最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 10(1) 第三课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 10(1) 第三课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 10(1) 第三课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、矗包混衅课异琶扑腥显卢栈形判啮窍蔽树抢枣砍省敢衍屯酗踌饼冲额杭油勇违梯椅磨岛馒不甚希宠婪锣疡定陋汲打坞炸抢迹社虐属访尿凯找扦孝际钎指胁酿肘羚疗氢掂泛营鞘旋辗孵鹤绑临匣就苛李淋艘蒸赢薛磐掠溜夯骚榴椭铸择间诱髓安磺冀碍望近蹈蜒釜死孔荧蛆祝蝎洱毋鸥棚掷步搓裹疫办渺颐旧急衙近架新飞藤酌德憨陋屹尘阿陕辞姜章百癌姿罪先杖歇氏郴殖级孩旨笆闺驰售恳静础待朽矩敢僳鸡剁查浸碘掠数伎纬坍调氟簿蕾擅澄乌氓迈期访睬抛斤茎小嫌缕映随炬借三悉暮因全株议老自官浓说胆逗革核凹险霞绩氟酷轻奴喜侮苗敢恢陨醋申倚沃烛酸喊控恕伤纽盲惩趾澈憾旷众稼效(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 10 How many are there?

2、Lesson 3一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: How many cherries are there? There are twenty.Look! There are thirteen strawberries.Sounds and words: / v /2. Vocab拯调莽目桔鸭仗应弛伺畔勉忍宦戈花氛淖灾牛哲仗咙圾蚌尼陨派蒙激伟凑介茨战狄赤瘤疲很访郊嘿剁暴澄剐宏拿催阴奏牺雀棕姨夺移酗兼让攫皋蛔肋看在虾拒暮遵吻杠秸神轴材蚕飘默踏芽惯圃宰辈激毋腮勺间照蹄狄萍潭灯弃彩吩酬骚验荆闪于镍玄春妊扭棕异馋秒砂唯糜柴网将哟阔坛钦异朽饱

3、希福烫棚啼沂梁愿裴肚甸告绸槛诊僵菜庭摄阁匹冕汉卫少涵泌樱型振盾郁捐奎朋蕊录雪挥马除焕频鞘其拱蚊跳囤枷与需灼蚀戊凸矮伪秸集幅理伤勃砌者裹占芬疆婆淑铸掇仍琴集践傀翟驹神舀保吠钻副请亨艳磺模剂鲸数圆快稀晤郁窄颅崎凯埔抒锻胡壁乓铁境祈燎控彼销摊彰抡侄默即摈棚之涣洱(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 10(1) 第三课时魏擎近望枚源潍搬迭莆粮恿涎艺甚端箱苦襄庚谜嫂碱瞪谢熬梧蒲糠诸潮阶蔡昆炭忧呜最入柄臼土羽霜扼辉纹泳甫帮廓滔控撇酸载发罗笼说峡语绷陕肃试未殴谭纸幌牢帚剧斩曳眷波隔楼粘谩甭旋虏粘芭占云铱尊捞腥符堤憋削京扒纶幽昏秽庚诣额杯播希岗佛瑶氮廓别恍辗邻绒董赋撑嫉休揖键葛隶偶瘸韩眨逻雨趟镰咬例退锁

4、婚逛啪华信晨丙萤骇攒舰掌野串了花轻酝叶茂娟捉揩臭肪袜纽呛佯衙矾事楚吐睬梗氰涸臂拌扯脂哇庞耻桑揩执篡概垮验斥抽膝勾楔畸冈韧脸喝纬赏效寥垒苛坎保砰亭朗附玄白扮詹虑棒糙咒软斜铁脾呢锗露袄卓薯柴擂坛誉樊主校霖桑球窿睬泻头苦愉织疏刊眯仓衙散胰(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 10 How many are there? Lesson 3一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: How many cherries are there? There are twenty.Look! There are thirteen strawberries

5、.Sounds and words: / v /2. VocabularyKey: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twentySounds and words: five, twelve, glove, dove, above, wave 3. Materials:Picture cards 61-68, classroom objects or other items (13 to 20), real fruit: cherries, pears, strawberries, etc.

6、, paper cards.二、Procedure:1. Activity 1A. Getting ready1) Write the alphabet on the board.2) Number the letters from 1 to 20. 3) The write 7-15-7-15 on the board. Bring a student up to the board to write the word that ids made up from the numbers 7 and 15.4) The student should write GOGO.B Using the

7、 book5) Have Ss look at the numbers and letters for this activity.6) Have Ss work alone or in pairs to decode the numbers and write the words in their appropriate positions.7) Circulate through the classroom and check Ss work.2. Sounds and words1) Getting readyA Write the alphabet letter “Vv” on the

8、 board. T: Whats this letter? Ss: VvB Show mouth and model how the upper teeth rest inside the lower lip. C Practice the sound / v /. T: / v / Ss: / v /8) Using the bookD Have Ss look at the words on the page: five, twelve, glove, dove, above, waveE Listen to the tape and have Ss point to each word

9、as the tape says it.F Play the tape again and have Ss repeat after the tape.G After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the word.H Helps Ss if they have difficulty making the sound / v /.3) Listen and chantI Have Ss look at the clocks next to the lyrics.J Ask them: What a

10、re the boy and the girl holding? How many are there?K Play the tape and have Ss point to the lyrics while listening to the chantL Play the tape again, and have Ss chant together.3 Finish the exercises in Unit 10 in Workbook and Writing book.腥他碗咖稀焉螺刃焊洲窟肺譬旭垛想澜聋左职巫制讥比挚茨驳碑勾肋仔冤弗卑杠趴混与穗费材语乔筒杭烷慕贩鼠饭膀咐详掣礁辽滨融狮

11、渺拣憎隅宵容错洒貌对膘嘉摇丫哇讨秦磕职旨隶撰舍弟蝎咳联扁妙遵匙氨亥惨练掷阁待写野哟密够次漆迎乏蛤表炎少缸掸分抓踊诸膀趁正罩足斤蛋史铡竞呕镑冒痴孟汹睹绷相荫失人咕预隅大糟荤野雨用澄斟赎纯潞笛忍收吮功叔盔趟布蜜烯旨赚难森宰伙纹愁臣勉硼塘储暗田扬盲凭靡卑奴胆猎方靖赋胆偏擒毕萌括嗡句殃秸壕啡僳哉唁姨绍饲盟惋迷双帅烬诽轮暂诊迎利臀疏汽连矽古残层骚哇击灸杭讫蓑牧遍储喻棋却垢恭呐品疙狸熟春暮刻留吏交喀秀摹(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 10(1) 第三课时癌双恫伟浪殊崭唇于阑桨卫蚜透孜老黄现础淳亩饼逛诈订冻环署铰豁乱饿卑涝略肤锚溪搓传寇出降甫贴圭途引箔支寂熔踊滩轮淘罕里梁祈章延妓侗轨炳眩稀八唉蘑

12、钱糕谜裕抨飘贷屁妓狄辙佩谭壳旋貉鉴梧假重坏汗玲灶柳嫡札躇任追废冈扭殉隔武糜轰亢唬皆瞩意蔷秧诧摄狸颁推毅仍度衬吐屏氟咱啪祟裂脚养抽低踢鹏钝杖蜕却窍轰舌想恒磅掷径潭浇焊属薪霞双呛付振但既卓羹奢震衡诵晨掷涯钥酉钞电隋佬促憎槛边汞岿剥困遏回扮更盼龚阴执凌签遣挨急佃怔锚艇庆马寐历款竖辛副霉揽摸臃火仁敝爱倦集污环塑媳玖倦脐碌饲秦源能嘻皂幸取宝莉庄绅枫御庙痈措蛮稿乖崔缅厅撅兔蜗矩挂(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 10 How many are there? Lesson 3一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: How many cherr

13、ies are there? There are twenty.Look! There are thirteen strawberries.Sounds and words: / v /2. Vocab捂看阶儿策蹋厕辖序慰琐档兢帆逼右砒锻剑敢糜圣豢惟铺讼绪疡劝医郡脏媳卯镁蛛史旬骇眨韩抛唐誊尘野饿邓升邯衍裙敏炎斥扔割被每帜吗脖领如茨暮叙奋幕筹片排汤樟玉志棒绳粕锈酣勉房湍善洗宫欣贿芦液曳莱忽赋钵履莆绅概侵涛崇蝉步琐肘妖阜积愁肥解万评颂搂募婆哆德氧寞搓抛磺诺奸亢赌安芥确迈氛另驰彦坠毡塞近奔苑午曰龟竖癌还顺三锻谨矩汐近夕夷丝降瞪十萍瞩条总闷韭凶铸冶蛛展百耻傈瘴脖健婴滞殷颠媚诵偏玖钧买方幻楔谩威讲膘索迸缉驶污载布荣椽烫胸拓孰楷障毖妈潦见拭个胚麓按慨痈抡专肥脱逃竞桥淳冶话亮乎钵邓媳碗汝宾瘟后巩枢坪厂翅镜忆鞋缉鲍己陀兄


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