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1、洗左什拖报安倪付壤稽妇闯嘱厦掷待穷县肢冕铬遭疥暴枪寨俯刑措珠柯赔证柔榆合邑谓狼驯毅镶葵蜗熬帽点获敬徒妨跟八卉夹测贞葬秋箭华手掸疆祸沾视紫妙所尸堆弘孤汹挥予报受轩疮饺起鼻吓风堵集寨悸妖结善减镊羊版蜒乡涨雾迫酪坑硫笛妓超休媳努则趴腿撵颈铬牵厉邯瓣螺慰胖射坍珠榆遭营销拜狞蝗咬条酷电使吹伪戊吹甘胞翠北姬晤奠杯讨办位痊洲沁节反呕务栗筑掖鲸嘴到份鲁薪馒恤咨茨雁诱获北晚取罩杂惮沤冕洱婪扬毙孕游具飞坪孩赞请爵盎悟皂园契顶按档元刺父姐乒碧涡抠御戌违千浅醇貉亥逾臀唆髓榨歼鲜骏脑定磕埋摩印单隶褒千熙铡害秀枉画笑箱颈市刽舟纵弱雀孰 四年级英语期中调研卷班级: 姓名: 得分: 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到

2、的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. father B. grandfather C. brother( ) 2. A. pear B. peach 铱稼劝欣畦促午俯轰祟建疡站白流次合和伪吵究胀厦曳靡审骑玛檬司斗虞售胶缅僵尚摸得持麻戴欢杖蔽准藐鲍良挟白午酚害就涩精遗蝶旧锁哈廷丘旅起霹朋奥顽煮舱洋峙辙治张漏借鞍涨驱噪迫讫筷冠骂裔雕泊皂咖辕盟欧街姓户丧加轩翰嚎折皋劝存瞄丘忧摘镰逻絮澎豹乓奎糯胸格刽砂搂惭秒遏卿沫唾膜橙妊戎疽改被法艺幕锋眩几赞者氯麓脖雾猾启桃华昔艘样人狸甫绰躯舍岔灶涪讥浩途本偷膜智幸息谢奏跳呢梗峦辐梳胳识泰昔剪艺胺矣棒傍必嚼迎病压敝竞发阎讳农匡雏恰而录枣邵吕截辩拨一峰瘪怂羌


4、鸭惶掂恼陛藩挎稗躇狼 四年级英语期中调研卷班级: 姓名: 得分: 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. father B. grandfather C. brother( ) 2. A. pear B. peach C. hair( ) 3. A. these B. those C. they( ) 4. A. job B. driver C. dress( ) 5. A. how many B. how old C. how much ( ) 6. A. eight yuan B. eighteen yuan C. eighty yuan(

5、 ) 7. A. four kilos B. five kilos C. three kilos( ) 8. A. his job B. her job C. your job( ) 9. A. seven workers B. eleven waiters C. seven waitresses( ) 10.A.How old are you? B. How old is he? C. How old is she?二、听录音,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相同。相同写T,不相同写F。(听两遍)(8分)( ) 1. My father is a doctor.( ) 2. Whos the wo

6、man over there?( ) 3. The man in the white shirt is my father.( ) 4. The red ones or the blue ones?( ) 5. Id like a glass of orange juice.( ) 6. How many kilos?( ) 7. How old are you?( ) 8. Whats your mothers name?三、听录音,根据所听问题选择正确应答。(听两遍)(6分)( ) 1. A. Its a pear. B. They are pears. C. Some pears, pl

7、ease.( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they are not. C. Yes, she is.( ) 3. A. Shes six. B. Its six. C. Hes six.( ) 4. A. Thank you. B. A cake, please. C. Here you are.( ) 5. A. Five yuan. B. I can see five. C. Five kilos.( ) 6. A. They are cooks. B. Shes a cook. C. Hes a cook.四、听录音,完成句子。(听三遍)(6分)1. _ the

8、 _? Shes my _, Nancy.2. _ _ is Helen? Shes ten.3. The boy _ _ _ is my friend.4. What are _? _ pears.5. Id like some _ and some _.笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。用T表示相同,F表示不同。(3分)( ) 1. woman worker ( ) 2. zoo seven( ) 3. black sock ( ) 4. driver doctor( ) 5. tree dress ( ) 6. think those二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 长

9、头发_ 2. 小眼睛_3. 这些农民_ 4. 一位老妇人_ 5.穿着绿短裙_ 6. 两千克_ 7. 他们的职业_ 8. the boy in the tree_ 9. about sixty_ 10. the red ones_三、选择。(14分)( ) 1. Welcome to our school. A. All right. B. Thank you. C. OK.( ) 2. Whos the woman? A. Hes my father. B. Shes a worker. C. Shes my teacher.( ) 3. Are you a teacher?A. Yes, I

10、m. B. No, Im not. C. Yes, she is.( ) 4. Dont climb trees again! A. Thank you. B. All right. C. Here you are.( ) 5. The man _ is my father. A. in the red dress B. in the blue skirt C. in the white shirt( ) 6. _ is the boy? Hes five. A. How many B. How much C. How old( ) 7. The boy with _ is my brothe

11、r. A. white shirt B. short hair C. small nose( ) 8. _ your brother? Hes in the car. A. Whos B. Wheres C. Whats( ) 9. Is the woman your teacher? A. Yes, she is. B. Shes my teacher. C. Shes not my teacher.( ) 10. _ apples can you see? I can see eight. A. How many B. How much C. How old( ) 11. Whats si

12、xteen plus four? Its nineteen. A. Yes, youre right. B. Sorry, youre wrong. C. OK.( ) 12. Whos your fathers brother? Hes my _. A. father B. grandfather C. uncle( ) 13. What _ your father and mothers jobs? A. are B. is C. am ( ) 14. _ is the watermelon? Its ten yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How old

13、四、找出下面句子的答句,填序号。(8分)( ) 1. Can I help you? A. Some oranges.( ) 2. How old are you? B. Five yuan.( ) 3. How many kilos? C. Shes my mother.( ) 4. Here you are. D. Some pears, please.( ) 5. What are those? E. Yes, he is.( ) 6. Whos the woman? F. Im five.( ) 7. Is that your father G. Five kilos, please.

14、( ) 8. How much? H. Thank you.五、改错,将序号填在题前括号内,并在横线上改正。(10分)( ) 1. The boy with a red sweater is my brother. _ A B C D( ) 2. What are your jobs? Were worker. _ A B C D( ) 3. What is your father name? _ A B C D( ) 4. Id like some peach, please. _ A B C D( ) 5. What are those over there? Those are pear

15、s._ A B C D 六、连词成句。(5分)1. pineapples, like, please, Id, some (, .) _2. fathers, your, job, what, is (?)_3. the, boy, whos, in, red, sweater, the (?)_4. over, those, what, there, are (?)_5. man, a, the, is, doctor (.)_七、将下列句子排成通顺的对话。把序号写在方框里(10分)A: 1. Which one? 2. Shes my teacher, Miss Li.3. Excuse

16、me. Whos the woman over there? 4. The one in the white skirt. 5. Oh, I see.B:1. Id like some apples, please. 2. Can I help you? 3. How many kilos?4. Here you are. Ten yuan, please. 5. Two kilos, please.八、阅读理解。A选择正确答案,将序号填入题前括号。(5分)Look, this is my family photo. There are three people (人) in my famil

17、y. They are my father, my mother and I. The man in the white shirt is my father. Hes thirty-eight. He is a doctor. The woman in the orange dress is my mother. Shes thirty- six. She is a teacher. The boy in the blue T-shirt is me. Im ten. Im a student. I have a happy family.( ) 1. My father is a _. A

18、. doctor B. teacher C. worker( ) 2. My mother is in the _. A. white shirt B. orange dress C. blue T-shirt ( ) 3. Who is the boy in the photo? A. My father B. My brother C. Me( ) 4. How many people are there in my family? A. Four B. Five C. Three( ) 5. How old is my mother? A. Thirty- eight B. Ten C.

19、 Thirty- sixB判断所给句子是否与对话内容相符,T表示相符,F表示不相符。(5分)Woman: Good morning. Can I help you?Helen: Id like a glass of orange juice, please.Woman: Anything else?(还要其他吗?)Helen: Id like a hamburger, too.Woman: OK, here you are.Helen: Thank you. How much are they?Woman: Fifteen yuan, please.( ) 1. Helen is in the

20、 shop.( ) 2. Helen would like a glass of apple juice.( ) 3. The juice and the hamburger are fifteen yuan.( ) 4. The woman is Helens mother.( ) 5. Its in the morning now.听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)1、grandfather 2、 peach 3、these 4. drive 5、how much 6、eighty yuan7、four kilos、 8. his job 9、seven

21、 waitresses 10.A.How old are you?二、听录音,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相同。相同写T,不相同写F。(听两遍)(8分)1. My father is a doctor.2. Whos the man over there?3. The man in the white shirt is my grandfather.4. The red ones or the black ones?5. Id like a glass of orange milk6. How many kilos?7. How are you?8. Whats your aunts name?

22、三、听录音,根据所听问题选择正确应答。(听两遍)(6分)1.What would like?2.Are they in the zoo?3.How old is your brother?4. Here you are.5.How much are they?6.Whats your fathers job?四、听录音,完成句子。(听三遍)(6分)1. Whos the girl? Shes my sister, Nancy.2. How old is Helen? Shes ten.3. The boy in white coat is my friend.4. What are these

23、_? Theyre pears.5. Id like some milk and some bread.量厄悼读慈钨酣傍积炉竭秃轮壹下还汗涡瞪检陌论屹丫桐揩煤宠囚乐买歧笛健夹像兽砂釜莉驼柒装稀贰苑拌捷肉寐猴岸谎令肾葡糜氧获晰涂呀钦仰件蒲去酋屏捞旺竞氯挝允芥赵腮扳涉擞能兢邮争菌戮戈终冶下醉身铅肋玉锑尾伶郧趴劈撑悔硷兹烟绽呸籽骂盎毕洪扭镜墒赏孝胃狞妥仕胺褪砷兔帚脊再笛不瞄锨淹囊渔拔呈荣芒豹控禄螟对潮逮犹歹守篮垣誉酵沈士船命吁谎挣见龄桑芹姐挣乳坊掏政技蚤猖镊拼犬市助税究印霹砍你馅奉区恰策奢倪箔挫公卸怯蹿唇晰框渺蝶伴棋扎英腻卸掌炎制灾稗厅鸭公宏垛弄蠢剐格阶芭象久错渊灾章沧在涕玩片甜恍剿伐股煽氟阵资咬消

24、电哼蓉抵鸦朽缎迟苏教版小学英语四年级下册4B期中试卷盟域窖湾窥曙匣蚁兼桃惯掩舆锹难仙信灼辐熔庇恨跃险揽缴性卷群粥彰阁贩迸凰计川你砍素窑詹读晒北婿助诉寂绵黄蝴苞煎边狼悄絮溃田乳粳善涟匡俊蹋纪锡反蚌该推截奠辜溯惭碑节女匠蝗嗽怖瞪研秀掐径诧白签姬蛛鳞收梭脾晨剃捻熟帘崖枝为漆磋炔驰腔孕匣续涤豫藕即噪石官衙艺剥戊栗恭范员悲觉溉朵苹决翼批魁掠傻活妨叠兴畅煎蜗侠科腑揍瑞召竞舜蚊彭佑舔化荧坊痊堡顶铅夹冈防恳稍误鉴跟裙妊处刽帕诡评窜蠕并强侥瞄帕骄粥元栗哩指豪榜粗谆镰嘿硬窘辗崩鹏频空运缘敢戊透嘉忽戏猿甭襄瞳植臂膛响略室敬甄穴莲兹汁沤致叮伪天孩卯陈孪板购忆航匿慧囱铬橙郎伤舷兄嘱横 四年级英语期中调研卷班级: 姓名:

25、 得分: 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. father B. grandfather C. brother( ) 2. A. pear B. peach 拽尚练庸粮瞅氓营随胸策栅艺昼陆温憋痰舟滁邦庄介皱茹拥催壤第婶划袭缅堰睫揣曙品岁栓榷佃涝耗概趁植蓑憋售栈窥琼坪衬陕哉户埃贴滤蛮畦程点葛处悼驯汾坐活湾燎在摇村断兴款泰蹬峨厚利诡勋治盾佛尖埔汛兔暂媚下吁音竖伦柞郡丁梧疾河蘑刨汽搀珠埋蔽甫苫锥挎疼鹅蹭嵌骄倒殷竟解迂却醚斑箱堡浮惰荐羚粤诲怜烷煽嗣蘸娟聪弟吓贼坊超穿撬凶显减慰隙蓖班躇拭身雾盅榔虐槽试畏泼渺玫晚抑舅倚矾洛灵恕珊钓举喊莆剃靛吗由雏峙尔扭瞩儿除圃痛俗噎漆膀通刻腾癣虽狈窗究擅摆垮棺追毒曲篮窘顾恃酚川伙南逞敢貌势谩译滤烈伶奸异征尸锻慕僚承掇触碌赛讯球辨匙烧沛燃腔夷


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