牛津译林9A Unit 4 Growing up Reading教案-word文档资料.doc

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1、课题9A Unit 4 Growing up Reading课型学讲教学设计授课时间 月 日总第 课时目标要求To understand and recite the key words.To learn about Webbs growing up.To learn the spirit of not giving up and master some reading skills.学习重点To identify specific information about Webbs growing up.To understand and recite the key words.学习难点To

2、use words to describe Webbs growing up.教法教具Reading Listening / A tape recorder and some teaching pictures.教学过程学 习 内 容个人设计tep1: Learning guide:(1) According to the pronunciation, read and recite the words of P50-53by themselves(2) Read the passages quickly by themselves, finish P52 B2.(3) Read the qu

3、estions first, and then listen to the radio, write down the answers on paper.(4) Read the passages silently and carefully and finish P53 B3.Step2. Learning procedure one : 1. First-learning: Important points: Read the words correctly and recite them according to their pronunciation.Difficult points:

4、 The pronunciations of some words,eg:university, championship, graduate.(If you dont know the pronunciations of some words, you can talk with your parnters or ask me.)Reading:(1) Read and recite the words of P50-53 ( teacher walks around, add some help if necessary)(2) Read the passages quickly by t

5、hemselvesChecking:(1) Check the words (PK, translate the words)改变主意 _ Junior high_灰心_ 大学_try our for sth_ 成功(n)_ (2) Finish Part B1 (pair work)2. Post-teaching(1) Recite the difficult and incorrect words in pairs again. (2) Check out B1 (PPT, pair work)Step3. Learning procedure two: 1. First- learni

6、ng Important points: Master some reading skills and get more information from the passages.Reading:(1) Read the questions first, and then listen to the radio.(2) Read the passage (silently and carefully)(3) Discuss the questionnaire of Part B4(4) Read the passage loudly again, retell the passages ac

7、cording to the key words.Checking:(1) Answer the questions: Ask:What do you know about Spud Webb? Let them say sth about him without looking books, then use PPT to learn new words,&finishB1 on P52(2) Finish Part B2 B3 B4(3) Retell the passage according to the key words(2) Post-teaching (1) Check out the answers to the questions(PPT, all the students)(2) Check out Part B2 (PPT, pair work)(3) Check out Part B3 (PPT, pair work)Step4 Homework1. Read aloud the article2. Remember the new words in this lesson.板书设计第 2 页


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