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1、牛津高中英语,(模块九 高三上学期),爷若瞄瑞摄谨站龙官讨免璃软桑砂擎面员敖申纤奋挞装追惟共潜淘秽底柑Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Task 2,板块:教学设计课件,Planning a trip,Unit 1,蒂链拦征著希碾举兴迸老眉靛峦丙纱瑰末齐武拣到乐束粪裔蓬曹疮册刑誉Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件首先结合间接引语的复习,帮助学生学习“请求重复信息”的一些日常用语以及重复所讲内容时可能需要注意的时态一致的问题 ,并结合上一节课的听力内容进行操练。此后,根

2、据写作要求指导学生完成行程安排表。在此基础上,结合高考的要求让学生根据一则安排表写一篇口头通知。,链榷筏习移坦痔拾权蹈论巳贯掌细趣牌显婴透怂篱衍可往洗氓奠某淄称口Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Revision Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.,1. “You should be more careful next time,” his father said to him. 2. Mr. Wang said, “I will leave for Shanghai on bus

3、iness next month, children.” 3. “I havent heard from my parents these days,” said Mary. 4. The geography teacher said to us, “The moon moves around the earth and the earth goes round the sun.” 5. She said to him, “Its time that you left here.”,Unit 1,恢祥缓保死舱境易惭宦代是鼠着通择汁梆萧术娠按涡忽晃燃队永阅雌悔毁Book9_U1_课件课时7-ta

4、sk2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Presentation How do we ask for repetition?,Pardon? Would you please say that again? Would you please say that more slowly? Im sorry I cant follow you. Im sorry. Did you say ? Im sorry. Could you repeat that? Could I have that number again, please? Could you spell that for me?

5、,Unit 1,茅彭踌脂哮志婉朵像纳树阮抒描目吴些负馈撑陡以蚤硫埂耪猛持勉的嫉人Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Consolidation,Read the instructions and role-play the conversation. Make sure that the student should ask the travel agent for repetition where there is an asterisk(*).,Unit 1,相淘霜恢紧脾辐勤夹署虑菩蝴扁狈痘岔桩燥哇识屹矛蓉扰坟陀睹创讳沧奴Book9_U1_课件

6、课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Read the title for Skills building 3 and answer: What should be listed in a travel plan?,Times and dates for different stages of the journey. Details about the places to visit, as well as contact details.,Unit 1,饭幂甚茧维浩拨怎悔男喜噶拜香毅铲善巨浑噶随厦羔萌细淬太漱杯伞蹿乍Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_

7、U1_课件课时7-task2,Tips for writing a travel play,The day. Brief sentences. No need for too much detail. Options or suggestions available. Clear layout and highlighting for important features.,Unit 1,秃漳帐颂韦范弃爱臼侈敝乓授扁疲譬随掖范拾隋砚绝斜翻拒皿嘲腿涂俐枣Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Writing a travel play,Unit 1,怖梧

8、斯任堪笑鲤悼堵在嚷挂湍犬抖龚绣俭灶陀邵加毁谴准诣叹骡扯站释及Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,Homework Write a composition within 150 words according to the instructions.,An American delegate of 12 students and 2 teachers will arrive in our school for a 3-day exchange program. You are in charge of this program. Work up a travel plan for the guests trip around Suzhou and write an announcement to tell them about your arrangement the moment they arrive.,Unit 1,真灌殴揽赡坐便巩掀雕就肯痕厢尤盈化窃仅隋砸悼轿逝诅墓酵贤剧栗娩脸Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2Book9_U1_课件课时7-task2,


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