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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠37815-16人教版(无) 要练说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专心听别人发言时,就随时表扬那些静听的幼儿,或是让他重复别人说过的内容,抓住教育时机,要求他们专心听,用心记。平时我还通过各种趣味活动,培养幼儿边听边记,边听边想,边听边说的能力,如听词对词,听词句说意思,听句子辩正误,听故事讲述故事,听谜语猜谜底,听智力故事,动脑筋,出主

2、意,听儿歌上句,接儿歌下句等,这样幼儿学得生动活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的能力,强化了记忆,又发展了思维,为说打下了基础。 听力部分 单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。 一、听一听,判断每组单词划线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。 一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋

3、(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。 ( ) 1. A. miss B. mess ( ) 2. A. chair B. pear ( ) 3. A. balloon B. afternoon ( ) 4. A.cola B. dollar ( ) 5. A. enjoy B. toy 二、听音,补

4、全短语。 pick English plane music piano live ride have at watch1. teach 2. a bike 3. half past four 4. by 5. play the 6. in Beijing 7. a picnic 8. up the apples 9. listen to 10._TV三、 听短文,选择合适的词填在横线上。 raining hill train jumping windowraincoat sleeping station cap shiningI am on the . I am looking out of

5、the . It is .Pigs are under the tree. .A man is wearing a big and a . Children are in the water. The train is going up a . The sun is . Children are playing in a park .Now the train is coming to the .笔试部分 一、 写出下列动词的-ing形式。 look- wear- shine- eat swim- come- shop- play- 二、单项选择,将正确答案的序号写在横线上。 ( )1. Wh

6、at do you want to ? I want some bananas. A.eat B.drink C.eating D.drinking ( )2. Look! My brother is _ a picture.A.draw B. drawing C. draws( )3. We a picnic in the park yesterday. A.have B.has C.had D.having ( )4. Tomorrow, its going to _ in Beijing. A. rain B. hot C. windy( )5. How is the cake?Five

7、 dollars,please.A. many B. old C. much( )6.The birds are singing the trees. A.in B.on C.at D.up ( )7.Daming is a birthday party. A.have B.has C.having D.had ( )8. Daming the trumpet ,but the dog is singing very loudly.A. played B.is playing C. play ( )9. Were going to go to bed ten .A. at B. in C. o

8、n ( )10.She a hot dog and a cola.A.want B.wants C.wanting D.wanted 三、为疑问句选择正确的答案。 ( )1. Whats the weather A、They are singing. ( )2. Who can help me? B、Its twelve 0 clock.( )3. How much is the hamburger? C、Its going to be cold and windy.( )4. What are the men doing? D、 Let me help you. ( )5. What tim

9、e is it? E、 Its ten dollars and five cents.四、情景会话。 ( )1.朋友口渴了,你应该怎样询问: A. What do you want to drink? B.What do you want to eat? C. What did you do yesterday? D.What are you doing? ( )2当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说:A.Thank you very much. B.Sorry. C.Goodbye. ( )3.你想知道汗堡的价钱是多少,你会问: A.How much is a hot dog? B.How mu

10、ch is a hamburger? C.Here you are. ( )4今天是小明的生日,你会对他说: A.Happy New Year! B.Happy Chirstmas! C.Happy Birthday! ( )5你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说: A. Can I help you ? B. Who can help me? C. I can help you. 五、阅读理解并判断正(T)误(F)。 My new friendDavid is my new friend. He is tall and thin. He live in America. His mo

11、ther is a doctor. She is working in a hospital. She goes to work by subway(地铁).His father works in a school. He is a math teacher. He goes to work on foot.David has a brother. His name is Bank. They look the same, but have different hobby. David likes playing basketball after school. Bank likes watching cartoons on TV. ( )1.David likes playing football after school.( )2.Davids father works in a school.( )3.His father goes to work by bike.( )4.His mother works in a supermarket.( )5.Bank likes watching movie on TV.六、 小练笔 请编写一段短文,介绍你的爷爷(年龄、外貌、职业、工作地点、上班用的交通工具、爱好等)。( 不得少于5句话。)第 5 页


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