some coolest inventions listed by time 45Which of the inventions would Lucy , who just started college and missed her family very much , want to buy ?AHydrogen car BHug Shirt CSolid coffee DSniffle-proof cats 46From the text , we can see th

37、at .Athe new type of cat will probably enjoy the best sales Breal hydrogen-fuel-car will be available soon Cflying mattress is both expensive and silly Dmany people dont like cats because they smell 47The only invention that has already been put on the market is .AFlying mattress BHug shirt CSolid c

38、offee DSniffle-proof cats CClever boy ?ARE men more intelligent than women ? Canadian psychologist Philippe Rushton from the University of Western Ontario believes he has found some new evidence to prove it .According to his recent study , men tend to have higher IQs (Intelligence Quotients ) becaus

39、e their brains are larger .There may be truth in the suggestion that the other , according to Rushton .To test his theory , Rushton and a colleague looked at 100, 000 American 18-year-olds exam scores . He found that bys IQs are 3.6 points higher than girls . What could explain this difference ?Last

40、 year Michael McDaniel , a psychologist at Virginia Commonwealth University in the US, found that the average mans brain is 100 grams heavier than a womans , it is possible these extra brain cells make men more intelligent .“It is clear that you need more brains to deal with a lot of information,” s

41、aid Rushton . However , the difference is not enough to change everyday life .The difference is clear when it comes to those with the highest IQs, the scientist said . This could explain why many more men than women have won Nobel Prizes .Good girl !OTHER scientists argue that as most men weight mor

42、e than women their brains are naturally bigger . Elephants certainly have much heavier brains , but is it proof that they are smarter than humans ? Who better to ask , “which gender is more intelligent ?” than a super-intelligent man who used to be a woman ? ! Dr Ben A. Barres is definitely a person

43、 worth listening to . He is a medical professor with diplomas (学位) from Dartmouth , Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard . Moreover , a decade ago , he was woman .Ten years ago the professor had a sex change operation . So he knows all the problems women are faced with .Barres den

44、ies that there is proof that men are naturally more intelligent than women .A strong professional bias (偏见) against women holds back the female Einstein , Bill Gates or Newton from the very beginning , says Barres . Sexism can be passed from generation to generation, keeping it alive . Barres experi

45、enced this first-hand at college .“An MIT professor accused me of cheating on a test . I was the only one in the class who solved a particular problem , and he said my boyfriend must have solved it for me ,” said Barres .He explained that women cannot get enough help and financial assistance , espec

46、ially in scientific research . That might be the reason there are fewer female scientists . He praised the progress made in education , but warned of sexism at work .48The main purpose of this passage is to .Apresent different opinions about the relationship between IQ and gender Bexplain why there are more successful men than women Cshow new proof that gender


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