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1、 第五册英语教案(陕旅版)Lesson 1How is the weather? 教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子: How is the weather? Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy. Shall we go swimming?2. 会说会用会写这些单词weather sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 。 3. 通过了解构词法 ,学会把名词sun rain snow cloud wind 变为形容词 sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy ,并能正确运用 。 4. 能够认读会用这些短语:go

2、 swimming fly a kite throw snowballs 课前准备:1.教师准备weather sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy go swimming fly a kite throw snowballs 这些单词的图卡和词卡。 2. 教师做一小段课件:小熊(B)早上醒来睁眼看见熊妈妈(M),他们谈论天气和当天要进行的活动。也可做成小熊(B)和 熊妈妈(M) 的手偶。3.准备一张简单的中国地图,上面标出几个几个城市的天气情况。再把前一天晚上全国的天气预报按东北片,华北片,华南片,西北片,西南片,分别画在(只画各种天气的图示)五张卡上。教学过程1.

3、热身(Warming up)通过课件或手偶对话引出本课话题 。 M:Good morning,dear. B:Good morning,Mum.Whats the time? M:Its seven oclock.Its time to get up. B:How is the Weather today? M:Look out.Its sunny.Its a fine day to go boating.Shall we go boating? B:Thats great.2. 新课展示(New Presentation)句型词汇学习: 1) 老师带着学生看着窗外的天气,边看边问。How i

4、s the weather today? 然后出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:wea-ther weather 老师再根据窗外的天气,自问自答: How is the weather today,? Its sunny /rainy /snowy /cloudy /windy . 2) 展示地图,根据图上所标城市的天气情况,逐个展示出这几种天气: sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 先问当地的天气:How is the weather in?Its .再问其它各地的天气:How is the weather in Beijing?Its .How is the weather

5、 in Shanghai?Its .How is the weather in Tianjin?How is the weather in Haikou?Its . 3)通过问答,学生已经初步了解了描述天气的说法。 然后分别用图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: sunny rainy snowy cloudy windy 4)对对看游戏: 这个游戏旨在让学生熟悉刚刚学过的单词。老师先请五个同学来讲台前和班里坐着的另外五位同学合作进行。首先老师把准备好的画着晴天,多云,雨天,刮风,下雪五中天气的图片分发给站在讲台前的五位同学,再将这五中天气的单词卡片分发给教室里的其他五位同学,接着老师一声令下,这五位拿

6、着单词卡片的同学迅速跑向台上举着相应天气图片的同学,两人确认后击掌,再大声读这个单词三遍,迅速并完成好的同学都可以得奖。 5) 让学生了解一些构词法sun rain snow cloud wind 是名词。是物体的名称。要说天气怎麽样,对天气状况进行描述时要用形容词 sunny,rainy snowy cloudy windy 。天气方面的名词变为形容词时加形容词后缀。 这样变: sun-sunny cloud-cloudy rain-rainy wind-windy snow-snowy 3巩固活动: 1)单词巩固 :这首儿歌Weather,让孩子们边说边做动作。 Its sunny.阳光足

7、,洒在身上真舒服。Its cloudy. 阴云布,恐怕下雨快回屋。Its windy. 风呼呼,吹得leaves乱飞舞。Its rainy.下雨了,哗啦啦象天在哭。Its snowy. 雪纷纷,堆个雪人胖乎乎。2)填空练习: (1)Look at the _(sun,sunny )in the sky.How bright it is. Its _(sun,sunny ) today. Its warm.(2) Is it _ ( cloud,cloudy )today?Yes, it is. (3) How is the weather? Its_ ( snow,snowy ) There

8、is _ ( snow,snowy )on the ground. (4) Oh,It is _(rain,rainy ) today.Look,its _ raining again.3)Do a survey: 把学生分成几个小组,再把前一天晚上全国的天气预报按东北片,华北片,华南片,西北片,西南片, 在(只标 各种天气的图示)五张卡上标出来。分别分发给五个小组,每组谈论一个地区的几个城市的天气,进一步巩固句型: How is the weather in?Its . 4)Pair work.Ask and answer questions according to the clothes

9、.练一练。做Lets Practise(I).请你看着衣服上的图进行问答。How is the weather? Its 4.听录音学习对话:A:Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.(播放对话部分录音)1)Whats the time?( Its time to get up.)2) How is the weather? ( Its sunny.)3) Whats the date?( Its Sunday.)4) Do Tom and Wang Shi have classes?( No, they dont.)5)

10、What are they going to do?( They will go boating in Xingqing Park.)5. Do in pairs. 做Lets Practise(II).请你看着图进行问答。讲解人分别出示这四副图进行问答。A: How is the weather?B: Its sunny.A: Shall we go boating in the Xingqing Park? B: Good idea.A: Shall we go fishing?B: Sorry, I cant.Lesson 2Whats the weather like in Xian

11、today?教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子: Whats the weather like in ?Its sunny/rainy/ snowy/cloudy/ windy. Its hot /cool/cold/warm. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 hot cold warm cool fine 。 3. 理解会说会用单词 ,短语:temperature watch sports weather report 。 4. 能够认读 Urumqi Hongkong Harbin Haikou New York London Paris Sydney Singapore 这些城市。课前

12、准备:1.教师准备hot cold warm cool fine 这些单词的图卡和单词卡。 2.准备一张简单的中国地图,一张简单的世界地图 ,上面标出几个城市的天气情况和温度。3. 准备第六页图中Wang Shi(W)和 Liu Mei(L)的手偶。教学过程2. 热身(Warming up)1)师生一起做动作,说唱上一课学的儿歌Weather , 以此来复习词汇。2) 通过手偶A(Liu Mei)和B(Wang Shi)对话引出本课重点句型和词汇 . L:What are you doing?W:Im watching TV.L:Whats on?W:Weather reports after

13、 the news.L:How is the weather tomorrow?W:Its cloudy in Beijing. The temperature is eight to fourteen . Its cool.L:Whats the weather like in Harbin?W:What?L:Whats the weather like in Harbin ? How is the weather in Harbin?W:It isnt fine.Its windy. Its cold.L:Whats the weather like in Xian?W:Its sunny

14、 .Its a fine day. Its nine to twenty-two. Its warm.L:What about Shanghai?W:Its cloudy.L:And Haikou?W:Its sunny .Its fifteen to thirty-two. Its hot. L:Oh.I know.Thank you. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)句型词汇学习:1)句型学习:老师带着学生看看窗外的天气,先问学生:Whats the weather like today? 再问:How is the weather today? 然后交替用两种问法询问学

15、生,要求学生看着当日的天气回答。 Its . 告诉学生 How is the weather? 和Whats the weather like? 这两个句子都可用来询问天气情况。意思没什麽差别。 句型练习活动:展示地图,根据图上所标城市的天气情况让学生两人一组进行问答练习,规则如下:老师看着地图上的某个城市(比如重庆),说道:Chongqing.学生听到后马上拍桌子,喊Dingdong!第一个喊出的同学将有权向班上任意一个同学挑战,问: How is the weather in Chongqing ?Whats the weather like in Chongqing ? 接受挑战的同学要

16、立刻站起来回答:Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy. 2)Its sunny . Its a fine day. Fine 是好的,晴朗的意思。 示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词:fine 3)Whats the weather like in Beijing today?看地图上北京的天气图,看图上标的温度,理解单词cool 。 Its windy . The temperature is six to twelve .It is cool. It isnt fine in spring.北京的春天 多风沙,天也比较凉。示词卡,拼读拼写单词: cool是凉的意思。

17、如果在春秋的早晚,我们可以说:Its cool. 我们会感觉凉爽: feel cool 。4) How is the weather in Harbin ?Its snowy. Its cold. 示词卡,拼读拼写单词:cold ,做着感到冷的样子不断的说: Its cold. Im cold. I feel cold. 5)Whats the weather like in Xian?Its sunny .Its a fine day. The temperature is nine to eighteen.It is warm. 看地图上西安的天气图,看图上标的温度,理解单词warm。春天

18、西安的天气晴朗而温暖。在cold winter day里,如果室内有空调或暖气的话,我们同样会feel warm.示词卡,拼读拼写单词:warm.注意这个单词的发音,其中的字母组合ar 不读/ /,在 w 后面常读/ /。如单词 war战争,ward保护,warn警告 等的发音都如此。 6)接着看地图上海口的天气图。 And Haikou?Its sunny .Its fifteen to thirty-two. Its hot.老师做出感到很热的样子,用手擦着汗,用书扇着凉,嘴里不停的说: Its hot. It is very hot.示词卡,拼读拼写单词:hot 7)小结:cool ,

19、warm, hot, cold 问答:What do you feel in spring/summer/autumn /winter?引导学生根据当地一年四季的气候回答: It is warm in spring. It is hot in summer.It is cool in fall. It is cold in winter.3.巩固活动: 1)网鱼: 老师展示准备的世界地图,把学生分成两组进行对抗:先是在A组中抽出两人,双手钩在一起,举高做网。B 组同学排成一队准备过网。老师播放音乐,B组同学从网下快速穿过。音乐停止,网立刻落下,网住正穿过的一个同学,由A组任意一个同学看着地图中

20、标有天气情况的某个城市进行提问,被网住的同学回答提问。进行一轮后两组再换过来做。 A: How is the weather in ?Or:Whats the weather like in ? B: Its sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy/windy. Its warm / cold / hot /cool. 2) Fill in table about the weather of your favorite city.Then ask and answer in pairs.City:springsummerautumnwintertemperaturefeeling

21、Whats your favorite city? How is the weather/Whats the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in the city? Whats your favorite season? 4. 听录音学习对话: Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.(播放对话部分录音) 1)What is Wang Shi doing? (He is watching the weather reports.)2)Whats the weather

22、like in Xian?(Its sunny .Its hot. )3)Whats the weather like in Beijing ?(Its cloudy and it is cool.) 4) Do you often watch the weather report? (Yes./ No.)5. 做Lets Practise(II)Pair work.Ask and answer questions according to the weather report on the map.练一练。.请你看着地图上的天气预报进行问答。6.做Lets Practise(I).请你认真读

23、读这些句子,看着图进行选择。答案分别是1,a 2,f 3,d 4,c 5,e 6,b 7,g 。 Lesson 3Its raining.教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子: I havent got an umbrella.Dont worry.You may use mine.Its raining.Dont go swimming. .2.会说会用会写这些单词umbrella raincoat rubber boots mine 。 3.了解,会用祈使句及其否定式。 4. 归纳字母a在重读闭音节中的读音规则。 课前准备: 1.教师准备umbrella raincoat rubbe

24、r boots mine 这些单词的图卡和词卡。 2. 准备雨伞,雨衣和雨靴 。 3准备三幅下雨,下雪,刮风的图片 。教学过程3. 热身(Warming up)师生共同吟唱第二单元课后chant Rain,rain,go away 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)词汇学习:1)Its rainy. Look, its raining . Rain,snow 即可以做名词也可以做动词 Its raining. 雨正下着。这是动词的进行时态。 雪正下着:Its snowing.Wind 虽然也做动词,但它是吹干,使通风的意思。风正吹着要说:The wind is blowing.

25、 2)I havent got an umbrella。 umbrella 老师做打伞的样子。 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: um-bre-lla Umbrella 是三个音节,多音节词比较难记,让学生学会分音节去记。 再出示雨伞或图片 。说:Look,This is an umbrella. Its colorful.Is it nice?Yes, it is.I like the umbrella. 3)出示雨衣或图片教授raincoat 。出示词卡,拼读拼写单词:rain-coat raincoat 是合成词.由rain和coat组成.rain雨,下雨。coat 外衣。很好记。 老师拿着雨衣

26、对学生说:I come to school by bike . On rainy day I often put on my raincoat.再做穿的样子。 4) 出示实物或图,出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: rubber boots 这是由rubber和boots构成的一个名词词组。rubber是橡胶,boots是靴子,rubber boots就是胶鞋了。5)游戏:贴标签:每组选一位同学进行比赛。过程是这样的:老师先把雨伞,雨衣和雨靴这些物品摆放在桌子上,再把这几个单词卡片发给一个组已经选出来的这个同学,让其站在前面某个位置,然后,老师站在他看不到的地方,抽出一张图卡,给这个组的同学看,这个组的

27、同学立刻说出这个单词,那个拿词卡的同学讯速上前把这个单词卡贴在那个物品上。游戏完成的迅速又准确的组获胜。 3. 听录音学习对话:对话学习: 1)Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. (1)Where are they going? (They are going home after school.) (2)Why is it too bad? (Wang Shi hasnt got an umbrella.) (3)What can he do? (He may use Zhao Yus.)2)对话讲解(1)School

28、 is over. 放学了。Be over完了,结束. The meeting is over.下课了。Class is over.游戏做完了。The game is over. (2)Too bad.或Its too bad.太糟了。 (3)Dont worry. 用来安慰别人。(4)Mine 名词性物主代词,在说话人和听话人都明白所指的物品时用,这里相当于my umbrella.例如:Thats not my coat.This is mine. Are these your rubber boots? No. Mine are over there.我的在那儿 。4.做Lets Prac

29、tise(I).Group work.把学生分成三个小组,分别把三幅下雨,下雪,刮风的图片发给各组,让学生看图说话,老师可以引导学生说说雨天,雪天,刮风的天气我们该怎样,不该怎样。学学怎样给人提建议。Look at the pictures and give some good advice. Using : You should .Do.Dont do.A:Its raining.You should take an umbrella 。Put on your rubber boots and raincoat.Dont go swimming or stand under the tree

30、.Its dangerous. B:Its a snowy day.Its snowing hard. Put on your sweater and coat. Lets throw snowballs. Lets make a snowman. We can go skating. Dont go swimming. Its very cold. C:Its windy today. The wind is blowing hard. You should put on your coat. Dont go swimming. Dont play football. Dont stand

31、under the tree. Its dangerous. 5.做Lets Practise(II).请你认真读读这些句子,再把它们连成流畅的句子。1,A:Its raining. B:I havent got a raincoat. A:You may use mine. 2,A:School isover. B:Lets go home. A:OK. 3,A:I havent got an umbrella. B:You may use mine. A:Thanks a lot. 4,A:Oh,too bad. B: Dont worry. A:I havent got an umbre

32、lla. 5,Look out of the window. B:Its raining. A:Too bad.6. 语音学习。老师首先要清楚这样一些语音知识:音节:以元音为核心,前后可以附带一个或多个辅音所构成的读音单位。单词可按音节分为单音节词,如:I, she , these ,please 双音节词,如:rab-bit, a-bout ,sun-ny bot-tle 多音节词,如: um-bre-lla , in-teres-ting, won-der-ful,mo-der-ni-za-tion开音节:I he she me these name nose rule rise 闭音节:

33、fat red hit pot luck在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中,字母a 读短音/ /.如:flag map cat dad bad 读读下面的单词:rat catch fat sad pat tank rabbit panda matchLesson 4Its snowing.教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子: It is snowing. What can we do?We can make a snowman and throw snowballs. 2.会说会用会写这些单词 snow blow skate 3. 理解会说会用短语 look out of the

34、 window make a snowman clean the snow 课前准备:1.教师准备snow blow skate look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow 这些单词的图卡和词卡。 2. 教师准备各种活动的图片:look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow clean the window clean the board clean the desk skate Fly a kite swim put on the rubber boots put on t

35、he coat put on the sweater watch the weather reports 3. 准备本课对话主页图.4.把16页主图作成一个flash动画,对话也可改为: Tom:Whats the weather like today? Li Dong:Let me see.(Look out of the window.)Get up! Get up! Tom: What is it? Li Dong:Look out of the window!Its snowing.Tom: Wonderful!Shall we go out to play? Li Dong:All

36、right.We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.Tom: Good idea! 教学过程4. 热身(Warming up)看flash动画,回答问题 。1)Whats the weather like today? (Its snowy .Its snowing.)2)Shall we go out to play? (Great/ Allright/Good idea.)2. 新课展示(New Presentation)词汇学习: 展示本课对话主页图.1) Is it a fine day today? No.Its snowy. Look o

37、ut of the window. Its snowing hard/heavily. Look out of the window.老师边说边朝窗外看。look out of 向外看做游戏练短语:Listen and do. Who can do faster? 先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,教室或 学校的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。Look out of the window. Look out of the door. Look out of the classroom. Look out o

38、f the school.2) Its snowing( heavily).雪下的很大。snow,下雪,动词。我们还可以用这一组进行时态的句子描述天气:It is raining. The sun is shining. The wind is blowing. 3) 示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: blow,动词,刮(风),吹(风)。The wind is blowing with snow.风加雪。It is very cold. 4)Can we go out to play?Yes.We can skate.It can make you feel warm. 示图卡, 示词卡,拼读拼写

39、单词: skate Can you skate? Who can skate?请几个同学做做滑雪的样子。He/She can skate very well. I like skating.5)We can make a snowman. 出示图卡. A snowman with a mouth,a nose,and two eyes.Its very nice and interesting. 示词卡,拼读拼写单词: make a snowman snowman是个合成词,由snow和man组成 .6)And we can clean the snow on the road。 出示图卡We

40、 can clean the snow in front of the house, on the playground.示词卡,拼读拼写单词: clean the snow clean檫,打扫。游戏:Listen and do. 先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,课桌,椅子,黑板的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。 Clean the desk.Clean the blackboard.Clean the window.Clean the chair.Clean the door.3.巩固活动:萝卜蹲游戏;

41、 把准备好的各种活动的图片分发给几个同学,让他们贴在身上,并排面对全班同学坐着,先由第一个同学站起来根据自己身上的图片说:I can skate. I can skate.边说边做滑雪的动作,再问:Who can fly a kite?问完坐下。 身上贴着放风筝的图片的同学赶快站起来:说I can fly a kite. I can fly a kite. 边说边做放风筝的动作,再问: Who can make a snowman? 老师先挑选几个同学上前来示范,然后分小组活动,最后选各组的代表进行表演,看谁表现最好。4. 做Lets Practise(II).Pair work.Ask an

42、d answer questions according to the pictures.练一练。请你看着图进行问答,还可以随意问答。 A:Whats the weather like? B:Its cloudy. A:What can you do? B:We can fly kites.A:How is the weather ? B:Its snowy. A:What can you do? B:We can throw snowballs. A:We can make a snowman and go skating.A:Whats the weather like? B:Its su

43、nny. A:What can you do? B:We can go swimming. A:We can go boating,play football,play basketball.A:How is the weather ? B:Its rainy and windy. A:What can you do? B:We can watch TV and clean the room.5. 播放对话部分录音 .Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)How is the weather ? (Its snowy.

44、It is snowing.) 2)Shall we go out to play? (Great/Good idea.) 3)What can we do? (We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.We can clean the snow on the ground.)6做Lets Practise(I).Look at the pictures and finish the dialogue.看看图中的活动,完成这些对话。A:Look.Its snowing.B:Wonderrful.Shall we go out to play?A:Good idea.A:Look.The girl is making a snowman.B:Wonderful.Lets go to join her.A:Good ide


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