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1、福建省南安市2016-2017学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题本试卷由四个部分组成。其中第一、第二和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。试卷共12页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从试题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一

2、遍。1. When will the speakers discuss the matter again?A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.2. Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant. B. In a furniture store. C. In a company.3. Why does the woman look upset?A. She experienced a theft.B. She was given a parking ticket.C. She couldnt find

3、a parking space.4. Which transportation does the man suggest the woman take?A. The bus. B. The taxi. C. The train.5. How does the man feel about the woman?A. Worried. B. Angry. C. Sorry.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒

4、钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. What day is it today?A. Monday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday7. What will the man do?A. Borrow the womans computer.B. Go to the library to finish his paper.C. Have the woman take care of his sister.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. Where does the woman often s

5、tay with her friends after lunch?A. In the classroom. B. In the school park. C. In the dining hall.9. What benefit can the change bring to the speakers?A. Theyll have more places to go. B. Theyll spend less money on food.C. They wont have to carry their books around.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What d

6、id the woman do during the weekend?A. She had dinner in a restaurant.B. She watched a movie in a cinema.C. She celebrated her mothers birthday.11. What does the woman think of the movie?A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Confusing.12. What do the speakers plan to do on Saturday?A. Buy a birthday present.

7、 B. Visit some friends. C. Hold a party.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Father and daughter. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.14. How much will the man pay for four tickets if the promotion is still available?A. $500. B. $1500. C. $2000.15. What

8、 is the woman responsible for?A. Booking hotels. B. Hiring a car. C. Planning the sightseeing.16. What does the man require the woman to do?A. Bring one suitcase. B. Take a lot of clothes.C. Pack her suitcase herself.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. What is Dr Tony talking about?A. Making the best use of

9、 time.B. Designing a study schedule.C. Planning a schedule.18. What does Dr Tony mention first?A. A general guide for a daily schedule.B. Amounts of time to be spent on study time.C. Things a best daily schedule should include.19. What does Dr Tony suggest students remember?A. Challenge themselves t

10、o finish more tasks.B. Follow the guidelines all the time.C. Suit their time to their particular needs.20. What does Dr Tony think of planning a schedule and keeping to it?A. It gives people satisfaction.B. It helps people finish each task quickly.C. It makes people find comfort in something。第二部分 阅读

11、理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Its good to make mistakes, and here is why. First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that we are trying new things. Its always good to try new things because when we are trying new things, we are growing. If we never try anything

12、 new, how can we improve? The simple answer is, “We cant”. Another good thing about mistakes is that when we are making them, we are learning. Consider this Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he had learned 10,0

13、00 things that didnt work. When we make a mistake, we are much closer to success. Because every time we make a mistake, we eliminate one of the things that keep us from success. But all this doesnt mean that we should go through life without considering the consequences of a mistake. Instead, when w

14、e try something new, we have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that in the event that it doesnt work out the way we want it to, we will be in a position to try again. We all have limited resources in the form of time and money so we shouldnt blow them all on one approach to a problem. I

15、ts best that we realize it probably wont be perfect the first time and allocate (分配) these resources appropriately so we can learn, make corrections, and try again. Only by accepting and using our mistakes in this way can we make significant advances in our lives. There is an old saying that goes, “

16、If youre not making mistakes, youre not trying hard enough.” So go forth and make mistakes.21. From the second paragraph, we can conclude that _.A. mistakes are unnecessary for developmentB. mistakes let us see our own limitsC. its common for people to make mistakesD. making mistakes is better than

17、not trying22. According to the article, one thing we should pay attention to about making mistakes is _.A. reflecting on the consequences after each mistakeB. accepting the outcome willinglyC. making proper arrangements for our next tryD. avoiding making the same mistakes23. The article is mainly ab

18、out _.A. how to deal with mistakesB. what benefits making mistakes bringC. how to achieve successD. how to make use of our mistakesB In recent years, China has witnessed the growth of luxury (奢侈品) brands. In this market, Chinese consumers are now the largest spenders. Its clear that a new generation

19、 of young, materialistic people is increasingly relying on luxury brands to improve its self-image (自我形象). I am a fashionista too, at least in spirit - I love to look at clothes and shoes. But I dont understand why people spend lots of money on designer labels. When a young woman buys a handbag that

20、 costs two months of her salary, thats a scary thingWhats interesting is that scientists have found that having luxury things doesnt lead to happiness. Study after study has shown that although we want material things, when we get them we dont suddenly become “happy” people. In fact, a series of stu

21、dies by Leaf Van Boven at the University of Colorado, US, has shown that individuals who spend money on travel and similar experiences get more pleasure than those who invest it in material things. Thats because experiences are more easily integrated into a persons identity. If I travel to Yunnan, t

22、hat adventure affects how I think in the future. My memories become a part of me. Moreover, as Van Boven has observed, young people who pursue happiness through “things” are liked less by their peers. People prefer those who pursue happiness through experiences. Its natural to want to express yourse

23、lf through your appearance. So my advice is: create a look that isnt tied to a designer label. Convey your own message. Take some lessons from the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. He was always in Levis jeans and a black turtleneck. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, routinely appears in hoodies

24、 and sneakers. These people, successful people, have style. You dont have to break the bank to send a message about who you are. Take a trip. Go out into the world. Then come back and confidently create your own signature look. By Susan Chyn24. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?A. Th

25、e author enjoys buying luxury brands herself.B. The author sees no point in spending money on material things.C. The author is critical of youths tying their looks to designer labels.D. The author finds it natural for fashionists to follow fashion trends.25. Leaf Van Bovens studies showed that _.A.

26、traveling changes a persons identity greatlyB. people dislike those who love luxuriesC. experiences can bring people more happiness than luxuriesD. luxuries have a negative effect on peoples happiness26. What is the authors advice on expressing oneself?A. Be selective about designer labels.B. Create

27、 your own personal, unique style.C. Choose styles that are simple and comfortable.D. Try styles like Mark Zuckerbergs.27. The main purpose of the article is to _.A. persuade readers to invest in experiences instead of luxuriesB. prove how luxury leads to an unpleasant lifeC. tell how to express your

28、self through appearancesD. report on a series of studies about luxuries and happiness CWhen receiving a pair of adult homing pigeons, the new owner cannot set them free as they will return to their original home loft(鸽房). If birds are received as babies, they must be kept in the loft for a period of

29、 time until they are oriented(以为方向) with their new home.After about two to three months the loft doors can be opened. Never force the young birds out of the loft as they frighten easily. They will connect this bad experience with their home loft and this is something that the owner does not want the

30、 birds to experience.Unless the birds are simply being raised for enjoyment and the owner likes seeing them fly around the immediate area and return, the next step is unnecessary. If the birds are being raised for racing purposes or the owner is interested in testing their homing ability, then he or

31、 she will do the following. Gently place the young birds in a cage and then drive down the road a few miles from home. The best time of day is before 9AM and not when there is rain, fog or high wind as these conditions will affect the birds ability to return home. Set the birds free somewhere not cl

32、ose to a heavily wooded area, then drive home. Do this daily for about fifty days, and then take one day off with no training. Increase the distance each week gradually by a few miles until the birds reach a distance of about fifty miles. Most of the birds will return home but expect some unexpected

33、 deaths if there are game hunters in the area. You can time the birds by keeping track of how long it takes them to return home.In some European countries such as England, it is a regular pastime and clubs have developed around the spot with specially designed cages on wheels that are attached to ve

34、hicles to transport groups of birds.28. Why shouldnt a new owner set adult homing pigeons free?A. They will fly away.B. They are frightened.C. They cannot live alone.D. They cannot find their home.29. What does “this bad experience” refer to in Paragraph 2?A. The owner leaving homeB. The owner frigh

35、tening the birdsC. The birds being kept in the loft.D. The birds being hurt by the owner.30. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. What pigeons can be used for.B. Where pigeons should be trained.C. How pigeons get their homing ability. D. How to train pigeons to find their home.31. In which part of a

36、magazine might we find this text?A. Arts.B. News.C.Travel.D. Nature.DResearchers have solved a long-standing mystery: why rocks on a flat lakebed in Death Valley National Park in California sometimes move. Racetrack Playa, the waterless lakebed, is named for the long trails that the rocks, some of w

37、hich weigh hundreds of pounds, leave in the earth. What was one of the worlds natural wonders now appears to be the perfect combination of rain, wind, ice and sun, scientists have found. Dr. Norris and James M. Norris, a cousin and co-author, actually saw the rocks moving in December when they went

38、to check on the project. For their study, they used special global positioning system tools, designed by James Norris, in rocks of various sizes brought from outside the park. They were not allowed to move or change anything of the existing playa(盐湖) stones. No river flows into the playa, though rai

39、nwater sometimes fills part of it to a depth of a few inches. Its when this happens, and the nights are below freezing and the days are fine, that the rocks may “sail”, the researchers said. On those occasions the cold night air leaves a sheet of ice only an eight of an inch thick. Then the warmth o

40、f the sun causes the sheet to break up. As more ice melts, some of these lesser sheets have room to move. Driven by light winds, the sheets push up against rocks. The wind drives the water, too, which also helps push the ice to some degree. The movement is slow, no more than about 15 feet a minute.

41、The movements are episodicthe conditions may be just right for a few minutes, and then the sun causes more ice to break and the movement stops. And once the water disappears, it may be years before the rocks move again, even if the playa floods again, because the right temperature and wind condition

42、s may not occur. 32. What do we know about Racetrack Playa?A. It has flat rocks in the earth B. It is covered by rocks.C. It has some valleys D. It is usually dry.33. What was the parks attitude to using GPS in the lakebeds stones?A. It doubted the method.B. It was against doing soC. It felt it was

43、worth a try D. It thought it was useless.34. Why do the stones “sail” according to the Norrises?A. They are moved by big floods. B. They move just because of strong windsC. They are mainly pushed by wind-driven ice.D. They move very slowly on smooth ice sheets35. What does the underlined word “episo

44、dic” in the last paragraph probably mean?A. Amazingly big B. Extremely slowC. Happening sometimes D. Going on without stopping.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Study Links Video Game Use to Problems in schoolA new study warns that too much time spent playing computer g

45、ames could affect a childs performance at school. 36 They show that too many hours spent playing games can reduce students chances of success in school.More than 600 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 took part in the research project. 37 It is said to be the first ever long-term study in North

46、ern Ireland on the influence of information technology on school test results.The study found that teenagers who played computer games less than once a week were more successful in school than those who played them twice a day or more. 41% of the students who used gaming devices two or more times a

47、day received passing grades on school exams. 38 The study found that social media use did not affect school performance.Caline McStravick is the director of the National Childrens Bureau Northern Ireland. She says the study showed no connection between social media and test results. “ 39 I think thats more because social media is part of every childs life. Its the way they communicate. Its the way they keep in touch with their friends.”Many parents say their children are becoming increas


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