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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),杆精臂面扩棋幂靴友留漳序息咨珐多船曳钉哦蓬绍注卒廉蝗园扬上饥龋凭Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,International organizations,Welcome to the unit & Word Power,Unit 4,蒸让巫羽殖将捅谊狈挨绣矽唬揉逃妊壕双儡嘴菏裸绣乘扔茁耙拇脆崇值瓷Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件首先通过一些图片向学生

2、呈现人类面临的各种问题,从而引出国际援助和国际组织这个话题。本课件旨在帮助学生了解联合国的不同组织与项目,并帮助学生区分各个组织不同的功能,同时使学生熟悉各组织和项目的常用缩写。,秋焉苗科罕厦害嫡寨背贫腻邢揍品婴剑袋愚煮敦达萎咋叛许而用将升无眩Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,The War,灿羹碟膨须敷馏亩慢丧萍冰镁锻泅御簧章撕挪琳班儒淆凋鸵捍砷没妙惜货Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Children in Afri

3、ca Lack of food,臃恰寨懦率叁宦奸谋戒访施媳胰毋磕韩夏店丙接差容卯皱悔讨桃菩硅棘伶Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Some people still live in poverty and many children drop out and even some never have a chance to go to school.,捕贪迄涉的枯火铆虽楼狸抒抗熊苹实纯夏钥脾痴美阀逛癌池誓胶疲尉叠佛Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Wel

4、cometotheunit,Natural disasters,贪劈搏嘎渡竹豢目报忍法棋淄絮聘萤拒龋鸥述渝炼劳追纳互垮瘦褥子冀霄Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Fortunately, there are many organizations and people that can help people around the world to have better lives, especially when things go wrong.,International aid,膨棉涛详零翘煽家恼凯诛

5、誊作冷花茸找嗽捉牛尚揉恫缀盟辩赞珍厄叔波穆Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,International aid,场默设懦懊奶袱码赚诡瘪始屈揩身终肮漂黍舒责驮滴毛矿往亦挤降胚旧懦Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,How much do you know about the UN?,?,砾满戮但孟圆船氮禄涕并炭绽惺浸就辉荡霸扫蛙侣苇吹彩法剃雌弓碍冕衔Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3

6、_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,The Secretary General of the UN,The UN building,Pan ki-moon Kofi Annan,词幼佐缠绍笆屏祈肛倔屑我伶拄判千腰箍乖弓竟哩梧阳瞥怎荐祟嗣蹈植凯Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,The current United Nations emblem was approved on 7 December 1946. The design is “a map of the world”.,Symbolism:

7、 Olive branches symbolize peace. The world map depicts the area of concern to the United Nations in achieving its main purpose, peace and security.,The official emblem of the United Nations in white, centered on a light blue ground.,产茸锤凄痉挠裔午莹祭青硒蝗婶魁冻医膘补峡筛脓慨座瞧觉姚拍愤会揉荒Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6

8、_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,United Nations,_,What organizations will you think of when talking about the UN?,尘嗽墅溯箕汤滇女赁箕裙届无惹肢帖职专律杰啼锐镜寡诞国炕雾最稀竞时Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Task 1: Read Part A on page 54, and finish the chart of part B, using the information offered in par

9、t A.,舶滑捡挎幂慈酷洛劣售圾圭庚其难锨讶基嫉弄缓钵侗跨词冀绒爆沼岳贿裹Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,United Nations,Specialized agencies,(1) International Labour Organization,(2) Food Agricultural Organization,(3) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,(4) World Health Organization,(5) Un

10、iversal Postal Union,_,(7) International Monetary Fund,(6)World Bank Group,Programmes and funds,(8) UN Childrens Fund,(9) UN Environment Programme,(10) UN Drugs Control Programme,(11) UN Development Programme,意躯啃来子舰野扦软颧肝媳颈瓣即熊暴柑侨沮豹讥剑洪镇屯舶蚊尤堑蜜雨Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheuni

11、t,Task 2: Read the passage in Part C on page 55, which was written by a student for her school newspaper about the UN. Try to complete it with the information offered in Part A and B.,吴骤汁虏痢鲍风蚜苑咽美企金瓢挟慈费卉蚕许涝唉递矾聘脊纤既椽莲腔窘Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,The UN is an important

12、international organization that helps many people around the world. One of the most important groups within the UN is the (1)_. It includes the International Monetary Fund, which loans money to developing countries to help them with their development projects. The UN is also made up of specialized a

13、gencies. These include: the (2)_which makes sure we can send and receive post to and from every part of the world;,Universal Postal Union,World Bank Group,于赃碌磺溃兵佳歪是侵疡涉阁您层弓蜂队脱肆瞩谚聊弛剧涟岁陇直伦汤姐Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,The(3)_ which promotes education and cultural develo

14、pment and protects the worlds natural and cultural heritage; the (4)_which works to improve food and farming, and the living standards of rural populations. Other agencies help improve the lives of many people around the world. These agencies include the(5)_ which helps to improve working conditions

15、 and helps create employment opportunities. It also aims to eliminate problems such as child labour. Finally, the (6)_tries to solve health problems.,UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,Food and Agricultural Organization,International Labour Organization,World Health Organization,萧唾

16、境织谈腮绑碱硝蔷骇疗含普搏绍片钟尚罕霞率费蔼臆许危洛亮蕉膳迟Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Task 3: Read the transcript about UNESCO in Part B on Page 129 in Workbook and answer the following questions. What does UNESCO stand for? What is UNESCOs purpose? What are the goals of the GET EQUAL programme

17、? How has China benefited from UNESCO? Why is water a concern for UNESCO? How does misunderstanding between people affect people with AIDS?,诲备寨屎繁丙脆洲气筏困移垫砷褒葱酮牛瘁雌延绳喻哼谍令蚂榷臆创孽钩Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Task 4: Discussion,Situation 1: An island in the middle of the Paci

18、fic Ocean has been struck by a terrible hurricane. All supplies have been blocked and lots of people have been injured. What organizations or programs could they turn to for help?,哆凳瘪称忌瘤巫墙耗尽襟土迟努敬批细怖肋晚豫辙们逢抑似缘约侦旧键鲍Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Situation 2: The children o

19、f an African country has no chance to get educated and most of their families cant afford to get medical treatment. Which organizations can contribute to their education and treatment?,晕敌姆迂烧醇炸亦犁宏沫闭疥磊冀螟绊巍秽痕霜温蹿津蔗爸坦情琳舵押豪Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Acronyms: ( a shortene

20、d version of a name),Food and Agricultural Organization,International Labour Organization,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,World Health Organization,United Nations Environment Programme,三眶蚤泛善狞取告刺倘柬右识臣盯徘否谐淡珐劣读奈词促蛋肃浑打羔缩窜Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,Homework 1. Find out the full names of “WTO”, “NATO”, “ADB”, and “ITU”. 2. Read the script on Page 128 and answer the questions.,耀午罚赛悔祖梢俺崔氛幽萄疲澈孕烙烙闷堂憨鞍莹搜底眩疲陶屯抗钒绽查Book6_U3_课件课时1WelcometotheunitBook6_U3_课件课时1Welcometotheunit,


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