牛津译林版八年级英语上册导学案Unit 4 Grammar(无答案)-精选文档.doc

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1、课题8A Unit 4 Grammar学习目标知识目标1. 学习祈使句以及它的否定形式。2. 学习shouldand had better给建议的基本用法。学习重点掌握给别人提建议词句的选用,以及had better的否定式。学习难点ought to 和 had better 否定式课前自学一、1. 教师先列举一些已经学过的动词开头的句子。如:Put the picture on the wall. Close the window. Take the second turning on the left.二祈使句的否定式构词形式三完成书上的练习Cut draw give keep look

2、try write1. Ask students to finish the exercise on page 471). _ out piece of card. 2). _ some words or sentence on each card.3). _ a picture about the words or sentence on the other side of the card.4). _ at the picture for a few seconds and _ to remember the content on the other side.Please _ (not)

3、 up, _ trying, and you will find you can remember things well.四如何用should, ought to and had better 来给建议,告诉人们最好怎么做。五两个词的区别had better 在语气上比should更强力。如:You should know a little about DIY. You had better buy a new watch, this is broken六知识点讲解Key points1. cut out 剪出2. on the other side of card 在卡片的另一边3. tr

4、y to remember 尽量记住4. for a few seconds 几秒钟5. keep trying 坚持尝试6. give up 放弃课堂交流展示一、对课前自学中准备的例句在组内和班内展示。二、进行课堂交流展示。分成多项任务,由各个小组各负责一项任务进行展示。具体步骤如下:(1)进行口头和笔头练习。一个说肯定句,另一个说否定句。 (2)看谁说或写的多和准。 课堂达标检测一、翻译下列短语1. 剪出 5 .尽量记住 2.最好 6.几秒钟 3.为我修架子 7.坚持尝试 4.在卡片的另一面 8.放弃 二、根据句意及首字母提示和中文,完成句子:1. Please d_ a picture

5、on the card.2. Youd b_ paint the wall blue, it is cool.3. K_ trying, and you will find you are a clever boy.4. Dont _(放弃)up, and you will succeed some day.5. They _ (应该) read more books in their free time.三、句型转换1. You should buy more books about DIY. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ more books about DIY?2. We ough

6、t to take enough water with me when we go out. (改为否定句) We _ _ _ take enough water with me when we go out.3. You had better take more exercise and eat less every day. (改为否定句) You _ _ _ take more exercise and eat less every day.4. Please talk with your parents sometimes. (改为否定句) _ _ with your parents sometimes, please.第 3 页


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