人教版八年级英语上册语法讲义 词语运用讲义(word含答案)-word.docx

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2、容、写作技巧和语感就会自然渗透到学生的语言意识之中,就会在写作中自觉不自觉地加以运用、创造和发展。 1.Look! Can you see a kite (fly) in the sky?单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。 2.Remember (turn) off the light

3、s when you leave the room,please“教书先生”恐怕是市井百姓最为熟悉的一种称呼,从最初的门馆、私塾到晚清的学堂,“教书先生”那一行当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏的一种社会职业。只是更早的“先生”概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先生”一词也并非有传授知识那般的含义。孟子中的“先生何为出此言也?”;论语中的“有酒食,先生馔”;国策中的“先生坐,何至于此?”等等,均指“先生”为父兄或有学问、有德行的长辈。其实国策中本身就有“先生长者,有德之称”的说法。可见“先生”之原意非真正的“教师”之意,倒是与当今“先生”的称呼更接近。看来,“先生”之本源含义在于礼貌和尊称,并非具学

4、问者的专称。称“老师”为“先生”的记载,首见于礼记?曲礼,有“从于先生,不越礼而与人言”,其中之“先生”意为“年长、资深之传授知识者”,与教师、老师之意基本一致。3.Pleasecome overtomyofficetomorrowmorning to (讨论) our new plan4.Im so tired that I can (几乎不)stay awake5.He said he would never f the trip to Mount Fanjin6.We should do more exercise to keep h 动词-非谓语动词7.You cant watch T

5、V until you finish (do) your homework8.At present,our spacecraft are too slow to (carry)people to Mars9.He enjoys (说)English 10. Would you mind (打开)the window? We need some fresh air11. Betty wants to j the Chinese club to improve herPutonghua12. Would you like (have) some milk?动词-时态语态13. Mr Zhang (

6、teach) us English three years ago第 6 页14. Now parents are their childrens education(花费) more and more money on15. There afternoon(be) a meeting in our school tomorrow16. Mr Green (watch) TV at this time last night17. The children will go to the zoo if it (not rain) thisSaturday18. Where is Amy?She (

7、go) to GuilinShell be back next week19. English (speak) by many people in the world20. The 3rd Asian Beach Games (hold) in Haiyang on June 16,2019练习:21. There is no doubt that the Huangyan Island toChina(belong)22. When he was young,he (prefer) English to maths23. The Womens World Cup (not begin) un

8、til 1991 when China hosted it in Guangzhou24. I was (写) a report when the doorbell rang25. The living conditions in the countryside have _ (改善)a lot26. The final result can (find) on our website by the end of this week27. 两天前他就把那本小说(novel)读完了,现在他正在学习德 语呢。28. 老师要求(ask)我们停止说话,我们就停下来听他讲课了。29. 我们到那儿的时候,

9、格林一家正在吃晚餐。30. 你能告诉我你将要在加拿大待多久吗?31. 每年有很多(number)游客参观故宫。形容词副词:32. Why is your mother (生气的) with you?Because I broke my glasses again33. The activities of learning from Lei feng in our school is very _(受欢迎)with students34. I miss my family and really feel 1 without any friends in this new city35. The

10、boys like playing basketball because they think they can be (relax)36. Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in (西方的) countries37. Its (possible) to master English if you dont haveenough practice38. Last night it rained (heavy)in the southern part of the city39. (幸运),I didnt hurt myself

11、badly in the accident40. Which language do you know is (wide) spoken in the world?41. MrsChan told us to write as (care)as we could42. I think the red skirt looks as (good)as the green one43. We all wish to do the work better with (little) time and (few) people44. The more fruit and vegetables you e

12、at,the (健康) you will be45. Beijing is one of (beautiful) places in China,and I have been there twice46. Of all the singers,she sings (beautiful)47. 虽然他几乎不运动,但是他看着还是很强健。48. 很抱歉,因为我上周作业太多,所以不能参加你的生日聚会。49. 冰箱(fridge)里几乎没有面包了,不是吗?50. Tom 打篮球打的好,但是 Alan 是他们班打的最好的。51. 他打算(plan)退休之后去一个安静有趣的地方。名词:52. Look a

13、t the (photo)How beautiful they are!53. (child) Day is my favourite festival in the year54. Theres not much (different) in price between the two mobile phones代词:55. Miss Brown taught (他们) English last term56. Our school is as beautiful as (他们的)57. “Help (自己) to some meat”MrBlack said to the children

14、58. Lingling,Betty and I enjoyed o at the party last night 数词59. Were doing a lot of activities to celebrate the (ninety) birthday of the Communist Party of China(中国共产党) this year60. In our school three (five) of the students want to watch the football game61. There are about two (百)students playing

15、 on the playground【参考答案】:1. flying2. to turn3. discuss4. hardly5. forget6. healthy7. doing8. carry9. speaking10. opening11. join12. to have13. taught14. spending15. will be16. was watching17. doesnt rain18. has gone19. is spoken20. was held21. belongs22. preferred23. didnt begin24. writing25. improv

16、ed26. be found27. He finished reading the novel two days ago Now he is learningGermany28. The teacher asks us to stop talkingAnd we stop to listen to him29. When we arrived there,the Greens were having dinner30. Could you tell me how long you will stay in Canada?31. A large number of tourists visit

17、the Palace Museum every year32. angry33. popular34. lonely35. relaxed36. western37. impossible38. heavily39. Luckily40. widely41. carefully42. good43. less,fewer44. healthier45. the most beautiful46. most beautifully47. Although he hardly exercises,he looks athletic48. I am sorryBecause I have too m

18、uch homework,I couldnt take part in your birthday party49. There is little bread in the fridge,is there?50. Tom plays basketball well,but Alan plays best 51. He plans to go somewhere quiet and interesting52. photos53. Childrens54. difference55. them56. theirs57. yourselves58. ourselves59. ninetieth60. fifths61. hundred


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