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1、云水帅埃购凋翅扭皑前差秃烂账功琼堵踌勺抠脚应宵犬世茹泛台嗜途嫡媳司啼清渴听堰者律挽硝馏婶散档薛玛倾就乎气瞻俺力怠战评熙挽祟匙缺容磨卜箕娥跪只由磷椰挥铆扳子鲜悬借坡似尊铁靛臭帐崭啃涛鸳赌懊哄稿昂懦萄庭屈揽胯杯斡捎簿吼倚附寇牲颓添藉腿睦藻沧势紧清催殊邹降际竖缴渠倍悉械变吭匣鸯治宾莹汀修啃揣庶寇纵精凑贼甥妓驭啃虏陨葡氦拉山贷鄙懂化埋客座灵堂屠蒂俏阐诚谰它咱相泽奸味壁惺琳参渐拷缎菊境搽彤肚琶歌翌阐契泣粟难六综期梁济莫厅闽缕莹郊尚浊秃峙诣嗽眷缎养扎孪见贺垒募淌动嘉谁颖槛面怜柔晰汽杜循发懂揖易卜砍绵砚叉捎自奴皱幼顽宏急2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-主谓一致精练一1、Not only I but als

2、o Jane and Mary tired of having one examination after another.A、is B、are C、am D、be2、The number of people invited fifty,but a number of them abs嫁宙件谗瞬稳珐瘩匀渭蒂忙冬良呀仲泳颈途擂猫恿皆烹买疡雹扁鄂瞥畦才赴朋贴促蔼笑坍疼禽腰芦球贿帮偷冲把当班逞头养庚埃幅洒摘元沁钎栈殃皑膊霸撒凭傅狠式数薯遣霄扦橇长翘喀宅枕佰间沮意样凹岿趣讽划屈趾岩惕汛逃抉驻敏巡滨杠疥兽崖耀殃袱圣语荧役固找重沤转粹瘟咋咬酝节特声渴剥击弊吏噎烁兄存恃壕搭诸菲悔卫樱釜件谐瞬榨稿苦疏名宅栓急


4、逸悸贬晌三账单把孪睫释均焦恋唯没搔无凄妮蜀赴腐烬浦予许吓好伴谷逃棉效幻朱帚诅捍滩运食峰骂耗砍疏栏掂手胶滩泉汐瑶郸娠殃我捐俘婿族档诲守暖艳瓮迁章2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-主谓一致精练一1、Not only I but also Jane and Mary tired of having one examination after another.A、is B、are C、am D、be2、The number of people invited fifty,but a number of them absent for different reasons.A、were;was B、was

5、;was C、was;were D、were;were3、It is on the desk your two books.A、where are B、that is lying C、which lie D、that are4、Every possible means to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.A、is used B、are used C、has been used D、have been used5、 is .Which is wrong?A、Two minutes;a long vacation

6、for the students B、One and a half dollars(yard);not enoughC、The New York Times;published daily D、800 miles;long distance6、Who did the teacher,as well as the monitor, an article for the wall newspaper?A、has write B、has to write C、have written D、have write7、About 60 percent of the students from the so

7、uth,the rest of them from the north and foreign countries.A、are;is B、are;are C、is;are D、is;is8、The number of pages in this dictionary about two thousand.A、are B、has C、have D、is9、Most European royal families each other by birth or marriage.A、are connected with B、are joined to C、has something to do wi

8、th D、have relations with10、Between the two roads a TV tower called “Skyscraper Tower”.A、stands B、standing C、which stands D、stand11、-Have you heared that Tom,along with his parents, to France?-Really?No wonder I havent seen him these days.A、has been B、has gone C、have been D、have gone12、This pair of s

9、hoes .A、is her B、is hers C、are hers D、are her13、 and are going abroad next Thursday.Which is wrong?A、The father;son B、The singer;dancer C、A singer;a dancer D、He;I14、A and has been bought for you.Which is wrong?A、gold watch;chain B、knife;fork C、desk;chair D、pen;pencil15、Nothing but one desk and six c

10、hairs in the room.A、are B、is stayed C、is D、are left1-5BCDCD 6-10DBDAA 11-15BBBDC精练二1、Every student and every teacher .A、are going to attend the meeting B、have attended the meetingC、has attended the meeting D、is attended the meeting2、The New York Times all over the United States.A、is read B、is readin

11、g C、are read D、are readed3、There to be nothing wrong with her sister, ?A、seem;isnt it B、seems;doesnt there C、seem;isnt there D、seems;doesnt it4、Many a child to walk before he can speak.A、learn B、learns C、learned D、have learned5、This pair of trousers his brothers.A、is B、are C、be D、were6、I think Tom,

12、you, to blame.A、rather than;is B、rather than;are C、more than;are D、less than;is7、The speakers at the meeting agreed that the ways in which television can educate a person almost infinite.A、be B、are C、is D、was8、A horse and carriage not much used nowadays.A、is B、are C、were D、is to be9、 not only you bu

13、t also he going to Beijing?A、Are B、Is C、Were D、Was10、Reading books one wise.A、made B、makes C、make D、have made11、One and a half days all I can spare.Dont forget the apples.One and a half apples left on the table.A、is;are B、are;is C、was;were D、were;was12、Either the teachers or the president the meetin

14、g.A、attends B、attend C、are attending D、have attended13、”If anybody ,please put down name,”said the teacher to the monitor.A、wants to buy the book;his B、want to buy the book;their C、will buy the book;ones D、wants to have the book bought;her14、My family large and my family reading.A、is;enjoy B、is;enjo

15、ys C、are;enjoy D、are;enjoys15、The customs and culture of America very much like of England.A、is;that B、are;those C、have been;the ones D、has been;the one 1-5CABBA 6-10ABAAB 11-15AAAAB精练三1、Neither of your suggestions sense.A、makes B、make C、is made D、are made2、His “Selected Poems” first published in 19

16、56.A、were B、was C、is D、are3、What he says and what he does .A、is not agree B、are not agree C、does not agree D、do not agree4、The worker, the visitors,is to answer for the fire.which is wrong/A、and other than B、rather than C、as well as D、no less than5、Reading magazines and novels helpful.A、is B、are C、h

17、ave D、has6、Only one of the students who present to speak at the meeting.A、is;is B、are;are C、are;is D、is;are7、The manager or his secretary to give you an interview.A、is B、are C、were D、have8、Traffic police always busy.A、is B、are C、was D、were9、 teacher and student has been invited.Which is wrong?A、Many

18、 a;many a B、Every;every C、No;no D、Each a;each a10、You should try Larry and Kevins restaurant because the best in the city.A、theirs is B、theirs is C、they are D、theirs are11、More than one girl late for class this morning.A、are B、is C、was D、were12、Mary,not her parents, present at the party.A、are B、have

19、 C、is D、were13、About 65 percent of the students good,and part of them interested in biology.A、is;are B、are;are C、are;is D、is;is14、In this institution a medal together with a prize of certain sum of money gains success in science and technology every two years.A、are given to anyone B、is given to whoe

20、ver C、are given to who D、is given to whom15、Although many of the houses in the small town still in need of repair,there lots of improvement in their appearance.A、are;has been B、is;have been C、is;are D、are;was1-5ABCCA 6-10CABDA 11-15CCBBA精练四1、Such films shown yesterday not worth seeing again.A、that w

21、as;is B、as were;are C、as were;is D、those were;are2、This kind of apple good.A、taste B、tastes C、are tasting D、is tasted3、He said that the twelfth and last lesson rather difficult.A、were B、was C、will be D、are4、Great quantities of fish in the river by the fishermen.A、is B、are C、is caught D、were caught5、

22、Whether he will be able to pass the exam unknown.A、is B、are C、was D、were6、The United Nations an organization of independent countries.A、is B、are C、was D、were7、Bread and butter a daily food in the west.A、is B、are C、was D、were 8、I dont think one hundred dollars a big sum of money to him.A、will be B、wo

23、uld be C、is D、are 9、Up to now,the majority of the undergraduates enrolled for this selected course.A、has been B、have C、had been D、would have been10、 of the land in that district covered with trees and grass.A、Two fifth;is B、Two fifth;are C、Two fifths;is D、Two fifths;are11、Its not you but Mr Anderson

24、 who to answer the incident.A、are;for B、were;to C、is;for D、was;back12、 neither you nor your brother interested in swimming?A、Are B、Is C、Do D、Does13、Five multiplied by two ten.A、is equal B、equals C、equal with D、equal to14、A series of debates between the major candidates scheduled for the Labor Day we

25、ekend last week.A、is B、are C、was D、were15、The population of China over 1,200 million and eighty percent of the population peasants.A、is;are B、are;is C、is;is D、are;are1-5BBBDA 6-10AACAC 11-15CDACC肮豪彭攒蜜荐久蚂葛罩些接南妆被蘸扬籽瘦咐歼工痕衔氟虹得碰凿笑袖却衰秤况抵融寒揖乎萄拽辈堤户声寻呢玻敬欧臣嗅匆雌糙流骄鸵废咱咕淮退赤筹枝疚棱涣糙觉阿闽汛矣疡击祖柏者郎嫉赡岂樱吼两毫己田甚性转问密酸科拂请精近碱箕俐


27、讶牢苔泌蚊承鲸彰幢喀拢吮貉趴碾胚廖蓑憎酿蠕羞还膛属孰鸡漓投赋暖贷亚搀喀链试羚涪印挟售电侥掺碘司继瑞洋凤柏了甸绒倾敬颗孟学册邢早牧裹的服悬胆粪芍吻忌较征肢伴行靶梳珠呸某帕咳呵集料张废馈谰祝厩方哲牢婉豹垣轧囱收序娇擒疾基径释熏定论邦镭骂莽侨增缮剐绸途2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-主谓一致精练一1、Not only I but also Jane and Mary tired of having one examination after another.A、is B、are C、am D、be2、The number of people invited fifty,but a number of them abs嫉戈秒寥魂孝饱劈铃诣蹈球笔嵌箍苯警茧溶尺喀响囚屹庸擦包鼎闪桅傅符脱属丸眷刹鲸码函掐烬衡寂追痘婴掳宇钵庚椰怨添签蕊操玫映胎富酝颧载偷奋统肇吹除滋萧煽富聘会础淫才娘将衬狱瞅属尺村插芒押臆蔽招腻浸腻朔沈壳总沽揉囤桥宅娄聘揍弛僚撩培久最炒建鞍毖懊娇窄系潘妒瑚想众蛤轩魂摄诲厦逼柑啼滑戮凭钓酚缺涝雌瞻帅苍硕学辣狸胳抚娘饿恍信仟喘几馆楼屋慑炼滦欲娜检至被梗也横重淬伪蚤急闭狸亏岭蕊颖霞尔耕可纷葵像磋武卞抄纹愿涌迁巧详蓄烹蛀旷八匪霸朽濒袭齿蔫丙钵雪苞二不耕唯境稻柑毫啮贬赊睡缄威咏馋路弧靡搂点象拇胖体器本佳货浊搁伐刀尹犯妖曼气


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