三年级下册英语课件-《Unit 6 What time is it》|译林版(三起)(共27张PPT).ppt

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1、,Unit 6 What time is it?,Story time,Chaoyang Primary School Shen Ni,譬联拖抹丙炎滚鹤压棠猾亮廉瘴铸致奋雷伤刮汞杭粤躲沮柯田账施寿疲处三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Its time for class. (该上课了。),姿抠绵张胺诞循俩状德勤陕他哉陷源贝簧衷膏恕轿穗纫守攘隅屡绚砸文饶三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PP

2、T)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Hello, Im Xi Yangyang. Nice to meet you. Now lets play a game, OK?,进齿瑶凳疤守喊术酒映闭技亡趋舌跃奎惰帖诉涟缴丑脆尽堵们介褥曾康侠三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Play a game:,:00,:00,:00,:00,one,oclock,clock,o,(整点),怕芳蚌

3、菲潭万刽蛤削戚恼妖赡钓茬憾峻愉祟仕嘘晒释配扦滴石妖懦售渭禁三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Unit 6 What time is it?,盅枚拔符躬唁灾集焉迹汝贫鄂肺顶诵拎化准酞冶拐极产友侠准颈蘸搏会铣三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),What time is it?,Its_ ocl

4、ock.,three,time,What time,Learn to say:,问时间时,我们可以说What time is it? 它的另一种表达方法Whats the time? 为表示礼貌,我们可以在问句之后加上please。,览悍喊兑痰妒拧豫蟹绒郝女江镐官斜郡迭扬虽礁辱钓腮劲沪钞咋协援炙滑三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Guessing game:,例残淫庚启肌烷着墓镜兼扯敞躲沼昔窒蒋耀城薪某样迹迪赦厂嗅宇篱涡并三年级下册英语课件

5、Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Pair work:,A: What time is it? B: Its oclock.,登备溜婆尔馈铬堪委粕应絮宿海叹杉瓜踩莹墙崭默伸漫粮摆哲揣犬脐埔蓑三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),What time is it? Its _ oclock.,seven,Oh!

6、Its seven oclock.Its time for school. I must go to school now.Bye bye!,棘五邀横乒幂裴刽泛撬唬沮傀需捻颓七幸卞短拙册堤坯余墙斩萍萎斤敌剁三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Its time for,school.,当我们想说“该做某件事情了”我们可以说: Its time for 有时候我们也可以直接说Time for,该去上学了。,抹丑愉淹船蔓诌明脉茵故吕逞昔靠嘉督鼎哭北

7、蝎讽钨吉噬糠煽末如下蛀畴三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),breakfast,breakfast,k,fast,早餐,bread,brea,Its time for,Xi Yangyangs day,该吃早餐了。,旋线那彭裔艾罐葡愤耕炸佯熄萝亦蛤逼瓣羞枪又菌计漾坊都瞳彦碟由瞩詹三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三

8、起)(共27张PPT),Its time for .,dinner,Xi Yangyangs day,晚餐,炉仇赎擞阐材挑排剐仑镍钓苹绅席箕刹茂件慌擒搁碧案牢诽亮擞氨幻叼析三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Its time for bed.,red,该睡觉了。,Xi Yangyangs day,狮鸵滥撤甫罪搪药浩良诛偶您淡跳虹咏滁滔绚历号届堰汲寸浪逐盘八郭藕三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27

9、张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Xi Yangyangs Day,bed,dinner,breakfast,Xi Yangyangs day,school,懈扒乎鹃排印瓢浙赐研行饺竟凉闷贤例篇先狼欣福弃好木介矗陆宰病芦化三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),What do you think of Taotao? 你认为涛涛是怎样一个孩子?,乔秦丘糟采宋技仪专桶并九藕抖酒

10、浙饱涟距梧累锑近败剔澳凯匙背部梳竭三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Wake up, Taotao.,Lets learn:,醒一醒,涛涛。,谬凉意本鸡问坚闭涸匿恐谨竹窗人颁互该喷危肉簿据郝敌铂粉忽裳箕企恬三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Miss Li说的hurry up 在文中的意思

11、是: A、快点 B、慢点,Lets learn:,菠倒冕耙瓮粹芒啪氰矮眶胚霞挞玛洛状豪芒姨靡俱闹儡铸理邑掳梦贸帧猖三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Its six oclock. Its time for dinner,Lets learn:,澳毯蔚凶诱审棚洞舀蓖枯悠为癣培猛旅谁耶隅额占肿蛇蓟紧仲饶募霓侩泊三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What

12、time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Its nine oclock. Its time for bed.,Lets learn:,朝腊担藉芳颊特帘卤烁截酿尉芍啥棵武胳锻慕召肃鸡树依反挫椅手李胯雏三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Wake up, Taotao.,Its six oclock. Its time for dinner.,What time is it, Mum?,Its seven oclock. Its t

13、ime for breakfast.,Good morning, Liu Tao. Hurry up! Its time for class.,Good morning, Miss Li.,What time is it, Mum?,OK, Mum.,Its nine oclock. Its time for bed.,Lets read:,Tips: 注意连读 1. 尽量模仿语音语调哦! 2. 比一比,谁模仿的更好!,曾稀据褒逝兼灶裴输碳卑蝴焰敦测圆腻文晦诺即沏矛穷颁多膘真薯盾萌扎三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件

14、Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),表演时间到啦! 三人一组表演,注意语气和动作! 尽量不要看书哦!,Lets act,毛贡脖愧缎诸日洛犊屏欧躲孝烫明条毁古忧务籍囊血氮缴掳抑婪忠茎满母三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Show time,惜泞建宴其迸哇意于揣琳插服撩便柯筛丸偏虾卿黔泞美枢恶阉卸半牙侍恬三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级

15、下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Arrange our time reasonably! (合理安排时间!),Taotao has a rush day! 涛涛匆忙的一天!,结蜗荧店佯落主赴茅搪朴牟裂烷皇拳板叙骸略琶剥砖邯沁颜温茧蹲猜韭呐三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),My timetable 我的一天,Write and say:,Show time,7:00,6:00,10:0

16、0,class,估潭绰韵砂胁难噶狠汾圈据立酸摘凡臆屋荆锥卫再奴晦裤炽鄂伟吱烯说旁三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),A good timetable makes you successful!,舟俭驼址戍押店晨停挤巴胞屹思辊圃夏慎掀灶婉捕蚕安姿捷跃畔嚷爱亦拌三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)

17、,怎样问时间? 怎样说时间? 某个时间到了。 怎样叫醒别人? 怎样叫别人快点?,What time is it?,Its oclock.,Its time for ,wake up,Summary:,hurry up,考瞄侗帕滴卯狸悦切肩坯赏循忌胯支鸭诣案膘帧纳衅差罗坡竟柑省眨要置三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),Thank You!,派画债纠醚显来噬蚕揍纲套称场肌振悲耘殆泳欢羽逻蔡拘置捶而蹄币甭巴三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit 6 What time is it译林版(三起)(共27张PPT),


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