2018~2019学年高二英语新概念第二册lesson 56课件(共14张).ppt

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1、Lesson 56 Faster than sound!,How fast did the winning car go?,NARCAR COURSE,Formula 1,get a great deal of excitement u,no less exciting,enter for,Summary writing,1. Did a lot of old cars enter for the race or not? How often is it held (which) A lot of old cars entered for the race, which is held onc

2、e a year. 2. What could be heard when they set off? Did many cars break down during the race or not? Did a few manage to complete the course or not? (and though) A great many loud explosions could be heard when they set off and though many cars broke down during the race, a few managed to complete t

3、he course.,Summary writing,3. Did the winning car go downhill quickly or slowly? When did its driver have a lot of difficulty trying to stop it? (so quicklythat) The winning car went downhill so quickly that its driver had a lot of difficulty trying to stop it.,A lot of old cars entered for the race

4、, which is held once a year. A great many loud explosions could be heard when they set off and though many cars broke down during the race, a few managed to complete the course. The winning car went downhill so quickly that its driver had a lot of difficulty trying to stop it.,1. 每年一次 2. 报名参加 (比赛、竞赛

5、、考试等) 3.很兴奋 很快乐 4. 很多爆炸声 5. 抛锚 出故障 6. 在途中 7. 做有困难,once a year enter for a great deal of excitement a great deal of pleasure a great many explosions break down on the course have trouble/difficulty (in) doing,1. explosion n. 爆炸, 轰响,激增 After the second explosion, all of Londons main train and subway s

6、tations were shut down. 第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站及地铁站都被关闭了。 The study also forecast an explosion in the soft-drink market. 这项研究还预测了软饮料市场的暴增。 explosive iksplusiv n. 炸药,爆炸物 adj. 爆炸性的 explode iksplud v 爆炸 哄堂大笑 explode/ roar with laughter bomb bm n. 炸弹;vt. 投弹于, 轰炸 The bomb exploded.,2. course n. 跑道,行程,过程 on the

7、 course 按照轨道运行,在行程中 off course 偏离轨道 of course 当然 n. 课程 This term, I took/take seven courses. 高尔夫球场 golf course,3. speed sped,sped. v. 疾驶,急行 The police car sped past us. The two men sped out of the room. n. 速度 at the speed of 以的速度 speed up 速度的增加, 加速; slow down 减速,4. downhill n./adj./adv. 下坡;下坡的;向下 do

8、wnstairs n./adj./adv. 楼下; Go downstairs upstairs 楼上,1. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part . Built in , sth is the most/ first/ -est the Six Harmonious Pagoda -A.D 970 -one of the most beautiful pagodas in China Eiffel Tower-1889-most famous construction in Paris- been the tallest building before 1931 the Arch of Triumph in Paris -1836-the biggest of all Arches of Triumphs in Europe,2. There is / was a great deal of excitement when/ before. In the sports meeting- run across the finish line. Variety show,


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