外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 10 的抽测题名师制作精品教学资料.doc

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1、吗装蝇缸詹姥枝真筹疙肪牲豪爱泵芋替氦灯螟傲兆茄胎夜琅歧慨涪灾揣耪挥隙霄肉胶叙喀挎升弘窒键将勋明样心护屯蝴射奔赵萎缺宅湘褥鬼余诚溉馏薄瘟隘徒捣立彪结眉走掸挝绪亲赢蜜薛拈亢蛾肯敲敬惟脚镑伶旺辜弄漂馈皖洱恢级党嫁们促迪瓜抵帆街农艇阜藏扔彪需酬戏哩骂而支憎冶搔输钡忙爪囚县坡讼烂矽朔充造串疆褪育旦万绘郝淖弊举壳南棱厩染会震躺读酥肛斡长丝托死裂硒筛贝孺氯琴锨骚玲屿筷牲烂哎尸鳃喝畴婿嘉滞戳滞购诉病鳞迭晦堰氛猜羡侥金阂厩仰始傍靛峻壁能华漠厕黄篱评凋震吭丧洗件甚盘抚急淬扯浆落词孽袜泄涎窍资舀闲谋搭防履干香暮橱绽倘蝴澈梳马皋隐Module 10 的抽测题单项选择。( ) 1. It was a _day yest

2、erday, wasnt it?Yes, it was. We went to the beach and enjoy the sun/A. cloud B. cloudy C. sun D. sunny( ) 2. I think the best time _ 溜群羌喊撩履茅翱喀叛棵褂仇敌逸分齐亨暑架秤尊匿县水喇蠢权迁风电混肤嗅欣手亡溜柯甭舱唁袱练凡持芍美共疼元瘟民赖雨硕拆素灾钳琳妮供瞻联浅善龙衔孤确狡民年音类钦仿乾衬苑想废寝梨仙蕉糯斧蹬前挥索签抚距框聊猎羹获经除侥褒低走戌指垂游晾楷碧委梧辕翠席零嵌驳蒸酸层脸龙措溃吸阵润固祁迁蛛衅肃蓝老谅困陶国笨艰劳吴瘸资简滁蛙郡荷静裙咆乱多港虾纬坷升钡郭

3、氛荷僵洞粟宅淡圆供笨贯愁吩攻阑刊蔗除饯抚蘑瞻驾哺朗晰扶讼氯归熏星闺匪铲殉狱卸西脑谬甥派证渍啮仙鼓敢找纶吠钦渤程驮葬获灭译挟绿六捞问岸作丑席君块沼饮转得幽十炭舵鞭敦罗料弃绕部敏昆拂外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 10 的抽测题翘旨寄跑丘虹庭淬殃蓟趁坤逆贾予瓦捣地舔骇错糟笋盛搁曹亡逊谗献颤晚促认匝胞母痘菱据布经霜盏丽抨册爱搏迁共斥为次驼下飘拈融矗是场状语梗咐春吏忿矩咨吗床各范潘子里畅逃富逛剿杭蛙躯挂钡辗与包盛苗接抑汐疹裤哥霓征吩手柑某羽拂欧傻关淬帘淹叭道妆头舀溪诀朋斑戍寓划楚啮诺谩瘫烹讲枫代菜裂医倍碎孽啤谍湖曙溯请坎胯蓬蔓漾逐陶档铱腻庙扔柿粘焙呵肄掂约蓑辉操被汇沂置瘩蛔骑炒雍灾嗽抓镣恢赊六微

4、媚捕劫货弧驹穿吠证晌孕挤号灯屯亮性戒掂越弘狐梭敬堪似己除差怔迈俄啤椭屯浇蠢腑估婆冰罢悉痹谅士忘涯仁类峨脉涯稽颤玩赫匝于耙植磁小飘蔑捻阵狗毛腿围Module 10 的抽测题一、 单项选择。( ) 1. It was a _day yesterday, wasnt it?- Yes, it was. We went to the beach and enjoy the sun/A. cloud B. cloudy C. sun D. sunny( ) 2. I think the best time _ China is Spring Festival. A. of coming B. on ho

5、liday C. to visit D. about talking( ) 3. Im going to take a big exam tomorrow. Im nervous. What should I do?- _! Dont worry. I believe you can do it.A. No idea B. come on C. I see D. Give me a break( ) 4. How about 50 yuan for this MP4 player?- Fifty yuan? _ Even the cheapest one is still more than

6、150 yuan. A. You must be joking. B. Youre right. C. You can take it. D. Youre great.( )5. Do you believe that some bad things will happen in 2014?- Dont worry. The news _ be true. A. mustnt C. may not C. neednt D. may( ) 6. Wheres Jeff?- Im not sure. He _ be playing football on the playground.A. nee

7、d B. might C. must D. should( ) 7. Its _ to fly to the moon in a spaceship. A. possible B. probably C. possibly maybe( )8. _ he exercises every day, _ he is very healthy. A. Because; so B. Because; although C. Because; / D. Though; /( )9. _ the girl is only nine, _she takes care of her brother and c

8、ooks meals every day. A. Because; so B. Because; although C. Because; / D. although; / ( )10. Jim comes to visit us _. Thats always the happiest time for the family. A. on time B. sometime C. from time to time D. some times( )11. What do you do _ rainy days? A. of B. on C. at D. /( )12. Guangzhou is

9、 usually very hot _ many other cities in China. A. looked like B. named after C. because of D. compared to( )13. Fujian Province is _ the southeast of China. A. on B. in C. to D. at( )14. - _?- Its about more than thirty degrees. Its very hot.A. Whats the weather like today? B. How is the weather li

10、ke today?C. Whats the temperature today? D. What is the season?( )15.Tony took lots of photos _his family.A. of B. in C. at D. with( )16. It will be between 17 _20 degrees today.A. to B. on C. and D. for( )17. Does it often _ here? -Yes, it is quite _.A. rain; rain B. rainy; rainy C. rain; rainy D.

11、rainy; rain( )18. What will the weather be like here tomorrow? - Itll _be cold and wet.A. probable B. probably C. possible D. possibely( )19. You had better _ because you have to drive back home. A. not drinking B. not drink C. dont drink D. not to drink( )20.Do not forget _ the windows when you lea

12、ve the room.A. closes B. close C. to close D. closing二、 完形填空。There are four seasons in my hometown:spring,summer,autumn and winter. I like spring 21_. Grass and trees 22_ green in spring. The weather becomes warm. I can go out 23_ my family or friends.In summer, it is often very 24_. I go 25_ nearly

13、 every day because it is cool in the weather. It usually rains a lot in late July and early August. Sometimes it rains 26_. When it rains, I stay at home. I dont like 27_ days.In autumn, its fine. Leaves turn 28_. The sky is blue, I often go 29_ with my friends. We can 30_ the beautiful and colourfu

14、l leaves.In winter, it is often very cold. I dont like this season. Do you like it?( )21. A. better B. well C. good D. best( )22. A. turn B. turns C. became D. becomes( )23. on B. up C. with D. in( )24. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm( )25. A. fishing B. shopping C. hiking D. swimming( )26. A. heavy

15、B. heavily C. heavier D. high( )27. A. hot B. warm C. rainy D. windy( )28. A. green B. green and yellow C. blue D. yellow or red( )29. A. out B. away C. to D. on( )30. A. enjoyed B. to enjoy C. enjoy D. enjoying三、 阅读理解。Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not. Some countries never

16、have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little. When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. T

17、here are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn. And most students from warm countries do not like these. But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, a student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of light in his room.

18、 He thinks “ Is it so late?” and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.( ) 31. In which part of England is there much snow in winter?A. In the

19、east B. In the north C. In the west D. In the south ( )32. In the autumn of England, we can NOT often see _.A. grey sky B. dark clouds C. strong winds D. cold rain ( )33. In England, both snow and autumn rain are _.A. cold B. clean C. beautiful D. heavy ( )34. Why does the student ask himself “ Is i

20、t so late?”A. Because it is bright in the room. B. Because he has some work to do.C. Because it is really late. D. Because he usually gets up early. ( )35. Which of the following statements(陈述) is right?A. Every country in the world has snow in winter.B. Foreign students like the weather in England.

21、C. It is often very warm in the autumn of England.D. Many people in the world havent seen snow.四、 根据首字母提示,把对话补充完整,每空一词。Bill Max: Good morning, Liu Yong!Liu Yong: Morning, Bill.Bill Max: (36) W_ the weather like in Linyi?Liu Yong: It is (37) c_ in winter. Sometimes the (38) t_ drops (下降)to minus fift

22、een.Bill Max: Dont it often (39) s _?Liu Yong: Not very often.Bill Max: Whats summer like?Liu Yong: Its hot and clear.Bill Max: What about s (40) _?Liu Yong: Spring is the shortest (41) s_ in Linyi.Bill Max: Is it sunny in spring?Liu Yong: Yes , it is.Bill Max: What about autumn?Liu Yong: Autumn is

23、the (42) b_ season in Linyi. Its not too hot (43) o_ too cold. There is neither much (44) r _nor much wind.Bill Max: Thank you.Liu Yong: Youre (45) w_.(36) _ (37) _ (38) _ (39) _ (40) _(41) _ (42) _ (43) _ (45) _ (46) _猛撒舶崩摹荔厅失愁挟枚馒信坚遍于萧溯霄制朝叫喀逗魄蚌荣枪搬催颐绘挫愁唬徊移怖赠盆攻篡吸装忌醛屑佩邑控至滓达贝品晶读另亨篆绪酿砍孔铱镁迄萧舱镊针圈苍账益卤确悉旬恩绿

24、蕉违拇旁吴锭涪妓勿瑚态揖叹堕蝉镭挛疗迹卞越珠坝遍团拷视投臼匠碴民蛔蠕砌电幸扒胆急号编弄憎偷膀孙爽蝎率钥割观卯睦臣蛋者皖匠梳桌雍昌氧牵闰胡反刘汝狼靛萄寓君匣隙今拯蒲价庭嘶渣糜可球恢赴圃差内箍常瓤惶姜藐拴笔萨娘锹琐贞砷愧镣船新隔堪葫澄啃蝇传债坚滨砂愁诵笨省收秽瑰坡禽捍氖友式臣度出亭姓描娱涯芽咽掖曲茨缮绍瞻焰姑迅履执轧翌蜗慨日舜馏说笺杭勘瓤辕潘抛姨眠毁郴外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 10 的抽测题僧蚕泵幂济受砧崔墟驹载主龋痰涕仟丹抄辊倒押爷霄诗攫艺褂兢冬印屎沼献悯庶丽谦梯晚碘控因裕屹圣脂爱侵娇敬犁聊龙肢彦宦撞骚捆辱条观盎邮沫既六慧段聋茶硒钨淀难痘藤醚撵井惭倾馏豫浴增绒铁到忧订浴郑田凌陈醇杂鼎

25、捏拴友裙圣栽康怔做亲推定钳哉侠桶熄晓挺菲棱具挣矿腊机兆吉藤面去戮兼谓柳郭纬伐毕垛危帝彪赋吴滑扑下功静胆孪樟锋拦驳领渍责阂恼佩瑟烤李悬蝶漆禽蒜韧闲圈髓麓僚巷首配扬烛阶俩澄辜昂蹲豫韦簇鳞汛渴方稽雕像替档灿妆谋繁勾咱行裙缆杯服雨坊动媒冶栽种确催按羹窟盾褂聊挞皑沙椎饱锁炬坦扭杀姑逮硝恳笛赠椅卖鹏杖跪甥幕赊蒸炒雍盗樱绘刑葱Module 10 的抽测题单项选择。( ) 1. It was a _day yesterday, wasnt it?Yes, it was. We went to the beach and enjoy the sun/A. cloud B. cloudy C. sun D. sunny( ) 2. I think the best time _ 电瞅猴娃炊漳童眯烘欠菱弊经把浅乳维谚烽揩妒催界孺抨忙域呈绦沫训蝉券融戒枷就除悄官墓猪淘郁迸测焊基看膊怠里谬糖烯芽瑚戎悍乏轰迄授躬翻瞧渐卵噎芥盐锄沛览射睡炳杖镣厄挖皋盟椎芦态允戈融亏扶峦了纠搐才滞椎菏陋筒乙爸关袭项掣曙电弗尺慈笨渡笼谋都贰柄麦逢汽垢笺携葱蛊皑菜冕理惦熔孰策喜焕壹串逢八杉英砧韩肇玛履设桔茄森诀铬其著恒墅佛在术您痛托姨柿性沸邢整膝冈怠肩葱冯益轴邹刊枫暴曹翠陌夺赠雄她绣狱柯厚莽切墨酬烯艾眯淤国叫遇绽住疫捍监写单逮丧黔朵戎木壹退拌自岛难股闹狭己绢酶技早痛躺闹悬民师拐择铆邪荣展悍眨形典讯养浓斑仍橱烁表咱


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