牛津译林版八上Unit2Wecome to the unit教案-word文档.doc

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1、课题Unit2 School lifeWelcome to the unit & Comic strip课时1授课日期教学目标1 知识目标:1. New words: British, biscuit, rubber, eraser, vacation, cookie, fall, store, track, yard, movie, lorry, soccer 2. Useful expressions: a plan for the weekend, football team2 能力目标:1. 能简要谈论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇 2. 能掌握相同概念在英式和美式英语中的不同表达

2、方式教 学重、难点1. 复习与学校生活有关的词汇2. 了解英式英语和美式英语在词汇方面的区别。教、学具a tape recorder, a map of the world, the flags of the UK and the USA预习要求Read the new words教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1. Revision1. Revise the adjectives about looks and personalities Who is the tallest in our class?Who is the most generous / humorous i

3、n our class?2. Make a survey 1). What do you do from Monday to Friday?2). Do you like to go to school?3). How many lessons do you have every day?4). What subjects do you learn?5). What do you think of your school life?Step2. Presentation1. Say: Eddie and Hobo are both dogs. Do you think dogs need to

4、 go to school?2. Listen and answerWhy does Eddie think dogs dont go to school?What does he think school is like?3. Get the students to read the dialogue and answer1). Is school fun? Is school like watching TV?Step3 Practice1. Get the students to read and act the dialogue out.2. Get the students to r

5、etell the dialogue.Step4. Lead-in1. Show the students a map of the world and ask: which countries do you know? 2. Say: In the UK and the USA, people speak English. But some different words refer to the same thing in Br English and Am English.Ask and answerAsk and answerDiscusslisten and answerRead a

6、nd answerRead and actlook and say教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注3. Show some pictures and help them read the new words4. Help the students to complete Part AStep5. Practice1. Read and answer1) What is Simon going to buy for his cousin?2) What is Daniel going to buy?3) Whats Daniels plan for the weekend?4) How

7、about Simons?2. Get the students to read the dialogue and underline British English and use American English to take the place of them.3. Get them to read and act it out.Step6. Homework.1. Memorize the new words and expressions2. Recite the dialogues3. Finish the exercises4. 翻译下列句子:1) 你要去哪儿?2) -学校像什么? -像看电视3) 这个周末你有什么计划吗?4) 这个星期六校足球队将要训练。look and learnComplete Part ARead and answerread and replaceread and act out板书设计教后记第 2 页


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