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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠16515-16人教版(无) 宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 一短语翻译:单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活

2、”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。 1.中秋节_ 2.端午节_要练说,先练胆。说话胆小是幼儿语言发展的障碍。不少幼儿当众说话时显得胆怯:有的结巴重复,面红耳赤;有的声音极低,自讲自听;有的低头不语,扯衣服,扭身子。总之,说话时外部表现不自然。我抓住练胆这个关键,面向全体,偏向差生。一是和幼儿建立和谐的语言交流关系。每当和幼儿讲话时,我总是


4、训练,幼儿说话胆量也在不断提高。 3.春节_ 4.龙舟赛_5.制作蛋糕_ 6.一顿特别的饭_7.挂灯笼_ 8. 舞龙_9.让我们做._ 10.校车_11.看着_ 12.寻找_13.在这一天_ 14.在冬季_15.元宵节_ 16.谈论_二连线1 Have you got any stamps from China ? A Yes, there is .2 What do you do on Flag Day ? B Its the Lantern Festival.3 Whats your favourite festival ? C Sometimes.4 Is there a letter

5、for me ? D Yes, I have.5 Do you miss China ? E We carry flags and we sing songs.三选择( ) 1 We look at them , and they look at _. A we B they C us ( ) 2 _ can jump and _ can run. A We , we B We , us C We , our( ) 3 Who is it ? Its _. A I B me C we ( ) 4 _is your favourite festival ? Spring Festival. A

6、What B How C Where ( ) 5 We say thank you _our food and friends. A for B in C on ( ) 6 Are these _maps ? Yes, they are. A you B your C we( ) 7 We always have special meals_ Thanksgiving Day. A in B on C at ( ) 8 Thanksgiving Day is _ favourite festival. A I B me C my ( ) 9 What do you do _Flag Day?

7、A of B in C on( ) 10 Can you tell _more about it ? A me B you C I 四选词填空thank-you special more family favourite A: Hi, John. Can you tell me _about American festival ?B: Well, Thanksgiving is my _festival. We always have a _meal.Its a big _dinner. We should say “_” for our food , family and friends.1

8、. I am _( I / me ) and you are _( you / your ).2. Now we _( real / really ) must stop.3. We can jump and we _( can / could ) run.4 We _( us / all ) go to see the sports game.五连词成句。 1. We the eat Mid-Autumn at Festival moon cakes( .)2. Do dragon at Festival you eat cakes Dragon the Boat( .)3. We to g

9、o all the see boat dragon race( .)4. she delicious moon makes ( .)5. we a special have dinner family ( .)6. people yuanxiao eat and hang do dragon dances lanterns( .)7. lets some eat apples.( .) 8. Is in it winter (?) 六、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Tomorrow _( be ) Flag Day.2 Well , _( thanksgiving ) is my favouri

10、te festival.3 Simon _( carry ) flags.4 Can you tell me more about _( china ) ?5 Christmas Day is an _( America ) festival。6.Lets _(play) football on Sunday.7.We are _(have) lots of fun. 8.We are _(look) for the school bus.9. She _ (make) moon cakes.10. _ (be ) it in winter?七、阅读理解,判断对错( T or F )Hello

11、,everyone.Do you know Spring Festival? I like it very much. On Spring Festival, I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family.In the evening,we watch TV and making dumplings. Most Chinese people like eating dumplings. I like eating them,too. At night we go outside to look at the lant

12、erns and play with fireworks(烟火).It is very wonderful.( ) 1 On Spring Festival , we make mooncakes. ( ) 2 I like Spring Festival very much.( ) 3 Most Chinese people like eating dumplings.( ) 4 We wash the coat on Spring Festival.( ) 5 I often wear new clothes and have a big dinner with my family on Spring Festival.八书面表达。以My Favourite Teacher为题,介绍你最喜欢的老师。 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范,40个单词左右。第 5 页


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