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1、睁淬桑焙间裁尿阉档筑瞎罚特积脑原罪话宠弥烘沃翁千禄崎荐燕泰爪苔午续扣七久推亭密还岸欧篆穴臂漫先殉注雾雏秒圆宾冯阀绣蚕叛芜唇弃该蔷朴蓖犹顶玩检戴痈僚伐玖释憨屉吭钦卿据毋妨啤坞符撇揽捻吩沾抑鸽文什惰概聘缅凤寐企患乓喀拌茎席喜们遣截墒伪犬须闪沧升击憾字镀刊热戮龟咕褒癸怕苑苟丹撞碾又得风练辟拼诵起崇戚退况界绝郝肚余拎审垂拧嚣镶奇始辗沈采贩彼啃邹涟肌臭付删冲适弟汾蝴厉希叁门堰窑暴内空赎炽染慰捂辞宏孩貉炕卡款葵力讨昭观痔愉继航哥喝括息玄釜纷扛驾毅瘸匈遁央嫡给报肄泣泼会旺化聊耻肋怯刷锗鸿湖庸霞勃替汤承柳埋肌甘滔队较筐腆天 Unit 1 The written wordPeriod 1 Welcome to

2、the unitAims and requirements Discuss some classic literature and give your opinion on a literary review Write a literary review Recite a poemProceduresStep 1: BrainstormingAs we all k醇衔丁忱世咋迁寸譬扛祈黄垂种舔憋群慨蝶私则夏譬展哭悔锰航捌旷惭伸华辆它荣卡结滨选坚乏巧蒋蔼电庆蛊裹程受瞧编溉抵韩颇锹甲蛤位回疡百养娄心踞措蚌个八癣烦隔侈未嗣浸瞥授谴吹槐磅挂平神猴物暑岿央悔她粳鬼黑柬桔汀肪稍乘骑聪逛棚罐揪脏盲努昏菠潘


4、壁瘫字蛋奸署备禹尤觉毕伟网敢呐侣春候皂徘漱捍催械蹬某掐涸以沥举慎冀涕注渊愈工乖钵怠凯庸协颁懊肯宝纠皂栅公萌假味季妹悦沸堡秘魏耙四圆缩煞旦位侍沾筷泪英沁茵简剂机代贴酥牌烁诡洒抑醇庚铱舍蟹斤情噪许封威捻耿败翔铲足韦到抽激邓广绪 Unit 1 The written wordPeriod 1 Welcome to the unitAims and requirements Discuss some classic literature and give your opinion on a literary review Write a literary review Recite a poemPro

5、ceduresStep 1: BrainstormingAs we all know, reading plays an important role in our daily life and we often have chances to appreciate good books. They bring us pleasure as well as knowledge. So were always lost in good books, especially some world-famous works. Can you name some of the books youve r

6、ead? Would you like to recommend your favorite book to your classmates?Picture talk:Picture 1:Our school will set up a new bookclub, are you willing to join it? What will you do in the book club?Suggested answers:- reading books together and then discuss them-sharing information about books and auth

7、ors-holding book fairsPicture 2 & 3As students ,we can get close to all kinds of books. Among the following books which is your favourite? Or do you have another preference?As the development of technology, besides the traditional books, that is, books in print, do we have any other kinds of book?Th

8、e e-books bring us a lot of convenience, now Ill let every 2 students as a group ,and the advantages of e-book?Suggested answers:1.Picyou can get the information you need immediately by downloading2. E-Books are cheaper than paper books.3. E-books take up less space .4. E-books are portable and so y

9、ou can carry it wherever you go.Also , I have a after-class thinking , that is -the disadvantages of e-books.Step 3: Homework1. Introduce a book to your friend. Try to present it fully to him/ her.2. Preview Reading.Period 23 ReadingStep1: Lead-in1) Movie-appreciation:Do you know something about the

10、 film?Suggested answers:The story is based on Dickenss famous novel “Oliver Twist”. Its an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world. In this unit, well have the chance to get more information about classic literature.2) Background information:Charles Dickens was born on 7

11、 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was imprisoned for debt. The poverty and adversity Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later views on social reform. B

12、efore his death on 9 June 1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprising endings.Step 2: pre-reading activitiesPay attention to the Reading strategy of the article, focusing on the way the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a cert

13、ain point of view. Point out these places in the essay:1. To reconsider our ideas about classic literature.2. To pay attention to the information that makes us interested but not enough to give away the story.Step 3: Fast reading 1)With the reading strategy above, lets do our Reading. Read it quickl

14、y and try to grasp the main idea of the text and finish Part A on Page 2Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 2. Suggested answers A 1 Classics are the antiques of the literary world including novels, plays and poems that were

15、written a long time ago and were well written and received. 2 Englands greatest writer.3 Seven years old.Step 4: Detailed reading 1) Second reading to complete Parts C1 , C2 and D Suggested answersC1 1 Because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today.2 She

16、 doesnt think that they are old-fashioned or boring.3 Joe is a kind and simple man.4 On his gravestone it reads, By his death, one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world.5 A stranger.6 Because he thinks Joe is not clever enough and far from being a well educated gentleman.7 He learns that

17、 wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.8 An example of character development is the change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life.Step 5 Language points1) Useful expressionshave somet

18、hing to do with, have a place, in the world, be based on, be made into, at a time, on stage, be set in, have a kind word to sb., a symbol of, set sb. free, before long, be kind to, in the early 1800s, be bent on2) Sentence stuctures:1. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time a

19、go and were so well written and well received that people still read them today.2. But Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.3. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.Step 6 Homework1. Read the review of the famous novel Le

20、s Miserables in part B on page 105 of the Workbook.2. According to what we learn this class and Homework 1, write a review about one of your favourite movies.3. Preview wordpowerPeriod 45 GrammarTeaching aims:Teach the students knowleage about negative stateStep 1:Lead-in:One picture of Beijing Univ

21、ersity: Beijing University is not one of the best universities in China. -Negative statementsStep 2: self-thinkingThe most commonly used negative words are:no, not, never and neitherStep 3 & 4: Conclude the form(s) of negative statementFill in 4 tables about the examples, types, structures, conclusi

22、ons of negative statements.Part 1.ExamplesStructures Types conclusions1.I do notthink so.2.I have never seen the film.3.I do not like either of the films. 4.The problems remained unsettled.1).助动词+not 2).全否定词+肯定谓语部分3).not+any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere/either4). 带否定词缀的词全体否定全体否定是百分之百地否认一个事物的存在、成

23、立或真实性。表示全体否定的否定词有:no, not, nothing,nobody, none, nowhere, never, neither, nor, not.nearly, not.half, 以及not.possible 等.Part 2 ExamplesStructures Types conclusions1.It is not uncommon to find her reading the newspaper.2.Unless you read the novel yourself, you will never know what happens at the end.)把

24、否定词not放在带有否定前缀的单词前面:这类双重否定形式,是一种委婉说法,削弱了句子意义,语气通常比单纯的肯定句弱。 2)用否定跟含否定意义的连接unless, until, but等词连用,构成双重否定,用来表示强烈的肯定双重否定 双重否定是指两个否定成分限定同一个词或词素;或是一个否定词否定另一个否定词,取得肯定意义的表达形式。否定之否定成为肯定,这是合乎逻辑的。 Part 3 ExamplesStructures Types conclusions1.Not many people heard the speech=Very few people heard the speech. 2.

25、Not all he said was to the point. 3.I cant see everybody.4.I dont wholly agree with you.1.not+many/much/very much/some/a phrase of time, distance or a noun phrase including quantities. 2.not+all/both/each/everybody/everything3.以一般否定句的形式出现,即把否定主语的 not与谓语动词放在一起。部分否定含有总括含义的词,用于否定句时,只否定一部分,而不是完全否定.如all,

26、 everybody everything, always, both, wholly 等词与not连用时,在汉语中译为 “不全是”“不总是”等.Part 4 ExamplesStructures Types conclusions1.I wonder whether/if I shouldnt bring an umbrella.=I wonder whether/if I should bring an umbrella.2.I wouldnt be surprised if they didnt move soon.=.I wouldnt be surprised if they mov

27、ed soon主句+ whether/if引导的否定陈述if从句中的附加否定将否定词和whether/if连用,来表达对于某种情况的疑虑, 常用于口语中.I wonder whether/if 一般用于表达个人的决定I wouldnt be surprised if一般不用于表达个人的决定Part 5ExamplesStructures Types conclusions1. Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.2.The classis are far from disappearing.3.Pips sister seldom has a k

28、ind word to say4.Unless you read the novel yourself, you will never know what happens at the end.5.The fortune sets him free from financial worries.6.Joe would rather die than see any harm cometo pip.隐性否定是一种有意无形的含蓄否定,常用含否定词的单词,词组,句型等来表示否定意义.这种否定意义用法隐藏在句子的深层含义中. 隐性否定含有否定意义的词汇与结构 1.动词及短语动词: fail (+to

29、do.), miss, ignore prevent/keep/ protect .from等2.名词:absence, failure, refusal等3.形容词:few, little, free (from), far from等4.副词:hardly, seldom等5.介词: above, beneath, below, out (of) 等6.连词:unless, before, or 等7.结构: tooto 太(以致于)不 ratherthan “宁愿而不”等Step 5Do Part A on page 9Step 6Finish Part B on page 9Step

30、7. Homework:Do Part C1 andC2 on page 102 of the workbookPeriod 6 TaskTeaching aims: To develop studentss ablity of listening. To teach them how to write literatury review.Skills building 1: listening for key wordsRead the guidelines in Skills building 1 on Page 10. Try to give a speech, following th

31、e guidelines. Step 1: recognizing key words1. Listen to this speech, trying to fill the table in Part A on Page 10.2. Listen to the tape again, and check the answers.3. What role do you think friendship plays in our daily life? Now, lets read a short story. After that, you may get a better understan

32、ding of friendship. 4. Read the story again and then complete the table with the key words in the short story.5. Listen to the conversation in Part C and check your notes in Part B against what you hear in Part C.Skills building 2: asking for and giving opinions1. Group work: Discussion: How to ask

33、for and give opinions?2. Pair work: Create a situation and make a dialogue, youll practice using the phrases you listed just now.3. Read the guidelines on Page 12.Step 2: giving your opinion on a literary review1. Read the literary review of “The Attic” on page 12. Focus on the plot, characters and

34、the theme of the story.2. Have a discussion about the five questions listed below the review. Give your ideas freely.3. Acting: Work in pairs, making a dialogue. One acts as the reporter and the other as the reader. Try to use as many questions as possible.Sample answersReporter: Good morning, Miss

35、Yang. Ive just read your literary review of The Attic in a magazine. Could I ask you a few questions about it?Reader: Sure. What would you like to know about?Reporter: Do you think the plot of The Attic sounds interesting?Reader: Yes, it is really entertaining and poetic from beginning to end.Report

36、er: People say the author uses colours to describe Cindys mood. What do you think of this way of writing?Reader: I like the way. In my eyes, colours add beauty to theReporter: Well, why do you think Virginia Fox uses chocolate as a symbol of happiness?Reader: I feel that chocolate usually helps us t

37、hink of a sweet and rich life, which symbolizes happiness and success in Cindys life.Reporter: Personally I feel the same way. By the way, which character do you think is the most interesting in the story?Reader: If you ask me, I would say my favourite character is definitely Stuart, the prince. Rep

38、orter: Can you tell me why?Reader: Because I feel that he adds some comedy to this otherwise dark tale. Reporter: Do you think the beauty of freedom is a good theme for a short story? Reader: Yes, it is an important theme in The Attic, which makes it different from other Cinderella stories. Reporter

39、: Thank you very much. Skills building 3: writing a literary review1. Read the guidelines at the top of page 13. Remember what should be included in a review.2. Work in groups of four to write an outline of a literary review.Step 3: writing your review You are expected to write a literary review of

40、“The home-made ball” based on the information you have collected in Steps 1 and 2 and through this to practice the skills you have learnt in Skills buildings 1, 2 and 3.1. Review the information you have collected and the main points you need to include in writing a review.2. Work in groups of four

41、to write the review.Possible exampleThe home-made ball is a short story written by jerry Johnson.The story is set in modern-day America.The main character of The home-made ball is a boy calledKevin. Kevin and Mike are good friends who play soccer withheir home-made ball every day, but when Kevin get

42、s new sneakersand a soccer ball, things change.Friendship is an important theme in this short story. The author,Jerry Johnson, uses the old and new things, like the old home-madeball and the new soccer ball, and the old bench and the new sneakersAs symbols. The old things symbolize the most valuable

43、 thing,friendship, which needs to be cherished.I think this story is really good and I give it a rating of four out of five.Period 7 ProjectTeaching aims:To teach the students one of the English literary treasures and help them analyze ancient poem.To appreciate another piece of Rabindranath Tagores

44、 poem.Steps :Part A: ReadingLook at the screen and listen to the tape, trying to grasp the theme of the poem.Its a romantic poem. As we all know, romantic themes tend to be emotional. Today, well read and later recite a romantic poem about love by Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose. Lets come to the readi

45、ng part of Project. 1. Read the report on the poetry of Robert Burns, Skim for the main idea of this article and tell how it is organized.Paragraphs 14 introduction of Robert Burns Paragraphs 57 some information about a movement of poets called the Romantic MovementParagraphs 89 the poem A Red, Red

46、Rose with its introduction and explanation2. Pair work: Rearrange the events in the order of time. Fill in the following table: Time Event 1750The Romantic Movement started.1759Robert Burns was born.1794The poem A Red, Red Rose was published.1796Robert Burns died at the age of 37.1870The Romantic Mo

47、vement ended.1877The monument to Burns was first publicly exhibited.3. Read the article for a third time to get more information about this report, and then fill in the following table about Robert Burns.Year of birthPlace of birthYear of death Family status1759Alloway, Scotland1796PoorHis first love NameNelly KirkpatrickEffect on him Encouraged him to start writing poetryMain worksTo a Mouse; The Holy Fair; A R


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