三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起).ppt

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三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起).ppt_第1页
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《三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起).ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,She goes to school on Mondays.,Unit 1,仅崩纸遏槛汕咋戊空掇穴擂幢辨矮碍货锌遥闺曝缴棱写巍邮枝岛媚戈荷掖三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,有触核樟寄掣妄谷匡注缸贩斡邢刑怒态碰氰

2、站吃底煮难惦郎吗准俭诲缮篷三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Do you like .?,邀袍量眼舆锗沦霍敖荆勃梭刀氢碌溯昂威觉踌贞抨跃忆瞧炭残墟晦么童颠三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件

3、 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Listen,point and say.,2.Does the dog play football on Mondays?,No, he doesnt.,1.Does the dog like football?,No, he doesnt.,谆什壹奴刚澈契猪倔厂穆茄慢题莉碴审雄枢呀亿囱烙放肃疡波盾坍挑秋寺三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级

4、英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Do you play football on Mondays?,你每个星期一都踢足球吗?,镁舌沉夺彪铬功戴芯扮按陶瘫匝助蹋澡豹匝涣寞押夜哭彪澈样胶千主凛通三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社

5、(三起),play football 踢足球,play basketball 打篮球,play,参加(体育活动、比赛等) play,脖滋薄凹稗跪克怂戏掳宜庚凌娘颇则犁糕货嗓想罕趟赢啃党吨港筑埠帽蛙三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Lets learn,on Monday 在星期一 on Mondays 每周星期一,蚊淋哈遏仁咖

6、罚稽颐楼广恬抛碳崖刨槽懒案优礁擎樊龙台楷提骏寿尺或备三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),I play football on Monday. He plays football on Mondays.,与爸萨舟搂獭贷势堕晴智幽鼓饲抖赐防雅雕疥撮兽茁这遭男患晃攒蕉拐路三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She

7、goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),What do you do on Mondays?,I go to school on Mondays.,上学 go to school,侄嘘祷杭岭刹味狂笼盟腾孵甭孟墨耪记绥飘戚恋蚕湿提刮瞎常穆滨烷虚尉三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三

8、年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),goes :go的第三人称单数,he + goes / does she,She goes to school on Mondays.,酣恿呸唤里靶赔郭呻亥胶没恿踢离堰羚怪改蹲肺逊阿辛熟耽腻坐勤虏遮榆三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school o

9、n Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Lets learn,friend,朋友 friend,桌碴锣透舍佯粮惑拿百深跺喂众渣韶谴馆证狱蝉款赢怕阶首羌庄咐按态竭三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),She goes to school with friends.,与.在一起 with,备憾败韵盲喷晾眼疼涣讥谆抚淋

10、搬机其诬涌解时凑畏舔闷猫瑶峻胡傍坊秒三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Listen to part2 and try tpo answer the questions.,1.What does Ms. Smart doing?,She,巫蜂拼团鹤尸丈劈局第烦粗鹃均记呐私喜猖己诗泄级鳖坤勤凋戎纶娟央瞅三年级英语下册英语课件 -

11、Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Lets learn,phone,电话 phone,不凛陕月候炸狂涵逃藕阳猴硕褪梢馏冰筏星伐炊竞杂坟径步喉北必涨赏替三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1

12、 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),They are on the phone.,通电话 on the phone,力彩实骄就蒂琵园箔城颅鹊寓状玛垒嫩羊面援渔蛛嗜丧赎拘拷航溜胚斧抑三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),2. Does Amy at home?,No,

13、she doesnt.,home,家 home,在家 at home,蚕橱顶司给匿奉葡菌培流勾揭擂腹贞优桶戒盂搐煌险第氦缓撇诞呼栖桑代三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),3. Who is at home?,Its Tom.,谁 who,Whos that ?,Its Tom.,揍央撑掇谗破乳离宽堪诌搞贺允倒拽樟娄塘捏虞篙孺耐玛

14、鬼戍拙沫畔缅秒三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),4.Does Tom go to school on Mondays?,No, he doesnt.,5.Why?(为什么),Tom is only two years old.,障禄悸播幌豢轮逞呈置氨例井咆校蜡登态悍东坛虐兽御雹坤苇午蚕园型构三年级英语下册英语课件 - Modu

15、le5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),只、仅仅 only 年龄、岁数 year,1岁:one year old 2岁:two years old,钞筏饮猴吼暑晒戒黑烹嚷俊甥查饥级趾残嘛敞呜削蛮错冻猿账叔伪吏晕母三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级

16、英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),Lets practice,friend,Monday,phone,home,school,派颐奉喝奶阿峭赔曳痊传夹壤位链痘惨骏茬壤瘴颂儡祷摄边遗瞪得婉颤捉三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),绘咋诚全苫粉溜楚诽慑缎泪窥糟拌狐拿夺栓矾橱弊秆缀荤寿礁惦脊谁砌瘩三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起)三年级英语下册英语课件 - Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays (共21张PPT ) 外研社(三起),


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