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1、专题检测二十三句型转换和翻译句子(时间:30分钟满分:53分)句型转换与翻译句子(每小题1分,共53分).(2017山东济南槐荫区一模)按要求完成下列句子1.They are interested in science fiction.(改为一般疑问句)Arethey interested in science fiction?2.Bill exercises on weekends.(就画线部分提问)Whendoes Bill exercise?3.“Where do you plan to spend your holiday?” The teacher asked the boys.(变

2、成间接引语)The teacher asked the boys where they planned to spend their holiday.4.It was seven oclock when the movie actors showed up in the theater.(改写句子,句意不变)The movie actors didnt appear in the theater till/until seven oclock.5.I dont think they will turn down my invitation.(改写句子,句意不变)I think my invit

3、ation will beaccepted.(2017四川育才成功学校诊断2)按要求完成下列句子1.There was a Readers competition in our school last month.(改为一般疑问句)Wasthere a Readers competition in your school last month?2.Everything will be all right in a month.(对画线部分提问)Howsoon will everything be all right?3.I am not good at math.Gina isnt,eithe

4、r.(同义句转换)Neither I nor Gina is good at math.4.小男孩太小了不能自己穿衣服。(完成译句)The little boy is too young to dresshimself.5.你看了电影银河护卫队2了吗?当然看了。电影票花了我35元。(完成译句)Have you watched the movie GuardiansoftheGalaxy2?Yes,of course.The ticket costme 35 yuan.(2017重庆江北区考前适应卷)按要求完成下列句子1.Laura put many different kinds of pic

5、tures in her bag yesterday.(改为否定句)Laura didntput many different kinds of pictures in her bag yesterday.2.The students in this school learn English by studying with a group.(对画线部分提问)Howdo the students in this school learn English?3.He left his hometown ten years ago.(改为同义句)He hasbeen away from his ho

6、metown for ten years.4.越来越多的人已经选择通过微信支付。(完成译句)More and more people have chosen to pay through WeChat.5.黄亚常常放学后和同学们一起在操场上踢足球。(完成译句)Huang Ya with his classmates often plays football on the playground afterschool.(2018中考预测)按要求完成下列句子1.They have seen the film already.(改为否定句)Theyhaventseen the film yet.2.

7、The girl bought lots of clothes on the day of Double Eleven last year.(对画线部分提问)Whatdid the girl do on the day of Double Eleven last year?3.Wang Bing was very glad to receive a letter from his old classmates.(改为同义句)Wang Bing was very glad tohearfrom his old classmates.4.Its very useful information.(改

8、为感叹句)Howuseful the information is!5.The students enjoy playing football,dontthey?(完成反意疑问句)6.Jenny worked hard so that she could pass the final exam.(改为简单句)Jenny worked hard inorderto pass the final exam.7.He usually got up at six in the morning.(改为一般疑问句)Did he usually get up at six in the morning?.(

9、2017山东淄博淄川区一模)根据汉语意思完成下列各句1.过度使用手机对眼睛有害。Using mobile phones toomuch is bad for your eyes.2.你买这条裤子花了多少钱?Howmuchdid youpayfor this pair of trousers?3.Mike宁愿去踢足球也不愿待在家里看电视。Mike wouldrather play soccerthanwatchTV at home.4.多做运动会使我们保持健康。Doingmoreexercisecankeepushealthy/fit.(2017山东营口一模)根据汉语意思完成下列各句1.请转告汤

10、姆今晚的聚会别迟到,好吗?Would you please tell Tom notto be late for tonights party?2.他曾经是名教师。He usedto be a teacher.3.我们使用机器种植棉花。The machines are usedfor growing cotton by us.4.我盼望与你相见。I am lookingforward to meeting you.5.今晚会有足球比赛。Thereisgoingtobeafootballmatchtonight.6.多么美丽的城市啊!Howbeautifulthecityis!/Whatabea

11、utifulcityitis!7.请不要嘲笑他们。Pleasedontlaughatthem.(2017江苏无锡新吴区一模)根据汉语意思完成下列各句1.近来,共享单车对我们的交通方式的改变起了很大的作用。Recently,bike-sharing hasmadeagreatdifferenceto our method of transport.2.由于恶劣的天气,我们没有办法只能缩短了慈善表演。We had no choice but tocutthecharityshowshort because of the bad weather.3.借了这么有价值的一本书那么长时间却不看简直就是浪费

12、。Its simply awasteoftimetokeepsuch a valuable book for so long without reading it.4.怪不得汤这么甜,原来糖被误当成盐了。No wonder the soup tasted so sweet!It turnedoutthatthesugarwasmistaken for salt.5.宁可躲藏起来而不愿意面对这些事实确实是不明智的。Preferring going into hiding tofacingthesefactsisreally unwise.(2017江苏扬州江都区二模)翻译句子1.人们采取更多的措


14、whetherthehandbagismadeofcotton.(2017天津五区联考一模)根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.无论他做什么,他都从不放弃。No matter what he does,he nevergivesup.2.有些书非常巨大,甚至有几千页厚。Some books are huge ones withthousandsof pages.3.完成作业占据我大部分的课余时间。Doing homeworktakesup most of my free time.4.杯子掉在地上,摔成了碎片。The cup fell off the table to the floor,and br

15、okeintopieces.5.学校离我家并不太远。The school is notfar away from my home.把下列句子改为同义句,每空一词1.How do you like the movie?What do you thinkof the movie?2.Lily was too tired to go any further.Lily wasso tiredthat she couldnt go any further.3.To plant more trees is very important for us.Itsveryimportantfor us to plant more trees.4.Peter often goes to school on foot every morning.Peter oftenwalksto school every morning.5.I bought the dictionary last week.Ihavehad the dictionary for two weeks.4


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