牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 1 Reading(1)导学案(无答案)-精选文档.doc

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1、课 题7A Unit 1 Reading(1)学习目标知识目标掌握四会单词、词组和句型。 能力目标学会用不同的方式来进行人物介绍。情感目标学会与别人沟通,做个自信的自己。学习重点如何介绍自己和别人。学习难点如何介绍自己和别人。课前自学一、在下列单词中填入所缺字母,使单词完整。1.gr_de 2.s_ _dent 3. r_ _ding 4.cl_ssm_te 5.sl_m二、 考考你对课文的了解情况。1. How old is Millie? _2. Which school is she in? _3. What does Simon love doing? _4. Does Sandy h

2、ave long hair? _5. What does Sandy love doing? _6. What is Daniel good at? _7. Where is Daniel from? _课堂交流展示一、检查预习情况。二、快速阅读,回答问题How many people do you know from the text? Who are they?三、听两遍录音,关注生词的发音。四、用课文内容描述下列人物。 Sandy is very _ and _.She has _ hair.She likes _ Daniel is from _. Millie is _ years

3、old.He is _. She lives in _.He is good at _. She has _ hair. She loves _. Simon is _. He likes _. He often play _ _ school. 五、小组分工合作解决课后练习评讲问题。(课本P9,10)六、根据课文内容填空。Millie is _ years old. She has _ hair. She loves _. Simon is very tall. He loves playing _. Sandy is tall and _. She has _black hair. She

4、 likes _. Daniel is _ Nanjing. He is _. He is _ _ Maths.课堂达标检测一、将下列词组译成英语或汉语。1.be good at 2. 喜爱读书_3. have short hair 4. 又高又苗条_5. like sports 6. 踢足球_7. like music 8. 放学后_9. a tall girl 10. 来自_二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Simon_(play)football after school every day.2. Daniel _(be) from Nanjing.3. Andy likes _(watch)TV. He _(watch)TV every evening.4. Simon_(be not)good at football.5. Lets_(go)home together.答案:一、1. 擅长 2. love reading 3. 留着短发 4. tall and slim 5. 喜欢运动 6. play football 7. 喜欢音乐 8. after school 9. 一个高个子女孩 10. be from二、1. plays 2. is 3. watching, watches 4. isnt 5. go学习感悟:第 2 页


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