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1、三年级下册英语专项训练二:句型 这个工作可让学生分组负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,每周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其目的在于扩大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考书吗? 一、根据图片选择句子。一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一

2、。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。 () 1. A. She doesnt like basketball. 唐宋或更早之前,针对“经学”“律学”“算学”和“书学”各科目,其相应传授者称为“博士”,这与当今“博士”含义已经相去甚远。而对那些特别讲授“武事”或讲解“经籍”者,又称“讲师”。“教授”和“助教”均原为学官称谓。前者始于宋,乃“宗学”“律学”“医学”“武学”等科目的讲授者;而后者则于西晋武帝时代即已设立了,主要协

3、助国子、博士培养生徒。“助教”在古代不仅要作入流的学问,其教书育人的职责也十分明晰。唐代国子学、太学等所设之“助教”一席,也是当朝打眼的学官。至明清两代,只设国子监(国子学)一科的“助教”,其身价不谓显赫,也称得上朝廷要员。至此,无论是“博士”“讲师”,还是“教授”“助教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 B. He likes basketball. () 2. A. We fly kites in the park. B. We go skating in winter. () 3. A. He goes to school by car. B. He goes to school

4、by bus. () 4. A. My mum goes shopping on Sundays. B. My mum goes to work on Sundays. () 5. A. Ive got a green coat. B. Ive got a new dress. 来源:学科网() 6. A. Spring is my favourite season. B. My favourite season is summer. 二、我会选。() 1. What colour is your bag?_A. Its black and red. B. Its my bag. C. Its

5、 nice. 来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K() 2. _They are monkeys. A. Whats this? B. Whats that? C. What are they?() 3. I like _. A. swims B. swiming C. swimming() 4. Does Lingling like oranges?_A. Yes, I do. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, he does. () 5. _No, she isnt. A. Where is Amy? B. Is Tom at home?C. Is Amy at home?(

6、) 6. What do you _ in the afternoon? I watch TV in the afternoon. A. do B. have C. does() 7. What _ Mary have in the morning?She has Chinese and Maths. A. do B. does C. doing来源:学科网ZXXK() 8. Its cool and _ today. A. sun B. wind C. sunny() 9. In autumn, he _ under the tree. A. go swimming B. goes fish

7、ing C. go fishing() 10. Has Sam got a new bike?_A. Yes, she does. B. No, he hasnt. C. Yes, he is. 三、根据图示,选择正确的短语补全句子。() 1. My brother _ in winter. A. goes swimmingB. goes skating() 2. They are all _. A. in the park B. in the zoo() 3. Do you _ in the morning?A. watch TV B. fly a kite() 4. His bike is

8、 _. A. in the tree B. under the tree() 5. Does Xiaoyong _ on Saturdays?A. ride a bike B. play footballA. 萨姆有一件蓝色的T恤衫吗?B. 我不喜欢骑我的自行车。C. 那个男孩在门后面。D. 他骑自行车去上学。E. 埃米星期六去上学吗?F. 这是一顶黄色的帽子。G. 汤姆下午上什么课?H. 她有一件橙色的毛衣。I. 春天天气晴朗又温暖。J. 大明在公园里放风筝。四、英语、汉语对号入座。来源:学科网ZXXK() 1. Daming flies a kite in the park. () 2.

9、Has Sam got a blue Tshirt?() 3. Shes got an orange sweater. () 4. He goes to school by bike. () 5. The boy is behind the door. () 6. Its sunny and warm in spring. () 7. Does Amy go to school on Saturdays?() 8. I dont like riding my bike. () 9. What does Tom have in the afternoon?() 10. Heres a yello

10、w hat. A. Yes, I have. B. No, she doesnt. C. Its white and red. D. He plays football on Sundays. E. Its an elephant. F. Its on the chair. 五、选择合适的答语。() 1. Whats this?() 2. Where is the book?() 3. What colour is your bag?() 4. Does your mum like pears?() 5. What does John do on Sundays?() 6. Have you

11、got a blue bike? 六、选词填空。(每词限用一次)in at under to on by for with1. What do you do _ Sundays?2. Ms Smart is on the phone _ her friend. 3. Heres a book _ you. 4. In Harbin,its cold _ winter. 5. The cat is _ the chair. 6. Mike walks _ school every day(每天). 7. Does your father go to work _ car?8. Please lo

12、ok _ the bird in the tree. 七、判断下列每组对话与图意是(T)否(F)相符。() 1. Have you got an orange sweater? Yes,I have. () 2. Where is the panda? Its in the cap. () 3. What do you have at school today? I have Chinese. () 4. Does your dad go to work by car? Yes,he does. () 5. Whats your favourite colour? 来源:学科网Its gree

13、n. 八、将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。() She goes to school on Mondays. () No,he doesnt. () Is Mary at home?() Hes only two years old. () Does Jack go to school on Mondays too?() No,she isnt. () Hes playing with his toys. 专项训练二:句型 一、1. B2. A3. B4. A5. B6. A 二、1. A2. C3. C4. B5. C6. A7. B8. C9. B10. B三、1. B2. A3. A4. B5. A四、1. J 2. A3. H4. D5. C6. I7. E8. B9. G10. F五、1. E2. F3. C4. B5. D6. A六、1. on2. with3. for4. in5. under6. to7. by8. at七、1. F2. T3. T4. T5. F八、3516427 第 6 页


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