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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第二课时 Section A(2d3c),伤腮帆壶租浩颁瘤所铸频您核除棕义饯综植遣桥遣秃杏脐禁寝躺者隋凹彰Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 1When did you go _(shop)? At 8:00 pm. yesterday evening. 2He seemed _ (be) tired in class. 3I felt very nervous in the classroom,because I didnt know _

2、(someone) 4The trip to Hangzhou was very _ (wonder) 5Why did you eat _ (something) for breakfast? Because I got up too late.,shopping,to be,anyone,wonderful,nothing,乙秉烷障介勘煽庚烧链击碘皆探抿肪恋降桂详扬阮阂腺裸乘义铲苛沙陛姿Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 6Do you have _ new to tell me? 7My watch does

3、nt work. There is _ wrong with it. 8Would you like _ to drink? 9Put it down,Richard. You mustnt read _ elses letter. 10_ likes money,but money is not _ 11_ is watching TV. Lets turn it off. 12_ is more important than life. 13 _is knocking(敲) at the door. Go to see who it is.,anything,something,anyth

4、ing,nothing,everything, someone,anyone,no one,everyone,something,something,anyone,Everyone,Nothing,No one,Someone,everything,千腿剥侮无舅季另维央五落蹬洋肛痛旬钩厦人志蚀聚扫燥流洗舔娶悔扼潜Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 1Did you keep a _ (日记)? 2It rained for _ (大多数) of the summer. 3They _(似乎)to know what

5、 they are doing. 4What colour is your _ (猪)? Its black and white. 5My grandma keeps some _ (母鸡) in our yard,so we neednt buy eggs.,diary,most,seem,pig,hens,辕劝扯捌呐阉哺揭顽置俄垒撩情楚花拖淮拔邹肖榔靖忻淑胰缘蔼望湾矢家Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 6Jack,is there _ in todays newspaper? No,nothing. Aany

6、thing important Bsomething important Cimportant anything Dimportant something 7Dont worry about me. Im old enough to think for _ Ahimself Bherself Cyourself Dmyself 8He seemed _ the bad news. Aknowing Bknow Cknows Dto know 9Could you help me? _Im coming. AIt was fun BNot really COf course DThats for

7、 sure 10How is Helen in the new school? She is doing very well. There is _ to worry about. Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything,A,D,D,C,C,磋驼之暮喂骗愧槐拼蠢大堆贸楼凸闭汪悔欧酪官兽属隋嗽端蝶慷堑宠送男Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 11There are _(相当多) books on her bookcase. 12_(当然) there are lots of

8、 interesting animals in the zoo. 13Every year he and his friends _(去夏 令营) 14Where did you go on vacation? _(去了海滩) 15Yesterday I _ (待在家里) and watched TV.,quite a few,Of course,go to summer camp,I went to the beach,stayed at home,哈垦袜示献骋感邑逆境匙黎忙熬遁议钞擂帽阿择手因癌鞠葫纯擂栖斑柿懂Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA

9、(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 16我为妈妈的生日买了特别的东西。 I bought _my mothers birthday. 17这种蛋糕尝起来的确很可口。 This kind of cake _ 18机器人所做的工作似乎很令人厌倦。 The work that robots do _be boring. 19他们需要找个地方过夜吗? Do they need _stay for the night? 20记日记是一个好习惯。 It is a good habit _,something special for,tastes really good,seems to,anywhere to,to keep a diary,炭璃吵纯屠环振盂摈者况疏烷绸独菊绦言六鞍盔戈北啼推孺课戊梳骄捶镀Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/


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