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1、Unit 2,Grammar & Speaking & Pronunciation,Lesson 6,违药蝉锋亲司游志针嚏鉴幌山具谈抄擞武篆多幢尼屠痈僻伞贤火蚊妈叛崩Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Complete the table with in, on or at.,_ the morning / the afternoon / the evening,Friday _ Friday morning the morning of July 7th,_

2、seven oclock half past ten,in,on,at,缀赂强觉诧考厩垦誊潭弥攻卸戍湿埂谁乘坏弦痉素蜡勋孵购姚杖逼谅是郭Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,介词in, on与at都可用于表示时间的名词前,但用法各不相同,其区别在于:,一、用in的场合 (1)表示“在某年/月/季节”这个含义时,须用介词in。如: She came to this city in 1980. 他于1980年来到这个城市。 It often rains here in

3、 summer. 夏天这里常常下雨。,时间介词:at, in, on的用法,樱岸勒球情娱素揩马孜叉烽玛捉裸拨捅禹荡艇俏休鸣腾包剿速董逊诬呛吏Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2) 表示“从现在起一段时间以后”时,须用介词in。如: They will go to see you in a week. 他们将在一周后去看望你。 I will be back in a month. 我将在一个月后回来。,田毖讨赘厨灾沼灰裁晃沮粳扮拄陋每橱蛰映铀拽捐素肪斩频著末脉

4、柠醛旋Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(3) 表示“在某世纪”时,须用介词in。如: This machine was invented in the eighteenth century. 这台机器是在18世纪发明的。 Great changes took place in the twentieth century. 20世纪发生了巨大变化。,临芒禽沈吗媒冠寥妻盏藕警礼俘锁氧号缉床探肉同链佯漏砾敦帘估擎螺队Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Spea

5、king,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(4) 表示“在某年代或特定世纪某年代”时,须用介词in。如: This incident happened in the 1970s. 该事件发生在20世纪70年代。 The Anti-Japanese War broke out in the 1930s. 抗日战争爆发于20世纪30年代。,渍瘪宦济蛰蕊哦檀翱内孽瓦债验屈邀糯答洱片膝把鬃散绕彤嫡癌衙辕挠消Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Gramm

6、ar,Speaking,Pronunciation,除此之外,morning / evening / afternoon 三个词也常跟介词in连用。如: Dont watch TV too much in the evening. 晚上看电视不要太多。 They sometimes play games in the afternoon. 他们有时在下午做游戏。,修季打堡吓烟佣死妙恫衡腰罚阻财确亥炭伎早锯炬驼汾素殊控太锌胆叶帜Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,

7、二、用on的场合 (1)表示“在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等,须用介词on。如: Jack was born on May 10th, 1982. 杰克生于1982年5月10日。 They left on a rainy morning. 他们是在一个雨天的早上离开的。 He went back to America on a summer afternoon. 他于一个夏天的下午返回了美国。,县佛拿鞍云姓僵管涯赐亡亦劫谬奉迎听债韭辰葡宵萎襄承何葱婶萄螟窑蜘Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6

8、Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2) 表示“在星期几”或“在星期几的早上、中午、晚上”等,须用介词on。如: We dont go to school on Saturday and Sunday. 我们星期六和星期天不上学。 What time do you get up on weekdays? 你在平日什么时候起床? I heard this story on Saturday morning. 我是在星期六的早晨听到这个故事的。,尼蚜但和豁苑呆猿虚遭婆贝溅里野烈尼篓忌躯龟讣惹物冉椽祷默受癌松痊Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pr

9、onunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(3)表示“在某一节日”时,须用介词on。如: We usually eat mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival. 我们通常在中秋节吃月饼。 Mr Hu received a card on Teachers Day. 胡老师在教师节那天收到了一张卡片。 注意: 当morning, evening, afternoon被of短语修饰,习惯上用in而不用on。 如: in the early morning of September 10th 在9月10的清晨

10、 in the late afternoon of September 12th 在9月12日的傍晚。,棵躺溜优幅码锋萨蛔拐怖婪独类老弘定苑死篱冷圆绣征癌汐甫播滞邯赖邹Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,三、用at的场合 (1) 表示“某一具体时刻(即几点几分时)”,须用介词at。如: He gets up at six oclock every day. 他每天六点起床。 I got home at five thirty yesterday afternoo

11、n. 我昨天下午五点半到家。,蔬全衙果端道赖潦肯士睡谦膀捍簿境偷漠搭侈杨砧藻如鳖索妻孜承滁长玉Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2)用在特定的时候(时节、时机)时,须用介词at。如: They were happy at that time. 他们那时很幸福。 I think the shop is closed at this time of day. 我认为商店在白天的这个时候关门了。,锄谴袒阶俐抿革讣挂陡仁嫂羹操太祈炸竖登辫矛闹冬桓柬椭逸罐较奏稿壹Un

12、it2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(3) 表示“在中午、在夜晚、在周末”时,须用介词at。如: What do you often do at noon? 你中午经常做些什么? You can see many stars in the sky at night. 夜晚你能看到天空中有许多星星。,吝债陡碉闷挝咋冤祟祸魁占癣奢量畦捍敌矾偿术程予坦启芭柳运剔集尚蜡Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson

13、6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(4) 表示“在岁”时,须用介词at。如: At the age of nine, the boy could swim well. 在九岁的时候,这孩子就游泳游得很好了。 At the age of twenty, I began to teach English at this school. 在二十岁的时候,我就开始在这所学校教英语了。,隐镐涨杂透合油困幻灿集嚼监嫌养涟螟若毗蒋姿时巳聘狗夜硫砚鼠拦擅隧Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,S

14、peaking,Pronunciation,注意: 在含有next, last, this, one, any, each, every, some, all的词组和tomorrow, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday 前不用任何介词。如: What did you do last summer holidays? 去年暑假你做了些什么? What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? 后天你打算做什么?,些做已慕摈硼寞属从悔舶哇橱灌僻袍巷矩蕾挎淘寡件沸赣旦敞

15、瓦久银火望Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We go to school _ the morning. We dont go to school _ Sunday. I get up _ half past six. You have an English lesson _ two oclock. They have a maths lesson _ Wednesday.,Complete the sentences with at, in or on.,i

16、n,on,at,at,on,盔侧惜卵对友盏吉湾陇丈赔斥攻退麦泻磁昭摊耻找返彤茶氛库柄柯仟亚镶Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,6. I do my homework _ the evening. 7. I dont like watching TV _ the evening. 8. Helen goes to school _ half past seven. 9. Do you have history _ Saturday? 10. Dont go ou

17、t _ night.,in,at,on,at,in,场剔傣抖敖纸芒捏蜘作乎矛拱白遮歼曳敛魔悲屈浓湾旅毅电领脸淖励载磺Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,11. We have maths _ Friday. 12. They can meet us _ the afternoon. 13. We start _ half past eight. 14. She goes to the Music Club _ Tuesday afternoon. 15. We

18、have art class _ ten oclock. 16. The game is _ the evening of July 7th.,on,in,at,on,at,on,映崖绝酷暖糜址迸飘幂汹掳季凸皇缀戒酉淀点饿抓杠菲叶味抹鸦袜堡番廓Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Look at the notes below. Then ask and answer questions about the people.,A: When does Tim hav

19、e PE class? B: He has PE class on Wednesday morning.,Tim Wed. morning PE class,悄榷鉴刮页臃逸奢吭丸尹帝愤荔稳淫扮哎袍虾淑肋封破坞转释弛过鞭怕躺Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Brad Chess Club Friday afternoon 3:45,Lynn 4:15 pm Science Club,A: When does Brad go to Chess Club? B: H

20、e goes to Chess Club at 3:45 in the afternoon.,A: When does Lynn go to Science Club? B: He goes to Science Club at 4:15 pm.,践公勺磋瓮超仆料逮袋灵阂势姓钱途炳椒率尾说境葵茬庞乓规滓输粮卧焚Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Donna morning English lessons,Martin football practice Tues

21、day,A: When does Donna have English lessons? B: She has English lessons in the morning.,A: When does Martin practice football? B: He practices football on Tuesday.,烷痴荡边棍欢括典涧哎鹊步半奇孜蜡辩纶有煽抿豢络地清遭沫孜剃爬山输Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Sara singing practi

22、ce afternoon,A: When does Sara go to singing practice? B: She goes to singing practice in the afternoon.,铆高纫扬菱沛甄押数逗儒甚旺元纸顺分芽磐枝缨猴枪躯蘸蔬灯撮木赞孺迎Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,b 发这个音的字母 和字母组合b bb b: book ball bird big boy bag banana bb: rubber rabbit cab

23、bage,Pronunciation,奥怕砸筒蔼坑码枷菌夺娶搽娄卸凭怜翻蟹痰鼻盼胜白间叭贿撇宁荤则滔赦Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,d 发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed d: duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played,识嚼拽席澡淡荆象酮宫遍恰阮整急衰尹倦过网森戊蹦晒证蹿貉属衫摊淀彦Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronuncia

24、tionUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,g发这个音的字母和字母组合g gg g: glass golf get girl bag goat flag gg: egg,勃慌漱设窘悯半址多昂波侠纪饿鹤酗唬旺彻赛缆蝴辫羽客咨兄漱贱巢彦瞄Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( ) 1. A. taxi B. tea C. boy D. cat ( ) 2. A. hat B. sea C. ticket D. wal

25、let ( ) 3. A. seed B. dance C. hand D. full ( ) 4. A. pick B. pen C. sit D. pineapple,选出下列没有相同发音的词。,C,B,D,C,谜攘潭茧龋莎磊图垃崔权径忽舟饲蒂挡凡淘睦勿胯循廉砂厩滥糖钙稠横吹Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Listen and circle the sentences you hear.,1. a) I have a boat. b) I have a goat. 2. a) Its bad. b) Its a bag. 3. a) Is that a bus? b) Is that grass? 4. a) Whos bad? b) Whos Dad?,棉三病饿玻毅杨加蔷澎攘颁炬森啡掂彝履鄂蚊姬筷它断捎且糕懂婶壤劲娃Unit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson6Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,


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