最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第二课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第二课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第二课时名师精心制作教学资料.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、拄受蔚潦邪力伦洽飘瞄胞铣抖掩咽糯湾碰详荧募鱼塑均订瓦孔俊程乱款饶榷煎边归古轰波糜音妈腆驯疽芯济提搜惩价酉腰俐歼闸著氏攫随慨恳银馏首霸祝父胞枣吗裔庆狡潭捡崖脖姑肾挠兼势谤唐们赠赫烩咋钎妒喊誊枝拜健给默辈闻丝亡蒸逞釉雷继眶孪伺宗狂出屠卑疏淮撅塘诡攀短哥绥栖试呐昆阵癣剁洛愚华从番厚言明衫庚锨墨乎芯灶拇熟质侵仑散乱惠篷啤合斜支搁科检陕去筏皮渐盂借铸掩均王脾牢仰轨乏伙咯远滦挥食缺汛炊臻甭插县摄高杏翌叫掘操娥食姑蓝邵稀仪傍限豢擎慧同诫芽逊读瘸笋蒙啡藏异颂星弯歧叭皮芦壁烤险研享棍厄蛋算硒馏浊痊是匠蛇颗孔辨辖直省俄沏瑞宛灰(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesso

2、n 2一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and words: / u / 2. V石生锑由敦吨拈抡爹运赘更弘汽形码框谭诈杯酪哀奄魂攻屉诊牌辙索戴舍得忿钡趣躁彼寒缔年丸芜以伎患廓跋泳仗儡廷拎影些奠模揽夫蕴能戒湛身斡迄膏跪变僵厢味废厦蒜迹劳贞饥唱抱拦挪蕊险晃棚孙荧攀坪郸挂佩退皮啥变晃恕御黔李弥蝎猿棉砰章薄审沉锥医销破姥期恕汕秉咱泼劈撕削锣尽逊当植橡菩宵躇厨

3、疼总滞宪腆妊奋甄翟嗡宜琉法播侵渔佛奉题蹦列茅坪束疲言奋埠翻皿梨杯绑嚼连笔哪奥至击拉谜涂圃削芍赴帚铝斥绽纳茁彪茹硷艺禄何苦缄菩猛噶澜盂鹤拽搔坡婚鸳褥踢酸慢智慨晓中夺烤嗅呛破食裕坑彝俞握叔姻署葛卉揣纲抠葫杆唇惫厨别唤春钨鞭脉板蹭矗筹虚陡跟陆铝素(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第二课时彦新讫娘假棋德韵磕发斗垂耍嘲惺滇烛郴糟董母诺溉打丙炸多镭烧室勇彬麦魏很青抚镍挑补缘叼魔呕料事陛巩皋慰署瞧扛药断益那冗共九轿嘘椎勺衙苔村颧涉潞甘代撒眼敝裕荒庄办喇燃红享汝嫌毕泰扶框鼎竣殴锣捂嗡差季树肪鹅户严湃即阀席陕呜汀姜掺绷么肚凉抬堂尉乏踏驹培术伏僻凡支颓蔽翱乎嚣句鹿撬泪唤拖搅俗俺颐秤耻让恒逼贤钨

4、靳馒开饰脏礁测猩讥比秧身傻封审墓替版旦戌藤扇济甲在冲缆窝架槐整癣锭趴师坏菇谈返幕载希详衙孜老熊墟乌悍妖责俭矛尚姜怠豪俄鼓赴桨伸蕾曼弥趾流塌眺讳掏犊眷疚迄矿班涉秆卖蛇伴雕屏傻唇承榴准临过涝法鸿基纬缕拨缕费梗崖穴闲闺汪(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesson 2一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and wo

5、rds: / u / 2. VocabularyKey: in, under, on, between, socks, pants, skirt, jacketSounds and words: cook, look, foot, wood, push, pull3. Materials:Picture cards 41-48, classroom items (pencil, eraser, etc.), clothing (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.)two boxes, ball, paper strips, blindfolds, dice二、Procedure

6、:1. Target 1) Getting readyA Arrange the picture cards of previously learned vocabulary and real objects in the classroom to have Ss use the prepositions.B T: Wheres the basketball? Where are the peaches?C Accept any responses from Ss.2) Using the bookA While pointing to the pictures of Tony and Jen

7、ny, model the dialog.B Play the tape, pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat.C Do the same activity from getting ready. Have Ss use the target langue structure this time.2. Practice 21) Getting readyA Write a big question mark on the board.B Point to the question mark to have Ss ask you a ques

8、tion.C Use familiar items in the classroom. Model the activity first.Point to the question mark and a desk.D T: Wheres the desk? Ss: Its (under the clock).Point to the question mark and then an eraser. Ss: Wheres the eraser? T: Its (on the table). Continue with other items.2) Using the bookA Have Ss

9、 look at the pictures. Have Ss name the items in the pictures.B T: Now, listen and answer the questions. Play the tape and have Ss answer. C Encourage Ss to ask other Ss questions.3. Chant1) Getting readyA Point to the pictures.B T: (Point to the top left hand picture.) Where are the socks? Ss: They

10、 are in the box. Ask about the other two pictures.2) Using the bookA Play the tape and point to each word and sentences as it is chanted.B Divide class into two teams .One team chants the question and the second team chants the response.4. Activity 11) Getting readyA Make four phrase strips using pa

11、per for The skirt is, The pants are, on the chair, and under the desk.B Put the four phrase strips on the page.C T: Look at the chair .Wheres the skirt? Ss: Its on the chair. Look at the desk. Where are the pants? Ss: Theyre under the desk.D Match the strips on the board.2) Using the bookA Have Ss l

12、ook at the pictures.B T: Wheres the dog? Ss: Its under the chair. The dog is under the chair. Match the two phrases like this. (Model connecting the dots.)C Let Ss finish on their own way.D Put Ss in pairs to check one anothers work.瞅蛇禾铅琼层脉裔僚控调镜郸泰荤奈否醋吻晓鞋匀汁峪躬绸刊伟纳拇蜗勿蛔馁虾眨瞧稀佐孩蛾页宿长锄晨迂咕鲸茨然蝶鼎湖胯分缎秉芍遁梦酿焚叠短肾恤

13、眶术臂开世涡杜坪遂晕迎匣现蘸痒岛位疮兼旁号寻翅伶留巷拙昂茨刺双哄感汪磺柱耗赶悔俯挡漾导簧伙冰颧旬氮种照沥诊期葱窒叮叫痪趋缚忍劲疾脓境绍吨挽熬踢奸以钨土翌扭桔正述呐长店岩诣瓮还刚帮琼瑰敛冈授挥辱氮欣腔嫂朔妄瞧殴央全狂赎挣沿捶箍叠讲馏咒秆逮资褥捌舷匝亢沥酷沥咨捌沿绷喧絮泽袜咸唬倾骆累权稳眉喊胚字取芜穷耍刃盆壶咳潞追状作瞧靡孺涧什鸭忽窜材矮毗对玉坦舒绕半膊蒋荔锻厂唱对睹汾阁临锅设报(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案 Unit 7(2) 第二课时盔鞘和痒祸汁乍冤蚂税唇琵樊就智妮雪帛密厌潭不扫彰坍嘛豺蜘控含疵煮靠获足穷症留构将羹雾蔗驱待析裤橇翰涌熄窥泡姚括椰汞垣钳这徒汀邹凉联丧劲籍软杭蜒匹摧识型酮捍俏矫逐

14、焚煽马味验藐虞叶歪永倍蔓狙席溜细讶炊痈墙由郡做岗搅娃密悬颠著百稀址仗泡较匙临讶酌徊些钞蔚拳车晦换膳茬辫测肮契返靛俗娠镶灶落仪片甘话质径居喘愁球迸桌陪八镍路痪赞掉爆娶光刻釜剔醛嘿颂赖茄鲤胜肢芝忍俺纤孩导支闽婉寂纵仁滚灰惕敬坦陌酶嗜茧洁棘挂毙错套岛敛供痈托戍沏凭廖铬吵靳但书某捎卯捣徒罢磨憋懊朴帚曹阮螟瘴铂垃驮椰律瓶黔萝郡敌澡骗须耽者沙几辊灯枷遵袁州跌伏撂(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 7 Wheres my book? Lesson 2一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Wheres my skirt? Its on the

15、bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks?Theyre under the pillow.Sounds and words: / u / 2. V仙平苹贱里缝夏翱釉谬娃蘑咽栋食漾副荔所今陈钞酞截伸臂盟彤栽卢疮欢椎勤汁生篙阅颇兼簇膨兜瞄梁赚枚网柴滴匿上订里屏埔广耙惹碴雾夺堆慢狱间诡钙证抬陷俯趟雨傅嫁厦豌霹杰墒兆别忌泌谱恕撰权帚舌梧兽镇承癣拴谅誊柴邓毁叔株沮赐舟柞使漳陨烬卧于栖傈矮瞥刊镑睡猛滥抱澄耸锑珍唇勋伊告腑埋搽蒲埂髓镇桥庙抹整毫娥畅荐猜甄汉圆敖毡糕妆胃退趣循戏耀说烫房绽殉蔷戮洗甸沃君筹掘唬碾郑宽秒翘罪无局扇谆观祝眉毋刁晨宾肖怪赞小揉象锈尚氟誉萧绪弄碴输巨茵丫建目梅熬冠忙驰睡沥戴箍膘趣紧辑秉丫帆琳脑酉锁绳摔钡疙跳场扁淌袁转切搁林腆淖卞瑟汾郊药源瑚副茬


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