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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠52515-16人教版(无) 唐宋或更早之前,针对“经学”“律学”“算学”和“书学”各科目,其相应传授者称为“博士”,这与当今“博士”含义已经相去甚远。而对那些特别讲授“武事”或讲解“经籍”者,又称“讲师”。“教授”和“助教”均原为学官称谓。前者始于宋,乃“宗学”“律学”“医学”“武学”等科目的讲授者;而后者则于西晋武帝时代即已设立了,主要协助国子、博士培养生徒。“助教”在古代不仅要作入流的学问,其教书育人的职责也十分明晰。唐代国子学、太学等所设之“助教”一席,也是当朝打眼的学官。至明清两代,只设国子监(国子学)一科的“助教”,其身价不谓显赫,也称得上朝廷要员。

2、至此,无论是“博士”“讲师”,还是“教授”“助教”,其今日教师应具有的基本概念都具有了。 一、Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的单词。 “师”之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生”而来。其中“师傅”更早则意指春秋时国君的老师。说文解字中有注曰:“师教人以道者之称也”。“师”之含义,现在泛指从事教育工作或是传授知识技术也或是某方面有特长值得学习者。“老师”的原意并非由“老”而形容“师”。“老”在旧语义中也是一种尊称,隐喻年长且学识渊博者。“老”“师”连用最初见于史记,有“荀卿最为老师”之说法。慢慢“老师”之说也不再有年龄的限制,老少皆可适用。只是司马迁笔下的“老师”当然

3、不是今日意义上的“教师”,其只是“老”和“师”的复合构词,所表达的含义多指对知识渊博者的一种尊称,虽能从其身上学以“道”,但其不一定是知识的传播者。今天看来,“教师”的必要条件不光是拥有知识,更重于传播知识。 ( ) 1. A. taller B.stronger C. funny D.thinner语文课本中的文章都是精选的比较优秀的文章,还有不少名家名篇。如果有选择循序渐进地让学生背诵一些优秀篇目、精彩段落,对提高学生的水平会大有裨益。现在,不少语文教师在分析课文时,把文章解体的支离破碎,总在文章的技巧方面下功夫。结果教师费劲,学生头疼。分析完之后,学生收效甚微,没过几天便忘的一干二净。造

4、成这种事倍功半的尴尬局面的关键就是对文章读的不熟。常言道“书读百遍,其义自见”,如果有目的、有计划地引导学生反复阅读课文,或细读、默读、跳读,或听读、范读、轮读、分角色朗读,学生便可以在读中自然领悟文章的思想内容和写作技巧,可以在读中自然加强语感,增强语言的感受力。久而久之,这种思想内容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 ( ) 2. A.what B. do C.when D.how( ) 3. A. fever B. headache C. nose D.toothache( ) 4. A.happy B. sad C.exci

5、ted D. hurt ( ) 5. A. watched TV B.cleaned the room C. do the dishes D. played football Look and choose. 二、 Look and choose.读句子,选择右边正确的序号填入括号内 ( ) Did you read books? A.I have a headache.( ) How is Mike feeling now? B. Yes, I did. ( ) How tall are you ? C.I cleaned the room.( ) Whats the matter? D.

6、Im 165cm.( ) What did you do last weekend? E.Hes bored.三、选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。 ( )1.Im _ than you.A.tall B.taller C.short( )2.What _ you do yesterday?A.did B.do C.are( )3._s the matter?A.Who B.What C.When( )4.How do you feel today? _A.Yes,I do. B.At home C.Im tired.( )5.Im _ than my brother.A.heavier B.he

7、avyer C.heavy( )6.He _ to school last week.A.goes B.went C.go( )7.How are you? _ A.Fine,thank you. B.Im 14. C.Im 50kg.( )8.Im 11 years old.Youre 12 year old. Youre 1 year _ than me.A.young B.old C.older( )9. My brother is 2 cm shorter_ me.A. then B. than C. and D. with( )10. You _ 164cm tall.A. be B

8、. am C. is D are( )11. I am one hundred_ sixty-four cm tall.A. and B. with C. a D. an( )12. How_ are you? I am 13 years old.A. tall B. old C heavy D big( )13. How_ are your feet? I wear size 23.A. big B. long C. small D. heavy( )14. Im 46kg and my sister is 43kg. I am_ than her.A. lighter B. heavier

9、 C. taller D. shorter( )15. How _ are your legs? 76cmA. big B. long C. small D. heavy 四、连词成句。 1.older you I am than ( .)2.is How your heavy cat ( ? )3.last Mike did do What weekend ( ? )4.5cm you My sister than is taller ( . )5.a have I fever ( . ) 五、Reading.(阅读短文,按要求完成题目 ) (一)Hi, Im Jenny. Last wee

10、kend I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou. I went there by bus. I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. Then my aunt, my cousin-Tonyand I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖). We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. We rowed the boat on the lake. Then we went to the Taiziw

11、an Park on foot. It was a hot day.The sun was shining in the sky. We felt hot and hungry. We sat under a big tree and had our lunch. We ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas. Tony saw a fish in the water. So we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread. More and more fish swam to us and

12、opened their mouths. We fed them. We were very happy that day.1. 根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的打“”,错误的打“” )( ) (1) Tony lives in Hangzhou.( ) (2) Jenny went to the West Lake by train.( ) (3) They had lunch under a big tree.( ) (4) They fed fish in Taiziwan Park. ( ) (5) Jennys father is a taxi driver. (二) Read an

13、d judge.(阅读下列短文,判断正“”误“”。 )Sam: Hello, Ted. You look perfect. You are fit now. How heavy are you?Ted: Im 50 kg. You are thinner than me. You look taller than before. How tall are you, Sam?Sam: Im 165 cm and 45 kg.Ted: Oh, you are 10 cm taller than me. But you are 5 kg thinner than me. Please eat more.Sam: Yes. I want to be as fit as you. ( ) 1. Sam is taller than Ted.( ) 2. Ted is 155 cm tall.( ) 3. Ted is 40 kg.( ) 4. Sam is heavier than Ted.( ) 5. Ted wants to be taller and heavier六、书面表达。 同学们,你们在日常生活中的习惯如何呢?请以“My habits”为题,写一篇不少于5句话的短文。要求:条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。第 4 页


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