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1、五年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠35815-16人教版(无) 要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 听力部分教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听

2、中体验、品味。 一、 选出你所听到的单词:家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗诵儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读能力提高很快。 ( ) 1. A. life B library C learnt( ) 2. A different B delicious C. drank ( ) 3. A. these B timetable C. tonight( )4. A find B hard C card ( )5. A

3、learnt B ate C gave 二、 选出听到的句子:( ) 1. A. What did you have for breakfast?B. What did you have for dinner?C. What did you have for lunch?( ) 2. A. She had fish and chips.B. She had eggs and sausages.C. Sam ate six hamburgers( ) 3. A. Where are the book about computer, please?B. Where can you find out

4、 about animals?C. Where can you find out about food?( ) 4. A. Mum bought some apples yesterday.B. I gave one apple to my dog. C. I ate three apples last night.( ) 5. A Lets go to the library.B. Lets go to the park.C. Lets go to school.三、 听问句,选答句。( ) 1.A.Yes, she does. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did

5、.( ) 2.A. No, you cant. B. Yes, here you are. C. Yes, she did.( ) 3.A.No, he didnt. B. Yes, he didnt. C. We visited Beijing.( ) 4.A.Yes,I did. B. She had sandwiches C. She went to school.( ) 5.A.Theyre on shelf C. B. Under the tree. C. Last Sunday.笔试部分一、按要求填空:1.be good at (翻译) 2.make an e-card(翻译) 3

6、. library card (翻译) 4. sandwich(复数) 5. (过去式)learn eat study dance give drink 二、找出不同类的单词:( )1. A. have B. gave C. drank( )2. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. newspaper( )3. A. find B. bring C. delicious( )4. A. lunch B. eggs C. breakfast( )5. A. email B. e-card C. chips三、 单项选择:( )1、Yesterday she _a cake f

7、or lunch .A. make B. made C. making( ) 2、What did you _ for dinner yesterday ? A. having B. have C. had( ) 3、Ive got email from Lingling. A. an B. a C. the ( ) 4、Sam _a new book yesterday.A. buy B. buys C. bought( ) 5、I want to make an e-card Mum.A. to B. for C. in( ) 6、Did Lingling like it? _.A. Ye

8、s, she did. B. She liked it. C. No, she doesnt.( ) 7、Please bring back the book two weeks time.A. on B. of C. in( )8、Its easy a computer.A. of B. with C .to( )9、Lets the library.A. goes to B. go to C. go( )10、Mum is going to _ Chinese food.Acooks B. cooking C. cook四、情境连线:( )1、What did she have for b

9、reakfast? A. Im going to drink milk tonight.( )2、Does Lingling like English food? B. Theyre on Shelf C.( )3、What are you going to drink tonight? C. Yes. Here you are.( )4、Where are the books about food? D. Yes, she does.( )5、Can I have your library card, please? E. She had eggs and milk.五、连词成句:1. ca

10、n, Where,about,find out,you,animals ?2. and,She,eggs,had,sausages3. are, books, where, the, about, please, computers4. bring, in, please, back, weeks, book, the, two, time5.got, Ive, Linging, email, an, from六、阅读理解: Dear Lingling,Last Sunday,it was September 9 th. I had a good time. I had a picnic wi

11、th my father, my mother, Aunt Li and Uncle Wang. We went to Xi Mount by car. There were lots of fruits on the trees. How beautiful they were! They were sweet and fresh. We helped the farmer pick the fruits. We came back at half past five. Love from, John( ) 1.When did John have a picnic?A.yesterday

12、B.last Saturday C.last Sunday( ) 2.Who wrote this letter?A.Lingling B.John C.Johns father( ) 3.How did they go to Xi Mount?A.On foot B.By car C.By bus( ) 4.When were they back?A.At 4:30 B.At 6:30 C.At 5:30( ) 5.Did they help the farmer?A. Yes, they did. B.No, they didnt. C.No, he didnt.七、写作 你家住哪儿?你是怎样上学的?你爸爸妈妈是怎样上班的?请以“My family”为题写一篇英语作文,重点从如何上学和上班入手。不少于5句话。第 5 页


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