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1、-范文最新推荐- 名人演讲:葛底斯堡演说 林肯的讲话是极简短、极朴素的。这往往使那些滔滔不绝的讲演家大瞧不起。葛底斯堡战役后,决定为死难烈士举行盛大葬礼。掩葬委员会发给总统一张普通的请帖,他们以为他是不会来的,但林肯答应了。既然总统来,那一定要讲演的,但他们已经请了著名演说家艾佛瑞特来做这件事,因此,他们又给林肯写了信,说在艾佛瑞特演说完毕之后,他们希望他“随便讲几句适当的话”。这是一个侮辱,但林肯平静地接受了。两星期内,他在穿衣、刮脸、吃点心时也想着怎样演说。演说稿改了两三次,他仍不满意。到了葬礼的前一天晚上,还在做最后的修改,然后半夜找到他的同僚高声朗诵。走进会场时,他骑在马上仍把头低到胸

2、前默想着演说辞。那位艾佛瑞特讲演了两个多小时,将近结束时,林肯不安地掏出旧式眼镜,又一次看他的讲稿。他的演说开始了,一位记者支上三角架准备拍摄照片,等一切就绪的时候,林肯已走下讲台。这段时间只有两分钟,而掌声却持续了10分钟。后人给以极高评价的那份演说辞,在今天译成中文,也不过400字。gettysburg addressabraham lincolndelivered on the 19th day of november, 1863cemetery hill, gettysburg, pennsylvaniafourscore and seven years ago, our father

3、s brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. now, we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. we are met on a great battlefie

4、ld of that war. we have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that nation might live. it is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.but, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.

5、the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. the world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. it is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining befor

6、e us; that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that this nation, under god, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.葛底斯堡演


8、能增减的。我们今天在这里所说的话,全世界不大会注意,也不会长久地记住,但勇士们在这里所做过的事,全世界却永远不会忘记。毋宁说,倒是我们这些还活着的人,应该在这里把自己奉献于勇士们已经如此崇高地向前推进但尚未完成的事业。倒是我们应该在这里把自己奉献于仍然留在我们面前的伟大任务我们要从这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,来完成他们已经完全彻底为之献身的事业;我们要在这里下定最大的决心,不让这些死者白白牺牲;我们要使国家在上帝福佑下得到自由的新生,要使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。 mccarthy-welch exchange: have you no sense of decencymc

9、carthy: (mr. chairman) .in view of mr. welch's request that the information be given once we know of anyone who might be performing any work for the communist party, i think we should tell him that he has in his law firm a young man named fisher whom he recommended, incidentally, to do the work

10、on this committee, who has been, for a number of years, a member of an organization which is named, oh, years and years ago, as the legal bulwark of the communist party, an organization which always springs to the defense of anyone who dares to expose communists.knowing that, mr. welch, i just felt

11、that i had a duty to respond to your urgent request that before sundown, when we know of anyone serving the communist cause we let the agency know. now, we're now letting you know that your man did belong to this organization for either three or four years, belonged to it long after he was out o

12、f law school. and i have hesitated bringing that up, but i have been rather bored with your phony requests to mr. cohn here, that he, personally, get every communist out of government before sundown. whether you knew that he was a member of that communist organization or not, i don't know. i ass

13、ume you did not, mr. welch, because i get the impression that while you are quite an actor, you play for a laugh, i don't think you have any conception of the danger of the communist party. i don't think you, yourself, would ever knowingly aid the communist cause. i think you're unknowin

14、gly aiding it when you try to burlesque this hearing in which we're attempting to bring out the facts.welch: mr. chairman.mundt: the chair may say that he has no recognition or no memory of mr. welch recommending either mr. fisher or anybody else as counsel for this committee.mccarthy: i refer t

15、o the record, mr. chairman.to the news story on that.welch: mr. chairman. under these circumstances, i must myself have something approaching a personal privilege.mundt: you may have, sir -welch: senator mccarthy, i did not know, senator - senator, sometimes you say may i have your attention -mccart

16、hy: i'm listening.welch: may i have your attention?mccarthy: i can listen with one ear and talk with -.welch: no, this time, sir, i want you to listen with both. senator mccarthy, i think until this moment -mccarthy: - good. just a minute. jim, jim, will you get the news story to the effect that

17、 this man belongs to the - to this communist front organization.welch: i will tell you that he belonged to it.mccarthy: jim, will you get the citation, one of the citations showing that this was the legal arm of the communist party, and the length of time that he belonged, and the fact that he was r

18、ecommended by mr. welch. i think that should be in the record.welch: senator, you won't need anything in the record when i finish telling you this. until this moment, senator, i think i never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. fred fisher is a young man who went to the harvard law

19、 school and came into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. when i decided to work for this committee, i asked jim st. clair, who sits on my right, to be my first assistant. i said to jim, pick somebody in the firm to work under you that you would like. he chose fred f

20、isher, and they came down on an afternoon plane. that night, when we had taken a little stab at trying to see what the case is about, fred fisher and jim st. clair and i went to dinner together. i then said to these two young men, boys, i don't know anything about you, except i've always lik

21、ed you, but if there's anything funny in the life of either one of you that would hurt anybody in this case, you speak up quick.and fred fisher said, mr. welch, when i was in the law school, and for a period of months after, i belonged to the lawyers' guild, as you have suggested, senator. h

22、e went on to say, i am secretary of the young republican's league in newton with the son of the massachusetts governor, and i have the respect and admiration of my community, and i'm sure i have the respect and admiration of the twenty-five lawyers or so in hale & dorr. and i said, fred,

23、 i just don't think i'm going to ask you to work on the case. if i do, one of these days that will come out, and go over national television, and it will just hurt like the dickens. and so, senator, i asked him to go back to boston. little did i dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as

24、 to do an injury to that lad. it is, i regret to say, equally true that i fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. if it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, i would do so. i like to think i'm a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from so

25、meone other than me.mccarthy: mr. chairman, may i say that mr. welch talks about this being cruel and reckless. he was just baiting. he has been baiting mr. cohn here for hours, requesting that mr. cohn before sundown get out of any department of the government anyone who is serving the communist ca

26、use. now, i just give this man's record and i want to say, mr. welch, that it had been labeled long before he became a member, as early as 1944 -welch: senator, may we not drop this? we know he belonged to the lawyers' guild.mccarthy: let me finish.welch: and mr. cohn nods his head at me. i

27、did you, i think, no personal injury, mr. cohn?cohn: no, sir.welch: i meant to do you no personal injury.cohn: no, sir.welch: and if i did, i beg your pardon. let us not assassinate this lad further, senator.mccarthy: let's, let's -welch: you've done enough. have you no sense of decency,

28、 sir, at long last? have you left no sense of decency?mccarthy: i know this hurts you, mr. welch.welch: i'll say it hurts!mccarthy: mr. chairman, as point of personal privilege, i'd like to finish this.welch: senator, i think it hurts you, too, sir.mccarthy: i'd like to finish this. i kn

29、ow mr. cohn would rather not have me go into this. i intend to, however, and mr. welch talks about any sense of decency. i have heard you and everyone else talk so much about laying the truth upon the table. but when i heard the completely phony mr. welch, i've been listening now for a long time

30、, he's saying, now before sundown you must get these people out of government. so i just want you to have it very clear, very clear that you were not so serious about that when you tried to recommend this man for this committee.welch: mr. mccarthy, i will not discuss this further with you. you h

31、ave sat within six feet of me and could ask - could have asked me about fred fisher. you have seen fit to bring it out, and if there is a god in heaven, it will do neither you nor your cause any good. i will not discuss it further. i will not ask, mr. cohn, any more witnesses. you, mr. chairman, may

32、, if you will, call the next witness. 一个成功演讲家必备疯狂英语教你一步登天,成为驰骋英语世界的演讲高手第一标准步骤introducing yourself/starting the meeting /opening remarksladies and gentlemen, good morning!(女士们,先生们,上午好)hello everyone and welcome.(各位,你们好,欢迎你们)its my great honor to be here.(我来到这里,倍感荣幸)its very happy to see you all.(我很高兴

33、见到大家)thank you for being here.(感谢大家光临)最常用的自我介绍:we havent all met before,so id better/like to /want to introduce myself. im li yang from lyceco./first let me introduce myself.im.(我以为从未会过面,还是让我来做一下自我介绍。我是李阳,来自李阳疯狂英语文化传播有限公司。/首先让我来做个自我介绍。我是.)超级谦辞:i hope youll excuse my english.im a little out of practi

34、ce/nervous./please excuse my poor english.(我好久不说英语/我有些紧张,英语讲的不好之处请大家好好包涵)【疯狂提示】:千万别小看上面的这些句子,就算是美国的专业主持人在演讲开始前,都要到洗手间反复操练。第二标准步骤preparing the aduiencewhat i am going to talking about today is(我今天要谈论的是.)first id like to talk about (首先,我想谈一谈.)(开门见山,观点明确)my topic today is very interesting.(我今天谈论的话题很有趣)

35、i hope i can share my experiences with you.(我希望能和大家分享我的经历)ill start withand then move on to finally, im going to /ill begin by describingthen go on to and ill end with.(我将以开始,然后转向最后,以作为结束)(先总后分,条理清晰)i think, if you dont mind, well leave questions to the end ./if you have any questionhs ill be glad t

36、o answer them.(我想如果你们不介意的话,我们将把问题留到最后来解决。/如果你们有问题,我很高兴为大家解答。)(主次分明 以“礼”服人。)please hold/save any questions until the end.(请把所有的问题留到最后)remember this important point.(请记住这个重点)第三标准步骤delivering the messagefirstly.secondly/first of allnext.(首先其次.)this brings me to my next point /feel free to interrupt if

37、you have any questions.(这正引出了我下面要讲的一个./如果你们有问题请尽管打断我。)i must emphasize/stress /make clear/id like to turn to/id like to stress.(我必须强调/重点指明/我要转向/强调.)at this point we must consider/at this point we have to bear in mind(在这一点上我们必须考虑.)now, to digress for a moment/now to change the subject for a moment(现在

38、,我们暂时撇开这个话题/现在我们临时换一个话题.)to go back to my earlier point/to return to the point i made earlier(还回到我先前的话题.)finally/in conclusion(最后.)(最后.)第四标准步骤winding-upbefore finishing/closing id like to summarize the main points again/before i finish,id like to run through the main points again.(在结束之前我要将我的要点再总结一下)

39、thats all id like to run through the main points again.thats all i have to say for the moment/now/today./that brings me to the end of my presentation.(这些就是今天/刚才要讲的一切)thank you for listening/coming/being here/thank you for your attention.(谢谢大家前来听我的演讲)now if there are any questions. ill be happy to an

40、swer them./ill be glad to take any questions./if you have any questions,id be glad to answer them.(如果有任何问题,我将非常乐意为大家解答/我很高兴为大家解答。)finally id like to summarize the mail point.(最后我想总结一下要点)i hope you all enjoy yourself today.(我希望大家过的很开心)thank you for listening.(感谢你们前来听讲)thank you for your time.(感谢你们的光临

41、)thank you very much.(非常感谢)经典演讲示范american high school students1. ladies and gentlemen, good morning. its my great honor to be here and i am very happy to see you all. thank you for what i am going to talk about today is american education.2. firstly, id like to talk about american high school studen

42、ts. my topic today is very interesting because american high school students are very different from chinese high school students. i was a teacher in an american high school and i hope i can share my experiences with you.3. remember this important point, american students care about their social act

43、ivities and activities outside school more than anything else. chinese students care about their schoolwork and exams more than anything else. american students are very independent. they drive their own cars, work at part time jobs and often have their own money. american high school students are o

44、ften involved in relationships with boyfriends or girlfriends. studens in america must learn how to schedule their time among work, school, friends, sports and of course, fun! this type of responsibility is challenging for young people and often their education suffers. this is just a brief introduc

45、tion to one of the many aspects of american education. thank you all for listening and i hope you all enjoy yourselves today. 1、 女士们, 先生们、早上好!我很荣幸来到这里、并且很高兴见到大家。谢谢你们的光临。我今天要谈论的话题是美国教育。 2、 首先,我想谈谈美国的高中生。我今天的话题很有趣,因为美国的高中生与中国的高中生有很大的不同。我是一位来自美国的中学教师,我希 望我能和你们一起分享我的经历。 3、请记住一点,美国的高中生把学校之外的社会实践活动看得比任何东西都重要。而中国的学生却把学校表现和考试成绩看得比什么都重要。美国学生很独立。他们拥有自己的车,他们能兼职工作,他们用自己赚的钱去购买电话、电视机、音响和游戏机等。美国的高中生通常还有女朋友或男朋友。美国学生必须学会规划好自己的时间,去应付工作、学习、交友、运动,当然还有娱乐等。这种情况对年轻人来说是一种挑战,通常他们的教育都会受到影响。这只是美国教育这面多棱镜的一角。 17 / 17


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