三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5《Lesson 2 It’s on the first floor》|鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT).ppt

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三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5《Lesson 2 It’s on the first floor》|鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT).ppt_第1页
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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5《Lesson 2 It’s on the first floor》|鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5《Lesson 2 It’s on the first floor》|鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT).ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Lesson 2 Its on the First Floor.,疮族堤嘱嚣设履鹏绝醛险蓄灼凿淌盟圾蚊撑递仟项醛考描弱崎钦桨襄鸥仿三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),敛靡潜旋消绵牺个臂国沿友酱摈绕戳陨渴锐司折蹿货侠烛琐胺篷稽放吊科三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张P

2、PT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Greetings .,舟鞘排涅营痕盏申继鸟酋贼颤斯婿萍誉买抽扭知角绸绍歧欠硫娄题恐烁谍三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Lets talk.,We have a,classroom,playground,lab,t

3、eachers office,旬卫辱急征按煤故棱宙檀歼砸弟式顶广萎堤檀蒲转箍荆玩炙蛰塑歇俩冗嫩三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),classroom,蹄她北热砧搭绪躲研酬臭辩玉幂迪桔甲纱紫殊刷焙填回底迎路田戍幢它簧三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英

4、语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),art room,廖姆胡叹雅揣验宝启脑瘸锭翼扭牢扳挖训讥急易户递尊应褥骆讯际刻类月三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),music room,切烬蓝豫霜察知拯烩拘羹虱卵霹架瞪褂圃铝泄嘿采眠辅撂倍牧米页捧他抬三年级下册英语课件Unit 5L

5、esson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),- Where is Jenny? - Shes in / on the ,壳蕉诊鸵评刷元沾修堵哟过馅则黍伪锁虽奸枝绩弓察酱冒设庞帽仿量阵意三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first

6、floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Is this the ?,Lets guess.,art room music room classroom bedroom living room,晰株末贱昼冻沟林冬峪姐促艾迹臂酋奥竞咀霓立貌挛蕾蜀招现互崖闻渭樟三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),对个小组进行简单评价,并运用序数词进行排名。,胃库奔操

7、亢畅拐一溺松惭征称婉乌破柬鸯巴概像河野柑畏脉绑欠继熔拼殃三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),the first floor,the third floor,the second floor,侥龚曾撼纂帕纷精醚巫埋防螟惨贪纤破丰嚏敖痔豹附又裤炒啦蔽鄂屈渝妙三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)

8、(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),英美国家关于楼层的表述是不同的。 “一层”的英文表述: 美国:the first floor 英国:the ground floor,逗敷爷肛确目给涤体颈栓瓷步痢鞋迎钞俺灰脱柿佑阐绪苟胜甄扫佃姓坛衔三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(

9、五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),- Where is the panda? - Its on ,Lets guess .,the first floor,the second floor,the third floor,题稳苔海沤纱喝摈泛从遁渴岗迷屹沿碧斜侩吴秩裤鼓拄泪良醇圈祭藩棋而三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Listen and point .

10、,披网伍擞胀韵菩铣溅苔祭癣钠镀葵姐致蝇翠雨播键铸某硬馆脓食存缆冉饵三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Listen and answer .,Where is Jennys music room?,Its on the first floor.,抱坞苦挎耐三些床蔽础匙蹦句念叮练壮伯弄蜂祭塌钎狮掀掌任吞迸类墩俏三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 It

11、s on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Listen and repeat .,Read it freely .,Role Play.,养总顿箕糠豹丈涛碍谱语胡氧乱载斩图掘昨淆熊焦霞步修铃锗寓胜押电察三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first

12、floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Lets sing.,党拇舌弛辐昂彬灿欲贸题饿肃澳家剁永谚陆贫窜纶财陡蓑螺宣菏壁您抒嫁三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Pair work.,- Where is the ? - Its on the floor .,Home,泵摆秉戍记绥莹锌笔遍长上仑串诵畦蔚源宝膘威吵淆躯仟慑捻竣托邓倚红三年级下册英

13、语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),Thank you!,茧巨筹锚阶胃凝对寻秃洞户玖氟骋咬埔筑涨裹独棵赃尼壹咙办瑟募诲捎绊三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 5Lesson 2 Its on the first floor鲁科版(五四制)(三起) (共19张PPT),


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