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1、Unit 3,Warm-up & Reading & Vocabulary,Lesson 9,耳宇蒂晋扔实措个奠茎逾猪雇德肆趾廊超杜解梁齐瓷愤扛电厂耐爪沁漫汉Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,forest,hill,悄朽泰舞棉勤蛋隧晃质复防再胆羞固盎告刃战门荷卖筋胯奎表裁肺潍粥枕Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,lake,river,拉邱柱戈呸枕甄遥痪胎缓脸


3、ocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Free talk,My family / house 1)Where do you live? 2)Is there a supermarket / shopping mall / sports centre ? 3)What other places are there around your home?,臼煤绞恍扼晚帮仍芜摄冒槛名逾沮裂氟泰什宫闹停漓朔卸呆孜食嫡厦谱抵Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Readin

4、g,Vocabulary,forest, hill, lake, park, playground, river, shop, supermarket,Listen to the key words of places and discuss.,Did you go these places?,酶闰昂幕狭梭扇藏椎画搀窝阉某泡茶戊鸳曰匈祟负蜜尝肝馈雨腾茅罢尉铜Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,forest, hill, lake, park, playground, river

5、, shop, supermarket,Do you usually find these places in the city or in the countryside? Write the places in the table.,forest,hill,lake,river,shop,supermarket,park,playground,疙浴隋良脚求戌昧览傈幕富赠涧宫劫绰值效六挨曝镐炭催挫谦摈擒虫柯驳Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Is there a playg

6、round near your home? What can you do there?,Discussion,I can do some sports there. I can watch some matches there.,炼骚狄迂裂辐粱倪很迎迷培幌摘框气腊遣奋椿揭绿兼务爆带恕掺塌陷请刚Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Is there a supermarket near your home? What can you do there?,I can go shop

7、ping there.,指暮死密炮消肠驹桐补乌谷斥枚烟嗽减莽剐躲赏括斧宪欠韵往下癌贰压夕Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Do you like living in the city or in the countryside? Why?,Free talk,I like living in the city. There are many supermarkets and many parks.,饼嗡泻爬游滞誊膊埂种坝啊迹刹走泡卓哦指硼店元底耕砌钠牢秆昼甸陕静Unit3Le

8、sson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Listen the short texts and complete the texts with is / isnt or are / arent.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _,is,is,isnt,is,is,arent,湛媚筹过锚恋洒义羞颧樊剐担捍寸戈铃俄愁愉艘越炳鹰忧贮突阻滁骇洽忆Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vo

9、cabulary,Read the texts and answer the questions.,1. Is there a big park near Liu Yins home?,2. Are there any lakes in the park? How many are there?,Yes, there is.,Yes, there are two lakes.,愚硝桅绳硝苦给颅吹解卸碑吐态庆颠沙琅浮豁销凤涌钳默章吮赃绒镀叫例Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,3

10、. Is there a big lake near Che Siqins home?,4. Why doesnt Che Siqin like to go fishing in the river?,No, there isnt. There is a small lake.,There arent many fish.,武埃抹宅昭责贝蛊现人译资烘显洋禄糯潮荚缮奉腊酣善篱乳欲贷驼侮荒沪Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Read the texts again and fil

11、l in the table.,Liu Yin and I,Chen Siqin,a big park a playground two little lakes a big supermarket,a small lake a river,避硷揣撤詹氦卷烦茨掸衡恐超羚橡奠怕递戊豪誓雁栓区菊索沟狭规汀陕俩Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Retell the texts according to the places we give.,a big park a playgro

12、und two little lakes a big supermarket,a small lake a river,碧蘑苏两挫吏裔尧判糠洞瓶脐溃埠叹甄识侵轨得惺婿迷义颅殖燥员瘤肚癸Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,1. live,live的基本用法: (1)作不及物动词, 意为“活着;继续生存;活下去”。如: People can live without air. 没有空气人就活不下去。 Are your parents living? 你父母亲健在吗? He live

13、d to the age of 70. 他活到七十岁。,Language points,穿摘陛聋鹤措楷倪获独兄芥杨狡道输待戒峙诺恍遗超灵赎冉棍耙痛淮激痒Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,(2) 表示“居住”。如: Where do you live? 你住在哪里? I live in Shanghai. 我住在上海。 She lives about ten miles from my house. 她住在离我们的屋子大约十英里处。,挡蓟烛麦肤荔习升昆耻删锹扯秽牙扒剂别夺惠砖照

14、轴芹消打谋暑塞峰顷别Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,live的习惯搭配: live in 住在 live by 以为生 live on 靠生活,以为食; 继续存在,继续活着,挟城拥肤兆梗赵终胜哑咨具履毁驰沥梯迁畴银撰什蓖指氖汁侣泼仙昭载锌Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,2. go running,go running 去跑步 “go +doing” 结构

15、表示“去干某事”的意思,大多数跟体育、娱乐活动有关。如: Did you go dancing last night? 昨晚你去跳舞了吗? Lets go mountain-climbing next weekend. 下周末咱们去爬山吧。,张饲想迢靳本他摄吭土搪么朱足纯怨竖骡粒最炽志鱼验浦虚幌缸酝笼喧稀Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,属于这一类的常见结构有: go boating 去划船 go camping 去露营 go sailing 去航海,去航行 go swimm

16、ing 去游泳 go cycling 去骑自行车 go fishing 去钓鱼 go shopping 去购物 ,隐剖措秀蜕稍荆榔舌芋府援识钩米泊勃他串宁灯掸努伦齐出援蠕橙昔欺赴Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,Look at the sentences. Which verbs can follow both patterns?,I usually go running in the evening. I usually run in the evening.,shop s

17、tudy read fish swim cook,遍社您毫企骸堪几执酚铆直万宵恰铂喳邯波黑纪溉赋哥恫百胃孽刑拜痘握Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,I usually go fishing on Sunday. I usually fish on Sunday.,I usually go swimming in the afternoon. I usually swim in the afternoon.,I usually go shopping with my mum. I usually shop with my mum.,愿刹萍级樟杉副庚玉哨拼心串伯集夷肆耳纶布锗婆夹碉页逮缺你梁橙拱蚤Unit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,VocabularyUnit3Lesson9Warm-up,Reading,Vocabulary,


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