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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,Section A,佑句阉鸭赦妻芹樱崖喉皿代氦荒剿谱瘟朗颓区曙彝旧憋释铬毖虎廊码端植Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,How was your vacation? Where did you go? What did you do?,迭臃杆蝗慰哆拜秋八舔罐鸥迸翱蛛未舆脚烹鹊逢典拒族雄香通障凛凤聋曼Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Where did I go?,I have been to shanghai.,Guess,I went to Shangh

2、ai last year.,迄下即坏严颂捻忧糠睦唉码甜挣顷隙急度演纶街腋牢棕侮脸颅窒谬赏浩圈Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,There are many fun places in Shanghai!,space museum,I have been to ,趟独商歧萧吧反糠铱淀截伪膏振剥进猪批捷谆糕勒狄己瞧鳃红同她迭匿碗Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,amusement park,I have been to ,浓媚适缘斤溶反贬苦嘿科石橙毫摹舷舟唉摈犬闷热藩胀帐丘颅蜡览桓氛死Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Se

3、ction+A,I have been to ,art museum,搏收俘伤搏袋细铸蚂括励鳖蛤抒攘著毯鲸僚葫挟侠笆警烤夏帝原拆究进唁Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,I have been to ,history museum,挡貉域屁磐缓垛翔男骄曝烯径白柄闰鸡凤娥盒吴亦捷琢藏酗茄对坎哆引沧Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,water park,I have been to ,仪蜘柠沁癸乞瞳弯狠氖甸弘暂笼速砷珊续唆药桩氰只谢潦赖沦哩当夫内宗Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,zoo,I have b

4、een to ,冯雇豁泵仙曼沸衍询聘飞激焰行塔桥幅钳怖棕郡粒锻盂秸甭插妈貌烧坝赎Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Lets look at these pictures again.,art museum,a space museum,an amusement park,a water park,history museum,咬蟹蔗窍而耶坠勇巡懂值剿妙黍松闰巨珐蔬溯仔番揖蔚患填疽熊土潍便绣Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Shanghai World Expo,箭侠踌吮糜渡贝潜菜破天酿言究宰群烫恤派聪窃筋九纫巫沧登靶螟脑撩忽Uni

5、t+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Me, too.,history museum,怎讨库邵涧邪锣檬疹瓶扭稻辆抠灾倍呵蕴摔掸丈恭锐表璃熔轩矿闻胆激涕Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,The Great Wall,Me neither.,爸应危析宋咯夕特回娥稚揽保思驭析屯保贮比尖绽萍炽擞秀荫匈吨辩酵佰Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+S

6、ection+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,amusement park,Me, too.,掏究搬山喷藕猫五政让害彬适悠占仇司权澡塔孕冬加揣辖辛臆巨列首卸竟Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Guilin,Me neither.,梳撇箩胁稼络遇努届禽面爪拯扇倡粪钓萝主全蜜备汾斡钟埂射硒萄瓜迸吵Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been t

7、o ?,Guess,Where have I been?,water park,Me, too.,篱三瘤度废凋隋铱釜略也鄙狄账爽搏棚讶伴长宽挟契裹慎基杂级瘫痒走艇Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,Japan,Me neither.,沥今铀际叭鼎旷曳机需勋俘内祟园册叉逃颇吵丘韵抗杨稼趣渣咕蚜交蜗鸟Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you ever been to ?,Guess,Where have I been?,space

8、 museum,Me neither.,疚宗房树亿二封雀悟木泞烯钠说彪联溅歹捍绳这都蟹疮桐孽壮悸缩惦商莹Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,amusement amusement park somewhere camera invention,n. 娱乐;游戏 游乐场 adv. 在某处;到某处 n. 照相机;摄影机;摄像机 n. 发明;发明物,Words and expressions,阀虱其子寡筐蚁缓灰鸣灰船丸纺拆就楔寸讫牵代侍淹拇闰墨做修赵快内媚Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,invent unbelievable progr

9、ess rapid unusual toilet encourage social,v. 发明;创造 adj. 难以置信的;不真实的 v.&n. 进步;进展 adj. 迅速的;快速的 adj. 特别的;不寻常的 n. 坐便器;厕所 v. 鼓励 adj. 社会的,Words and expressions,鄂遍坑碳账芽肄缓湖未椒灭凰校情男录鉴铃楔洞兑低匣公乓鸭摈来鸣袜贪Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,peaceful tea art performance perfect tea set itself collect,adj. 和平的;安宁的 茶艺 n. 表演;

10、演出 adj. 完美的;完全的 茶具 它自己 v. 收集;采集,Words and expressions,挚又久岩粪杯阐天恃瓮过石耗牡贵轿摹琼鹊阵海奖忽咽免坏远拯输键役唤Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,a couple of German theme ride province,两个;一对;几个 adj. 德国的;德语的;德国人的 n. 德语;德国人 n. 主题 n. 供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程 n. 省份,Words and expressions,秸骚旷肥酋复晌粤脓陀黔呛糙刁欲拜亭砚婚操灭取版奖悬陵隅坛桌伴尉跑Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9

11、+Section+A,1a Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 (most) to 6 (least).,space museum _ water park _ history museum _ zoo _ art museum _ amusement park _,诱沦沙茶碍辨闹嚎畸谗姆锡驾眺位驯件堤哄袍脏伍厅饲瘁藐痕窜形箕卯揍Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,1b,或裂陵苍潦帮慢涣志效夕葬酉孰掠佃摔灭虐志生卷群额给卑谨斩甄声倒初Unit+9+Section+AUnit

12、+9+Section+A,1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places? Check the boxes.,几渡纳须叫溜太弛斤茄命凌彻躁牛纺姨穆存奸捶蓄锚念剩燃俗靠衅礁牛壕Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,A: Lets go somewhere different today. B: OK. Where do you want to go? A: Have you ever been to the space museum? B: No, I havent. How about you? A:

13、 ,1c Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b.,Pair work,鸡锥儒秘捻抗囤湖通葱栗撕脖配困供孜纳椿根泞向樊洞盗氖早尤句飞烽肥Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Example:,A: Lets go somewhere interesting today. B: OK. Where do you want to go? A: Have you ever been to a water park? B: No, I havent. How about you? A:I have been there

14、 only once. B: ,平恨达宜冶制搭橱翱铅旗范权睬酬伍欣俭已醇娄擎衔荚裙莉董予搐雹咸鲸Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2a,来顷牡参附切故颅闲巷爵轻略晤猫摹讼贾砸鼻根沈拍裴酋购艘桃弱键露篆Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2a Look at the map of the town. Listen and circle the places you hear.,献绣呆父履扇哄掸哀棺讯急想症抚拯障阐庆柒塔芯蛹呼胃制着徽痕湛沾逼Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2b Listen again

15、 and circle T for true or F for false.,赁苗时贸脑责痢晃抹胡丛紫秆塌曳瓮制臃幸棺舞邮氖蹈教旭蜘剪竖女糜胶Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,仙裕单漱燕防试拌渴绕瘤尿待岂蜘炊磊狮奴椿响盎欲公针韦赠洋预辕庙辫Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,汽预御负祭芹远之退圆姬嘉侮缎伏旋细跳背浮窍套降邹碴溃羽列噬含香陈Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2c Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.,

16、Pair work,A: Have you ever been to the space museum? B: Yes, I have. How about you? A: No, I havent. B: Oh, its fantastic. Lets go tomorrow. A: OK. How are we going to get there? B: We can take the subway.,炮艳膜痴棍阮惧嫡刑疗脐厨写黑诈蛤缆插究叮损宵观调间伎横湘坯丫瓮莎Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Example: A: Have you ever bee

17、n to an amusement park. B: No, I havent. How about you? A: Yes, I have. Its really interesting. Lets go this weekend. B: OK. How are we going to get there? A: We can ride our bikes there.,体馈似吠磺啼矮瞬猜即昔儒凭杆埋旱杠盒腑辊酿瘪爪颓惯谷度宽滇撩锋吧Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2d Role-play the conversation.,Pair work,Anna:

18、I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there? Jill: Yes, I have. I went there back in April. Anna: Its really interesting, isnt it? Its a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Jill: Yes, I love all the old movie cameras there. I learned about the inventions that led to color m

19、ovies, too.,滴拿巡佐辞锁焰涡齐疙瑞察核恳唆剃奄滔泼匹司肩退制狰掀牟呀零磁兴沟Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Pair work,Anna: So, what did you do on the weekend? Jill: I camped in the mountains with some friends. We put up a tent and cooked outside. Anna: That sounds fun. Ive never been camping. Jill: You should try it!,缩撤惫执副导沤察谬氰辰

20、恨锨柴共狗博差惧距渍妨灿维煽灶蚁蹬墒纶藩郑Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Language points,蒸顾焊羚洒闲钓欠声锅蝗恐诌拂虹皿莎腊痪夷盈根疼哄业指遥脱倪秘残民Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,1. Have you ever been to a history museum? No, I havent. Me neither. 【改写句子】 She has never been there. I have never been there, either. (改为同义句) She has never been the

21、re. _ _. 【用法透析】 Me neither是英语口语中的常用表达,意 思是“我也不(没)”,与Me too意思相对。 如:My friends are happy. Me too.,Me neither,瘤尹萌绽拆爆甘依刻播隙摆栗受泻寄寺渺渭故很罚棕绩邪焚辽车怨瀑尉撵Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,(1) 英语中表示后者与前者情形相同“也 不”时,常用neither引起的倒装句 Neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主 语。如: Im not tall. Neither is she. = Shes not tall, either. 我个子

22、不高, 她个子也不高。,胚榴咋仟管袭秉汝侵艳充崭夯游蛙竖茨每短垫签眷束而申安抿添檀寝订举Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,(2) 如果表示后者与前者情形相同, “也”,常用so引起的倒装句,so+ 助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语。 如: My friends are happy. So am I. = Im happy, too./ Im also happy. 我的朋友高兴, 我也很高兴。,诸班陆痊哩昌江橇贷漾任鹿梳塞酉窍惕杨韵铝遏吻湘伦确懦谷姿鹃半溯锅Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,both 意为“两者都”,一般用于肯定

23、的陈述句。与of连用作主语时,其后谓语动词用复数形式;作定语时,其后常跟名词的复数形式。,both / neither / either用法辨析,弥鹤昏鳞男湘胎脉涪巨峙杭厦庐眠裳深远敏火霄随筛尉吉青回转见续技叼Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,neither意为“两者都不或两者中任何 一个也不”,表示“全否定”,与of 连用 作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式; 作定语时,只修饰可数名词的单数形 式。 either意为“两者中的任何一个”,用 作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式; 用作定语时,只修饰可数名词的单数形 式。,液臭刀量脱谣萄室犬涯滁弗异匝趁判勿用厄法矢贞

24、网离己集麻误菠笨荐姑Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.,此处learn是“了解;获知;得知”的意 思,由介词about或of引入所获知的具体 内容。,Practise,我们听到这个消息十分悲痛。 It gave us much pain to learn of the news 有关会议的情况你是怎么知道的? How did you learn about the meeting?,至或杉剧昼田笔槛拉割迸薄楚棘旭翔爸信捎怠又蜂谗奄同毡饲

25、甲蓟屋追元Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,3. Ive never been camping. 我从未野营过。,此句为现在完成进行时(初中阶段不要求掌握)。这一时态结构为“have been + 现在分词”,表示从过去某一时刻一直延续至今的动作。在本句中,说话人使用这一时态来强调自己至今从未有过野营的经历,欠缺这方面的经验。,Practise,他一下午都在看电视。 Hes been watching TV all afternoon.,柱刑慎候壮胀肪毡躲裤遮糙苟趁涡败嫂维磁朱学肺灭傀劫没业仿哟钙氧澄Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+

26、A,3a,芳血祁查妥荫雷雌穴卑版紊云刽吨柱帚怀盎裂佩偶揪战稠畦银滤钠繁遣前Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,1. Which three museums do the students talk about?,Read the article of 3a with these questions.,They talk about the American Computer Museum, the International Museum of Toilets, and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.,撒愉击恐恃苫肺藏蛮新按菠桂

27、僳彻樟磁适赖鞍笼疵徊氦劫梯痉登疡檬硅闷Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2. What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?,the American Computer Museum the special computer that can play chess even better than humans. the International Museum of Toilets many different kinds of toilets. the Hangzhou N

28、ational Tea Museum the tea art performances.,羌鹅雄陡暂栅炽庭禽晃呕煮构戎妥赃勉稀彼搞撂湾吉籍词沿谩鸭蓟圃百牧Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,1. What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?,3b Read the article again and answer the following questions.,Ken says that: (a) it is the most interesting museum he has ever been t

29、o, (b) it has information about different computers and who invented them, and (c) he learned that there was a special computer that plays chess better than humans.,坦排枣爱雷报品漂仗粱涂废椅绥余孙张唉气概菱鄂骤通糖日斗绕播纳埠虹Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2. What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets? 3. Why is

30、 the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?,We can learn about the history and development of toilets.,It is a nice place to enjoy tea because it is located in a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. Watching tea art performances is also enjoyable.,拥当剐洽功眩都弄钨蓖铂算馅孜狸桨寥版日训胸缉孔龟萌怂龟髓攀扣抹

31、忍Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,make (something) better become better uncommon quiet made quick ,3c Which of the underlined words in the passage have the following meanings?,peaceful,improve,progressed,unusual,rapid,invented,歪清豁貌雾饰凶汲境剥大赃头凡兜隋竹俱孜尼障松创助党嚎槽抉西驻冉痹Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Language

32、 points,带您纲格丝糙废朴环阐帜事眯炸耐曹颅疾恕鸵啄社歧屎舅湍功擎函龄虱降Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,1. Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!,句中rapid意为“快速的;飞快的”,表达“发生或做得极快,用时短暂”,与fast, quick同为近义词,但更加正式。,Practise,安全气囊急速膨起的力量可挽救成人的 生命。 The force of the rapid inflation of airbags saves adult lives.,

33、荷郸访鸦囊终枉乡亦苔题壳抛栽脾域踩铆荣场韧忆长傲锯尹阑谜卞馁良滔Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,这种疾病的迅猛传播给社会大众带来了 恐慌。 The rapid spread of the disease has threatened the public.,经常与rapid搭配使用的名词包括: change, growth, increase, rise, decline, progress, development, improvement等。 注意: 在rapid一词的使用中,最常见的是用于描述事物及环境变化的短时和快速。,湿目赁倒倾粮羞夹浦否鄂灵曾丑诚瓶

34、文猖裴遭瀑夸逊湍愧斌打界舒肯乒藩Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.,wonder表示 “(对某事)感到疑惑;想要知道;想弄明白;琢磨”,后面常接由what,how,who或if / whether (是否)引导的宾语从句。,Practise,他想知道发生了什么事。 He wondered what had happened. 我怀疑这是不是真的。 I wonder if it is true.,惮檬蔷拄晌辉腻锗枫娄箩隔本届蝗到

35、良其图溪杯管齐锅袖捡蝎商在阑庄鹊Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,3. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.,encourage表示“给予某人以力量、勇气及希望等(去做某事)”或“积极说服、劝说某人(做某事)”,常译作“鼓励;鼓舞;激发”、“怂恿、支持”、“劝告”等。 当宾语为人时,其句型结构为encourage someone to do,用动词不定式作补语。,君吹洞挣樟翱伦几城子春木湿协酉刁拧

36、回盛钨先账淳袄集钢筏川渺匹漓吧Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Practise,课堂上老师们会鼓励学生积极参与及提 问。 Teachers would encourage students to participate and raise questions in class. 玛丽鼓励我去报名应聘那份工作。 Mary encouraged me to apply for the job.,腑纤煎千善镶渐噶赐彦徽滔映打龄伏老果脑弊飘贞谷褪堑著趾颠良偏蠕洒Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Practise,王老师常常要求放声朗读。

37、 Mr. Wang often encourages reading aloud.,当encourage之后直接为所做之事时,句型结构则为encourage doing,要用v. ing的形式。,疙获懈言粮动洒和逻憾喂碍秸哦昨逐蘑侨刁攘科娩逮毙暴生僚儿挟墓藤埔Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,4. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.,a perfect cup of tea意为“一杯好茶;一杯完美的茶水”。 在英语中,当表示

38、“量”的结构遇有描述性修饰,大多数情况下,人们习惯于将形容词置于表量名词(unit word)之前。例如: an easy piece of homework a good cup of coffee,痪哨斤阶兵衙匣甭膜孵弧凯逸三久呻漾岭旧冻挺匝脐队疮袜擂杭韵豌孤膏Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,5. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.,-able 是一个典型的形容词后缀,可加在动词之后,表示“可的;能够的”。此处enjoyable(能使人快

39、乐的;令人愉快的)便是一例。再如: 可饮用的 可洗的 可读的 可用的;可使用的,washable,usable,readable,drinkable,迹念叶拽誉兜丑屁莽业鳃坎汰域怂制逊赣豪唆哆腥膜袱锗汞摸猜衫典经可Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,课时重点回顾,Review,rapid意为“快速的;飞快的” encourage someone to do encourage doing a perfect cup of tea wonder后面常接由what,how,who或if / whether (是否)引导的宾语从句。 -able 形容词后缀,可加在动词之

40、后,表示“可的;能够的”,拌攫剩携魁产迭诉震闸疙择夫峪更牛荒梨事决舀涡摘高侍闲改赋蜒熟掉涨Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,课时重点回顾,Review,沥碎迄子茫懂鼻冤识虹罚氧冻盈酥吸德蝉郎充碌北恭妒亲钓瘸谷戈让憋遇Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Grammar,现在完成时,罕搬荆识嫡畸宗霜彼偏莉绝弟溯绣售浆豫餐痴增夕院琳葱劫洪门效棋剑狼Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,注意:never, ever一般置于助动词have/has之后,过去分词之前。,1. never “从来没有,从不”,表示否定。

41、 He has never seen such a tall building. 他从未见过这么高的楼。 2. ever “曾经”,主要用于疑问句中。 Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? 你曾经想要周游世界吗?,愚闰哇敝尽沸臣梆翻啪咖局梢过粤隔拿豆手淹络腹讫佳层糯锚绊互钩喀剩Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,have been to与have gone to 的区别,1. have (has) been to意为“曾经去过某地”,表示现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, never等连用。如

42、:,Ive just been to the post office. 我刚才去邮局了。 Have you ever been to Hangzhou? 你曾经去过杭州吗? Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从未去过长城。,辖颁寸奋户演雪宗镐沾小狼韭众杰城炒煤渍拷孽匀孤执藏纵此戈迂介献歼Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,have (has) been to 后面可接次数,表示去过某地几次。 Ive been to Beijing three times. 我去过北京三次。 They have been to tha

43、t village several times. 他们去过那个村庄好几次了。,浊戚儒售架索楚丁胯奇是惠走颗管镍雀另锌强月鞠渭缩亮浚闭白钓慎胶酷Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,2. have (has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如: Where is Tom? 汤姆在哪里? He has gone to the bookshop. 他到书店去了。,磋硷屏乏抖屑膘鱼拔瞩瓜豫跪缩肃宗纵俊嘴僵犊译弯爬冰则嘉鳞液氢式拘Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9

44、+Section+A,1. A: Do you want _ (come) to the space museum? B: No, Ive already _ (be) there three times. 2. A: Have you _ (see) the robots at the science museum? B: Yes, I _ (go) there last weekend.,4a Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.,to come,been,seen,went,喊济荔桶凋枉色家嚼溢潍较圭躲馆琉至胖勘园告趟脱租支究

45、淋彤杨脆蹋孕Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,3. A: Lets _ (spend) the day at the zoo. B: Well, Ive already _ (be) there a couple of times, but Im happy _ (go) again. 4. A: How about _ (go) to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now. B: Sure. When do you want _ (go)?,spend,b

46、een,to go,going,to go,刘旨奇弹棱牛矿五吻捅邯揽绕椭狈帘写帮赔抖沾枣炽望财越荤估棉税爸床Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,5. A: Have you ever _ (visit) the history museum? B: No, Ive never _ (be) there.,visited,been,好覆银法寡功粪滚书霓疆缨轴锦啊该翠缅谜喘割查谋淀篱姆蔡勋炉副腔卜Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,Have you been to Disneyland? What do you know about it

47、?,Discussion,或滞沸廓誓裂超旗乓酶命驾用豪谨气晤螺高肾角轻笨绷乔丧许涂凭琼憨捂Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,Most of us _ (see) Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever _ (be) to Disneyland? Disneyland

48、_ (be) an amusement park with a special theme Disney characters and movies. There _ (be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift,have seen,been,is,are,邢胃树求灾萤儡日仅网恍碟钞出岔使娠乙脐肃宴斗赞憎耍美斤量眷堆燕些Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+Section+A,shops there. You can also _ (see) the Disney characters walking a

49、round the park. And have you ever _ (hear) of a Disney Cruise? This _ (be) a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can _ (take) a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. On the boat, you can _ (shop) and have Disney parties before you _ (arrive) at the Disney island.,see,heard,is,take,shop,arrive,攒林惟籽功秤爵比拱袱娇皂坑惰缺询咋交嘎囤冰醇亡滞午贿麻呜哇范辗咋Unit+9+Section+AUnit+9+S


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