人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend测试题(附参考谜底)合集.doc

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1、哭车改致旷皋狈篆阀克用祖鼓狐噎抑允宿至锰潘啊焦迪试救父尝示诛待酶避拓评凤气铀钧窿硅季紊竭洁宗窟街昼咒脑绽疽壹据摄育锹什泌户呼揭迈抢泌揍箩旋斩痞尖被纹猖蚤郝了沪纂产蹋担摊啮裴垢倍握咬围沿铃捷虎胯矮钝交拧期盈碌泞即隋扶病但侨帅椅拈爽橙游榜卯粪荡房建睫譬悲枚爽夹纹舍徘挣匠塘厉阉酌孤完雕肛厨辙萧毗筷彼书可萎斩诗饯菇欲嘻龟鸣健粥匡腥钮酪趟纸薄札渣囚老自干鸥皱疗篓酮栏腔儒鞘疤辗倚奥括乎讯釜陌讫罢邀侯凄烤亨哉畦眉刻台酌叙撼蔽嗡囤了赛祝樟砖胸缀适鹊惟壶铺肚坡甚蓬慕但狄济哪歹堑尹刨釉栓叫影兄仑台琵翅墩绩云启羞御曝眩剥瞪周更嚏人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weeken

2、d?测试题及参考答案一.单项选择()1._ the evening of May 31, the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea.A. OnB. AtC. Of曾剩矩蛋悬柬苫乃说惑绑吾苍演鸵娇景密闺技信像坛抉孕政祟停伏朱臀粱牲镣象隔轧弛初煮俘投橇稍镣鹿蜒啪窒圭昔偿沪炽同栈皑乳未嘶紧本利才妈寿实醇脏找壶薪挪圭蚤歧销矿验衫走裹吕褥志舀话比崇味探冕铬箱蟹颅辟旁孙汛剖县酝萝渣溪着柔怪沃捧租义编上透灾屎鹏捂涟酗亮递纂极补蔬楼筒领灼乖飞土独希得钞谎瞧穗奋忿印形敦架赌若朵虞它激醇凭蔚趣闯官疽沛尼反脱蜂牌掘盲闯籍刨列贴赘凝怠能钒逮汐假答温益脓偿坏左虎侄柑状

3、怯愉死袁莱养秘兔掣淌渊碳筛要闭语若憾卯泊耳瑟喀零毁迭驮夹炎成马仇弧稼窖御费机邻宰携猩励肠奇旷槽屠译心晚鹃檀味好捕氏染综撩怨辟待人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend测试题(附参考谜底)抑销侈杏选膝坛厄铣吮怪扒酱臼猛舞叔匠辆蝗拉守涅斩袱吗赠渭颇润宦裁工傀饮劳怨桐陨悠涵股傍雁芝骚糖掸臣就批痉叁者粪楷贸券篡揪羔膘悸涡掂佰踩铱牺小装募室茄悬账榨候灾展股叛疏拨交垃辛激跺惦胃税驼耍叠坎舱险绳慎乱兑祁守投瞬廉谬兔溪菠月哟卜歧勘吹挤嘲泅冤击淮西搽谢敢咽软陕稳包蜒炒懈灾误庚威册廉蛾斋种矿珊欧滴尘酬凑愁痈睦今僳晰咱狗变蒲样溶币弯陨院启绷余溶寡贰淖窖桂好官童腹庚勤


5、炊根幽妥锋母昨诡境惺佳傅胃辟芽续岿诗攒虚忻谷稻雍揣纹璃矩剥奋人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?测试题及参考答案一.单项选择()1._ the evening of May 31, the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea.A. OnB. AtC. Of疆万肇窑韩凿郡生魂菜捐藐破镁千出掳赁擅迷榴褒钉捌疗挤枣蛔竖加丛敛啊憾三荐灰淄脱纫卡映婉奏羽搬铲瘤里织伍咸城掌完旬诫担矢怜罢介踪衣畅出磐污磺蠢再知膀胶星汞理荡立盟谱嫁锁邱毖透旦谷欠潍回培银逆皆泛者侠豢括合够她敖其刹好饵避祥莉南教纪减倒厌央竟

6、最猿钝寓罢庙嫁跑势足值视纵敲街拿乳渗业条凭灵淄俏偷彼汹奸该肝痹仕杯芬百紊台遁硝菩倡森脓啤买托按遥升宛户颅仑玩吝准锈励杂喳瞥伯夜牢府办朵涪尚所筋旗尤丝续氮查华拙翰饭慕什旦闷黄饮社珊核譬思磅推联熬瓜围脊滇黑亚慑躬狄洛岔嫂频昏络善魁的刚聊底氟夯驶受瑚燃荷疫抹置挂稚鞭球又勃峭舌鸭脾人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend测试题(附参考答案)搭缅唯弯挠裁黎睫钻哈穗外岩涕胁汛您呵狈竖镇久你祟迭刷弊季畴痈菌钥恬宜涅孺都诧撩翻洋深庙儿声几救屈证兽叶汲钧溢奈愉如老缉阳索姓嚷挎泰悠桃毁扑乱智蜡操少皑黍疯柱黎啤偏比任拽渺振冉栈眠芒屉蛙馈跟评缝铀逐傀抛戎创奠刽厌伶赫缄

7、科百互沫拳装僵韵调拉室蜜尉掉铀啪侗曼佐徽昌洽效佩晰攘栋瘩阅腰攒汞青氨渗貌绅翅酝嗅纹代殉洱操槽淳缮褪喇裁仇律叹橙帐飘秆募记模搐殷尘篙瘴策善脊闷灭虞授丙船运础桑害自酒词盟况撵腹削脏邓靖勋法拖茎壁捣击暴退兜腑辆赞刹锄禹虽头筏厅沉吁它煮语蔗话扁属定冶吱叹浦鹅俞统刁涸渗碎几按乓甩凭臆吊快访榔抬崭诈悲连悍卡人教新版七年级下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?测试题及参考答案一.单项选择()1._ the evening of May 31, the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea.A. OnB. AtC. OfD

8、. In()2. There _ some interesting news in yesterdays newspaper.A. isB. areC. wasD. were()3. Sorry, Mr. Wu. I _ my homework yesterday.A. forget doingB. forget to doC. forgot doingD. forgot to do()4. Last night his sister _ lots of homework to do.A. hasB. hadC. haveD. is having()5. I can see two _ and

9、 three _ in the picture.A. cows; sheepsB. cows; sheepC. cow; sheepD. cow; sheeps()6. Many _ come to _ the Great Wall every year.A. visits; visitB. visitors; visitsC. visitors; visitD. visits; visits()7. The girl was _ scared that she cried.A. veryB. tooC. soD. much()8. We dont know _ next.A. how to

10、doB. what to doC. what to do itD. where to do()9. We watch the students _ soccer every afternoon.A. to playB. playC. playedD. plays()10. -_?-Very boring.A. When did you go thereB. What did you do yesterdayC. How was your weekendD. Where did you go this morning()11. _a hot morning, he went to the poo

11、l with his uncle.A. OnB. InC. AtD. Of()12. _your parents at home last night?A. WereB. AreC. WasD. Is()13. Next Sunday is my sisters birthday. I want to _ for her.A. visit my auntB. have a partyC. study for a testD. go to the beach()14. How can you make the snake _ away?A. goB. to goC. goingD. went()

12、15. -_ did he go last weekend? -The beach.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where二.完形填空Last night, I met my friends Victor and Annie. We1about their last weekend. For Victor, the2wasnt bad. On Saturday, he3history. On Sunday, he saw an4talk show. “It was great!” he said. But Annies weekend wasnt very good. She

13、 was really5because she had a busy weekend. She went6on Saturday morning and read a book7music on Saturday afternoon. She8her grandmother on Saturday evening. On Sunday, she9anew song for the school music festival. It was a little10, so she asked her mother to help her.()1. A. talkedB. toldC. saidD.

14、 spoke()2. A. weekendB. weekdayC. nightD. morning()3. A. thoughtB. lookedC. boughtD. studied()4. A. boringB. interestingC. openD. dangerous()5. A. happyB. relaxedC. busyD. tired()6. A. storeB. shoppingC. schoolD. work()7. A. aboutB. toC. inD. for()8. A. hadB. wentC. visitedD. watched()9. A. sangB. d

15、idC. playedD. wrote()10. A. difficultB. easyC. cheapD. fantastic三.阅读理解A)阅读Tony的旅行日记,判断正(T)误(F)。Friday, August 2ndFineWe had some bread for breakfast today. It was delicious. We went to Tiananmen Square in the morning. How beautiful! In the afternoon, we went swimming. It was very hot. I enjoyed teac

16、hing some kids to swim.Saturday, August 3rdCoolToday it was cool. We went to the Great Wall. It was very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. We ate a lot for dinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken, salad, and ice cream. The food was delicious.Sunday, August 4thRainy

17、It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my family and friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, we watched an action movie. It was exciting.()1. Tony stayed in Tianjin for three days with his friends.()2. Tony couldnt(不能)swim, so he didnt go swimmi

18、ng on Friday afternoon.()3.Tony and his friends ate a lot because they were hungry after they came back from the Great Wall.()4. Although(尽管)it was fine on Sunday, they stayed in the camp.()5. Tony watched an exciting movie on Sunday evening.B)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Love, sometimes we cant see it!This is an

19、old story. One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old daughter made a box with some paper. The family didnt have much money. So the father thought his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper. The next day, the little girl gave the box to her father and said,“Dad, today is your birthday. This box is for y

20、ou.”The man was happy. But he was not happy again when he found there was nothing in the box.“Why didnt you put anything for me in the box?”He asked his daughter. The little girl looked at him and cried,“Dad, I put my love in the box. Its all for you!”The man felt sad and said sorry to his daughter.

21、 Sometimes, we cant see love with our eyes.()1. How old was the daughter?A. Six years old.B. Seven years old.C. Eight years old.()2. What did the daughter do the next day?A. She gave the box to her father.B. She put some money in the box.C. She gave some paper to her father.()3. Why was the father w

22、as not happy again when he opened the box?A. Because he didnt like the box.B. Because there was nothing in the box.C. Because he thought his daughter wasted paper.()4. How did the father feel at last?A. Happy.B. Sorry.C. Bored.() 5. Which of the following is true?A. The family had lots of money.B. T

23、he daughter loved her father.C. The father didnt like his daughter.Movie NightPlace: School HallDay: FridayTime: 8:00 p. m. -10:00 p. m.Movie: The Four(四大名捕)Stars(主演): Deng Chao, Liu YifeiC)根据以下四则海报,选择正确答案。School Art Festival(艺术节)Do you want to watch different kinds of programs(节目)?Come to the Art F

24、estival in the school hall. You can come with your parents and friends. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every Saturday.Basketball GameAttention, please! There is a bas-ketball game between our school and No. 3 High School in the gym at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Please come and watch it.School LibraryDo you ha

25、ve old books, newspapers or magazines(杂志)?Just bring them to the library.Office time: 8:30 a. m. -5:00 p. m.every weekday.()1. We can _ on Friday night.A. see a movieB. watch a basketball gameC. give books to the libraryD. come to the Art Festival()2. If we want to watch different programs, we may g

26、o to the school hall _.A. on FridayB. on SaturdayC. tomorrow afternoonD. on weekdays()3. There is a basketball game between_and _at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow.A. our school; No. 1 High schoolB. No. 1 High school; No. 3 High schoolC. our school; No. 3 High schoolD. our school; No. 3 Middle school()4. We can

27、give old books to the library _.A. at nine a.m. on SundayB. at six p.m. on MondayC. at 10:00 p.m. on FridayD. at 11:00 a.m. on Friday()5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The basketball game is between our school and No. 2 High School.B. We can go to the movies at 7:30 p. m. on Friday.C. Our fr

28、iends can come to the Art Festival with us.D. On Monday, we can give old newspapers and magazines to the library.D)信息摘录On the morning of August 2nd, I was careless and lost my school bag in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books and a pencil-case inside. Will the finder pleas

29、e send it either to the assistant or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. My bedroom is in Room 403, on the fourth floor of our school.Wei HuaInformation CardLost(寻物启示)When1.Where2.What3.The things inside4.The losers address5.The losers nameWei Hua.E)任务型阅读读短文,回答问题。One weekend , a wife and a husband

30、(丈夫)went to visit a shop in Tokyo. After they got back home ,they couldnt find theircamera(照相机).They thought the camera must be in the shop . After a few weeks , they went to that shop again and the boss of the shop gave their camera back to them.When their pictures of the camera came out ,the husba

31、nd saw two pictures he did not take . One is a man standing at the door of the shop .In his hand there is a piece of paper(纸)with some words on it “I find your camera .” The other is a boy with a piece of paper in his hand . There are some words on the paper too “I take the pictures”.1. What did the

32、 wife and her husband do one weekend ?_2. When did they find their camera was lost?_3. Did they find their camera after a few weeks?_4. Who found the camera and who took the pictures_e out在此的汉语意思是_四补全对话A:Hi, Lucy.B: Hi, Bob.A:_?B: My weekend was great.A:._?B:On Saturday morning I played tennis, on S

33、unday morning I went to the zoo.A: Did you see elephants in the zoo?B: Yeah, I did.A:. _?B: I love elephants.A: Oh, is that you brother?B: No, it isnt.A:_?B: Hes really tall. And he has curly hair.A: By the way(随便问一下)._?B: I have many rules at my school. We cant run in the hallways and cant arrive l

34、ate for class.A: Wow, its six oclock now. Lets go home.B: OK. Good-bye.A: Bye-bye!五翻译下列划线句子Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?Old Henry does not.Last month, he went for a walk with Wangwang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and old Henry was happy.He sat down and watched Wangwang play with a

35、 friendly black cat.Then it was time to go home. Old Henry looked for his dog. But Wangwang was not thereNow old Henry is very sad.He has no dog and no family. He does not want to do anything.1._2._3._4._5._六.书面表达前天是星期天,Sandra上午做作业、打扫屋子;中午因爸妈不在家,自己做了一大碗西红柿面吃;下午去看了奶奶,并帮奶奶洗了衣服;晚上陪奶奶一起看电视。Sandra度过了忙碌的一

36、天,感到有点累。假如你是Sandra,请给你的好朋友Sally写一封信,告诉她你是如何度过周日的。60词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Sally,Hows it going? I had a busy Sunday. _Yours,Sandra2013七年级英语下册Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?测试题参考答案一.单项选择1-5 ACDBB6-10 CCBBC11-15 AABAD1.有年有月有日用介词on,故选A项。2.昨天的新闻发生在过去,排除A,B两项;news是不可数名词,故选C项was。3.根据时间状语yesterday可

37、知,句子的时态用一般过去时,排除A,B两项;忘记做作业,作业没有做,应用forget to do sth.,故选D项。4.根据时间状语last night可知,句子的时态用一般过去时,故选B项。5. cow的复数是cows;sheep的复数和原形相同,故选B项。6. many修饰复数名词;to是不定式符号,后接动词原形,故选C项。7. sothat意为“如此以至于”,故选C项。8.本题考查疑问词+不定式。A项中的how是副词,do后缺少宾语;C项中what是代词,故可作do的宾语,it多余;D项中的where与do不搭配,故选B项。9. watch后面接省略不定式符号to的动词原形作宾语补足语

38、,故选B项。10.根据答语“非常乏味”可知,问句的引导词应用how,故选C项。11.具体到某一天的上午、下午和晚上用介词on,故选A项。12.时间状语是last night,表示过去,排除B,D两项;parents是复数,排除C项,故选A项。13. A项意为“看望姑姑”;B项意为“举行聚会”;C项意为“为测验而学习”;D项意为“去海滩”。根据句意可知,应该是为妹妹的生日“举行聚会”,故选B项。14. make sb./sth. do sth.是固定搭配,故选A项。句意为“你怎么能使蛇走开?”。15.根据答语“海滩”可知,问句询问地点,故选D项where。二.完形填空1-5 AADBD6-10 BACDA思路分析:1.句意为“我们谈论了他们


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