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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠5515-16人教版(无) 其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 听力部分 (每题读两遍)教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼

2、儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。 1 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 )观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学


4、公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 ( ) 1. A .teach B. school C. China ( ) 2. A. what B. whose C. where ( ) 3. A. mouth B. thank C. that ( ) 4. A. water B. doctor C. worker ( )

5、 5. A. hosptial B. library C. bookstore2 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 )( )1)A. There are many books on the desk.B. There are many ways to go somewhere.C. There are many weeks in a year.( ) 2) A. How do you go to Canada?B. How does he go to school?C. How do you go to work?( ) 3) A. In China, dri

6、vers drive on the right side of the road.B. In the US, drivers drive on the right side of the road.C. In England, drivers driver on the left side of the road.( ) 4) A. Im going to the big company.B. Im going to the bookstore.C. Im going to the Great Wall. ( ) 5) A. Sometimes my aunt works in Beijing

7、.B. Sometimes my uncle walks in the park.C. Sometimes my uncle works in Beijing.3 Listen and number. (听录音,给你所听到的句子的答语排序 。 ) ( ) He is a writer.( ) Shes Kate.( ) Hes in England.( ) Im going to swim in the river.( ) She goes to Hong Kong by plane.笔试部分 一、 英汉互译 交通灯 工作 爱好 医院 今天上午 company factory library

8、ride a bike singer 二、选择 ( )1. Does your pen pal live Shanghai?A. on B. at C. in( ) 2. My mum likes .A. swims B. swimming C. swim( ) 3. What your father ?A. do, do B. does, does C. does, do ( ) 4. She is an actress TV.A. on B. How C. at( ) 5. can the water become vapour ?A. What B. How C. Who( ) 6. S

9、he goes to work foot. A. by B. with C. on( ) 7. My home is very near the school. Its not .A. far B. next C. near( ) 8. Im going to the supermarket my sister.A. and B. with C. be( )9The hospital is _the left of the school.A.in B.at C.on( ) 10 What time is it ? It is_.A.¥8 B.9:00 C.$6三、连词成句 1) on What

10、 do Saturday are going you to morning(?)2) going TV together We to are watch (.)3) want I buy pair a shoes to of (.)4) can How I to get Zhongshan Park (?)5) the at lights look traffic (.) 四Read and match (阅读从B栏中找出符合A栏的答语). A栏( )1. Have you got an American stamps?( )2. Whats your favorite festival? (

11、 )3. Can you speak English ?( )4. Tell me more about Thanksgiving Day.( )5. How long is the Great Wall?( )6. Wheres New York? B栏a. Childrens day b. Its here ,Its in the east of England.c. Yes , I can speak English .d. Yes, I have. e. We have special meals and say “thank you “for our food.f. Its abou

12、t six thousand seven hundred kilometers五 、阅读理解 Hi,I am so happy to have a pen pal. My English name is Mike. I live in Jinan. It is a beautiful city. I like drawing pictures and collecting stamps. My mother works in a school. She is a teacher . She goes to work by bike. She teaches art. She teaches m

13、e to draw sometimes. My father is an accountant. He works in a big company. He goes to work by bus. He likes collecting things, too. But he doesnt collect stamps, he collects coins(玉米). He has many beautiful coins. Do you like collecting things? What do you collect? Write to me when you have time. Your new pen pal.1) What is Mikes hobby?2 ) What does his mother do ? 3) How does she go to work?4) What does his father do ?5) Where does he work?六小作文:就你是Sarah,介绍你的一位朋友,请写出你朋友的名字,年龄,住址,爱好,如何上学,心情怎样?寒假快到了,他/她有什么打算?不少于10句话。_第 5 页


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